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eslint - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.1 to 0.1.2




@@ -39,323 +39,334 @@ {

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"SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" : false,
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"SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" : false,
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"SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" : false,
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"SVGPathSegLinetoRel" : false,
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"XMLSerializer" : false,
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"XPathResult" : false
"node": {
"__filename" : false,
"__dirname" : false,
"Buffer" : false,
"DataView" : false,
"console" : false,
"exports" : true,
"GLOBAL" : false,
"global" : false,
"module" : false,
"process" : false,
"require" : false,
"setTimeout" : false,
"clearTimeout" : false,
"setInterval" : false,
"clearInterval" : false,
"setImmediate" : false,
"clearImmediate": false
"globals": {
"__filename" : false,
"__dirname" : false,
"Buffer" : false,
"DataView" : false,
"console" : false,
"exports" : true,
"GLOBAL" : false,
"global" : false,
"module" : false,
"process" : false,
"require" : false,
"setTimeout" : false,
"clearTimeout" : false,
"setInterval" : false,
"clearInterval" : false,
"setImmediate" : false,
"clearImmediate": false
"rules": {
"no-global-strict": 0,
"no-mixed-requires": 2
"amd": {
"require" : false,
"define" : false
"globals": {
"require" : false,
"define" : false

@@ -51,2 +51,3 @@ {

"no-self-compare": 0,
"no-spaced-func": 1,
"no-sync": 0,

@@ -65,2 +66,3 @@ "no-underscore-dangle": 2,

"no-redeclare": 2,
"no-negated-in-lhs": 2,

@@ -88,3 +90,2 @@ "brace-style": 0,

"semi": 2,
"smarter-eqeqeq": 0,
"strict": 2,

@@ -91,0 +92,0 @@ "unnecessary-strict": 2,

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ /**

path = require("path"),
environments = require("../conf/environments.json"),
util = require("./util");

@@ -44,3 +45,4 @@

* Build a config object
* Build a config object merging the base config (conf/eslint.json), the
* environments config (conf/environments.json) and eventually the user config.
* @param {string} directory the directory to start looking for a local config

@@ -51,3 +53,4 @@ * @return {object} config object

var config,
envConfig = {};

@@ -62,9 +65,25 @@ directory = path.dirname(directory);

if (this.useSpecificConfig) {
customConfig = this.useSpecificConfig;
userConfig = this.useSpecificConfig;
} else {
customConfig =, directory);
userConfig =, directory);
this.cache[directory] = config = this.mergeConfigs(Object.create(this.baseConfig), customConfig);
if (userConfig.env) {
envConfig.rules = {};
Object.keys(userConfig.env).forEach(function (name) {
var environment = environments[name].rules;
if (userConfig.env[name] && environment) {
Object.keys(environment).forEach(function(name) {
envConfig.rules[name] = environment[name];
config = this.mergeConfigs(Object.create(this.baseConfig), envConfig);
config = this.mergeConfigs(config, userConfig);
this.cache[directory] = config;
return config;

@@ -71,0 +90,0 @@ };

@@ -77,3 +77,3 @@ /**

if (parseBoolean(value) &&, name)) {
util.mixin(declaredGlobals, environments[name]);
util.mixin(declaredGlobals, environments[name].globals);

@@ -119,3 +119,3 @@ });

Object.keys(config.env).forEach(function (name) {
var environment = environments[name];
var environment = environments[name].globals;
if (config.env[name] && environment) {

@@ -288,3 +288,3 @@ Object.keys(environment).forEach(function(name) {

// gather data that may be needed by the rules
currentScopes = escope.analyze(ast).scopes;
currentScopes = escope.analyze(ast, { ignoreEval: true }).scopes;

@@ -349,12 +349,2 @@ /* get all tokens from the ast and store them as a hashtable to

* Determines if the file should be interpreted as running in a Node.js
* environment instead of a browser environment.
* @returns {boolean} True if the file should be interpreted as running in
* a Node.js environment, false if not.
api.isNodeJS = function() {
return currentConfig.env ? currentConfig.env.nodejs : false;
* Gets the source code for the given node.

@@ -361,0 +351,0 @@ * @param {ASTNode} [node] The AST node to get the text for.

