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@@ -1,96 +0,360 @@

//! Imm
//! Immutable collections
//! (c) 2015 Sebastian Porto
//! MIT license.
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory(require("seamless-immutable"));
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define(["seamless-immutable"], factory);
else {
var a = typeof exports === 'object' ? factory(require("seamless-immutable")) : factory(root["seamless-immutable"]);
for(var i in a) (typeof exports === 'object' ? exports : root)[i] = a[i];
})(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_1__) {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
// CommonJS + AMD + Global boilerplate
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ exports: {},
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ loaded: false
/******/ };
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['seamless-immutable'], function (Immutable) {
return (root.imm = factory(Immutable));
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
var Immutable = require('seamless-immutable');
module.exports = factory(Immutable);
} else {
// Browser globals
root.imm = factory(root.Immutable);
}(this, function (Immutable) {
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
"use strict";
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.loaded = true;
if (Immutable == null) throw new Error('Immutable is null');
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
var DEFAULT_KEY = 'id';
// Utility functions
var _isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
return === '[object Array]';
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
function _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords) {
return _isArray(recordOrRecords) ? recordOrRecords : [recordOrRecords];
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
function _idsAsStrings(array) {
return (v) {
return "" + v;
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
//! Imm
//! Immutable collections
//! (c) 2015 Sebastian Porto
//! MIT license.
'use strict';
var Immutable = __webpack_require__(1);
if (Immutable == null) throw new Error('Immutable is null');
function imm() {
throw new Error('Using imm directly is deprecated, use imm.list instead');
function _idsFromRecords(array, key) {
if (!key) throw new Error("Must provide a key");
return (record) {
return record[key];
imm.list = __webpack_require__(2)(Immutable);
imm.obj = __webpack_require__(3)(Immutable);
module.exports = imm;
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_1__;
/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var wrapPlainArray = __webpack_require__(4);
function makeList(Immutable) {
* Returns an Imm list
* Keys are always sorted in alphabetical order
* ### Examples:
* var records = [{id: 1, label: 'Sam'}, {...}];
* collection = Imm.list(records);
* Imm assumes that the id key is called `id`. You can provide an optional argument:
* collection = Imm.list(records, {key: '_id'});
* @param {Array} records Array of records
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {String} args.key=id Optional name of id key e.g. _id
* @return {Imm.list} Imm List
* @api public
function list(records, args) {
return wrapPlainArray(Immutable, args, records);
return list;
function _arrayContains(array, value) {
for (var a = 0; a < array.length; a++) {
if (array[a] === value) return true;
module.exports = makeList;
/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var isObject = __webpack_require__(5);
var isArray = __webpack_require__(6);
function makeObj(Immutable) {
* Returns an Seamless Immutable object
* See
* ### Examples:
* var data = {id: 1, label: 'Sam'};
* var record = Imm.obj(data);
* To get back a mutable JS object use `asMutable`:
* var data = {id: 1, label: 'Sam'};
* var immutableRecord = Imm.obj(data);
* mutableRecord = immutableRecord.asMutable();
* @param {Object} data A JS object
* @return {SeamlessImmutable.Object} Seamless Immutable object
* @api public
function obj(data) {
if (!isObject(data) || isArray(data)) throw new Error('You must provide an object');
return Immutable(data);
return false;
return obj;
function _isImmutable(object) {
return Immutable.isImmutable(object);
module.exports = makeObj;
/***/ },
/* 4 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var wrapImmutableCollection = __webpack_require__(7);
var generateUID = __webpack_require__(8);
var mergeDefaults = __webpack_require__(9);
var assertIsObject = __webpack_require__(10);
var assertIsPlainArray = __webpack_require__(11);
var DEFAULT_KEY = 'id';
* @param {Array}
* @return {Immutable List}
* @api private
function wrapPlainArray(Immutable, args, array) {
var id;
var mergable;
if (!array) array = [];
if (args) assertIsObject(args, 'You must provide an object for arguments');
var defaults = {
args = mergeDefaults(args, defaults);
assertIsPlainArray(Immutable, array);
// return a immutable object
var col = Immutable(array).asObject(function (record) {
id = record[args.key];
if (!id) {
id = generateUID();
mergable = {};
mergable[args.key] = id;
record = record.merge(mergable);
return [id, record];
return wrapImmutableCollection(Immutable, args, col);
module.exports = wrapPlainArray;
/***/ },
/* 5 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
function isObject(obj) {
var type = typeof obj;
return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj;
return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj;
function _assertIsImmutable(object) {
var is = _isImmutable(object);
if (!is) throw new Error("Not an immutable object");
module.exports = isObject;
function _assertIsPlainArray(array) {
var one = !_isArray(array);
var two = _isImmutable(array);
if (one || two) throw new Error("You must provide an array");
/***/ },
/* 6 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _assertIsObject(object, msg) {
if (!msg) msg = 'Not an object';
if (!isObject(object)) throw new Error(msg);
/* @flow */
'use strict';
module.exports = Array.isArray || function (obj) {
return === '[object Array]';
/***/ },
/* 7 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var assertIsImmutable = __webpack_require__(12);
var assertIsImmutableInstance = __webpack_require__(13);
* @param {Immutable}
* @return {Imm}
* @api privates
function wrapImmutableCollection(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection) {
assertIsImmutable(Immutable, Immutable);
assertIsImmutableInstance(Immutable, immutableCollection);
* Convert Imm.List to plain JS array.
* Records in the array are plain mutable JS objects.
* ### Example:
* var list = collection.asMutable();
* @return {Array}
* @api public
function asMutable() {
return asPlainArray(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection);
function array() {
throw new Error('.array is deprecated, use .asMutable instead');
* Convert Imm list to Seamless Immutable array
* See
* ### Examples:
* var list = collection.unwrap();
* @return {SeamlessImmutable.Array}
* @api public
function unwrap() {
return immutableCollection;
var add = __webpack_require__(14);
var asPlainArray = __webpack_require__(15);
var allExist = __webpack_require__(16);
var anyExist = __webpack_require__(17);
var count = __webpack_require__(18);
var filter = __webpack_require__(19);
var find = __webpack_require__(20);
var get = __webpack_require__(21);
var map = __webpack_require__(22);
var remove = __webpack_require__(23);
var replace = __webpack_require__(24);
var update = __webpack_require__(25);
return {
isImmList: true,
add: add.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
allExist: allExist.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
anyExist: anyExist.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
asMutable: asMutable,
array: array,
count: count.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
filter: filter.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
find: find.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
get: get.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
replace: replace.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
map: map.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
remove: remove.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection),
unwrap: unwrap,
update: update.bind(null, Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection)
function _generateUID() {
module.exports = wrapImmutableCollection;
/***/ },
/* 8 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
function generateUID() {
var d = new Date().getTime();
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d/16);
return (c=='x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16);
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d / 16);
return (c == 'x' ? r : r & 3 | 8).toString(16);

@@ -100,5 +364,13 @@ return uuid;

module.exports = generateUID;
/***/ },
/* 9 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// Fill in a given object with default properties.
