Short number formatting based on cldr locale data
is converted to 1K
in English101234
is converted to 101K
in English and 101.1K
if need 1 significant digit1234
is converted to 1 mil
in Espanol101234
is converted to 101,1K
in Espanol if need 1 significant digit
Based on cldr-numbers-full
Currently this only shortens with latin digits 0..9
For your information, known number systems include:
[adlm, ahom, arab, arabext, armn, armnlow, bali, beng, bhks, brah,
cakm, cham, cyrl, deva, ethi, fullwide, geor, grek, greklow, gujr,
guru, hanidays, hanidec, hans, hansfin, hant, hantfin, hebr, hmng,
java, jpan, jpanfin, kali, khmr, knda, lana, lanatham, laoo, latn,
lepc, limb, mathbold, mathdbl, mathmono, mathsanb, mathsans, mlym,
modi, mong, mroo, ...]
ember install ember-short-number
Provide list of language codes applicable to your app in your environment.js
file. See ISO 639-1 for more information.
If not provided, we will include the data for all CLDR number formatting options in your app. IMPORTANT - this adds ~28KB gzipped to your app so be sure to include all the languages you care about.
let ENV = {
'ember-short-number': {
locales: ['en', 'es']
Note - the following APIs take the language code as the the second argument based on ISO 639-1
Template Helper
{{short-number 19634 "en"}}
{{short-number 19634 "en" significantDigits=1}}
Service API
this.shortNumber.formatNumber(19634, 'en');
this.shortNumber.formatNumber(19634, 'en', { significantDigits: 1, minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 2 });
- Note when using significantDigits, this addon utilizes
and returns type of String.
git clone git@github.com:snewcomer/ember-short-number.git
cd ember-short-number
npm install
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js -- --fix
Running tests
ember test
– Runs the test suite on the current Ember versionember test --server
– Runs the test suite in "watch mode"ember try:each
– Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
Running the dummy application
For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.