This is a plugin for markdown-it which adds support for embedding audio/video in the HTML5 way
node.js, bower:
npm install markdown-it-html5-embed --save
bower install markdown-it-html5-embed --save
var md = require('markdown-it')()
.use(require('markdown-it-html5-embed'), {
html5embed: {
use_image_syntax: true,
use_link_syntax: true
Boolean. Enables video/audio embed with ![]()
syntax (default)
Boolean. Enables video/audio embed with []()
Hash array. Attribute to pass to audio/video tag. Example:
attributes: {
'audio': 'width="320" controls class="audioplayer"',
'video': 'width="320" height="240" class="audioplayer" controls'
If not specified, the default value of controls preload="metadata"
is used.
Function. If specified, allows to decided basing on the MIME type, wheter to embed element or not. If not, all audio/video content is embedded. In a web browser you can use following code to embed only supported media type:
is_allowed_mime_type: function(mimetype) {
var v = document.createElement(mimetype[1]);
return v.canPlayType && v.canPlayType(mimetype[0]) !== '';
This way, all unsupported media will be rendered with defualt renderer (e.g., as a link, if use_link_syntax
is true).
The argument is a result of regexp match, and has a structure similar to that one:
[ 'audio/mpeg',
index: 0,
input: 'audio/mpeg' ]
Based on the code written by @v3ss0n.