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linked-list-typed - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -398,15 +398,15 @@ /**

* // 1. Find lyric at exact timestamp
* const exactTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 36000);
* const exactTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 36000);
* console.log(exactTimeLyric?.text); // 'And ignite your bones'
* // 2. Find lyric between timestamps
* const betweenTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 22000);
* const betweenTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 22000);
* console.log(betweenTimeLyric?.text); // "When you lose something you can't replace"
* // 3. Find first lyric when timestamp is less than first entry
* const earlyTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= -1000);
* const earlyTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= -1000);
* console.log(earlyTimeLyric); // undefined
* // 4. Find last lyric when timestamp is after last entry
* const lateTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 50000);
* const lateTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 50000);
* console.log(lateTimeLyric?.text); // 'And I will try to fix you'

@@ -528,11 +528,16 @@ * @example

* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(n)
* Time Complexity: O(1)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `fromArray` function creates a new instance of a DoublyLinkedList and populates it with the elements from the
* given array.
* @param {E[]} data - The `data` parameter is an array of elements of type `E`.
* @returns The `fromArray` function returns a DoublyLinkedList object.
* The function `isNode` in TypeScript checks if a given input is an instance of
* `DoublyLinkedListNode`.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter in the `isNode` function can
* be one of the following types:
* @returns The `isNode` function is checking if the `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter is an
* instance of `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`. If it is, the function returns `true`, indicating that the
* parameter is a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`. If it is not an instance of `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`,
* the function returns `false`.
static fromArray<E>(data: E[]): DoublyLinkedList<E, any>;
isNode(elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)): elementNodeOrPredicate is DoublyLinkedListNode<E>;

@@ -542,8 +547,8 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1)

* The push function adds a new element to the end of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E} element - The "element" parameter represents the value that you want to add to the
* doubly linked list.
* @returns The `push` method is returning a boolean value, `true`.
* The `push` function adds a new element or node to the end of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the `push`
* method can accept either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `push` method is returning a boolean value, specifically `true`.
push(element: E): boolean;
push(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean;

@@ -569,8 +574,9 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1)

* The unshift function adds a new element to the beginning of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E} element - The "element" parameter represents the value of the element that you want to
* add to the beginning of the doubly linked list.
* @returns The `unshift` method is returning a boolean value, `true`.
* The unshift function adds a new element or node to the beginning of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the
* `unshift` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an
* element of type `E`.
* @returns The `unshift` method is returning a boolean value, specifically `true`.
unshift(element: E): boolean;
unshift(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean;

@@ -603,9 +609,17 @@ * Time Complexity: O(n)

* The function `findNodeByValue` searches for a node with a specific value in a doubly linked list and returns the
* node if found, otherwise it returns undefined.
* @param {E} value - The `value` parameter is the value that we want to search for in the doubly linked list.
* @returns The function `findNodeByValue` returns a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` if a node with the specified value `value`
* is found in the linked list. If no such node is found, it returns `undefined`.
* This TypeScript function searches for a node in a doubly linked list based on a given element node
* or predicate.
* @param {| E
* | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>
* | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
* | undefined} elementNodeOrPredicate - The `getNode` method you provided is used to find a
* node in a doubly linked list based on a given element, node, or predicate function. The
* `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following:
* @returns The `getNode` method returns a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` or `undefined` based on the
* input `elementNodeOrPredicate`. If the input is `undefined`, the method returns `undefined`.
* Otherwise, it iterates through the linked list starting from the head node and applies the
* provided predicate function to each node. If a node satisfies the predicate, that node is
* returned. If
getNode(value: E | undefined): DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined;
getNode(elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean) | undefined): DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined;

@@ -615,11 +629,13 @@ * Time Complexity: O(n)

* The `insert` function inserts a value at a specified index in a doubly linked list.
* @param {number} index - The index parameter represents the position at which the new value should be inserted in the
* DoublyLinkedList. It is of type number.
* @param {E} value - The `value` parameter represents the value that you want to insert into the Doubly Linked List at the
* specified index.
* @returns The `insert` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the insertion is successful, and `false`
* if the index is out of bounds.
* The `addAt` function inserts a new element or node at a specified index in a doubly linked list.
* @param {number} index - The `index` parameter in the `addAt` method represents the position at
* which you want to add a new element or node in the doubly linked list. It indicates the location
* where the new element or node should be inserted.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter in the
* `addAt` method can be either a value of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `addAt` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the element or node was
* successfully added at the specified index, and `false` if the index is out of bounds (less than 0
* or greater than the size of the list).
addAt(index: number, value: E): boolean;
addAt(index: number, newElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean;

@@ -629,12 +645,14 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1) or O(n)

