jsx is annoying. I made this because I prefer to do things with
js, and React.createElement is too much of a hassle.
what this lets you do:
- just use js
- no compile step
- no hoop jumping to get your text editor to play nice (it is just js)
- you only have to call jsxon once, when you are ready to render.
Your entire application could have a single jsxon call if you
wanted. You can split up your logic and build up the object you pass
in however you want.
return jsxon({
type: 'ul',
defaultElement: 'li'
children: [0,1,2,3,4].map(function(i){
return {
text: i
key: "item-"+i
is equivalent to this jsx:
var listItems = function(){
return [0,1,2,3,4].map(function(i){
return <li key="item-{i}">{i}</li>
return (<ul>
All keys are passed on to react except the following special keys:
- type: the element type to use (div / ul / li / etc)
- text: key to specify text for element (instead of children)
- children: key to specify the child nodes of an element
- defaultType: set the default type of element to use for type
(hierachical), see: defaultType
things this does that jsx doesn't do for you)
You can set the default element for "here on down". See the example
of lists of lists:
var lists = ['fooList', 'barList', 'bazList'];
var items = [0,1,2,3];
return jsxon({
type: 'ol',
defaultElement: 'li',
children: lists.sort.map(function(list){
return {
type: 'ul'
children: items.map(function(item){
return {
defaultElement: 'span'
children: [{
text: list
text: ' item: '
text: item
is equivalent to this jsx:
return (<ol>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
<span> item: </span>
You can optionally use an array to specify className, it will be
joined for you. This can be handy, for stuff like:
classNames = [];
return jsxon({
id: 'foo',
className: classNames