function _defaults(obj) {
"use strict";
function defaults(obj) {
obj = obj || {};

@@ -114,451 +386,676 @@ for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {

module.exports = defaults;
/***/ },
/* 10 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var isObject = __webpack_require__(5);
function assertIsObject(object, msg) {
if (!msg) msg = 'Not an object';
if (!isObject(object)) throw new Error(msg);
module.exports = assertIsObject;
/***/ },
/* 11 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var isArray = __webpack_require__(6);
var isImmutableInstance = __webpack_require__(26);
function assertIsPlainArray(Immutable, array) {
var one = !isArray(array);
var two = isImmutableInstance(Immutable, array);
if (one || two) throw new Error('You must provide an array');
module.exports = assertIsPlainArray;
/***/ },
/* 12 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var isImmutable = __webpack_require__(27);
function assertIsImmutable(Immutable, object) {
var is = isImmutable(Immutable, object);
if (!is) throw new Error('Not Immutable');
module.exports = assertIsImmutable;
/***/ },
/* 13 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var isImmutableInstance = __webpack_require__(26);
function assertIsImmutableInstance(Immutable, object) {
var is = isImmutableInstance(Immutable, object);
if (!is) throw new Error('Not an immutable object');
module.exports = assertIsImmutableInstance;
/***/ },
/* 14 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var replace = __webpack_require__(24);
var anyExist = __webpack_require__(17);
var idsFromRecords = __webpack_require__(28);
var wrapAsArray = __webpack_require__(29);
var mergeDefaults = __webpack_require__(9);
* Returns an Imm collection
* Keys are always sorted in alphabetical order
* **Example**
* Adds one or more records.
* If record already exists then it gets replaced.
* If a record doesn't have a key, then the key will be autogenerated.
* ```js
* var records = [{id: 1, label: 'Sam'}, {...}];
* collection = imm(records);
* ```
* imm assumes that the id key is called `id`. You can provide an optional argument:
* ### Examples:
* ```js
* collection = imm(records, {key: '_id'});
* ```
* @param {Array} records Array of records
* // add one
* collection = collection.add(record)
* // add many records
* collection = collection.add(array)
* @param {Object|Array} recordOrRecords Record or records to add
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {String} args.key=id Optional name of id key e.g. _id
* @return {Imm} Imm collection
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throw if record already exists
* @return {Imm} modified collection
* @api public
function imm(records, args) {
return _wrapPlainArray(records, args);
function add(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, recordOrRecords, args) {
var defaults = {
strict: false
args = mergeDefaults(args, defaults);
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
var records = wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
var exists = anyExist(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, ids);
if (exists) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
args.requireKey = false;
return replace(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, recordOrRecords, args);
// @param {Array}
// @return {Imm}
function _wrapPlainArray(array, args) {
var id, mergable;
if (!array) array = [];
module.exports = add;
if (args) _assertIsObject(args, 'You must provide an object for arguments');
/***/ },
/* 15 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var defaults = {
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
/* @flow */
"use strict";
// return a immutable object
var col = Immutable(array).asObject(function (record) {
id = record[args.key];
if (!id) {
id = _generateUID();
mergable = {};
mergable[args.key] = id;
record = record.merge(mergable);
return [id, record];
function asPlainArray(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection) {
return Object.keys(immutableCollection).map(function (key) {
return immutableCollection[key].asMutable({ deep: true });
return _wrapImmutableCollection(col, args);
// @param {Immutable}
// @return {Imm}
function _wrapImmutableCollection(immutableCollection, globalArgs) {
module.exports = asPlainArray;
/***/ },
/* 16 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _wrapPlainArrayWithArgs(array) {
return _wrapPlainArray(array, globalArgs);
/* @flow */
function _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(immutableCollection) {
return _wrapImmutableCollection(immutableCollection, globalArgs);
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
* Adds one or more records.
* If record already exists then it gets replaced.
* If a record doesn't have a key, then the key will be autogenerated.
* **Example**
* ```js
* // add one
* collection = collection.add(record)
* // add many records
* collection = collection.add(array)
* ```
* @param {Object|Array} recordOrRecords Record or records to add
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throw if record already exists
* @return {Imm} modified collection
* @api public
function add(recordOrRecords, args) {
var defaults = {
strict: false
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
var wrapAsArray = __webpack_require__(29);
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
var records = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = _idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
if (anyExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
* Check if the given ID or all given IDs exist.
* ### Examples:
* var exist = allExist(21);
* var exist = allExist([11, 21]);
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds ID or IDs to check
* @return {Boolean}
* @api public
function allExist(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, idOrIds) {
var ids = wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
for (var a = 0; a < ids.length; a++) {
var id = ids[a];
if (!immutableCollection[id]) {
return false;
args.requireKey = false;
return replace(recordOrRecords, args);
return true;
* Check if the given ID or all given IDs exist.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var exist = allExist(21);
* var exist = allExist([11, 21]);
* ```
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds ID or IDs to check
* @return {Boolean}
* @api public
function allExist(idOrIds) {
var ids = _wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
for (var a = 0; a < ids.length; a++) {
var id = ids[a];
if (!immutableCollection[id]) return false;
module.exports = allExist;
/***/ },
/* 17 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var wrapAsArray = __webpack_require__(29);
* Check if the given ID or any given IDs exist
* ### Examples:
* var exist = anyExist(21);
* var exist = anyExist([11, 21]);
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds Id or Ids to check
* @return {Boolean}
* @api public
function anyExist(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, idOrIds) {
var ids = wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
for (var a = 0; a < ids.length; a++) {
var id = ids[a];
if (immutableCollection[id]) {
return true;
return true;
return false;
* Check if the given ID or any given IDs exist
* **Example**
* ```js
* var exist = anyExist(21);
* var exist = anyExist([11, 21]);
* ```
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds Id or Ids to check
* @return {Boolean}
* @api public
function anyExist(idOrIds) {
var ids = _wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
for (var a = 0; a < ids.length; a++) {
var id = ids[a];
if (immutableCollection[id]) return true;
module.exports = anyExist;
/***/ },
/* 18 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Records count.
* ### Example:
* count = collection.count();
* @return {Number} count
* @api public
"use strict";
function count(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection) {
return Object.keys(immutableCollection).length;
module.exports = count;
/***/ },
/* 19 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var asPlainArray = __webpack_require__(15);
var wrapPlainArray = __webpack_require__(4);
* Filters the collection based on a filtering function.