* The `addBefore` function inserts a new value before an existing value or node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingValueOrNode - The existing value or node in the doubly linked list
* before which the new value will be inserted. It can be either the value of the existing node or the existing node
* itself.
* @param {E} newValue - The `newValue` parameter represents the value that you want to insert into the doubly linked
* list.
* @returns The method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the insertion is successful, and `false` if the
* insertion fails.
* The `addBefore` function in TypeScript adds a new element or node before an existing element or
* node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingElementOrNode - The `existingElementOrNode` parameter
* in the `addBefore` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter
* represents the element or node that you want to add before the `existingElementOrNode` in a doubly
* linked list.
* @returns The `addBefore` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the new element or node was
* successfully added before the existing element or node, and `false` if the existing element or
* node was not found.
addBefore(existingValueOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>, newValue: E): boolean;
addBefore(existingElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>, newElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean;

@@ -644,11 +662,15 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1) or O(n)

* The `addAfter` function inserts a new node with a given value after an existing node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingValueOrNode - The existing value or node in the doubly linked list
* after which the new value will be inserted. It can be either the value of the existing node or the existing node
* itself.
* @param {E} newValue - The value that you want to insert into the doubly linked list.
* @returns The method returns a boolean value. It returns true if the insertion is successful, and false if the
* existing value or node is not found in the doubly linked list.
* The `addAfter` function in TypeScript adds a new element or node after an existing element or node
* in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingElementOrNode - existingElementOrNode represents the
* element or node in the doubly linked list after which you want to add a new element or node.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter in the
* `addAfter` method represents the element or node that you want to add after the existing element
* or node in a doubly linked list. This parameter can be either an element value or a
* `DoublyLinkedListNode` object that you want to insert
* @returns The `addAfter` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the new element or node was
* successfully added after the existing element or node, and `false` if the existing element or node
* was not found in the linked list.
addAfter(existingValueOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>, newValue: E): boolean;
addAfter(existingElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>, newElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean;

@@ -669,9 +691,12 @@ * Time Complexity: O(n)

* The `delete` function removes a node from a doubly linked list based on either the node itself or its value.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} valOrNode - The `valOrNode` parameter can accept either a value of type `E` or
* a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the value or node was successfully
* deleted from the doubly linked list, and `false` if the value or node was not found in the list.
* The `delete` function removes a specified element or node from a doubly linked list if it exists.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in
* the `delete` method can accept an element of type `E`, a `DoublyLinkedListNode` of type `E`, or it
* can be `undefined`. This parameter is used to identify the node that needs to be deleted from the
* doubly linked list
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the element or node was
* successfully deleted from the doubly linked list, and `false` if the element or node was not found
* in the list.
delete(valOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined): boolean;
delete(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined): boolean;

@@ -696,9 +721,12 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1)

* The function returns the index of the first occurrence of a given value in a linked list.
* @param {E} value - The parameter `value` is of type `E`, which means it can be any data type. It represents the value
* that we are searching for in the linked list.
* @returns The method `indexOf` returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified value `value` in the linked
* list. If the value is not found, it returns -1.
* The indexOf function in TypeScript returns the index of a specified element or node in a Doubly
* Linked List.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the
* `indexOf` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an
* element of type `E`.
* @returns The `indexOf` method is returning the index of the element or node in the doubly linked
* list. If the element or node is found in the list, the method returns the index of that element or
* node. If the element or node is not found in the list, the method returns -1.
indexOf(value: E): number;
indexOf(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): number;

@@ -708,14 +736,31 @@ * Time Complexity: O(n)

* The `findBackward` function iterates through a linked list from the last node to the first node and returns the last
* value that satisfies the given callback function, or undefined if no value satisfies the callback.
* @param callback - A function that takes a value of type E as its parameter and returns a boolean value. This
* function is used to determine whether a given value satisfies a certain condition.
* @returns The method `findBackward` returns the last value in the linked list that satisfies the condition specified by
* the callback function. If no value satisfies the condition, it returns `undefined`.
findBackward(callback: (value: E) => boolean): E | undefined;
* This function retrieves an element from a doubly linked list based on a given element
* node or predicate.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `get` method takes in a parameter called `elementNodeOrPredicate`,
* which can be one of the following types:
* @returns The `get` method returns the value of the first node in the doubly linked list that
* satisfies the provided predicate function. If no such node is found, it returns `undefined`.
get(elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)): E | undefined;
* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `getBackward` function searches for a specific element in a doubly linked list starting from
* the tail and moving backwards.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter in the `getBackward`
* function can be one of the following types:
* @returns The `getBackward` method returns the value of the element node that matches the provided
* predicate when traversing the doubly linked list backwards. If no matching element is found, it
* returns `undefined`.
getBackward(elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)): E | undefined;
* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `reverse` function reverses the order of the elements in a doubly linked list.

