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generator-liveblog-theme - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.2 to 0.4.3




@@ -72,2 +72,13 @@ 'use strict';


@@ -74,0 +85,0 @@ mkdirp('less');



@@ -11,34 +11,4 @@ {

"dependencies": {
"liveblog-default-theme": "liveblog/liveblog-default-theme"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",
"babelify": "^7.3.0",
"del": "^2.2.0",
"eslint": "^3.19.0",
"event-stream": "^3.3.4",
"graceful-fs": "^4.1.4",
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"gulp-concat": "^2.6.1",
"gulp-connect": "^5.0.0",
"gulp-eslint": "^3.0.1",
"gulp-html-replace": "^1.6.1",
"gulp-hub": "^0.8.0",
"gulp-if": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-inject": "^4.0.0",
"gulp-less": "^3.0.5",
"gulp-load-plugins": "^1.2.0",
"gulp-minify-css": "^1.2.1",
"gulp-ng-annotate": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-nunjucks": "^3.0.0",
"gulp-rename": "^1.2.2",
"gulp-replace": "^0.5.4",
"gulp-rev": "^7.1.0",
"gulp-uglify": "^1.5.1",
"gulp-util": "^3.0.7",
"gulp-watch": "^4.3.5",
"vinyl-buffer": "^1.0.0",
"vinyl-source-stream": "^1.1.0"
"liveblog-<%= base %>-theme": "liveblog/liveblog-<%= base %>-theme"

@@ -6,4 +6,3 @@ {

"seoTheme": true,<% if (base === 'amp') {%>
"ampTheme": true,
"onlyOwnCss": true,<% } %>
"ampTheme": true,<% } %>
"extends": "<%= base %>",