* Returns a new Imm modified collection
* ### Example:
* collection = collection.filter(function(record) {
* return record.age > 18;
* });
* @param {Function} filterer Filtering function
* @return {Imm} Modified Imm collection
* @api public
function filter(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, filterer) {
var newCol = asPlainArray(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection);
newCol = newCol.filter(filterer);
return wrapPlainArray(Immutable, globalArgs, newCol);
module.exports = filter;
/***/ },
/* 20 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var asPlainArray = __webpack_require__(15);
* Finds one record.
* Returns a plain JS mutable object.
* ### Example:
* var record = collection.find(function (record) {
* return record.age === 18;
* });
* @param {Function} finder Finder function
* @return {SeamlessImmutable.Object} record Record or undefined
* @api public
function find(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, finder) {
var records = asPlainArray(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection);
for (var a = 0; a < records.length; a++) {
var record = records[a];
if (finder(record)) {
return record;
return false;
return void 0;
* Get all records.
* Records in the array are plain mutable JS objects.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var records = collection.array();
* ```
* @return {Array} records Plain array with records
* @api public
function array() {
return asPlainArray();
module.exports = find;
function asPlainArray() {
return Object.keys(immutableCollection).map(function (key) {
return immutableCollection[key].asMutable({deep: true});
/***/ },
/* 21 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* Records count.
* **Example**
* ```js
* count = collection.count();
* ```
* @return {Number} count
* @api public
function count(){
return Object.keys(immutableCollection).length;
/* @flow */
* Get a record by id.
* Returns a Seamless Immutable object
* See
* ### Examples:
* var record = collection.get(11)
* var record = collection.get('11') // same as 11
* To make object mutable use `asMutable()`
* var record = collection.get(11)
* record = record.asMutable()
* // or
* record = record.asMutable({deep: true})
* @param {Number|String} id Id to fetch
* @return {Immutale Object} record
* @api public
"use strict";
function get(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, id) {
var record = immutableCollection[id];
if (!record) {
return void 0;
}return record;
module.exports = get;
/***/ },
/* 22 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var asPlainArray = __webpack_require__(15);
* Map the collection through a given function
* ### Examples:
* collection = (record) {
* return {foo:};
* });
* @param {Function} mapper Mapping function
* @return {Array} array
* @api public
function map(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, mapper) {
var newCol = asPlainArray(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection);
module.exports = map;
/***/ },
/* 23 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var idsAsStrings = __webpack_require__(30);
var allExist = __webpack_require__(16);
var wrapAsArray = __webpack_require__(29);
var wrapImmutableCollection = __webpack_require__(7);
* Removes one or many records based on the id.
* If record is not found then it just gets skipped.
* ### Examples:
* collection = collection.remove(id);
* collection = collection.remove(arrayOfIds);
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds Id or ids to remove
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throw if record(s) doesn't exists
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function remove(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, idOrIds, args) {
var ids = wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
// ids need to be strings for without
ids = idsAsStrings(ids);
if (args && args.strict) {
var exists = allExist(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, ids);
if (!exists) throw new Error('Some records do not exist');
* Filters the collection based on a filtering function.
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.filter(function (record) {
* return record.age > 18;
* });
* ```
* @param {Function} filterer Filtering function
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function filter(filterer) {
var newCol = asPlainArray();
newCol = newCol.filter(filterer);
return _wrapPlainArrayWithArgs(newCol);
var newCol = immutableCollection.without(ids);
return wrapImmutableCollection(Immutable, globalArgs, newCol);
module.exports = remove;
/***/ },
/* 24 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
var idsAsStrings = __webpack_require__(30);
var idsFromRecords = __webpack_require__(28);
var mergeDefaults = __webpack_require__(9);
var wrapAsArray = __webpack_require__(29);
var generateUID = __webpack_require__(8);
var anyExist = __webpack_require__(17);
var wrapImmutableCollection = __webpack_require__(7);
* Replaces one item or many.
* This discards any previous data from the replaced items.
* If records doesn't exist then it just gets added.
* This throws if a record doesn't have an key.
* ### Examples:
* collection = collection.replace(record)
* collection = collection.replace(array)
* @param {Object} recordOrRecords Record or records to replace
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* @param {Boolean} args.requireKey=true Throws if record doesn't have a key
* @return {Imm} Modified Imm collection
* @api public
function replace(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, recordOrRecords, args) {
var record;
var id;
var records = wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
ids = idsAsStrings(ids);
var newCol = immutableCollection.without(ids);
var merges = {};
var defaults = {
strict: false,
requireKey: true
args = mergeDefaults(args, defaults);
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
var exists = anyExist(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, ids);
if (exists) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
* Finds one record.
* Returns a plain JS mutable object.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var record = collection.find(function (record) {
* return record.age === 18;
* });
* ```
* @param {Function} finder Finder function
* @return {Object} record Record or undefined
* @api public
function find(finder) {
var records = asPlainArray();
for (var a = 0; a < records.length; a++) {
var record = records[a];
if (finder(record)) {
return record;
for (var a = 0; a < records.length; a++) {
record = records[a];
id = record[globalArgs.key];
if (!id) {
if (args.requireKey) throw new Error('Record must have .' + globalArgs.key);
id = generateUID();
record[globalArgs.key] = id;
return void(0);
if (!id) throw new Error('Record must have .' + globalArgs.key);
merges[id] = record;
* Get a record.
* Returned record is a plain JS mutable object.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var record = collection.get(11)
* var record = collection.get('11') // same as 11
* ```
* @param {Number|String} id Id to fetch
* @return {Object} record
* @api public
function get(id) {
var record = immutableCollection[id];
if (!record) return void(0);
return record.asMutable({deep: true});
newCol = newCol.merge(merges);
* Map the collection through a given function
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = (record) {
* return {foo:};
* });
* ```
* @param {Function} mapper Mapping function
* @return {Array} array
* @api public
function map(mapper) {
var newCol = asPlainArray();
return wrapImmutableCollection(Immutable, globalArgs, newCol);
* Removes one or many records based on the id.
* If record is not found then it just gets skipped.
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.remove(id);
* collection = collection.remove(arrayOfIds);
* ```
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds Id or ids to remove
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throw if record(s) doesn't exists
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function remove(idOrIds, args) {
var ids = _wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
module.exports = replace;
// ids need to be strings for without
ids = _idsAsStrings(ids);
/***/ },
/* 25 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
if (args && args.strict) {
if (!allExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records do not exist');
/* @flow */
var newCol = immutableCollection.without(ids);
return _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(newCol);
* Module dependencies.
'use strict';
* Replaces one item or many.
* This discards any previous data from the replaced items.