@@ -790,5 +835,45 @@ */

* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(n)
* The `fromArray` function creates a new instance of a DoublyLinkedList and populates it with the elements from the
* given array.
* @param {E[]} data - The `data` parameter is an array of elements of type `E`.
* @returns The `fromArray` function returns a DoublyLinkedList object.
static fromArray<E>(data: E[]): DoublyLinkedList<E, any>;
* The function returns an iterator that iterates over the values of a linked list.
protected _getIterator(): IterableIterator<E>;
* The function `_isPredicate` checks if the input is a function that takes a `DoublyLinkedListNode`
* as an argument and returns a boolean.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following
* types:
* @returns The _isPredicate method is returning a boolean value indicating whether the
* elementNodeOrPredicate parameter is a function or not. If the elementNodeOrPredicate is a
* function, the method will return true, indicating that it is a predicate function.
protected _isPredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)): elementNodeOrPredicate is (node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean;
* The function `_ensureNode` ensures that the input is a valid node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter can be either
* an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an element of type `E`.
* @returns If the `elementOrNode` parameter is already a `DoublyLinkedListNode`, it will be returned
* as is. Otherwise, a new `DoublyLinkedListNode` instance will be created with the `elementOrNode`
* value and returned.
protected _ensureNode(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): DoublyLinkedListNode<E>;
* The function `_ensurePredicate` in TypeScript ensures that the input is either a node, a predicate
* function, or a value to compare with the node's value.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following
* types:
* @returns A function is being returned that takes a `DoublyLinkedListNode` as a parameter and
* returns a boolean value based on the conditions specified in the code.
protected _ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)): (node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean;

@@ -407,15 +407,15 @@ "use strict";

* // 1. Find lyric at exact timestamp
* const exactTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 36000);
* const exactTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 36000);
* console.log(exactTimeLyric?.text); // 'And ignite your bones'
* // 2. Find lyric between timestamps
* const betweenTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 22000);
* const betweenTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 22000);
* console.log(betweenTimeLyric?.text); // "When you lose something you can't replace"
* // 3. Find first lyric when timestamp is less than first entry
* const earlyTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= -1000);
* const earlyTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= -1000);
* console.log(earlyTimeLyric); // undefined
* // 4. Find last lyric when timestamp is after last entry
* const lateTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 50000);
* const lateTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 50000);
* console.log(lateTimeLyric?.text); // 'And I will try to fix you'

@@ -560,12 +560,17 @@ * @example

* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(n)
* Time Complexity: O(1)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `fromArray` function creates a new instance of a DoublyLinkedList and populates it with the elements from the
* given array.
* @param {E[]} data - The `data` parameter is an array of elements of type `E`.
* @returns The `fromArray` function returns a DoublyLinkedList object.
* The function `isNode` in TypeScript checks if a given input is an instance of
* `DoublyLinkedListNode`.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter in the `isNode` function can
* be one of the following types:
* @returns The `isNode` function is checking if the `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter is an
* instance of `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`. If it is, the function returns `true`, indicating that the
* parameter is a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`. If it is not an instance of `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`,
* the function returns `false`.
static fromArray(data) {
return new DoublyLinkedList(data);
isNode(elementNodeOrPredicate) {
return elementNodeOrPredicate instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode;

@@ -576,9 +581,9 @@ /**

* The push function adds a new element to the end of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E} element - The "element" parameter represents the value that you want to add to the
* doubly linked list.
* @returns The `push` method is returning a boolean value, `true`.
* The `push` function adds a new element or node to the end of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the `push`
* method can accept either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `push` method is returning a boolean value, specifically `true`.
push(element) {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(element);
push(elementOrNode) {
const newNode = this._ensureNode(elementOrNode);
if (!this.head) {

@@ -644,9 +649,10 @@ this._head = newNode;

* The unshift function adds a new element to the beginning of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E} element - The "element" parameter represents the value of the element that you want to
* add to the beginning of the doubly linked list.
* @returns The `unshift` method is returning a boolean value, `true`.
* The unshift function adds a new element or node to the beginning of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the
* `unshift` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an
* element of type `E`.
* @returns The `unshift` method is returning a boolean value, specifically `true`.
unshift(element) {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(element);
unshift(elementOrNode) {
const newNode = this._ensureNode(elementOrNode);
if (!this.head) {

@@ -707,12 +713,23 @@ this._head = newNode;

