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entities - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.2.0 to 3.0.0



"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
// Adapted from
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var decode_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./maps/decode.json"));
// Adapted from
var decodeMap = new Map([
[0, 65533],
[128, 8364],
[130, 8218],
[131, 402],
[132, 8222],
[133, 8230],
[134, 8224],
[135, 8225],
[136, 710],
[137, 8240],
[138, 352],
[139, 8249],
[140, 338],
[142, 381],
[145, 8216],
[146, 8217],
[147, 8220],
[148, 8221],
[149, 8226],
[150, 8211],
[151, 8212],
[152, 732],
[153, 8482],
[154, 353],
[155, 8250],
[156, 339],
[158, 382],
[159, 376],
var fromCodePoint =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition, node/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins
String.fromCodePoint ||

@@ -22,10 +48,8 @@ function (codePoint) {

function decodeCodePoint(codePoint) {
var _a;
if ((codePoint >= 0xd800 && codePoint <= 0xdfff) || codePoint > 0x10ffff) {
return "\uFFFD";
if (codePoint in decode_json_1.default) {
codePoint = decode_json_1.default[codePoint];
return fromCodePoint(codePoint);
return fromCodePoint((_a = decodeMap.get(codePoint)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : codePoint);
exports.default = decodeCodePoint;

@@ -1,5 +0,27 @@

export declare const decodeXML: (str: string) => string;
export declare const decodeHTMLStrict: (str: string) => string;
export declare type MapType = Record<string, string>;
export declare const decodeHTML: (str: string) => string;
import htmlDecodeTree from "./generated/decode-data-html";
import xmlDecodeTree from "./generated/decode-data-xml";
export { htmlDecodeTree, xmlDecodeTree };
export declare enum CharCodes {
export declare enum BinTrieFlags {
HAS_VALUE = 32768,
export declare const JUMP_OFFSET_BASE: number;
export declare function determineBranch(decodeTree: Uint16Array, current: number, nodeIdx: number, char: number): number;
export declare function decodeHTML(str: string): string;
export declare function decodeHTMLStrict(str: string): string;
export declare function decodeXML(str: string): string;