* If records doesn't exist then it just gets added.
* This throws if a record doesn't have an key.
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.replace(record)
* collection = collection.replace(array)
* ```
* @param {Object} recordOrRecords Record or records to replace
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* @param {Boolean} args.requireKey=true Throws if record doesn't have a key
* @return {Imm} Modified Imm collection
* @api public
function replace(recordOrRecords, args) {
var record, id;
var records = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = _idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
ids = _idsAsStrings(ids);
var newCol = immutableCollection.without(ids);
var merges = {};
var defaults = {
strict: false,
requireKey: true
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
var idsFromRecords = __webpack_require__(28);
var wrapAsArray = __webpack_require__(29);
var mergeDefaults = __webpack_require__(9);
var anyExist = __webpack_require__(17);
var wrapImmutableCollection = __webpack_require__(7);
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
if (anyExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
* Updates one record or many.
* This merges the given data with the existing one.
* If a record is not found then it gets added.
* This throws if a record doesn't have an key
* ### Examples:
* collection = collection.update(record)
* collection = collection.update(array)
* @param {Object|Array} recordOrRecords Record or records to update
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function update(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, recordOrRecords, args) {
for (var a = 0; a < records.length; a++) {
record = records[a];
id = record[globalArgs.key];
if (!id) {
if (args.requireKey) throw new Error("Record must have ." + globalArgs.key);
id = _generateUID();
record[globalArgs.key] = id;
if (!id) throw new Error("Record must have ." + globalArgs.key);
merges[id] = record;
var defaults = {
strict: false
args = mergeDefaults(args, defaults);
newCol = newCol.merge(merges);
var givenId;
var givenRecord;
var toMerge;
var existing;
var mergedRecord;
var givenRecords = wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var newCol = immutableCollection;
return _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(newCol);
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
var records = wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
var exists = anyExist(Immutable, globalArgs, immutableCollection, ids);
if (exists) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
function toImmutable() {
return immutableCollection;
for (var a = 0; a < givenRecords.length; a++) {
givenRecord = givenRecords[a];
givenId = givenRecord[globalArgs.key];
// throw if no givenId
if (!givenId) throw new Error('Record must have .' + globalArgs.key);
existing = immutableCollection[givenId];
if (existing) {
mergedRecord = existing.merge(givenRecord);
} else {
mergedRecord = givenRecord;
toMerge = {};
toMerge[givenId] = mergedRecord;
newCol = newCol.merge(toMerge);
* Updates one record or many.
* This merges the given data with the existing one.
* If a record is not found then it gets added.
* This throws if a record doesn't have an key
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.update(record)
* collection = collection.update(array)
* ```
* @param {Object|Array} recordOrRecords Record or records to update
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function update(recordOrRecords, args) {
var defaults = {
strict: false
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
return wrapImmutableCollection(Immutable, globalArgs, newCol);
var givenId, givenRecord, toMerge, existing, mergedRecord;
var givenRecords = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var newCol = immutableCollection;
module.exports = update;
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
var records = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = _idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
if (anyExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
/***/ },
/* 26 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
for (var a = 0; a < givenRecords.length; a++) {
givenRecord = givenRecords[a];
givenId = givenRecord[globalArgs.key];
// throw if no givenId
if (!givenId) throw new Error('Record must have .' + globalArgs.key);
/* @flow */
existing = immutableCollection[givenId];
if (existing) {
mergedRecord = existing.merge(givenRecord);
} else {
mergedRecord = givenRecord;
"use strict";
toMerge = {};
toMerge[givenId] = mergedRecord;
function isImmutableInstance(Immutable, object) {
return Immutable.isImmutable(object);
newCol = newCol.merge(toMerge);
module.exports = isImmutableInstance;
return _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(newCol);
/***/ },
/* 27 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
return {
isImm: true,
add: add,
allExist: allExist,
anyExist: anyExist,
array: array,
count: count,
filter: filter,
find: find,
get: get,
replace: replace,
map: map,
remove: remove,
toImmutable: toImmutable,
update: update,
/* @flow */
"use strict";
function isImmutable(Immutable, object) {
return object.isImmutable != null;
return imm;
module.exports = isImmutable;
/***/ },
/* 28 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* @flow */
'use strict';
function idsFromRecords(array, key) {
if (!key) throw new Error('Must provide a key');
return (record) {
return record[key];
module.exports = idsFromRecords;
/***/ },
/* 29 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var isArray = __webpack_require__(6);
function wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords) {
return isArray(recordOrRecords) ? recordOrRecords : [recordOrRecords];
module.exports = wrapAsArray;
/***/ },
/* 30 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
function idsAsStrings(array) {
return (v) {
return '' + v;
module.exports = idsAsStrings;
/***/ }
/******/ ])

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

//! Imm
!function(r,t){if("object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module)module.exports=t(require("seamless-immutable"));else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(["seamless-immutable"],t);else{var e=t("object"==typeof exports?require("seamless-immutable"):r["seamless-immutable"]);for(var n in e)("object"==typeof exports?exports:r)[n]=e[n]}}(this,function(r){return function(r){function t(n){if(e[n])return e[n].exports;var o=e[n]={exports:{},id:n,loaded:!1};return r[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,t),o.loaded=!0,o.exports}var e={};return t.m=r,t.c=e,t.p="",t(0)}([function(r,t,e){//! Imm
//! Immutable collections

@@ -6,2 +6,41 @@ //! (c) 2015 Sebastian Porto