* The function `findNodeByValue` searches for a node with a specific value in a doubly linked list and returns the
* node if found, otherwise it returns undefined.
* @param {E} value - The `value` parameter is the value that we want to search for in the doubly linked list.
* @returns The function `findNodeByValue` returns a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` if a node with the specified value `value`
* is found in the linked list. If no such node is found, it returns `undefined`.
* This TypeScript function searches for a node in a doubly linked list based on a given element node
* or predicate.
* @param {| E
* | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>
* | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
* | undefined} elementNodeOrPredicate - The `getNode` method you provided is used to find a
* node in a doubly linked list based on a given element, node, or predicate function. The
* `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following:
* @returns The `getNode` method returns a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` or `undefined` based on the
* input `elementNodeOrPredicate`. If the input is `undefined`, the method returns `undefined`.
* Otherwise, it iterates through the linked list starting from the head node and applies the
* provided predicate function to each node. If a node satisfies the predicate, that node is
* returned. If
getNode(value) {
getNode(elementNodeOrPredicate) {
if (elementNodeOrPredicate === undefined)
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate);
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (current.value === value) {
if (predicate(current)) {
return current;

@@ -728,22 +745,24 @@ }

* The `insert` function inserts a value at a specified index in a doubly linked list.
* @param {number} index - The index parameter represents the position at which the new value should be inserted in the
* DoublyLinkedList. It is of type number.
* @param {E} value - The `value` parameter represents the value that you want to insert into the Doubly Linked List at the
* specified index.
* @returns The `insert` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the insertion is successful, and `false`
* if the index is out of bounds.
* The `addAt` function inserts a new element or node at a specified index in a doubly linked list.
* @param {number} index - The `index` parameter in the `addAt` method represents the position at
* which you want to add a new element or node in the doubly linked list. It indicates the location
* where the new element or node should be inserted.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter in the
* `addAt` method can be either a value of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `addAt` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the element or node was
* successfully added at the specified index, and `false` if the index is out of bounds (less than 0
* or greater than the size of the list).
addAt(index, value) {
addAt(index, newElementOrNode) {
if (index < 0 || index > this._size)
return false;
if (index === 0) {
return true;
if (index === this._size) {
return true;
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(value);
const newNode = this._ensureNode(newElementOrNode);
const prevNode = this.getNodeAt(index - 1);

@@ -762,21 +781,23 @@ const nextNode =;

* The `addBefore` function inserts a new value before an existing value or node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingValueOrNode - The existing value or node in the doubly linked list
* before which the new value will be inserted. It can be either the value of the existing node or the existing node
* itself.
* @param {E} newValue - The `newValue` parameter represents the value that you want to insert into the doubly linked
* list.
* @returns The method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the insertion is successful, and `false` if the
* insertion fails.
* The `addBefore` function in TypeScript adds a new element or node before an existing element or
* node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingElementOrNode - The `existingElementOrNode` parameter
* in the `addBefore` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter
* represents the element or node that you want to add before the `existingElementOrNode` in a doubly
* linked list.
* @returns The `addBefore` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the new element or node was
* successfully added before the existing element or node, and `false` if the existing element or
* node was not found.
addBefore(existingValueOrNode, newValue) {
addBefore(existingElementOrNode, newElementOrNode) {
let existingNode;
if (existingValueOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingValueOrNode;
if (existingElementOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingElementOrNode;
else {
existingNode = this.getNode(existingValueOrNode);
existingNode = this.getNode(existingElementOrNode);
if (existingNode) {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(newValue);
const newNode = this._ensureNode(newElementOrNode);
newNode.prev = existingNode.prev;

@@ -800,20 +821,24 @@ if (existingNode.prev) {

* The `addAfter` function inserts a new node with a given value after an existing node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingValueOrNode - The existing value or node in the doubly linked list
* after which the new value will be inserted. It can be either the value of the existing node or the existing node
* itself.
* @param {E} newValue - The value that you want to insert into the doubly linked list.
* @returns The method returns a boolean value. It returns true if the insertion is successful, and false if the
* existing value or node is not found in the doubly linked list.
* The `addAfter` function in TypeScript adds a new element or node after an existing element or node
* in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingElementOrNode - existingElementOrNode represents the
* element or node in the doubly linked list after which you want to add a new element or node.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter in the
* `addAfter` method represents the element or node that you want to add after the existing element
* or node in a doubly linked list. This parameter can be either an element value or a
* `DoublyLinkedListNode` object that you want to insert
* @returns The `addAfter` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the new element or node was
* successfully added after the existing element or node, and `false` if the existing element or node
* was not found in the linked list.
addAfter(existingValueOrNode, newValue) {
addAfter(existingElementOrNode, newElementOrNode) {
let existingNode;
if (existingValueOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingValueOrNode;
if (existingElementOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingElementOrNode;
else {
existingNode = this.getNode(existingValueOrNode);
existingNode = this.getNode(existingElementOrNode);
if (existingNode) {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(newValue);
const newNode = this._ensureNode(newElementOrNode); =;