@@ -15,3 +15,2 @@ /**


@@ -70,36 +69,5 @@ "getScope"

RuleContext.prototype = {
constructor: RuleContext,
* Determines if an AST node matches a specific pattern. The pattern is simply
* a space-separated list of node types indicating the ancestry of the given node.
* @param {ASTNode} node The node to test.
* @param {string} pattern The pattern to test against.
* @returns {boolean} True if the pattern matches, false if not.
match: function(node, pattern) {
var patternParts = pattern.split(/\s/g),
current = node;
* The pattern is evaluated from right to left, so popping off the last item
* and comparing it to the current node repeats until there aren't any more
* parts to test. If the node doesn't match at any point, the operation
* is aborted.
while (patternParts && current) {
if (current.type === patternParts.pop()) {
current = current.parent;
} else {
return false;
return true;
constructor: RuleContext
module.exports = RuleContext;

@@ -14,2 +14,12 @@ /**

function isTypeOf(node) {
return [node.left, node.right].some(function(node) {
return node.type === "UnaryExpression" && node.operator === "typeof";
function bothAreSameTypeLiterals(node) {
return node.left.type === "Literal" && node.right.type === "Literal" && typeof node.left.value === typeof node.right.value;
return {

@@ -19,2 +29,6 @@ "BinaryExpression": function(node) {

if (context.options[0] === "smart" && (isTypeOf(node) || bothAreSameTypeLiterals(node))) {
if (operator === "==") {

@@ -27,2 +41,2 @@, "Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.");


@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ /**

if (constructorName.charAt(0) === constructorName.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
if (constructorName && constructorName.charAt(0) === constructorName.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {, "A constructor name should start with an uppercase letter.");

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ }

@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ /**

var parent = context.getAncestors().pop();
if (parent.type === "NewExpression" && === "RegExp") {
if ((parent.type === "NewExpression" || parent.type === "CallExpression") &&
parent.callee.type === "Identifier" && === "RegExp") {

@@ -25,0 +26,0 @@ // there could be an invalid regular expression string

@@ -17,4 +17,6 @@ /**

"BinaryExpression": function(node) {
if (node.left.type === "Identifier" && node.right.type === "Identifier" && === ||
node.left.type === "Literal" && node.right.type === "Literal" && node.left.value === node.right.value) {
var operators = ["===", "==", "!==","!=", ">", "<", ">=", "<="];
if (operators.indexOf(node.operator) > -1 &&
(node.left.type === "Identifier" && node.right.type === "Identifier" && === ||
node.left.type === "Literal" && node.right.type === "Literal" && node.left.value === node.right.value)) {, "Comparing to itself is potentially pointless.");

@@ -21,0 +23,0 @@ }

@@ -14,5 +14,23 @@ /**

function isPragma(expression, parent) {
var isStrict = expression.type === "Literal" && expression.value === "use strict",
isGlobalStrict = isStrict && (parent.type === "Program" && parent.body[0].expression === expression),
isLocalStrict = isStrict && (parent.type === "BlockStatement" && parent.body[0].expression === expression);
return isGlobalStrict || isLocalStrict;
return {
"ExpressionStatement": function(node) {
if (node.expression.type !== "AssignmentExpression" && node.expression.type !== "CallExpression" && node.expression.type !== "NewExpression") {
var type = node.expression.type,
parent = context.getAncestors().pop();
if (
!/^(?:Assignment|Call|New|Update)Expression$/.test(type) &&
("UnaryExpression" !== type || "delete" !== node.expression.operator) &&
!isPragma(node.expression, parent)
) {, "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.");

@@ -19,0 +37,0 @@ }

@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ /**

"FunctionExpression": function(node) {
var ancestors = context.getAncestors();
if (ancestors.pop().type !== "CallExpression") {
if (!/CallExpression|NewExpression/.test(ancestors.pop().type)) {
var tokens = context.getTokens(node, 1, 1);

@@ -23,0 +23,0 @@ if (tokens[0].value === "(" && tokens[tokens.length - 1].value === ")") {

"name": "eslint",
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "0.1.2",
"author": "Nicholas C. Zakas <>",

@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ "description": "An Esprima-based pattern checker for JavaScript.",

"changelog": "bash scripts/",
"test": "bash scripts/",
"lint": "node node_modules/jshint/bin/jshint ./conf/eslint.json ./lib",
"test": "node ./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt test",
"lint": "node ./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt jshint",
"bundle": "bash scripts/"
"files": [
"repository": {

@@ -25,3 +32,2 @@ "type": "git",

"esprima": "*",
"jshint": "*",
"escope": "1.0.0"

@@ -31,6 +37,15 @@ },

"vows": "~0.7.0",
"istanbul": "~0.1.10",
"sinon": "*",
"jshint": "~2.1.4",
"commonjs-everywhere": "~0.9.0"
"commonjs-everywhere": "~0.9.0",
"mocha": "~1.13.0",
"chai": "~1.8.1",
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.6.4",
"grunt-vows-runner": "~0.6.0",
"grunt-istanbul-coverage": "0.0.2",
"grunt-istanbul": "~0.2.3",
"grunt-contrib-clean": "~0.5.0",
"grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-cli": "~0.1.11",
"grunt-mocha-test": "~0.7.0"

@@ -37,0 +52,0 @@ "keywords": [

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