!function(r,e){if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(["seamless-immutable"],function(t){return r.imm=e(t)});else if("object"==typeof exports){var t=require("seamless-immutable");module.exports=e(t)}else r.imm=e(r.Immutable)}(this,function(r){"use strict";function e(r){return y(r)?r:[r]}function t(r){return{return""+r})}function n(r,e){if(!e)throw new Error("Must provide a key");return{return r[e]})}function o(e){return r.isImmutable(e)}function u(r){var e=typeof r;return"function"===e||"object"===e&&!!r}function i(r){var e=o(r);if(!e)throw new Error("Not an immutable object")}function a(r){var e=!y(r),t=o(r);if(e||t)throw new Error("You must provide an array")}function f(r,e){if(e||(e="Not an object"),!u(r))throw new Error(e)}function c(){var r=(new Date).getTime(),e="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(e){var t=(r+16*Math.random())%16|0;return r=Math.floor(r/16),("x"==e?t:3&t|8).toString(16)});return e}function m(r){r=r||{};for(var e=1,t=arguments.length;t>e;e++){var n=arguments[e];for(var o in n)void 0===r[o]&&(r[o]=n[o])}return r}function s(r,e){return v(r,e)}function v(e,t){var n,o;e||(e=[]),t&&f(t,"You must provide an object for arguments");var u={key:l};t=m(t,u),a(e);var i=r(e).asObject(function(r){return n=r[t.key],n||(n=c(),o={},o[t.key]=n,r=r.merge(o)),[n,r]});return x(i,t)}function x(r,o){function u(r){return v(r,o)}function a(r){return x(r,o)}function f(r,t){var u={strict:!1};if(t=m(t,u),t.strict){var i=e(r),a=n(i,o.key);if(l(a))throw new Error("Some records already exist")}return t.requireKey=!1,E(r,t)}function s(t){for(var n=e(t),o=0;o<n.length;o++){var u=n[o];if(!r[u])return!1}return!0}function l(t){for(var n=e(t),o=0;o<n.length;o++){var u=n[o];if(r[u])return!0}return!1}function y(){return d()}function d(){return Object.keys(r).map(function(e){return r[e].asMutable({deep:!0})})}function h(){return Object.keys(r).length}function w(r){var e=d();return e=e.filter(r),u(e)}function g(r){for(var e=d(),t=0;t<e.length;t++){var n=e[t];if(r(n))return n}return void 0}function b(e){var t=r[e];return t?t.asMutable({deep:!0}):void 0}function p(r){var e=d();return}function k(n,o){var u=e(n);if(u=t(u),o&&o.strict&&!s(u))throw new Error("Some records do not exist");var i=r.without(u);return a(i)}function E(u,i){var f,s,v=e(u),x=n(v,o.key);x=t(x);var y=r.without(x),d={},h={strict:!1,requireKey:!0};if(i=m(i,h),i.strict&&l(x))throw new Error("Some records already exist");for(var w=0;w<v.length;w++){if(f=v[w],s=f[o.key],!s){if(i.requireKey)throw new Error("Record must have ."+o.key);s=c(),f[o.key]=s}if(!s)throw new Error("Record must have ."+o.key);d[s]=f}return y=y.merge(d),a(y)}function j(){return r}function S(t,u){var i={strict:!1};u=m(u,i);var f,c,s,v,x,y=e(t),d=r;if(u.strict){var h=e(t),w=n(h,o.key);if(l(w))throw new Error("Some records already exist")}for(var g=0;g<y.length;g++){if(c=y[g],f=c[o.key],!f)throw new Error("Record must have ."+o.key);v=r[f],x=v?v.merge(c):c,s={},s[f]=x,d=d.merge(s)}return a(d)}return i(r),{isImm:!0,add:f,allExist:s,anyExist:l,array:y,count:h,filter:w,find:g,get:b,replace:E,map:p,remove:k,toImmutable:j,update:S}}if(null==r)throw new Error("Immutable is null");var l="id",y=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"};return s});
"use strict";function n(){throw new Error("Using imm directly is deprecated, use imm.list instead")}var o=e(1);if(null==o)throw new Error("Immutable is null");n.list=e(2)(o),n.obj=e(3)(o),r.exports=n},function(t){t.exports=r},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r){function t(t,e){return o(r,e,t)}return t}var o=e(4);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r){function t(t){if(!o(t)||i(t))throw new Error("You must provide an object");return r(t)}return t}var o=e(5),i=e(6);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e){var n,f;e||(e=[]),t&&s(t,"You must provide an object for arguments");var x={key:a};t=u(t,x),c(r,e);var l=r(e).asObject(function(r){return n=r[t.key],n||(n=i(),f={},f[t.key]=n,r=r.merge(f)),[n,r]});return o(r,t,l)}var o=e(7),i=e(8),u=e(9),s=e(10),c=e(11),a="id";r.exports=n},function(r){"use strict";function t(r){var t=typeof r;return"function"===t||"object"===t&&!!r}r.exports=t},function(r){"use strict";r.exports=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"}},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,n){function u(){return f(r,t,n)}function s(){throw new Error(".array is deprecated, use .asMutable instead")}function c(){return n}o(r,r),i(r,n);var a=e(14),f=e(15),x=e(16),l=e(17),v=e(18),p=e(19),m=e(20),d=e(21),b=e(22),y=e(23),w=e(24),h=e(25);return{isImmList:!0,add:a.bind(null,r,t,n),allExist:x.bind(null,r,t,n),anyExist:l.bind(null,r,t,n),asMutable:u,array:s,count:v.bind(null,r,t,n),filter:p.bind(null,r,t,n),find:m.bind(null,r,t,n),get:d.bind(null,r,t,n),replace:w.bind(null,r,t,n),map:b.bind(null,r,t,n),remove:y.bind(null,r,t,n),unwrap:c,update:h.bind(null,r,t,n)}}var o=e(12),i=e(13);r.exports=n},function(r){"use strict";function t(){var r=(new Date).getTime(),t="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(t){var e=(r+16*Math.random())%16|0;return r=Math.floor(r/16),("x"==t?e:3&e|8).toString(16)});return t}r.exports=t},function(r){"use strict";function t(r){r=r||{};for(var t=1,e=arguments.length;e>t;t++){var n=arguments[t];for(var o in n)void 0===r[o]&&(r[o]=n[o])}return r}r.exports=t},function(r,t,e){"use strict";function n(r,t){if(t||(t="Not an object"),!o(r))throw new Error(t)}var o=e(5);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){"use strict";function n(r,t){var e=!o(t),n=i(r,t);if(e||n)throw new Error("You must provide an array")}var o=e(6),i=e(26);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){"use strict";function n(r,t){var e=o(r,t);if(!e)throw new Error("Not Immutable")}var o=e(27);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){"use strict";function n(r,t){var e=o(r,t);if(!e)throw new Error("Not an immutable object")}var o=e(26);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n,a){var f={strict:!1};if(a=c(a,f),a.strict){var x=s(n),l=u(x,t.key),v=i(r,t,e,l);if(v)throw new Error("Some records already exist")}return a.requireKey=!1,o(r,t,e,n,a)}var o=e(24),i=e(17),u=e(28),s=e(29),c=e(9);r.exports=n},function(r){"use strict";function t(r,t,e){return Object.keys(e).map(function(r){return e[r].asMutable({deep:!0})})}r.exports=t},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n){for(var i=o(n),u=0;u<i.length;u++){var s=i[u];if(!e[s])return!1}return!0}var o=e(29);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n){for(var i=o(n),u=0;u<i.length;u++){var s=i[u];if(e[s])return!0}return!1}var o=e(29);r.exports=n},function(r){"use strict";function t(r,t,e){return Object.keys(e).length}r.exports=t},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n){var u=o(r,t,e);return u=u.filter(n),i(r,t,u)}var o=e(15),i=e(4);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n){for(var i=o(r,t,e),u=0;u<i.length;u++){var s=i[u];if(n(s))return s}return void 0}var o=e(15);r.exports=n},function(r){"use strict";function t(r,t,e,n){var o=e[n];return o?o:void 0}r.exports=t},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n){var i=o(r,t,e);return}var o=e(15);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n,c){var a=u(n);if(a=o(a),c&&c.strict){var f=i(r,t,e,a);if(!f)throw new Error("Some records do not exist")}var x=e.without(a);return s(r,t,x)}var o=e(30),i=e(16),u=e(29),s=e(7);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n,x){var l,v,p=s(n),m=i(p,t.key);m=o(m);var d=e.without(m),b={},y={strict:!1,requireKey:!0};if(x=u(x,y),x.strict){var w=a(r,t,e,m);if(w)throw new Error("Some records already exist")}for(var h=0;h<p.length;h++){if(l=p[h],v=l[t.key],!v){if(x.requireKey)throw new Error("Record must have ."+t.key);v=c(),l[t.key]=v}if(!v)throw new Error("Record must have ."+t.key);b[v]=l}return d=d.merge(b),f(r,t,d)}var o=e(30),i=e(28),u=e(9),s=e(29),c=e(8),a=e(17),f=e(7);r.exports=n},function(r,t,e){/*!