@@ -866,16 +891,13 @@ if ( {

* The `delete` function removes a node from a doubly linked list based on either the node itself or its value.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} valOrNode - The `valOrNode` parameter can accept either a value of type `E` or
* a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the value or node was successfully
* deleted from the doubly linked list, and `false` if the value or node was not found in the list.
* The `delete` function removes a specified element or node from a doubly linked list if it exists.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in
* the `delete` method can accept an element of type `E`, a `DoublyLinkedListNode` of type `E`, or it
* can be `undefined`. This parameter is used to identify the node that needs to be deleted from the
* doubly linked list
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the element or node was
* successfully deleted from the doubly linked list, and `false` if the element or node was not found
* in the list.
delete(valOrNode) {
let node;
if (valOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
node = valOrNode;
else {
node = this.getNode(valOrNode);
delete(elementOrNode) {
const node = this.getNode(elementOrNode);
if (node) {

@@ -926,13 +948,17 @@ if (node === this.head) {

* The function returns the index of the first occurrence of a given value in a linked list.
* @param {E} value - The parameter `value` is of type `E`, which means it can be any data type. It represents the value
* that we are searching for in the linked list.
* @returns The method `indexOf` returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified value `value` in the linked
* list. If the value is not found, it returns -1.
* The indexOf function in TypeScript returns the index of a specified element or node in a Doubly
* Linked List.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the
* `indexOf` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an
* element of type `E`.
* @returns The `indexOf` method is returning the index of the element or node in the doubly linked
* list. If the element or node is found in the list, the method returns the index of that element or
* node. If the element or node is not found in the list, the method returns -1.
indexOf(value) {
indexOf(elementOrNode) {
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementOrNode);
let index = 0;
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (current.value === value) {
if (predicate(current)) {
return index;

@@ -949,15 +975,41 @@ }

* The `findBackward` function iterates through a linked list from the last node to the first node and returns the last
* value that satisfies the given callback function, or undefined if no value satisfies the callback.
* @param callback - A function that takes a value of type E as its parameter and returns a boolean value. This
* function is used to determine whether a given value satisfies a certain condition.
* @returns The method `findBackward` returns the last value in the linked list that satisfies the condition specified by
* the callback function. If no value satisfies the condition, it returns `undefined`.
findBackward(callback) {
* This function retrieves an element from a doubly linked list based on a given element
* node or predicate.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `get` method takes in a parameter called `elementNodeOrPredicate`,
* which can be one of the following types:
* @returns The `get` method returns the value of the first node in the doubly linked list that
* satisfies the provided predicate function. If no such node is found, it returns `undefined`.
get(elementNodeOrPredicate) {
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate);
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (predicate(current))
return current.value;
current =;
return undefined;
* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `getBackward` function searches for a specific element in a doubly linked list starting from
* the tail and moving backwards.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter in the `getBackward`
* function can be one of the following types:
* @returns The `getBackward` method returns the value of the element node that matches the provided
* predicate when traversing the doubly linked list backwards. If no matching element is found, it
* returns `undefined`.
getBackward(elementNodeOrPredicate) {
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate);
let current = this.tail;
while (current) {
if (callback(current.value)) {
if (predicate(current))
return current.value;
current = current.prev;

@@ -1085,2 +1137,14 @@ }

* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(n)
* The `fromArray` function creates a new instance of a DoublyLinkedList and populates it with the elements from the
* given array.
* @param {E[]} data - The `data` parameter is an array of elements of type `E`.
* @returns The `fromArray` function returns a DoublyLinkedList object.
static fromArray(data) {
return new DoublyLinkedList(data);
* The function returns an iterator that iterates over the values of a linked list.

@@ -1095,3 +1159,45 @@ */

* The function `_isPredicate` checks if the input is a function that takes a `DoublyLinkedListNode`
* as an argument and returns a boolean.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following
* types:
* @returns The _isPredicate method is returning a boolean value indicating whether the
* elementNodeOrPredicate parameter is a function or not. If the elementNodeOrPredicate is a
* function, the method will return true, indicating that it is a predicate function.
_isPredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate) {
return typeof elementNodeOrPredicate === 'function';
* The function `_ensureNode` ensures that the input is a valid node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter can be either
* an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an element of type `E`.
* @returns If the `elementOrNode` parameter is already a `DoublyLinkedListNode`, it will be returned
* as is. Otherwise, a new `DoublyLinkedListNode` instance will be created with the `elementOrNode`
* value and returned.
_ensureNode(elementOrNode) {
if (this.isNode(elementOrNode))
return elementOrNode;
return new DoublyLinkedListNode(elementOrNode);
* The function `_ensurePredicate` in TypeScript ensures that the input is either a node, a predicate
* function, or a value to compare with the node's value.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following
* types:
* @returns A function is being returned that takes a `DoublyLinkedListNode` as a parameter and
* returns a boolean value based on the conditions specified in the code.
_ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate) {
if (this.isNode(elementNodeOrPredicate))
return (node) => node === elementNodeOrPredicate;
if (this._isPredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate))
return elementNodeOrPredicate;
return (node) => node.value === elementNodeOrPredicate;
exports.DoublyLinkedList = DoublyLinkedList;
"name": "linked-list-typed",
"version": "1.53.4",
"version": "1.53.5",
"description": "Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Singly Linked List. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.",

