FeedHenry WFM sync
A sync module for FeedHenry WFM providing :
- A Server-side sync module
- A Front-end (Angular Service) sync module
This module makes uses the $fh.sync Client and $fh.sync Cloud APIs to provide the data synchronisation functionality.
Client-side usage
Client-side usage (via broswerify)
This module is packaged in a CommonJS format, exporting the name of the Angular namespace. The module can be included in an angular.js as follows:
angular.module('app', [require('fh-wfm-sync')], function(sync){
Angular service
The sync service must first be initialized using the syncService.init()
. Generally, the syncService will be injected into another Angular service (or in a config block) :
.factory('workorderSync', function($q, $timeout, syncService) {
syncService.init($fh, config.syncOptions);
Once initialized the syncService can manage multiple dataset
using the following function:
syncService.manage(config.datasetId, null, queryParams);
Checkout a full example here
The following topics are published by the client side of the application:
Data Set Topics
The following topics are published by the module for each dataset
. If the
$fh.sync Client Notifications
The module publishes topics covering all of the notification codes available to the $fh.sync Client API.
The list of notification codes published are:
- client_storage_failed: Loading or saving to client storage failed. This is a critical error and the Sync Client will not work properly without client storage.
- sync_started: A synchronization cycle with the server has been started.
- sync_complete: A synchronization cycle with the server has been completed.
- offline_update: An attempt was made to update or delete a record while offline.
- collision_detected: Update failed due to data collision.
- remote_update_failed: Update failed for a reason other than data collision.
- remote_update_applied: An update was applied to the remote data store.
- local_update_applied: An update was applied to the local data store.
- delta_received: A change was received from the remote data store for the dataset. It is best to listen to this notification and update the UI accordingly.
- record_delta_received: A delta was received from the remote data store for the record. It is best to listen to this notification and update UI accordingly.
- sync_failed: Synchronization loop failed to complete.
Each of these topics will be published with an object describing the event:
dataset_id: "workorders",
uid: "workorder1234",
message: "A remote update failed for this data set"
code: "remote_update_failed"
Usage in an express backend
The server-side component of this WFM module exports a function that takes express and mediator instances as parameters, as in:
var sync = require('fh-wfm-sync/lib/server');
var config = require('../config');
module.exports = function(mediator, app, mbaasApi) {
sync.init(mediator, mbaasApi, config.datasetId, config.syncOptions);
Sync config options
Check a complete example here
datasetId : 'workorders',
syncOptions : {
"sync_frequency" : 5,
"storage_strategy": "dom",
"do_console_log": false