ht-mailer is a hudson-taylor
service for sending email, you can run it as a stand-alone service or use it
in-process via the hudson-taylor LocalClient connector.
Key features
ht-mailer uses nodemailer, and can communicate with any nodemailer tranport,
ie: AWS Simple Message Service, SMTP server, etc.
ht-mailer manages an email blacklist, and provides easy to use APIs for
managing your blacklist (think unsubscribe tokens, etc).
ht-mailer keeps a message queue, and will retry emails if the transport is
currently unavailable.
ht-mailer can be configured with mail templates (using handlebars
notation), either plain text, html or markdown (generates both plain text and html).
ht-mailer currently requires a MongoDB DB handle which it uses to store
blacklists and message queues. In the future this can be made pluggable.
Public API
Queue an email message to be delivered.
s.remote("mailer", "queue", msg, callback);
Skip the queue and send directly
s.remote("mailer", "send", msg, callback);
Block an email address that corresponds to token
s.remote("mailer", "blockToken", {token : <token>}, callback);
Block an email address
s.remote("mailer", "blockEmail", {email : <email>}, callback);
Unblock an email address
s.remote("mailer", "unblockEmail", {email : <email>}, callback);
Using ht-mailer as a stand-alone service.
- copy config/example.json to config/production.json (or development.json etc) and add your config.
$> NODE_ENV=production node server.js
You can now communicate with it using the hudson-taylor client library, ie:
var s = new ht.Services();
s.connect("mail", new ht.HTTPClient("mail", "localhost", 7001));
Send a templated message to jemma:
var msg = {
to : ['jemma@example.com'],
from : 'mel@example.com',
subject : 'Example Email {{foo}}',
data : { foo : 123 },
template : 'approval'
s.remote("mailer", "queue", msg, function(err, res) {
Send a regular text/html email to one person:
var msg = {
to : ['joe@example.com'],
from : 'mel@example.com',
subject : 'Example email to {{name}}',
data : { name : "Joe" }
text : "Hi {{name}}!",
html : "<h1>Hi {{name}}!</h1>"
s.remote("mailer", "queue", msg, function(err, res) {
Using ht-mailer as an HT service.
ht-mailer service setup requires a config object, and a mongodb connection:
var mailer = require("ht-mailer");
var server = new require('hudson-taylor').Server();
var config;
var db;
server.add("mailer", mailer.setup, config, db);
Config options
Config is namespaced under an 'ht-mailer' key to play nicely with other
services being configured together.
Example setup using SES transport, with some pre-defined templates
'ht-mailer' : {
port : 7001,
tansport : {
type : 'SES',
'SES-arguments' : {
accessKeyID : '123..',
secretAccessKey : '456..'
templates : {
'welcome' : {markdown : '/var/myservice/templates/welcome.md'},
'unsubscribe' : {html : '/var/myservice/templates/unsub.html',
text : '/var/myservice/templates/unsub.txt'},
'textemail' : {text : '/var/myservice/templates/boring.txt'}
All tempaltes use handlebars
notation, which will be populated with the data provided to the send API.
Special keys you can use in templates, further to the data the caller provides
unsubscribeToken - This token can be passed to the unsubscribe API, which
will block email being sent to this address in the future. ie:
<a href='http://example.com/unsub/{{unsubscribeToken}}'>Unsubscribe here.</a>
Note, when passing multiple email addresses in the 'to' field, the unsubscribe
token will only apply to the first address in the list. I don't recommend using
unsubscribeToken in an email with multiple to recipients, it doesn't make much
Templates are configured via the tempaltes attribute in the config JSON, and
can contain a file path for: markdown, text, html.
If type markdown is provided, it will be used to produce html AND text output.