@@ -16,14 +15,207 @@ "license": "AGPL-3.0",

"options": [],
"l10n": {
"loadMore": "Load More",
"ascending": "Oldest first",
"descending": "Newest first",
"editorial": "Editorial",
"loadNewPosts": "Load new posts",
"timeAgo": {
"d": {"s": "A day ago", "p": "{} days ago"},
"h": {"s": "An hour ago", "p": "{} hours ago"},
"m": {"s": "A minute ago", "p": "{} minutes ago"}
"i18n": {
"cs": {
"Highlights": "Hlavní body",
"Comment by": "Komentář",
"Powered by": "Poháněno",
"Advertisement": "reklama",
"Cancel": "Zrušit",
"Comment": "Váš příspěvek",
"Comment *": "Text *",
"Comment should be maximum 300 characters in length": "Maximální délka textu je 300 znaků",
"Editorial": "redakční",
"Load more posts": "Načíst další",
"Loading": "Načítám",
"Name *": "Jméno *",
"Name should be maximum 30 characters in length": "Maximální délka jména je 30 znaků",
"Newest first": "nejnovější",
"No posts for now": "Žádné příspěvky",
"Oldest first": "nejstarší",
"One pinned post": "Jeden připnutý příspěvek",
"pinned posts": "připnuté příspěvky",
"Post a comment": "Otázka / komentář",
"See one new update": "Zobraz 1 nový příspěvek",
"See new updates": "Zobraz nové příspěvky",
"Send": "Odeslat",
"Show all posts": "Zobrazit všechny",
"Show highlighted post only": "Zobraz jen zvýrazněné příspěvky",
"Sort by:": "Řazení:",
"Updated": "Aktualizace",
"Your comment was sent for approval": "Váš text byl úspěšně odeslán Čeká na schválení"
}, "de": {
"Highlights": "Highlights",
"Comment by": "Kommentar von",
"Powered by": "Unterstützt von",
"Advertisement": "Werbung",
"Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"Comment": "Kommentar",
"Comment *": "Kommentar",
"Comment should be maximum 300 characters in length": "Kommentar darf maximal 300 Zeichen lang sein",
"Editorial": "Redaktionell",
"Load more posts": "Mehr Einträge laden",
"Loading": "Lade",
"Name *": "Name",
"Name should be maximum 30 characters in length": "Name darf maximal 30 Zeichen lang sein",
"Newest first": "Neueste zuerst",
"No posts for now": "Kein Beitrag vorhanden",
"Oldest first": "Älteste zuerst",
"One pinned post": "Angehefteter Eintrag",
"pinned posts": "Angeheftete Einträge",
"Please fill in your Comment": "Bitte Kommentar hier eintragen",
"Please fill in your Name": "Bitte Namen hier eintragen",
"Post a comment": "Kommentar posten",
"See one new update": "Neuen Beitrag anzeigen",
"See new updates": "Neue Beiträge anzeigen",
"Send": "Abschicken",
"Show all posts": "Alle Beiträge anzeigen",
"Show highlighted post only": "Anzeigen hervorgehoben Beitrag ist nur",
"Sort by:": "Ordnen nach",
"Updated": "Aktualisiert am",
"Your comment was sent for approval": "Ihr Kommentar wartet auf Freischaltung,"
}, "fi": {
"Highlights": "Kohokohtia",
"Comment by": "Comment by",
"Powered by": "Powered by",
"Advertisement": "Mainos",
"Cancel": "Peruuta",
"Comment": "Kommentoi",
"Comment *": "Kommentti *",
"Comment should be maximum 300 characters in length": "Kommentin enimmäispituus on 300 merkkiä",
"Editorial": "Toimituksellinen",
"Load more posts": "Lataa lisää julkaisuja",
"Loading": "Lataa",
"Name *": "Nimi *",
"Name should be maximum 30 characters in length": "Nimen enimmäispituus on 30 merkkiä",
"Newest first": "Uusimmat ensin",
"No posts for now": "Ei uusia julkaisuja",
"Oldest first": "Vanhimmat ensin",
"One pinned post": "Yksi kiinnitetty julkaisu",
"pinned posts": "kiinnitettyä julkaisua",
"Please fill in your Comment": "Lisää kommenttisi",
"Please fill in your Name": "Lisää nimesi",
"Post a comment": "Lähetä kommentti",
"See one new update": "Lataa yksi uusi julkaisu",
"See new updates": "Lataa uutta julkaisua",
"Send": "Lähetä",
"Show all posts": "Näytä kaikki julkaisut",
"Show highlighted post only": "Näytä vain korostettu julkaisu",
"Sort by:": "Järjestä:",
"Updated": "Päivitetty",
"Your comment was sent for approval": "Kommenttisi lähetettiin hyväksyttäväksi"
}, "fr": {
"Highlights": "Messages en surbrillance",
"Comment by": "Commentaire de",
"Powered by": "Alimenté par",
"Advertisement": "Publicité",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"Comment": "Commentaire",
"Comment *": "Commentaire *",
"Comment should be maximum 300 characters in length": "Un commentaire ne peut excéder 300 signes",
"Editorial": "Éditorial",
"Load more posts": "Afficher plus de messages",
"Loading": "Chargement",
"Name *": "Nom *",
