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knex-schema-inspector - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.2 to 2.0.3



@@ -6,24 +6,2 @@ import { Knex } from 'knex';

import { ForeignKey } from '../types/foreign-key';
declare type RawColumn = {
column_name: string;
table_name: string;
table_schema: string;
data_type: string;
column_default: string | null;
character_maximum_length: null | number | string;
is_generated: 'NEVER' | 'ALWAYS';
is_nullable: 'YES' | 'NO';
is_unique: boolean;
is_primary: boolean;
is_identity: 'YES' | 'NO';
generation_expression: null | string;
numeric_precision: null | number | string;
numeric_scale: null | number | string;
serial: null | string;
column_comment: string | null;
foreign_key_schema: null | string;
foreign_key_table: null | string;
foreign_key_column: null | string;
export declare function rawColumnToColumn(rawColumn: RawColumn): Column;

@@ -80,2 +58,1 @@ * Converts CockroachDB default value to JS

export {};


"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {

@@ -39,30 +50,4 @@ function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.parseDefaultValue = exports.rawColumnToColumn = void 0;
exports.parseDefaultValue = void 0;
var strip_quotes_1 = require("../utils/strip-quotes");
function convertStringOrNumber(t) {
return t == undefined ? t : Number(t);
function rawColumnToColumn(rawColumn) {
return {
name: rawColumn.column_name,
table: rawColumn.table_name,
data_type: rawColumn.data_type,
default_value: parseDefaultValue(rawColumn.column_default),
generation_expression: rawColumn.generation_expression || null,
max_length: convertStringOrNumber(rawColumn.character_maximum_length),
numeric_precision: convertStringOrNumber(rawColumn.numeric_precision),
numeric_scale: convertStringOrNumber(rawColumn.numeric_scale),
is_generated: rawColumn.is_generated === 'ALWAYS',
is_nullable: rawColumn.is_nullable === 'YES',
is_unique: rawColumn.is_unique,
is_primary_key: rawColumn.is_primary,
has_auto_increment: rawColumn.serial !== null || rawColumn.is_identity === 'YES',
comment: rawColumn.column_comment,
schema: rawColumn.table_schema,
foreign_key_schema: rawColumn.foreign_key_schema,
foreign_key_table: rawColumn.foreign_key_table,
foreign_key_column: rawColumn.foreign_key_column,
exports.rawColumnToColumn = rawColumnToColumn;

