This theme generates slugs (urls) and templated pages (mdx.js
) from mdx
files processed by gatsby-plugin-mdx. It generates templated fullscreen page from either Handlebars or react-live code blocks in the mdx.
We publish this theme on npm. Install it with your package manager.
npm i gatsby-theme-patternfly-org
yarn add gatsby-theme-patternfly-org
Provide or install the following dependencies:
"@patternfly/patternfly": "^2.33.5",
"@patternfly/react-core": "^3.113.0",
"@patternfly/react-icons": "^3.14.8",
"@patternfly/react-table": "^2.22.28",
"@patternfly/react-tokens": "^2.6.31",
"gatsby": "^2.6.0"
Configure your gatsby-config.js
like this:
resolve: `gatsby-theme-patternfly-org`,
options: {
context: 'org',
hiddenPages: ['withOuia'],
sideNav: {
core: [
{ section: 'overview' },
react: [
{ section: 'overview' },
get_started: [
{ text: 'About', path: '/get-started/about' },
topNavItems: [
text: 'Get started',
path: '/get-started/about',
contexts: ['get-started']
text: 'Get in touch',
path: '/get-in-touch'
text: 'Blog',
path: ''
├── components
├── gatsby-config.js <- Let us use React Helmet
├── gatsby-node.js <- Pipelines GraphQL data to generate slugs and creates pages
├── gatsby-ssr.js <- Adds attributes to the static HTML
├── global.css <- 100% page height
├── helpers <- Files shared between SSR and browser
├── images
├── layouts
│ ├── sideNavLayout.css
│ └── sideNavLayout.js <- The main layout we use
├── package.json
├── pages <- Pages shared across all 3 sites
│ ├── globalCSSVariables.js
│ └── redHatFont.js
└── templates
├── fullscreen.css
├── fullscreenHtml.js
├── fullscreenMdx.js
├── mdx.css
└── mdx.js <- How we render our mdx files
The highlights of this plugin are gatsby-node.js
, mdx.js
, and sideNavLayout.js
. Each file has been documented.