@@ -6,49 +6,155 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.decodeHTML = exports.decodeHTMLStrict = exports.decodeXML = void 0;
var entities_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./maps/entities.json"));
var legacy_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./maps/legacy.json"));
var xml_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./maps/xml.json"));
exports.decodeXML = exports.decodeHTMLStrict = exports.decodeHTML = exports.determineBranch = exports.JUMP_OFFSET_BASE = exports.BinTrieFlags = exports.CharCodes = exports.xmlDecodeTree = exports.htmlDecodeTree = void 0;
var decode_data_html_1 = __importDefault(require("./generated/decode-data-html"));
exports.htmlDecodeTree = decode_data_html_1.default;
var decode_data_xml_1 = __importDefault(require("./generated/decode-data-xml"));
exports.xmlDecodeTree = decode_data_xml_1.default;
var decode_codepoint_1 = __importDefault(require("./decode_codepoint"));
var strictEntityRe = /&(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+|#[xX][\da-fA-F]+|#\d+);/g;
exports.decodeXML = getStrictDecoder(xml_json_1.default);
exports.decodeHTMLStrict = getStrictDecoder(entities_json_1.default);
function getStrictDecoder(map) {
var replace = getReplacer(map);
return function (str) { return String(str).replace(strictEntityRe, replace); };
var CharCodes;
(function (CharCodes) {
CharCodes[CharCodes["NUM"] = "#".charCodeAt(0)] = "NUM";
CharCodes[CharCodes["SEMI"] = ";".charCodeAt(0)] = "SEMI";
CharCodes[CharCodes["ZERO"] = "0".charCodeAt(0)] = "ZERO";
CharCodes[CharCodes["NINE"] = "9".charCodeAt(0)] = "NINE";
CharCodes[CharCodes["LOWER_A"] = "a".charCodeAt(0)] = "LOWER_A";
CharCodes[CharCodes["UPPER_A"] = "A".charCodeAt(0)] = "UPPER_A";
CharCodes[CharCodes["LOWER_F"] = "f".charCodeAt(0)] = "LOWER_F";
CharCodes[CharCodes["UPPER_F"] = "F".charCodeAt(0)] = "UPPER_F";
CharCodes[CharCodes["LOWER_X"] = "x".charCodeAt(0)] = "LOWER_X";
CharCodes[CharCodes["UPPER_X"] = "X".charCodeAt(0)] = "UPPER_X";
})(CharCodes = exports.CharCodes || (exports.CharCodes = {}));
var BinTrieFlags;
(function (BinTrieFlags) {
BinTrieFlags[BinTrieFlags["HAS_VALUE"] = 32768] = "HAS_VALUE";
BinTrieFlags[BinTrieFlags["BRANCH_LENGTH"] = 32512] = "BRANCH_LENGTH";
BinTrieFlags[BinTrieFlags["MULTI_BYTE"] = 128] = "MULTI_BYTE";
BinTrieFlags[BinTrieFlags["JUMP_TABLE"] = 127] = "JUMP_TABLE";
})(BinTrieFlags = exports.BinTrieFlags || (exports.BinTrieFlags = {}));
exports.JUMP_OFFSET_BASE = CharCodes.ZERO - 1;
function getDecoder(decodeTree) {
return function decodeHTMLBinary(str, strict) {
var ret = "";
var lastIdx = 0;
var strIdx = 0;
while ((strIdx = str.indexOf("&", strIdx)) >= 0) {
ret += str.slice(lastIdx, strIdx);
lastIdx = strIdx;
// Skip the "&"
strIdx += 1;
// If we have a numeric entity, handle this separately.
if (str.charCodeAt(strIdx) === CharCodes.NUM) {
// Skip the leading "&#". For hex entities, also skip the leading "x".
var start = strIdx + 1;
var base = 10;
var cp = str.charCodeAt(start);
if (cp === CharCodes.LOWER_X || cp === CharCodes.UPPER_X) {
base = 16;
strIdx += 1;
start += 1;
while (((cp = str.charCodeAt(++strIdx)) >= CharCodes.ZERO &&
cp <= CharCodes.NINE) ||
(base === 16 &&
((cp >= CharCodes.LOWER_A && cp <= CharCodes.LOWER_F) ||
(cp >= CharCodes.UPPER_A &&
cp <= CharCodes.UPPER_F))))
if (start !== strIdx) {
var entity = str.substring(start, strIdx);
var parsed = parseInt(entity, base);
if (str.charCodeAt(strIdx) === CharCodes.SEMI) {
strIdx += 1;
else if (strict) {
ret += decode_codepoint_1.default(parsed);
lastIdx = strIdx;
var result = null;
var excess = 1;
var treeIdx = 0;
var current = decodeTree[treeIdx];
for (; strIdx < str.length; strIdx++, excess++) {
treeIdx = determineBranch(decodeTree, current, treeIdx + 1, str.charCodeAt(strIdx));
if (treeIdx < 0)
current = decodeTree[treeIdx];
// If the branch is a value, store it and continue
if (current & BinTrieFlags.HAS_VALUE) {
// If we have a legacy entity while parsing strictly, just skip the number of bytes
if (strict && str.charCodeAt(strIdx) !== CharCodes.SEMI) {
// No need to consider multi-byte values, as the legacy entity is always a single byte
treeIdx += 1;
else {
// If this is a surrogate pair, combine the higher bits from the node with the next byte
result =
current & BinTrieFlags.MULTI_BYTE
? String.fromCharCode(decodeTree[++treeIdx], decodeTree[++treeIdx])
: String.fromCharCode(decodeTree[++treeIdx]);
excess = 0;
if (result != null) {
ret += result;
lastIdx = strIdx - excess + 1;
return ret + str.slice(lastIdx);
var sorter = function (a, b) { return (a < b ? 1 : -1); };
exports.decodeHTML = (function () {
var legacy = Object.keys(legacy_json_1.default).sort(sorter);
var keys = Object.keys(entities_json_1.default).sort(sorter);
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (legacy[j] === keys[i]) {
keys[i] += ";?";
function determineBranch(decodeTree, current, nodeIdx, char) {
if (current <= 128) {
return char === current ? nodeIdx : -1;
var branchCount = (current & BinTrieFlags.BRANCH_LENGTH) >> 8;
if (branchCount === 0) {
return -1;
if (branchCount === 1) {
return char === decodeTree[nodeIdx] ? nodeIdx + 1 : -1;
var jumpOffset = current & BinTrieFlags.JUMP_TABLE;
if (jumpOffset) {
var value = char - exports.JUMP_OFFSET_BASE - jumpOffset;
return value < 0 || value > branchCount
? -1
: decodeTree[nodeIdx + value] - 1;
// Binary search for the character.
var lo = nodeIdx;
var hi = lo + branchCount - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
var mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
var midVal = decodeTree[mid];
if (midVal < char) {
lo = mid + 1;
else if (midVal > char) {
hi = mid - 1;
else {
keys[i] += ";";
return decodeTree[mid + branchCount];
var re = new RegExp("&(?:" + keys.join("|") + "|#[xX][\\da-fA-F]+;?|#\\d+;?)", "g");
var replace = getReplacer(entities_json_1.default);
function replacer(str) {
if (str.substr(-1) !== ";")
str += ";";
return replace(str);
// TODO consider creating a merged map
return function (str) { return String(str).replace(re, replacer); };
function getReplacer(map) {
return function replace(str) {
if (str.charAt(1) === "#") {
var secondChar = str.charAt(2);
if (secondChar === "X" || secondChar === "x") {
return decode_codepoint_1.default(parseInt(str.substr(3), 16));
return decode_codepoint_1.default(parseInt(str.substr(2), 10));
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
return map[str.slice(1, -1)] || str;
return -1;
exports.determineBranch = determineBranch;
var htmlDecoder = getDecoder(decode_data_html_1.default);
var xmlDecoder = getDecoder(decode_data_xml_1.default);
function decodeHTML(str) {
return htmlDecoder(str, false);
exports.decodeHTML = decodeHTML;
function decodeHTMLStrict(str) {
return htmlDecoder(str, true);
exports.decodeHTMLStrict = decodeHTMLStrict;
function decodeXML(str) {
return xmlDecoder(str, true);
exports.decodeXML = decodeXML;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ /**