@@ -234,30 +219,33 @@ * Converts CockroachDB default value to JS

return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var knex, query, rawColumn, records;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
var knex, bindings, schemaIn, _a, columns, constraints, parsedColumms;
var _this = this;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
knex = this.knex;
query = knex
.select('c.column_name', 'c.table_name', 'c.data_type', 'c.column_default', 'c.character_maximum_length', 'c.is_generated', 'c.is_nullable', 'c.numeric_precision', 'c.numeric_scale', 'c.table_schema', 'c.is_identity', 'c.generation_expression', knex.raw('pg_get_serial_sequence(quote_ident(c.table_name), c.column_name) as serial'), knex.raw('pg_catalog.col_description(pg_class.oid, c.ordinal_position:: int) as column_comment'), knex.raw("COALESCE(pg.indisunique, false) as is_unique"), knex.raw("COALESCE(pg.indisprimary, false) as is_primary"), 'ffk.foreign_key_schema', 'ffk.foreign_key_table', 'ffk.foreign_key_column')
.from(knex.raw('information_schema.columns c'))
.joinRaw("\n LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class\n ON pg_catalog.pg_class.oid = CONCAT_WS('.', quote_ident(c.table_schema), quote_ident(c.table_name)):: regclass:: oid\n AND pg_catalog.pg_class.relname = c.table_name\n ")
.joinRaw("\n LEFT JOIN LATERAL (\n SELECT\n pg_index.indisprimary,\n pg_index.indisunique\n FROM pg_index\n JOIN pg_attribute\n ON pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_index.indrelid\n AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey)\n WHERE pg_index.indrelid = quote_ident(c.table_name)::regclass\n AND pg_attribute.attname = c.column_name\n AND pg_index.indnatts = 1\n LIMIT 1\n ) pg ON true\n ")
.joinRaw("\n LEFT JOIN LATERAL (\n SELECT\n k2.table_schema AS foreign_key_schema,\n k2.table_name AS foreign_key_table,\n k2.column_name AS foreign_key_column\n FROM\n information_schema.key_column_usage k1\n JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints fk using (\n constraint_schema, constraint_name\n )\n JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k2\n ON k2.constraint_schema = fk.unique_constraint_schema\n AND k2.constraint_name = fk.unique_constraint_name\n AND k2.ordinal_position = k1.position_in_unique_constraint\n WHERE k1.table_name = c.table_name\n AND k1.column_name = c.column_name\n ) ffk ON TRUE\n ")
.whereIn('c.table_schema', this.explodedSchema)
.andWhere('pg_class.relkind', '!=', 'S')
.orderBy(['c.table_name', 'c.ordinal_position']);
if (table) {
query.andWhere({ 'c.table_name': table });
if (!column) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, query
.andWhere({ 'c.column_name': column })
bindings = [];
if (table)
if (column)
schemaIn = (schemaName) { return "".concat(_this.knex.raw('?', [schemaName]), "::regnamespace"); });
return [4 /*yield*/, Promise.all([
knex.raw("\n SELECT *, CASE WHEN res.is_generated THEN (\n SELECT\n generation_expression\n FROM\n information_schema.columns\n WHERE\n table_schema = res.schema \n AND table_name = res.table \n AND column_name =\n ) ELSE NULL END AS generation_expression\n FROM (\n SELECT\n att.attname AS name,\n rel.relname AS table,\n rel.relnamespace::regnamespace::text AS schema,\n format_type(att.atttypid, null) AS data_type,\n NOT att.attnotnull AS is_nullable,\n CASE WHEN att.attgenerated = '' THEN pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) ELSE null END AS default_value,\n att.attgenerated = 's' AS is_generated,\n CASE\n WHEN att.atttypid IN (1042, 1043) THEN (att.atttypmod - 4)::int4\n WHEN att.atttypid IN (1560, 1562) THEN (att.atttypmod)::int4\n ELSE NULL\n END AS max_length,\n des.description AS comment,\n CASE att.atttypid\n WHEN 21 THEN 16\n WHEN 23 THEN 32\n WHEN 20 THEN 64\n WHEN 1700 THEN\n CASE WHEN atttypmod = -1 THEN NULL\n ELSE (((atttypmod - 4) >> 16) & 65535)::int4\n END\n WHEN 700 THEN 24\n WHEN 701 THEN 53\n ELSE NULL\n END AS numeric_precision,\n CASE\n WHEN atttypid IN (21, 23, 20) THEN 0\n WHEN atttypid = 1700 THEN\n CASE\n WHEN atttypmod = -1 THEN NULL\n ELSE ((atttypmod - 4) & 65535)::int4\n END\n ELSE null\n END AS numeric_scale\n FROM\n pg_attribute att\n LEFT JOIN pg_class rel ON att.attrelid = rel.oid\n LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON (att.attrelid, att.attnum) = (ad.adrelid, ad.adnum)\n LEFT JOIN pg_description des ON (att.attrelid, att.attnum) = (des.objoid, des.objsubid)\n WHERE\n rel.relnamespace IN (".concat(schemaIn, ")\n ").concat(table ? 'AND rel.relname = ?' : '', "\n ").concat(column ? 'AND att.attname = ?' : '', "\n AND rel.relkind = 'r'\n AND att.attnum > 0\n AND NOT att.attisdropped\n ORDER BY rel.relname, att.attnum) res;\n "), bindings),
knex.raw("\n SELECT\n con.contype AS type,\n rel.relname AS table,\n att.attname AS column,\n frel.relnamespace::regnamespace::text AS foreign_key_schema,\n frel.relname AS foreign_key_table,\n fatt.attname AS foreign_key_column,\n false AS has_auto_increment\n FROM\n pg_constraint con\n LEFT JOIN pg_class rel ON con.conrelid = rel.oid\n LEFT JOIN pg_class frel ON con.confrelid = frel.oid\n LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att ON att.attrelid = con.conrelid AND att.attnum = con.conkey[1]\n LEFT JOIN pg_attribute fatt ON fatt.attrelid = con.confrelid AND fatt.attnum = con.confkey[1]\n WHERE con.connamespace IN (".concat(schemaIn, ")\n AND array_length(con.conkey, 1) <= 1\n AND (con.confkey IS NULL OR array_length(con.confkey, 1) = 1)\n ").concat(table ? 'AND rel.relname = ?' : '', "\n ").concat(column ? 'AND att.attname = ?' : '', "\n "), bindings),
case 1:
rawColumn = _a.sent();
return [2 /*return*/, rawColumnToColumn(rawColumn)];
case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, query];
case 3:
records = _a.sent();
return [2 /*return*/,];
_a = _b.sent(), columns = _a[0], constraints = _a[1];
parsedColumms = (col) {
var _a, _b, _c;
var constraintsForColumn = constraints.rows.filter(function (constraint) {
return constraint.table === col.table && constraint.column ===;
var foreignKeyConstraint = constraintsForColumn.find(function (constraint) { return constraint.type === 'f'; });
return __assign(__assign({}, col), { is_unique: constraintsForColumn.some(function (constraint) {
return ['u', 'p'].includes(constraint.type);
}), is_primary_key: constraintsForColumn.some(function (constraint) { return constraint.type === 'p'; }), has_auto_increment: constraintsForColumn.some(function (constraint) { return constraint.has_auto_increment; }), default_value: parseDefaultValue(col.default_value), foreign_key_schema: (_a = foreignKeyConstraint === null || foreignKeyConstraint === void 0 ? void 0 : foreignKeyConstraint.foreign_key_schema) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null, foreign_key_table: (_b = foreignKeyConstraint === null || foreignKeyConstraint === void 0 ? void 0 : foreignKeyConstraint.foreign_key_table) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null, foreign_key_column: (_c = foreignKeyConstraint === null || foreignKeyConstraint === void 0 ? void 0 : foreignKeyConstraint.foreign_key_column) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null });
if (table && column)
return [2 /*return*/, parsedColumms[0]];
return [2 /*return*/, parsedColumms];