* Module dependencies.
"use strict";function n(r,t,e,n,a){var f={strict:!1};a=u(a,f);var x,l,v,p,m,d=i(n),b=e;if(a.strict){var y=i(n),w=o(y,t.key),h=s(r,t,e,w);if(h)throw new Error("Some records already exist")}for(var g=0;g<d.length;g++){if(l=d[g],x=l[t.key],!x)throw new Error("Record must have ."+t.key);p=e[x],m=p?p.merge(l):l,v={},v[x]=m,b=b.merge(v)}return c(r,t,b)}var o=e(28),i=e(29),u=e(9),s=e(17),c=e(7);r.exports=n},function(r){"use strict";function t(r,t){return r.isImmutable(t)}r.exports=t},function(r){"use strict";function t(r,t){return null!=t.isImmutable}r.exports=t},function(r){"use strict";function t(r,t){if(!t)throw new Error("Must provide a key");return{return r[t]})}r.exports=t},function(r,t,e){"use strict";function n(r){return o(r)?r:[r]}var o=e(6);r.exports=n},function(r){"use strict";function t(r){return{return""+r})}r.exports=t}])});

@@ -6,4 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var markdox = require("gulp-markdox");
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var jscs = require('gulp-jscs');
var stylish = require('jshint-stylish');

@@ -13,30 +12,61 @@ var mocha = require('gulp-mocha');

var run = require('gulp-run');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var webpack = require('gulp-webpack-build');
var path = require('path');
var markdox = require('gulp-markdox');
// register verb helpers
// verb.helper('apidocs', verbApiDocs);
var DEST = 'dist/';
gulp.task('lint', function() {
return gulp.src('./src/*.js')
return gulp.src('./src/**/*.js')
gulp.task('test', function () {
return gulp.src("./test/*.js", {read: false})
.pipe(mocha({reporter: 'nyan'}));
gulp.task('test', function() {
var mochaOptions = {
reporter: 'nyan'
return gulp.src('./test/**/*.coffee', {read: false})
gulp.task('min', function() {
return gulp.src('src/imm.js')
// This will output the non-minified version
// This will minify and rename to foo.min.js
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
.pipe(rename({ extname: '.min.js' }))
gulp.task('test-watch', function() {['src/**', 'test/**'], ['test']);
gulp.task('doc', function () {
gulp.task('bundle', function() {
return gulp.src('webpack.config.js')
gulp.task('default', ['test', 'lint', 'min', 'doc']);
gulp.task('min', ['bundle'], function() {
return gulp.src('dist/imm.js')
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
.pipe(rename({extname: '.min.js'}))
// this doesnt work as expected
gulp.task('doc-imm', function() {
gulp.task('doc-list', function() {
gulp.task('doc', ['doc-imm', 'doc-list']);
gulp.task('default', ['test', 'lint', 'min', 'doc']);
"name": "imm",
"version": "0.5.6",
"version": "0.6.0",
"description": "Immutable collections built on top of immutable.js",

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "main": "dist/imm.js",

"scripts": {
"test": "mocha"
"test": "mocha test/**/*_spec.*"

@@ -24,6 +24,13 @@ "repository": {

"devDependencies": {
"expect.js": "^0.3.1",
"babel": "^5.2.5",
"babel-core": "^5.2.6",
"babel-loader": "^5.0.0",
"chai": "^2.3.0",
"coffee-script": "^1.9.2",
"esprima-fb": "^15001.1.0-dev-harmony-fb",
"gulp": "^3.8.8",
"gulp-concat": "^2.5.2",
"gulp-header": "^1.1.1",
"gulp-jshint": "^1.8.5",
"gulp-jscs": "^1.6.0",
"gulp-markdox": "^0.1.1",
"gulp-mocha": "^1.1.1",

@@ -33,5 +40,8 @@ "gulp-rename": "^1.2.0",

"gulp-uglify": "^1.0.1",
"gulp-webpack-build": "^0.7.1",
"helper-apidocs": "^0.4.1",
"jshint-stylish": "^1.0.0",
"markdox": "^0.1.5",
"mocha": "^1.21.4"
"mocha": "^1.21.4",
"webpack": "^1.8.11"

@@ -38,0 +48,0 @@ "dependencies": {

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ IMM.js

__Immutable__ data collections build on top of [seamless-immutable](
__Immutable__ data collections built on top of [seamless-immutable](

@@ -19,4 +19,3 @@ Seemless-immutable.js is great, but it doesn't have an API that feels right for CRUD applications.

## Install

@@ -36,212 +35,21 @@ ### Using NPM

## API
### [imm](src/imm.js#L136)
Returns an Imm collection Keys are always sorted in alphabetical order
* **{Array}**: records Array of records
* **{Object}**: args Optional arguments
* **{String}**: args.key=id Optional name of id key e.g. _id
* `returns` **{Imm}**: Imm collection
### Things to note
- Methods that return collections (e.g. filter) return an instance of Imm
- Methods that return one record (e.g. get, find), return a plain JS object
var records = [{id: 1, label: 'Sam'}, {...}];
collection = imm(records);
## Development
imm assumes that the id key is called `id`. You can provide an optional argument:
To generate documentation `verb` needs to be installed:
collection = imm(records, {key: '_id'});
### [add](src/imm.js#L205)
Adds one or more records. If record already exists then it gets replaced. If a record doesn't have a key, then the key will be autogenerated.
