H-Eye agent
Note: (To try the application without installing EYE reasoner, you can use the Docker version below)

- TODO: Introduction
- In the meantime: examples
Running it as command line
First of all, you need to install the EYE reasoner (Windows – OS X – Linux).
(make sure that you can run this using '/bin/sh eye', or set the EYE_PATH environment variable)
Then, install the server package as follows:
$ [sudo] npm -g install h-eye
hes serve <directory>
More options with
hes --help
The workspace folder contains examples on what kind of things can be declared.
To see the results do:
hes serve ./workspace
and point your browser to:
Then 'follow the links'
Run with docker
Start H-Eye on host port 3000:
docker run --name=h-eye -p 3000:3000 -v $PWD/workspace:/usr/src/app/workspace cristianvasquez/h-eye
Running your image with -d runs the container in detached mode, leaving the container running in the background.
The -p flag redirects a public port to a private port inside the container.
The -v flag mounts a directory to a directory inside the container.
If you need to go inside the container you can use the exec command:
# Enter the container
docker exec -it h-eye /bin/bash
Stop the docker container
docker rm -f h-eye
Test if it's up
curl -i localhost:3000
Build your own image
docker build -t YOUR_USERNAME/h-eye .
(to build a clean image from scratch use the --no-cache option)