@@ -264,0 +252,0 @@ });

@@ -15,51 +15,26 @@ import { Knex } from 'knex';

type RawColumn = {
column_name: string;
table_name: string;
table_schema: string;
name: string;
table: string;
schema: string;
data_type: string;
column_default: string | null;
character_maximum_length: null | number | string;
is_generated: 'NEVER' | 'ALWAYS';
is_nullable: 'YES' | 'NO';
is_unique: boolean;
is_primary: boolean;
is_identity: 'YES' | 'NO';
is_nullable: boolean;
generation_expression: null | string;
numeric_precision: null | number | string;
numeric_scale: null | number | string;
serial: null | string;
column_comment: string | null;
default_value: null | string;
is_generated: boolean;
max_length: null | number;
comment: null | string;
numeric_precision: null | number;
numeric_scale: null | number;
type Constraint = {
type: 'f' | 'p' | 'u';
table: string;
column: string;
foreign_key_schema: null | string;
foreign_key_table: null | string;
foreign_key_column: null | string;
has_auto_increment: null | boolean;
function convertStringOrNumber(t: string | number | null): number | null {
return t == undefined ? t : Number(t);
export function rawColumnToColumn(rawColumn: RawColumn): Column {
return {
name: rawColumn.column_name,
table: rawColumn.table_name,
data_type: rawColumn.data_type,
default_value: parseDefaultValue(rawColumn.column_default),
generation_expression: rawColumn.generation_expression || null,
max_length: convertStringOrNumber(rawColumn.character_maximum_length),
numeric_precision: convertStringOrNumber(rawColumn.numeric_precision),
numeric_scale: convertStringOrNumber(rawColumn.numeric_scale),
is_generated: rawColumn.is_generated === 'ALWAYS',
is_nullable: rawColumn.is_nullable === 'YES',
is_unique: rawColumn.is_unique,
is_primary_key: rawColumn.is_primary,
rawColumn.serial !== null || rawColumn.is_identity === 'YES',
comment: rawColumn.column_comment,
schema: rawColumn.table_schema,
foreign_key_schema: rawColumn.foreign_key_schema,
foreign_key_table: rawColumn.foreign_key_table,
foreign_key_column: rawColumn.foreign_key_column,