export declare const encodeXML: (data: string) => string;
export declare function encodeXML(str: string): string;

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ * Encodes all entities and non-ASCII characters in the input.

export declare const encodeHTML: (data: string) => string;
export declare function encodeHTML(data: string): string;

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ * Encodes all non-ASCII characters, as well as characters not valid in HTML

export declare const encodeNonAsciiHTML: (data: string) => string;
export declare function encodeNonAsciiHTML(data: string): string;

@@ -40,6 +40,5 @@ * Encodes all non-ASCII characters, as well as characters not valid in XML

export declare function escape(data: string): string;
export declare const escape: typeof encodeXML;
* Encodes all characters not valid in XML documents using numeric hexadecimal
* reference (eg. `&#xfc;`).
* Encodes all characters not valid in XML documents using XML entities.

@@ -46,0 +45,0 @@ * Note that the output will be character-set dependent.

@@ -8,4 +8,11 @@ "use strict";

var xml_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./maps/xml.json"));
var inverseXML = getInverseObj(xml_json_1.default);
var xmlReplacer = getInverseReplacer(inverseXML);
var encode_trie_1 = require("./encode-trie");
var entities_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./maps/entities.json"));
var htmlReplacer = getCharRegExp(entities_json_1.default, true);
var xmlReplacer = getCharRegExp(xml_json_1.default, true);
var xmlInvalidChars = getCharRegExp(xml_json_1.default, false);
var xmlCodeMap = new Map(Object.keys(xml_json_1.default).map(function (k) { return [
"&" + k + ";",
]; }));