@@ -69,4 +69,4 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"data-structure-typed": "^1.53.4"
"data-structure-typed": "^1.53.5"

@@ -425,15 +425,15 @@ /**

* // 1. Find lyric at exact timestamp
* const exactTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 36000);
* const exactTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 36000);
* console.log(exactTimeLyric?.text); // 'And ignite your bones'
* // 2. Find lyric between timestamps
* const betweenTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 22000);
* const betweenTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 22000);
* console.log(betweenTimeLyric?.text); // "When you lose something you can't replace"
* // 3. Find first lyric when timestamp is less than first entry
* const earlyTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= -1000);
* const earlyTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= -1000);
* console.log(earlyTimeLyric); // undefined
* // 4. Find last lyric when timestamp is after last entry
* const lateTimeLyric = lyricsList.findBackward(lyric => lyric.time <= 50000);
* const lateTimeLyric = lyricsList.getBackward(lyric => lyric.value.time <= 50000);
* console.log(lateTimeLyric?.text); // 'And I will try to fix you'

@@ -586,12 +586,19 @@ * @example

* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(n)
* Time Complexity: O(1)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `fromArray` function creates a new instance of a DoublyLinkedList and populates it with the elements from the
* given array.
* @param {E[]} data - The `data` parameter is an array of elements of type `E`.
* @returns The `fromArray` function returns a DoublyLinkedList object.
* The function `isNode` in TypeScript checks if a given input is an instance of
* `DoublyLinkedListNode`.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter in the `isNode` function can
* be one of the following types:
* @returns The `isNode` function is checking if the `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter is an
* instance of `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`. If it is, the function returns `true`, indicating that the
* parameter is a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`. If it is not an instance of `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`,
* the function returns `false`.
static fromArray<E>(data: E[]) {
return new DoublyLinkedList<E>(data);
elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
): elementNodeOrPredicate is DoublyLinkedListNode<E> {
return elementNodeOrPredicate instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode;

@@ -603,9 +610,9 @@

* The push function adds a new element to the end of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E} element - The "element" parameter represents the value that you want to add to the
* doubly linked list.
* @returns The `push` method is returning a boolean value, `true`.
* The `push` function adds a new element or node to the end of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the `push`
* method can accept either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `push` method is returning a boolean value, specifically `true`.
push(element: E): boolean {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(element);
push(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean {
const newNode = this._ensureNode(elementOrNode);
if (!this.head) {

@@ -669,9 +676,10 @@ this._head = newNode;

* The unshift function adds a new element to the beginning of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E} element - The "element" parameter represents the value of the element that you want to
* add to the beginning of the doubly linked list.
* @returns The `unshift` method is returning a boolean value, `true`.
* The unshift function adds a new element or node to the beginning of a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the
* `unshift` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an
* element of type `E`.
* @returns The `unshift` method is returning a boolean value, specifically `true`.
unshift(element: E): boolean {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(element);
unshift(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean {
const newNode = this._ensureNode(elementOrNode);
if (!this.head) {

@@ -732,13 +740,25 @@ this._head = newNode;

* The function `findNodeByValue` searches for a node with a specific value in a doubly linked list and returns the
* node if found, otherwise it returns undefined.
* @param {E} value - The `value` parameter is the value that we want to search for in the doubly linked list.
* @returns The function `findNodeByValue` returns a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` if a node with the specified value `value`
* is found in the linked list. If no such node is found, it returns `undefined`.
* This TypeScript function searches for a node in a doubly linked list based on a given element node
* or predicate.
* @param {| E
* | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>
* | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
* | undefined} elementNodeOrPredicate - The `getNode` method you provided is used to find a
* node in a doubly linked list based on a given element, node, or predicate function. The
* `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following:
* @returns The `getNode` method returns a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` or `undefined` based on the
* input `elementNodeOrPredicate`. If the input is `undefined`, the method returns `undefined`.
* Otherwise, it iterates through the linked list starting from the head node and applies the
* provided predicate function to each node. If a node satisfies the predicate, that node is
* returned. If
getNode(value: E | undefined): DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined {
elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean) | undefined
): DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined {
if (elementNodeOrPredicate === undefined) return;
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate);
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (current.value === value) {
if (predicate(current)) {
return current;