* **{Object|Array}**: recordOrRecords Record or records to add
* **{Object}**: args Optional arguments
* **{Boolean}**: args.strict=false Throw if record already exists
* `returns` **{Imm}**: modified collection
// add one
collection = collection.add(record)
// add many records
collection = collection.add(array)
npm i -g verb-cli
### [allExist](src/imm.js#L235)
### Testing
Check if the given ID or all given IDs exist.
* **{Number|String|Array}**: idOrIds ID or IDs to check
* `returns`: {Boolean}
var exist = allExist(21);
var exist = allExist([11, 21]);
### [anyExist](src/imm.js#L258)
Check if the given ID or any given IDs exist
* **{Number|String|Array}**: idOrIds Id or Ids to check
* `returns`: {Boolean}
var exist = anyExist(21);
var exist = anyExist([11, 21]);
### [array](src/imm.js#L280)
Get all records. Records in the array are plain mutable JS objects.
* `returns` **{Array}**: records Plain array with records
var records = collection.array();
### [count](src/imm.js#L302)
Records count.
* `returns` **{Number}**: count
count = collection.count();
### [filter](src/imm.js#L321)
Filters the collection based on a filtering function.
* **{Function}**: filterer Filtering function
* `returns` **{Imm}**: Modified collection
collection = collection.filter(function (record) {
return record.age > 18;
### [find](src/imm.js#L343)
Finds one record. Returns a plain JS mutable object.
* **{Function}**: finder Finder function
* `returns` **{Object}**: record Record or undefined
var record = collection.find(function (record) {
return record.age === 18;
### [get](src/imm.js#L369)
Get a record. Returned record is a plain JS mutable object.
* **{Number|String}**: id Id to fetch
* `returns` **{Object}**: record
var record = collection.get(11)
var record = collection.get('11') // same as 11
### [map](src/imm.js#L390)
Map the collection through a given function
* **{Function}**: mapper Mapping function
* `returns` **{Array}**: array
collection = (record) {
return {foo:};
### [remove](src/imm.js#L412)
Removes one or many records based on the id. If record is not found then it just gets skipped.
* **{Number|String|Array}**: idOrIds Id or ids to remove
* **{Object}**: args Optional arguments
* **{Boolean}**: args.strict=false Throw if record(s) doesn't exists
* `returns` **{Imm}**: Modified collection
collection = collection.remove(id);
collection = collection.remove(arrayOfIds);
### [replace](src/imm.js#L446)
Replaces one item or many. This discards any previous data from the replaced items. If records doesn't exist then it just gets added. This throws if a record doesn't have an key.
* **{Object}**: recordOrRecords Record or records to replace
* **{Object}**: args Optional arguments
* **{Boolean}**: args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* **{Boolean}**: args.requireKey=true Throws if record doesn't have a key
* `returns` **{Imm}**: Modified Imm collection
collection = collection.replace(record)
collection = collection.replace(array)
### [update](src/imm.js#L504)
Updates one record or many. This merges the given data with the existing one. If a record is not found then it gets added. This throws if a record doesn't have an key
* **{Object|Array}**: recordOrRecords Record or records to update
* **{Object}**: args Optional arguments
* **{Boolean}**: args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* `returns` **{Imm}**: Modified collection
collection = collection.update(record)
collection = collection.update(array)
### Things to note
- Methods that return collections (e.g. filter) return an instance of Imm
- Methods that return one record (e.g. get, find), return a plain JS object

@@ -252,4 +60,3 @@ npm install

### Build

@@ -262,6 +69,5 @@ This will lint, test, minify and create documentation

Related projects
## Related projects
- [immutable.js](
- [seamless-immutable](

@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

/* @flow */
//! Imm

@@ -7,557 +9,13 @@ //! Immutable collections

var Immutable = require('seamless-immutable');
// CommonJS + AMD + Global boilerplate
if (Immutable == null) throw new Error('Immutable is null');
function imm() {
throw new Error('Using imm directly is deprecated, use imm.list instead');
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['seamless-immutable'], function (Immutable) {
return (root.imm = factory(Immutable));
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
var Immutable = require('seamless-immutable');
module.exports = factory(Immutable);
} else {
// Browser globals
root.imm = factory(root.Immutable);
}(this, function (Immutable) {
imm.list = require('./list.js')(Immutable);
imm.obj = require('./obj.js')(Immutable);
"use strict";
if (Immutable == null) throw new Error('Immutable is null');
var DEFAULT_KEY = 'id';
// Utility functions
var _isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
return === '[object Array]';
function _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords) {
return _isArray(recordOrRecords) ? recordOrRecords : [recordOrRecords];
function _idsAsStrings(array) {
return (v) {
return "" + v;
function _idsFromRecords(array, key) {
if (!key) throw new Error("Must provide a key");
return (record) {
return record[key];
function _arrayContains(array, value) {
for (var a = 0; a < array.length; a++) {
if (array[a] === value) return true;
return false;
function _isImmutable(object) {
return Immutable.isImmutable(object);
function isObject(obj) {
var type = typeof obj;
return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj;
function _assertIsImmutable(object) {
var is = _isImmutable(object);
if (!is) throw new Error("Not an immutable object");
function _assertIsPlainArray(array) {
var one = !_isArray(array);
var two = _isImmutable(array);
if (one || two) throw new Error("You must provide an array");
function _assertIsObject(object, msg) {
if (!msg) msg = 'Not an object';
if (!isObject(object)) throw new Error(msg);
function _generateUID() {
var d = new Date().getTime();
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d/16);
return (c=='x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16);
return uuid;
// Fill in a given object with default properties.
function _defaults(obj) {
obj = obj || {};
for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var prop in source) {
if (obj[prop] === void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
return obj;
* Returns an Imm collection
* Keys are always sorted in alphabetical order
* **Example**
* ```js
* var records = [{id: 1, label: 'Sam'}, {...}];
* collection = imm(records);
* ```
* imm assumes that the id key is called `id`. You can provide an optional argument:
* ```js
* collection = imm(records, {key: '_id'});
* ```
* @param {Array} records Array of records
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {String} args.key=id Optional name of id key e.g. _id
* @return {Imm} Imm collection
* @api public
function imm(records, args) {
return _wrapPlainArray(records, args);
// @param {Array}
// @return {Imm}
function _wrapPlainArray(array, args) {
var id, mergable;
if (!array) array = [];
if (args) _assertIsObject(args, 'You must provide an object for arguments');
var defaults = {
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
// return a immutable object
var col = Immutable(array).asObject(function (record) {
id = record[args.key];
if (!id) {
id = _generateUID();
mergable = {};
mergable[args.key] = id;
record = record.merge(mergable);
return [id, record];
return _wrapImmutableCollection(col, args);
// @param {Immutable}
// @return {Imm}
function _wrapImmutableCollection(immutableCollection, globalArgs) {
function _wrapPlainArrayWithArgs(array) {
return _wrapPlainArray(array, globalArgs);
function _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(immutableCollection) {
return _wrapImmutableCollection(immutableCollection, globalArgs);
* Adds one or more records.