@@ -18,6 +25,23 @@ * Encodes all non-ASCII characters, as well as characters not valid in XML

exports.encodeXML = getASCIIEncoder(inverseXML);
var entities_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./maps/entities.json"));
var inverseHTML = getInverseObj(entities_json_1.default);
var htmlReplacer = getInverseReplacer(inverseHTML);
function encodeXML(str) {
var ret = "";
var lastIdx = 0;
var match;
while ((match = xmlReplacer.exec(str)) !== null) {
var i = match.index;
var char = str.charCodeAt(i);
var next = xmlCodeMap.get(char);
if (next) {
ret += str.substring(lastIdx, i) + next;
lastIdx = i + 1;
else {
ret += str.substring(lastIdx, i) + "&#x" + encode_trie_1.getCodePoint(str, i).toString(16) + ";";
// Increase by 1 if we have a surrogate pair
lastIdx = xmlReplacer.lastIndex += Number((char & 0xd800) === 0xd800);
return ret + str.substr(lastIdx);
exports.encodeXML = encodeXML;

@@ -33,3 +57,6 @@ * Encodes all entities and non-ASCII characters in the input.

exports.encodeHTML = getInverse(inverseHTML, htmlReplacer);
function encodeHTML(data) {
return encode_trie_1.encodeHTMLTrieRe(htmlReplacer, data);
exports.encodeHTML = encodeHTML;

@@ -42,32 +69,20 @@ * Encodes all non-ASCII characters, as well as characters not valid in HTML

exports.encodeNonAsciiHTML = getASCIIEncoder(inverseHTML);
function getInverseObj(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj)
.reduce(function (inverse, name) {
inverse[obj[name]] = "&" + name + ";";
return inverse;
}, {});
function encodeNonAsciiHTML(data) {
return encode_trie_1.encodeHTMLTrieRe(xmlReplacer, data);
function getInverseReplacer(inverse) {
var single = [];
var multiple = [];
for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(inverse); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var k = _a[_i];
if (k.length === 1) {
// Add value to single array
single.push("\\" + k);
else {
// Add value to multiple array
exports.encodeNonAsciiHTML = encodeNonAsciiHTML;
function getCharRegExp(map, nonAscii) {
// Collect the start characters of all entities
var chars = Object.keys(map)
.map(function (k) { return "\\" + map[k].charAt(0); })
.filter(function (v) { return !nonAscii || v.charCodeAt(1) < 128; })
.sort(function (a, b) { return a.charCodeAt(1) - b.charCodeAt(1); })
// Remove duplicates
.filter(function (v, i, a) { return v !== a[i + 1]; });
// Add ranges to single characters.
for (var start = 0; start < single.length - 1; start++) {
for (var start = 0; start < chars.length - 1; start++) {
// Find the end of a run of characters
var end = start;
while (end < single.length - 1 &&
single[end].charCodeAt(1) + 1 === single[end + 1].charCodeAt(1)) {
while (end < chars.length - 1 &&
chars[end].charCodeAt(1) + 1 === chars[end + 1].charCodeAt(1)) {
end += 1;

@@ -79,34 +94,6 @@ }

single.splice(start, count, single[start] + "-" + single[end]);
chars.splice(start, count, chars[start] + "-" + chars[end]);
multiple.unshift("[" + single.join("") + "]");
return new RegExp(multiple.join("|"), "g");
return new RegExp("[" + chars.join("") + (nonAscii ? "\\x80-\\uFFFF" : "") + "]", "g");
// /[^\0-\x7F]/gu
var reNonASCII = /(?:[\x80-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])/g;
var getCodePoint =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
String.prototype.codePointAt != null
? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
function (str) { return str.codePointAt(0); }
: //
function (c) {
return (c.charCodeAt(0) - 0xd800) * 0x400 +
c.charCodeAt(1) -
0xdc00 +
function singleCharReplacer(c) {
return "&#x" + (c.length > 1 ? getCodePoint(c) : c.charCodeAt(0))
.toUpperCase() + ";";
function getInverse(inverse, re) {
return function (data) {
return data
.replace(re, function (name) { return inverse[name]; })
.replace(reNonASCII, singleCharReplacer);
var reEscapeChars = new RegExp(xmlReplacer.source + "|" + reNonASCII.source, "g");

@@ -121,9 +108,5 @@ * Encodes all non-ASCII characters, as well as characters not valid in XML

function escape(data) {
return data.replace(reEscapeChars, singleCharReplacer);
exports.escape = escape;
exports.escape = encodeXML;
* Encodes all characters not valid in XML documents using numeric hexadecimal
* reference (eg. `&#xfc;`).
* Encodes all characters not valid in XML documents using XML entities.