@@ -756,22 +776,24 @@ }

* The `insert` function inserts a value at a specified index in a doubly linked list.
* @param {number} index - The index parameter represents the position at which the new value should be inserted in the
* DoublyLinkedList. It is of type number.
* @param {E} value - The `value` parameter represents the value that you want to insert into the Doubly Linked List at the
* specified index.
* @returns The `insert` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the insertion is successful, and `false`
* if the index is out of bounds.
* The `addAt` function inserts a new element or node at a specified index in a doubly linked list.
* @param {number} index - The `index` parameter in the `addAt` method represents the position at
* which you want to add a new element or node in the doubly linked list. It indicates the location
* where the new element or node should be inserted.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter in the
* `addAt` method can be either a value of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `addAt` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the element or node was
* successfully added at the specified index, and `false` if the index is out of bounds (less than 0
* or greater than the size of the list).
addAt(index: number, value: E): boolean {
addAt(index: number, newElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean {
if (index < 0 || index > this._size) return false;
if (index === 0) {
return true;
if (index === this._size) {
return true;
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(value);
const newNode = this._ensureNode(newElementOrNode);
const prevNode = this.getNodeAt(index - 1);

@@ -791,22 +813,27 @@ const nextNode = prevNode!.next;

* The `addBefore` function inserts a new value before an existing value or node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingValueOrNode - The existing value or node in the doubly linked list
* before which the new value will be inserted. It can be either the value of the existing node or the existing node
* itself.
* @param {E} newValue - The `newValue` parameter represents the value that you want to insert into the doubly linked
* list.
* @returns The method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the insertion is successful, and `false` if the
* insertion fails.
* The `addBefore` function in TypeScript adds a new element or node before an existing element or
* node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingElementOrNode - The `existingElementOrNode` parameter
* in the `addBefore` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>`.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter
* represents the element or node that you want to add before the `existingElementOrNode` in a doubly
* linked list.
* @returns The `addBefore` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the new element or node was
* successfully added before the existing element or node, and `false` if the existing element or
* node was not found.
addBefore(existingValueOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>, newValue: E): boolean {
existingElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>,
newElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>
): boolean {
let existingNode;
if (existingValueOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingValueOrNode;
if (existingElementOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingElementOrNode;
} else {
existingNode = this.getNode(existingValueOrNode);
existingNode = this.getNode(existingElementOrNode);
if (existingNode) {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(newValue);
const newNode = this._ensureNode(newElementOrNode);
newNode.prev = existingNode.prev;

@@ -832,21 +859,25 @@ if (existingNode.prev) {

* The `addAfter` function inserts a new node with a given value after an existing node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingValueOrNode - The existing value or node in the doubly linked list
* after which the new value will be inserted. It can be either the value of the existing node or the existing node
* itself.
* @param {E} newValue - The value that you want to insert into the doubly linked list.
* @returns The method returns a boolean value. It returns true if the insertion is successful, and false if the
* existing value or node is not found in the doubly linked list.
* The `addAfter` function in TypeScript adds a new element or node after an existing element or node
* in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} existingElementOrNode - existingElementOrNode represents the
* element or node in the doubly linked list after which you want to add a new element or node.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} newElementOrNode - The `newElementOrNode` parameter in the
* `addAfter` method represents the element or node that you want to add after the existing element
* or node in a doubly linked list. This parameter can be either an element value or a
* `DoublyLinkedListNode` object that you want to insert
* @returns The `addAfter` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the new element or node was
* successfully added after the existing element or node, and `false` if the existing element or node
* was not found in the linked list.
addAfter(existingValueOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>, newValue: E): boolean {
addAfter(existingElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>, newElementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): boolean {
let existingNode;
if (existingValueOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingValueOrNode;
if (existingElementOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
existingNode = existingElementOrNode;
} else {
existingNode = this.getNode(existingValueOrNode);
existingNode = this.getNode(existingElementOrNode);
if (existingNode) {
const newNode = new DoublyLinkedListNode(newValue);
const newNode = this._ensureNode(newElementOrNode); =;

@@ -902,17 +933,14 @@ if ( {

* The `delete` function removes a node from a doubly linked list based on either the node itself or its value.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} valOrNode - The `valOrNode` parameter can accept either a value of type `E` or
* a `DoublyLinkedListNode<E>` object.
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the value or node was successfully
* deleted from the doubly linked list, and `false` if the value or node was not found in the list.
* The `delete` function removes a specified element or node from a doubly linked list if it exists.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in
* the `delete` method can accept an element of type `E`, a `DoublyLinkedListNode` of type `E`, or it
* can be `undefined`. This parameter is used to identify the node that needs to be deleted from the
* doubly linked list
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value - `true` if the element or node was
* successfully deleted from the doubly linked list, and `false` if the element or node was not found
* in the list.
delete(valOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined): boolean {
let node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined;
delete(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined): boolean {
const node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | undefined = this.getNode(elementOrNode);
if (valOrNode instanceof DoublyLinkedListNode) {
node = valOrNode;
} else {
node = this.getNode(valOrNode);
if (node) {

