If you've ever tried using the react-router-dom
library with Electron
you've probably had trouble getting it to work properly,
both in development and production environments.
From this, the Electron Router DOM
library was born,
which aims to facilitate the integration of react-router-dom
with Electron
and window routing,
where each window can have its own routing.
- 🚀 Ready for production and development environments
- 📱 Window routing support
- 🌐 Support for
query strings
sent from the main process to the renderer - 🧬 Type-safe API designed to provide good DX
Minimum required versions
- electron: >=17.0
- react: >=18.0
- react-router-dom: >=6.22.3
In your terminal and in the root folder of your application, run:
npm i electron-router-dom
Router DOM is a peer dependency, if you haven't installed it yet or your package manager won't handle it automatically for you, so run:
npm i react-router-dom
Note: contributions are always welcome, but always ask first, — please — before work on a PR.
That said, there's a bunch of ways you can contribute to this project, like by:
- :beetle: Reporting a bug
- :page_facing_up: Improving documentation
- :rotating_light: Sharing this project and recommending it to your friends
- :dollar: Supporting this project on GitHub Sponsors or Patreon
- :star2: Giving a star on this repository
MIT © Dalton Menezes