@@ -135,9 +118,16 @@ * Note that the output will be character-set dependent.

function escapeUTF8(data) {
return data.replace(xmlReplacer, singleCharReplacer);
var match;
var lastIdx = 0;
var result = "";
while ((match = xmlInvalidChars.exec(data))) {
if (lastIdx !== match.index) {
result += data.substring(lastIdx, match.index);
// We know that this chararcter will be in `inverseXML`
result += xmlCodeMap.get(match[0].charCodeAt(0));
// Every match will be of length 1
lastIdx = match.index + 1;
return result + data.substring(lastIdx);
exports.escapeUTF8 = escapeUTF8;
function getASCIIEncoder(obj) {
return function (data) {
return data.replace(reEscapeChars, function (c) { return obj[c] || singleCharReplacer(c); });

@@ -0,1 +1,52 @@

/** The level of entities to support. */
export declare enum EntityLevel {
/** Support only XML entities. */
XML = 0,
/** Support HTML entities, which are a superset of XML entities. */
HTML = 1
/** Determines whether some entities are allowed to be written without a trailing `;`. */
export declare enum DecodingMode {
/** Support legacy HTML entities. */
Legacy = 0,
/** Do not support legacy HTML entities. */
Strict = 1
export declare enum EncodingMode {
* The output is UTF-8 encoded. Only characters that need escaping within
* HTML will be escaped.
UTF8 = 0,
* The output consists only of ASCII characters. Characters that need
* escaping within HTML, and characters that aren't ASCII characters will
* be escaped.
ASCII = 1,
* Encode all characters that have an equivalent entity, as well as all
* characters that are not ASCII characters.
Extensive = 2
interface DecodingOptions {
* The level of entities to support.
* @default EntityLevel.XML
level?: EntityLevel;
* Decoding mode. If `Legacy`, will support legacy entities not terminated
* with a semicolon (`;`).
* Always `Strict` for XML. For HTML, set this to `true` if you are parsing
* an attribute value.
* The deprecated `decodeStrict` function defaults this to `Strict`.
* @default DecodingMode.Legacy
mode?: DecodingMode;

@@ -5,6 +56,5 @@ * Decodes a string with entities.

* @param data String to decode.
* @param level Optional level to decode at. 0 = XML, 1 = HTML. Default is 0.
* @deprecated Use `decodeXML` or `decodeHTML` directly.
* @param options Decoding options.
export declare function decode(data: string, level?: number): string;
export declare function decode(data: string, options?: DecodingOptions | EntityLevel): string;

@@ -14,16 +64,30 @@ * Decodes a string with entities. Does not allow missing trailing semicolons for entities.