* If record already exists then it gets replaced.
* If a record doesn't have a key, then the key will be autogenerated.
* **Example**
* ```js
* // add one
* collection = collection.add(record)
* // add many records
* collection = collection.add(array)
* ```
* @param {Object|Array} recordOrRecords Record or records to add
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throw if record already exists
* @return {Imm} modified collection
* @api public
function add(recordOrRecords, args) {
var defaults = {
strict: false
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
var records = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = _idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
if (anyExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
args.requireKey = false;
return replace(recordOrRecords, args);
* Check if the given ID or all given IDs exist.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var exist = allExist(21);
* var exist = allExist([11, 21]);
* ```
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds ID or IDs to check
* @return {Boolean}
* @api public
function allExist(idOrIds) {
var ids = _wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
for (var a = 0; a < ids.length; a++) {
var id = ids[a];
if (!immutableCollection[id]) return false;
return true;
* Check if the given ID or any given IDs exist
* **Example**
* ```js
* var exist = anyExist(21);
* var exist = anyExist([11, 21]);
* ```
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds Id or Ids to check
* @return {Boolean}
* @api public
function anyExist(idOrIds) {
var ids = _wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
for (var a = 0; a < ids.length; a++) {
var id = ids[a];
if (immutableCollection[id]) return true;
return false;
* Get all records.
* Records in the array are plain mutable JS objects.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var records = collection.array();
* ```
* @return {Array} records Plain array with records
* @api public
function array() {
return asPlainArray();
function asPlainArray() {
return Object.keys(immutableCollection).map(function (key) {
return immutableCollection[key].asMutable({deep: true});
* Records count.
* **Example**
* ```js
* count = collection.count();
* ```
* @return {Number} count
* @api public
function count(){
return Object.keys(immutableCollection).length;
* Filters the collection based on a filtering function.
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.filter(function (record) {
* return record.age > 18;
* });
* ```
* @param {Function} filterer Filtering function
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function filter(filterer) {
var newCol = asPlainArray();
newCol = newCol.filter(filterer);
return _wrapPlainArrayWithArgs(newCol);
* Finds one record.
* Returns a plain JS mutable object.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var record = collection.find(function (record) {
* return record.age === 18;
* });
* ```
* @param {Function} finder Finder function
* @return {Object} record Record or undefined
* @api public
function find(finder) {
var records = asPlainArray();
for (var a = 0; a < records.length; a++) {
var record = records[a];
if (finder(record)) {
return record;
return void(0);
* Get a record.
* Returned record is a plain JS mutable object.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var record = collection.get(11)
* var record = collection.get('11') // same as 11
* ```
* @param {Number|String} id Id to fetch
* @return {Object} record
* @api public
function get(id) {
var record = immutableCollection[id];
if (!record) return void(0);
return record.asMutable({deep: true});
* Map the collection through a given function
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = (record) {
* return {foo:};
* });
* ```
* @param {Function} mapper Mapping function
* @return {Array} array
* @api public
function map(mapper) {
var newCol = asPlainArray();
* Removes one or many records based on the id.
* If record is not found then it just gets skipped.
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.remove(id);
* collection = collection.remove(arrayOfIds);
* ```
* @param {Number|String|Array} idOrIds Id or ids to remove
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throw if record(s) doesn't exists
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function remove(idOrIds, args) {
var ids = _wrapAsArray(idOrIds);
// ids need to be strings for without
ids = _idsAsStrings(ids);
if (args && args.strict) {
if (!allExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records do not exist');
var newCol = immutableCollection.without(ids);
return _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(newCol);
* Replaces one item or many.
* This discards any previous data from the replaced items.
* If records doesn't exist then it just gets added.
* This throws if a record doesn't have an key.
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.replace(record)
* collection = collection.replace(array)
* ```
* @param {Object} recordOrRecords Record or records to replace
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* @param {Boolean} args.requireKey=true Throws if record doesn't have a key
* @return {Imm} Modified Imm collection
* @api public
function replace(recordOrRecords, args) {
var record, id;
var records = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = _idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
ids = _idsAsStrings(ids);
var newCol = immutableCollection.without(ids);
var merges = {};
var defaults = {
strict: false,
requireKey: true
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
if (anyExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
for (var a = 0; a < records.length; a++) {
record = records[a];
id = record[globalArgs.key];
if (!id) {
if (args.requireKey) throw new Error("Record must have ." + globalArgs.key);
id = _generateUID();
record[globalArgs.key] = id;
if (!id) throw new Error("Record must have ." + globalArgs.key);
merges[id] = record;
newCol = newCol.merge(merges);
return _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(newCol);
function toImmutable() {
return immutableCollection;
* Updates one record or many.
* This merges the given data with the existing one.
* If a record is not found then it gets added.
* This throws if a record doesn't have an key
* **Example**
* ```js
* collection = collection.update(record)
* collection = collection.update(array)
* ```
* @param {Object|Array} recordOrRecords Record or records to update
* @param {Object} args Optional arguments
* @param {Boolean} args.strict=false Throws if record exist
* @return {Imm} Modified collection
* @api public
function update(recordOrRecords, args) {
var defaults = {
strict: false
args = _defaults(args, defaults);
var givenId, givenRecord, toMerge, existing, mergedRecord;
var givenRecords = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var newCol = immutableCollection;
if (args.strict) {
// throw if any record exists
var records = _wrapAsArray(recordOrRecords);
var ids = _idsFromRecords(records, globalArgs.key);
if (anyExist(ids)) throw new Error('Some records already exist');
for (var a = 0; a < givenRecords.length; a++) {
givenRecord = givenRecords[a];
givenId = givenRecord[globalArgs.key];
// throw if no givenId
if (!givenId) throw new Error('Record must have .' + globalArgs.key);
existing = immutableCollection[givenId];
if (existing) {
mergedRecord = existing.merge(givenRecord);
} else {
mergedRecord = givenRecord;
toMerge = {};
toMerge[givenId] = mergedRecord;
newCol = newCol.merge(toMerge);
return _wrapImmutableCollectionWithArgs(newCol);
return {
isImm: true,
add: add,
allExist: allExist,
anyExist: anyExist,
array: array,
count: count,
filter: filter,
find: find,
get: get,
replace: replace,
map: map,
remove: remove,
toImmutable: toImmutable,
update: update,
return imm;
module.exports = imm;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

module.exports = function () {
module.exports = function() {
return [

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ {


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

module.exports = function () {
module.exports = function() {
return [

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ {


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