@@ -223,97 +198,131 @@ * Converts CockroachDB default value to JS

const query = knex
const bindings: any[] = [];
if (table) bindings.push(table);
if (column) bindings.push(column);
'pg_get_serial_sequence(quote_ident(c.table_name), c.column_name) as serial'
const schemaIn =
(schemaName) => `${this.knex.raw('?', [schemaName])}::regnamespace`
'pg_catalog.col_description(pg_class.oid, c.ordinal_position:: int) as column_comment'
knex.raw(`COALESCE(pg.indisunique, false) as is_unique`),
knex.raw(`COALESCE(pg.indisprimary, false) as is_primary`),
.from(knex.raw('information_schema.columns c'))
const [columns, constraints] = await Promise.all([
knex.raw<{ rows: RawColumn[] }>(
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class
ON pg_catalog.pg_class.oid = CONCAT_WS('.', quote_ident(c.table_schema), quote_ident(c.table_name)):: regclass:: oid
AND pg_catalog.pg_class.relname = c.table_name
SELECT *, CASE WHEN res.is_generated THEN (
FROM pg_index
JOIN pg_attribute
ON pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_index.indrelid
AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey)
WHERE pg_index.indrelid = quote_ident(c.table_name)::regclass
AND pg_attribute.attname = c.column_name
AND pg_index.indnatts = 1
) pg ON true
table_schema = res.schema
AND table_name = res.table
AND column_name =
) ELSE NULL END AS generation_expression
att.attname AS name,
rel.relname AS table,
rel.relnamespace::regnamespace::text AS schema,
format_type(att.atttypid, null) AS data_type,
NOT att.attnotnull AS is_nullable,
CASE WHEN att.attgenerated = '' THEN pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) ELSE null END AS default_value,
att.attgenerated = 's' AS is_generated,
WHEN att.atttypid IN (1042, 1043) THEN (att.atttypmod - 4)::int4
WHEN att.atttypid IN (1560, 1562) THEN (att.atttypmod)::int4
END AS max_length,
des.description AS comment,
CASE att.atttypid
CASE WHEN atttypmod = -1 THEN NULL
ELSE (((atttypmod - 4) >> 16) & 65535)::int4
WHEN 700 THEN 24
WHEN 701 THEN 53
END AS numeric_precision,
WHEN atttypid IN (21, 23, 20) THEN 0
WHEN atttypid = 1700 THEN
WHEN atttypmod = -1 THEN NULL
ELSE ((atttypmod - 4) & 65535)::int4
ELSE null
END AS numeric_scale
pg_attribute att
LEFT JOIN pg_class rel ON att.attrelid = rel.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON (att.attrelid, att.attnum) = (ad.adrelid, ad.adnum)
LEFT JOIN pg_description des ON (att.attrelid, att.attnum) = (des.objoid, des.objsubid)
rel.relnamespace IN (${schemaIn})
${table ? 'AND rel.relname = ?' : ''}
${column ? 'AND att.attname = ?' : ''}
AND rel.relkind = 'r'
AND att.attnum > 0
AND NOT att.attisdropped
ORDER BY rel.relname, att.attnum) res;
knex.raw<{ rows: Constraint[] }>(
k2.table_schema AS foreign_key_schema,
k2.table_name AS foreign_key_table,
k2.column_name AS foreign_key_column
information_schema.key_column_usage k1
JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints fk using (
constraint_schema, constraint_name
JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k2
ON k2.constraint_schema = fk.unique_constraint_schema
AND k2.constraint_name = fk.unique_constraint_name
AND k2.ordinal_position = k1.position_in_unique_constraint
WHERE k1.table_name = c.table_name
AND k1.column_name = c.column_name
) ffk ON TRUE
.whereIn('c.table_schema', this.explodedSchema)
.andWhere('pg_class.relkind', '!=', 'S')
.orderBy(['c.table_name', 'c.ordinal_position']);
con.contype AS type,
rel.relname AS table,
att.attname AS column,
frel.relnamespace::regnamespace::text AS foreign_key_schema,
frel.relname AS foreign_key_table,
fatt.attname AS foreign_key_column,
false AS has_auto_increment
pg_constraint con
LEFT JOIN pg_class rel ON con.conrelid = rel.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class frel ON con.confrelid = frel.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att ON att.attrelid = con.conrelid AND att.attnum = con.conkey[1]
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute fatt ON fatt.attrelid = con.confrelid AND fatt.attnum = con.confkey[1]
WHERE con.connamespace IN (${schemaIn})
AND array_length(con.conkey, 1) <= 1
AND (con.confkey IS NULL OR array_length(con.confkey, 1) = 1)
${table ? 'AND rel.relname = ?' : ''}
${column ? 'AND att.attname = ?' : ''}
if (table) {
query.andWhere({ 'c.table_name': table });
const parsedColumms: Column[] = Column => {
const constraintsForColumn = constraints.rows.filter(
(constraint) =>
constraint.table === col.table && constraint.column ===
if (column) {
const rawColumn = await query
.andWhere({ 'c.column_name': column })
const foreignKeyConstraint = constraintsForColumn.find(
(constraint) => constraint.type === 'f'
return rawColumnToColumn(rawColumn);
return {
is_unique: constraintsForColumn.some((constraint) =>
['u', 'p'].includes(constraint.type)
is_primary_key: constraintsForColumn.some(
(constraint) => constraint.type === 'p'
has_auto_increment: constraintsForColumn.some(
(constraint) => constraint.has_auto_increment
default_value: parseDefaultValue(col.default_value),
foreign_key_schema: foreignKeyConstraint?.foreign_key_schema ?? null,
foreign_key_table: foreignKeyConstraint?.foreign_key_table ?? null,
foreign_key_column: foreignKeyConstraint?.foreign_key_column ?? null,
const records: RawColumn[] = await query;
if (table && column) return parsedColumms[0];
return parsedColumms;