* @param data String to decode.
* @param level Optional level to decode at. 0 = XML, 1 = HTML. Default is 0.
* @deprecated Use `decodeHTMLStrict` or `decodeXML` directly.
* @param options Decoding options.
* @deprecated Use `decode` with the `mode` set to `Strict`.
export declare function decodeStrict(data: string, level?: number): string;
export declare function decodeStrict(data: string, options?: DecodingOptions | EntityLevel): string;
* Options for `encode`.
export interface EncodingOptions {
* The level of entities to support.
* @default EntityLevel.XML
level?: EntityLevel;
* Output format.
* @default EncodingMode.Extensive
mode?: EncodingMode;
* Encodes a string with entities.
* @param data String to encode.
* @param level Optional level to encode at. 0 = XML, 1 = HTML. Default is 0.
* @deprecated Use `encodeHTML`, `encodeXML` or `encodeNonAsciiHTML` directly.
* @param options Encoding options.
export declare function encode(data: string, level?: number): string;
export declare function encode(data: string, options?: EncodingOptions | EntityLevel): string;
export { encodeXML, encodeHTML, encodeNonAsciiHTML, escape, escapeUTF8, encodeHTML as encodeHTML4, encodeHTML as encodeHTML5, } from "./encode";
export { decodeXML, decodeHTML, decodeHTMLStrict, decodeHTML as decodeHTML4, decodeHTML as decodeHTML5, decodeHTMLStrict as decodeHTML4Strict, decodeHTMLStrict as decodeHTML5Strict, decodeXML as decodeXMLStrict, } from "./decode";
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.decodeXMLStrict = exports.decodeHTML5Strict = exports.decodeHTML4Strict = exports.decodeHTML5 = exports.decodeHTML4 = exports.decodeHTMLStrict = exports.decodeHTML = exports.decodeXML = exports.encodeHTML5 = exports.encodeHTML4 = exports.escapeUTF8 = exports.escape = exports.encodeNonAsciiHTML = exports.encodeHTML = exports.encodeXML = exports.encode = exports.decodeStrict = exports.decode = void 0;
exports.decodeXMLStrict = exports.decodeHTML5Strict = exports.decodeHTML4Strict = exports.decodeHTML5 = exports.decodeHTML4 = exports.decodeHTMLStrict = exports.decodeHTML = exports.decodeXML = exports.encodeHTML5 = exports.encodeHTML4 = exports.escapeUTF8 = exports.escape = exports.encodeNonAsciiHTML = exports.encodeHTML = exports.encodeXML = exports.encode = exports.decodeStrict = exports.decode = exports.EncodingMode = exports.DecodingMode = exports.EntityLevel = void 0;
var decode_1 = require("./decode");
var encode_1 = require("./encode");
/** The level of entities to support. */
var EntityLevel;
(function (EntityLevel) {
/** Support only XML entities. */
EntityLevel[EntityLevel["XML"] = 0] = "XML";
/** Support HTML entities, which are a superset of XML entities. */
EntityLevel[EntityLevel["HTML"] = 1] = "HTML";
})(EntityLevel = exports.EntityLevel || (exports.EntityLevel = {}));
/** Determines whether some entities are allowed to be written without a trailing `;`. */
var DecodingMode;
(function (DecodingMode) {
/** Support legacy HTML entities. */
DecodingMode[DecodingMode["Legacy"] = 0] = "Legacy";
/** Do not support legacy HTML entities. */
DecodingMode[DecodingMode["Strict"] = 1] = "Strict";
})(DecodingMode = exports.DecodingMode || (exports.DecodingMode = {}));
var EncodingMode;
(function (EncodingMode) {
* The output is UTF-8 encoded. Only characters that need escaping within
* HTML will be escaped.
EncodingMode[EncodingMode["UTF8"] = 0] = "UTF8";
* The output consists only of ASCII characters. Characters that need
* escaping within HTML, and characters that aren't ASCII characters will
* be escaped.
EncodingMode[EncodingMode["ASCII"] = 1] = "ASCII";
* Encode all characters that have an equivalent entity, as well as all
* characters that are not ASCII characters.
EncodingMode[EncodingMode["Extensive"] = 2] = "Extensive";
})(EncodingMode = exports.EncodingMode || (exports.EncodingMode = {}));

@@ -10,7 +45,14 @@ * Decodes a string with entities.

* @param data String to decode.
* @param level Optional level to decode at. 0 = XML, 1 = HTML. Default is 0.
* @deprecated Use `decodeXML` or `decodeHTML` directly.
* @param options Decoding options.
function decode(data, level) {
return (!level || level <= 0 ? decode_1.decodeXML : decode_1.decodeHTML)(data);
function decode(data, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = EntityLevel.XML; }
var opts = typeof options === "number" ? { level: options } : options;
if (opts.level === EntityLevel.HTML) {
if (opts.mode === DecodingMode.Strict) {
return decode_1.decodeHTMLStrict(data);
return decode_1.decodeHTML(data);
return decode_1.decodeXML(data);

@@ -22,7 +64,15 @@ exports.decode = decode;

* @param data String to decode.
* @param level Optional level to decode at. 0 = XML, 1 = HTML. Default is 0.
* @deprecated Use `decodeHTMLStrict` or `decodeXML` directly.
* @param options Decoding options.
* @deprecated Use `decode` with the `mode` set to `Strict`.
function decodeStrict(data, level) {
return (!level || level <= 0 ? decode_1.decodeXML : decode_1.decodeHTMLStrict)(data);
function decodeStrict(data, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = EntityLevel.XML; }
var opts = typeof options === "number" ? { level: options } : options;
if (opts.level === EntityLevel.HTML) {
if (opts.mode === DecodingMode.Legacy) {
return decode_1.decodeHTML(data);
return decode_1.decodeHTMLStrict(data);
return decode_1.decodeXML(data);