"Name should be maximum 30 characters in length": "Le nom ne peut excéder 30 signes",
"Newest first": "Le plus récent d'abord",
"No posts for now": "Aucun message pour le moment",
"Oldest first": "Plus ancien en premier",
"One pinned post": "Voir le nouveau message",
"pinned posts": "Voir nouveaux messages",
"Please fill in your Comment": "Votre commentaire",
"Please fill in your Name": "Votre nom",
"Post a comment": "Envoyer un commentaire",
"See one new update": "Voir le nouveau message",
"See new updates": "Voir nouveaux messages",
"Send": "Envoyer",
"Show all posts": "Afficher tous les messages",
"Show highlighted post only": "Afficher uniquement les messages en surbrillance",
"Sort by:": "Trier par:",
"Updated": "Mise à jour",
"Your comment was sent for approval": "Votre commentaire a été envoyé et est en attente de validation"
}, "nl": {
"Highlights": "Highlights",
"Comment by": "Commentaar door",
"Powered by": "Aangedreven door",
"Advertisement": "Advertentie",
"Cancel": "Annuleren",
"Comment": "Reactie",
"Comment *": "Tekst *",
"Comment should be maximum 300 characters in length": "Uw reactie van maximaal 300 tekens",
"Editorial": "Redactioneel",
"Load more posts": "Meer",
"Loading": "Laden",
"Name *": "Naam *",
"Name should be maximum 30 characters in length": "Uw naam kan maximaal 30 tekens lang zijn",
"Newest first": "Toon nieuwste eerst",
"No posts for now": "Nog geen berichten beschikbaar",
"Oldest first": "Toon oudste eerst",
"One pinned post": "Bekijk nieuw bericht",
"pinned posts": "Bekijk nieuwe berichten",
"Please fill in your Comment": "Uw reactie",
"Please fill in your Name": "Vul hier uw naam in",
"Post a comment": "Schrijf een reactie",
"See one new update": "Bekijk nieuw bericht",
"See new updates": "Bekijk nieuwe berichten",
"Send": "Verzenden",
"Sort by:": "Sorteer:",
"Your comment was sent for approval": "Uw reactie is ontvangen ter beoordeling"
}, "no": {
"Highlights": "Høydepunkter",
"Comment by": "Kommentar av",
"Powered by": "Drevet av",
"Advertisement": "Annonse",
"Cancel": "Avbryt",
"Comment": "Kommentar",
"Comment *": "Kommentar*",
"Comment should be maximum 300 characters in length": "Kommentarer kan være inntil 300 tegn",
"Editorial": "Redaksjonelt",
"Load more posts": "Henter flere poster",
"Loading": "Henter",
"Name *": "Navn*",
"Name should be maximum 30 characters in length": "Navn kan ikke ha mer enn 30 tegn",
"Newest first": "Nyeste først",
"No posts for now": "Ingen poster for øyeblikket",
"Oldest first": "Eldste først",
"One pinned post": "Én post festet til toppen",
"pinned posts": "poster festet til toppen",
"Please fill in your Comment": "Skriv inn din kommentar",
"Please fill in your Name": "Skriv inn navn",
"Post a comment": "Post en kommentar",
"See one new update": "Se én ny oppdatering",
"See new updates": "Se nye oppdateringer",
"Send": "Send",
"Show all posts": "Vis alle poster",
"Show highlighted post only": "Vis bare høydepunkter",
"Sort by:": "Sortér etter:",
"Updated": "Oppdatert",
"Your comment was sent for approval": "Din kommentar er sendt til godkjenning"
}, "ro": {
"Highlights": "Repere",
"Comment by": "Comentariu de",
"Powered by": "Cu sprijinul",
"Advertisement": "Reclamă",
"Cancel": "Anulează",
"Comment": "Comentează",
"Comment *": "Comentariu *",
"Comment should be maximum 300 characters in length": "Comentariu nu poate fi mai lung de 300 de caractere",
"Editorial": "Editorial",
"Load more posts": "Încarcă mai multe posturi",
"Loading": "Se încarcă",
"Name *": "Numele *",
"Name should be maximum 30 characters in length": "Numele nu poate fi mai lung de 30 de caractere",
"Newest first": "Cele mai noi",
"No posts for now": "Deocamdata nu sunt articole",
"Oldest first": "Cele mai vechi",
"One pinned post": "Vezi un articol nou",
"pinned posts": "Vezi articole noi",
"Please fill in your Comment": "Completează comentariu",
"Please fill in your Name": "Completează numele",
"Post a comment": "Scrie un comentariu",
"See one new update": "Vezi un articol nou",
"See new updates": "Vezi articole noi",
"Send": "Trimite",
"Sort by:": "Ordonează după:",
"Your comment was sent for approval": "Comentariul tău a fost trimis spre aprobare"
"name": "generator-liveblog-theme",
"version": "0.4.2",
"version": "0.4.3",
"description": "Yeoman generator",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

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