@@ -320,0 +329,0 @@

"name": "knex-schema-inspector",
"version": "2.0.2",
"version": "2.0.3",
"description": "Utility for extracting information about existing DB schema",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc --build",
"prepare": "npm run build",
"lint": "prettier --check .",
"test": "npm run lint && ts-mocha test/**/*.spec.ts --timeout 10000"
"repository": {

@@ -71,3 +65,8 @@ "type": "git",

"lodash.isnil": "^4.0.0"
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc --build",
"lint": "prettier --check .",
"test": "npm run lint && ts-mocha test/**/*.spec.ts --timeout 10000"

@@ -133,98 +133,38 @@ import knex, { Knex } from 'knex';

table: 'camelCase',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'bigint',
is_nullable: false,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: 'unique_rowid()',
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: false,
is_unique: true,
is_primary_key: true,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,
comment: null,
data_type: 'bigint',
default_value: 'unique_rowid()',
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
generation_expression: null,
has_auto_increment: false,
is_generated: false,
is_nullable: false,
is_primary_key: true,
is_unique: true,
max_length: null,
name: 'rowid',
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
schema: 'public',
table: 'page_visits',
comment: null,
data_type: 'bigint',
default_value: null,
foreign_key_column: 'primaryKey',
foreign_key_schema: 'public',
foreign_key_table: 'camelCase',
generation_expression: null,
has_auto_increment: false,
is_generated: false,
is_nullable: false,
is_primary_key: false,
is_unique: false,
max_length: null,
name: 'team_id',
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
schema: 'public',
table: 'users',
comment: null,
data_type: 'bigint',
default_value: null,
foreign_key_column: 'id',
foreign_key_schema: 'public',
foreign_key_table: 'users',
generation_expression: null,
has_auto_increment: false,
is_generated: false,
is_nullable: false,
is_primary_key: false,
is_unique: false,
max_length: null,
name: 'team_id',
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
schema: 'public',
table: 'users',
name: 'request_path',
table: 'page_visits',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character varying',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: 100,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -234,18 +174,18 @@ {

table: 'page_visits',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character varying',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: 200,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -255,18 +195,38 @@ {

table: 'page_visits',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'timestamp without time zone',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
name: 'rowid',
table: 'page_visits',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'bigint',
is_nullable: false,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: 'unique_rowid()',
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,

@@ -276,18 +236,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'bigint',
is_nullable: false,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: 'unique_rowid()',
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: false,
is_unique: true,
is_primary_key: true,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -297,18 +257,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character',
is_nullable: false,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: 36,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: false,
is_unique: true,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -318,18 +278,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character varying',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: 100,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -339,18 +299,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character varying',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: 'upper(name)',
default_value: null,
is_generated: true,
max_length: 100,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: 'upper(name)',
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -360,18 +320,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'text',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -381,18 +341,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'bigint',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: 'Remaining usage credits',
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: 'Remaining usage credits',
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -402,18 +362,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'timestamp without time zone',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -423,18 +383,18 @@ {

table: 'teams',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'date',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -444,18 +404,18 @@ {

table: 'users',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'bigint',
is_nullable: false,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: 'unique_rowid()',
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: false,
is_unique: true,
is_primary_key: true,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -465,18 +425,18 @@ {

table: 'users',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'bigint',
is_nullable: false,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: null,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: 64,
numeric_scale: 0,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: false,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: 'public',
foreign_key_table: 'teams',
foreign_key_column: 'id',
foreign_key_table: 'teams',
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: 'public',

@@ -486,18 +446,18 @@ {

table: 'users',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character varying',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: 100,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -507,18 +467,18 @@ {

table: 'users',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character varying',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: null,
is_generated: false,
max_length: 60,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -528,18 +488,18 @@ {

table: 'users',
schema: 'public',
data_type: 'character varying',
is_nullable: true,
generation_expression: null,
default_value: 'active',
is_generated: false,
max_length: 60,
comment: null,
numeric_precision: null,
numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
generation_expression: null,
is_nullable: true,
is_unique: false,
is_primary_key: false,
has_auto_increment: false,
foreign_key_schema: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
foreign_key_column: null,
foreign_key_table: null,
comment: null,
schema: 'public',
foreign_key_schema: null,

@@ -619,3 +579,3 @@ ]);

numeric_scale: null,
is_generated: false,
is_generated: true,
generation_expression: 'upper(name)',

@@ -622,0 +582,0 @@ is_nullable: true,

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