@@ -34,7 +84,18 @@ exports.decodeStrict = decodeStrict;

* @param data String to encode.
* @param level Optional level to encode at. 0 = XML, 1 = HTML. Default is 0.
* @deprecated Use `encodeHTML`, `encodeXML` or `encodeNonAsciiHTML` directly.
* @param options Encoding options.
function encode(data, level) {
return (!level || level <= 0 ? encode_1.encodeXML : encode_1.encodeHTML)(data);
function encode(data, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = EntityLevel.XML; }
var opts = typeof options === "number" ? { level: options } : options;
// Mode `UTF8` just escapes XML entities
if (opts.mode === EncodingMode.UTF8)
return encode_1.escapeUTF8(data);
if (opts.level === EntityLevel.HTML) {
if (opts.mode === EncodingMode.ASCII) {
return encode_1.encodeNonAsciiHTML(data);
return encode_1.encodeHTML(data);
// ASCII and Extensive are equivalent
return encode_1.encodeXML(data);

@@ -41,0 +102,0 @@ exports.encode = encode;

"name": "entities",
"version": "2.2.0",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "Encode & decode XML and HTML entities with ease",

@@ -24,19 +24,21 @@ "author": "Felix Boehm <>",

"engines": {
"node": ">=0.12"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^26.0.0",
"@types/node": "^14.11.8",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.4.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.4.1",
"coveralls": "*",
"eslint": "^7.11.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^7.0.0",
"@types/jest": "^26.0.24",
"@types/node": "^16.4.13",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.29.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.29.0",
"eslint": "^7.32.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0",
"jest": "^26.5.3",
"jest": "^27.0.3",
"prettier": "^2.0.5",
"ts-jest": "^26.1.0",
"ts-jest": "^27.0.4",
"typescript": "^4.0.2"
"scripts": {
"test": "jest --coverage && npm run lint",
"coverage": "cat coverage/ | coveralls",
"test": "npm run test:jest && npm run lint",
"test:jest": "jest",
"lint": "npm run lint:es && npm run lint:prettier",

@@ -59,3 +61,4 @@ "lint:es": "eslint .",

"preset": "ts-jest",
"testEnvironment": "node"
"testEnvironment": "node",
"coverageProvider": "v8"

@@ -62,0 +65,0 @@ "prettier": {

@@ -31,11 +31,28 @@ # entities [![NPM version](]( [![Downloads](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](](

| Library | `decode` performance | `encode` performance | Bundle size |
| -------------- | -------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| entities | 10.809s | 17.683s | ![npm bundle size]( |
| html-entities | 14.029s | 22.670s | ![npm bundle size]( |
| he | 16.163s | 44.010s | ![npm bundle size]( |
| parse-entities | 28.507s | N/A | ![npm bundle size]( |
| Library | `decode` perf | `encode` perf | `escape` perf | Bundle size |
| -------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| entities | 1.418s | 6.786s | 2.196s | ![npm bundle size]( |
| html-entities | 2.530s | 6.829s | 2.415s | ![npm bundle size]( |
| he | 5.800s | 24.237s | 3.624s | ![npm bundle size]( |
| parse-entities | 9.660s | N/A | N/A | ![npm bundle size]( |
## Acknowledgements
This libary wouldn't be possible without the work of these individuals. Thanks
- [@mathiasbynens]( for his explanations
about character encodings, and his library `he`, which was one of the
inspirations for `entities`
- [@inikulin]( for his work on optimized tries for
decoding HTML entities for the `parse5` project
- [@mdevils]( for taking on the challenge of
producing a quick entity library with his `html-entities` library.
`entities` would be quite a bit slower if there wasn't any competition.
Right now `entities` is on top, but we'll see how long that lasts!
License: BSD-2-Clause

@@ -42,0 +59,0 @@

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