@@ -962,13 +990,17 @@ if (node === this.head) {

* The function returns the index of the first occurrence of a given value in a linked list.
* @param {E} value - The parameter `value` is of type `E`, which means it can be any data type. It represents the value
* that we are searching for in the linked list.
* @returns The method `indexOf` returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified value `value` in the linked
* list. If the value is not found, it returns -1.
* The indexOf function in TypeScript returns the index of a specified element or node in a Doubly
* Linked List.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter in the
* `indexOf` method can be either an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an
* element of type `E`.
* @returns The `indexOf` method is returning the index of the element or node in the doubly linked
* list. If the element or node is found in the list, the method returns the index of that element or
* node. If the element or node is not found in the list, the method returns -1.
indexOf(value: E): number {
indexOf(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>): number {
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementOrNode);
let index = 0;
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (current.value === value) {
if (predicate(current)) {
return index;

@@ -986,15 +1018,44 @@ }

* The `findBackward` function iterates through a linked list from the last node to the first node and returns the last
* value that satisfies the given callback function, or undefined if no value satisfies the callback.
* @param callback - A function that takes a value of type E as its parameter and returns a boolean value. This
* function is used to determine whether a given value satisfies a certain condition.
* @returns The method `findBackward` returns the last value in the linked list that satisfies the condition specified by
* the callback function. If no value satisfies the condition, it returns `undefined`.
findBackward(callback: (value: E) => boolean): E | undefined {
* This function retrieves an element from a doubly linked list based on a given element
* node or predicate.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `get` method takes in a parameter called `elementNodeOrPredicate`,
* which can be one of the following types:
* @returns The `get` method returns the value of the first node in the doubly linked list that
* satisfies the provided predicate function. If no such node is found, it returns `undefined`.
elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
): E | undefined {
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate);
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (predicate(current)) return current.value;
current =;
return undefined;
* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `getBackward` function searches for a specific element in a doubly linked list starting from
* the tail and moving backwards.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter in the `getBackward`
* function can be one of the following types:
* @returns The `getBackward` method returns the value of the element node that matches the provided
* predicate when traversing the doubly linked list backwards. If no matching element is found, it
* returns `undefined`.
elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
): E | undefined {
const predicate = this._ensurePredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate);
let current = this.tail;
while (current) {
if (callback(current.value)) {
return current.value;
if (predicate(current)) return current.value;
current = current.prev;

@@ -1134,2 +1195,15 @@ }

* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(n)
* The `fromArray` function creates a new instance of a DoublyLinkedList and populates it with the elements from the
* given array.
* @param {E[]} data - The `data` parameter is an array of elements of type `E`.
* @returns The `fromArray` function returns a DoublyLinkedList object.
static fromArray<E>(data: E[]) {
return new DoublyLinkedList<E>(data);
* The function returns an iterator that iterates over the values of a linked list.

@@ -1145,2 +1219,51 @@ */

* The function `_isPredicate` checks if the input is a function that takes a `DoublyLinkedListNode`
* as an argument and returns a boolean.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following
* types:
* @returns The _isPredicate method is returning a boolean value indicating whether the
* elementNodeOrPredicate parameter is a function or not. If the elementNodeOrPredicate is a
* function, the method will return true, indicating that it is a predicate function.
protected _isPredicate(
elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
): elementNodeOrPredicate is (node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean {
return typeof elementNodeOrPredicate === 'function';
* The function `_ensureNode` ensures that the input is a valid node in a doubly linked list.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>} elementOrNode - The `elementOrNode` parameter can be either
* an element of type `E` or a `DoublyLinkedListNode` containing an element of type `E`.
* @returns If the `elementOrNode` parameter is already a `DoublyLinkedListNode`, it will be returned
* as is. Otherwise, a new `DoublyLinkedListNode` instance will be created with the `elementOrNode`
* value and returned.
protected _ensureNode(elementOrNode: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) {
if (this.isNode(elementOrNode)) return elementOrNode;
return new DoublyLinkedListNode<E>(elementOrNode);
* The function `_ensurePredicate` in TypeScript ensures that the input is either a node, a predicate
* function, or a value to compare with the node's value.
* @param {E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)} elementNodeOrPredicate
* elementNodeOrPredicate - The `elementNodeOrPredicate` parameter can be one of the following
* types:
* @returns A function is being returned that takes a `DoublyLinkedListNode` as a parameter and
* returns a boolean value based on the conditions specified in the code.
protected _ensurePredicate(
elementNodeOrPredicate: E | DoublyLinkedListNode<E> | ((node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => boolean)
) {
if (this.isNode(elementNodeOrPredicate)) return (node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => node === elementNodeOrPredicate;
if (this._isPredicate(elementNodeOrPredicate)) return elementNodeOrPredicate;
return (node: DoublyLinkedListNode<E>) => node.value === elementNodeOrPredicate;
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