Media Tracks
Polyfills the media elements (<audio>
or <video>
) adding audio and video tracks (as specced) and with renditions as proposed in media-ui-extensions.
- Allows media engines like hls.js
or shaka to add media tracks w/
renditions from the information they retrieve from the manifest to a standardized
- Allows media UI implementations like media-chrome to consume this uniform API and render media track selection menus
and rendition (quality) selection menus.
- iOS does not support manual rendition switching as it is using a native
HLS implementation. This library can't change anything about that.
declare global {
interface HTMLMediaElement {
audioTracks: AudioTrackList;
videoTracks: VideoTrackList;
addAudioTrack(kind: string, label?: string, language?: string): AudioTrack;
addVideoTrack(kind: string, label?: string, language?: string): VideoTrack;
declare const VideoTrackKind: {
alternative: string;
captions: string;
main: string;
sign: string;
subtitles: string;
commentary: string;
declare class VideoTrack {
id?: string;
kind?: string;
label: string;
language: string;
sourceBuffer?: SourceBuffer;
addRendition(src: string, width?: number, height?: number, codec?: string, bitrate?: number, frameRate?: number): VideoRendition;
get renditions(): VideoRenditionList;
get selected(): boolean;
set selected(val: boolean);
declare class VideoRenditionList extends EventTarget {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<VideoRendition>;
get length(): number;
add(rendition: VideoRendition): void;
remove(rendition: VideoRendition): void;
getRenditionById(id: string): VideoRendition | null;
get activeIndex(): number;
get onaddrendition(): (() => void) | undefined;
set onaddrendition(callback: (() => void) | undefined);
get onremoverendition(): (() => void) | undefined;
set onremoverendition(callback: (() => void) | undefined);
get onchange(): (() => void) | undefined;
set onchange(callback: (() => void) | undefined);
export declare class VideoRendition {
src?: string;
id?: string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
bitrate?: number;
frameRate?: number;
codec?: string;
get enabled(): boolean;
set enabled(val: boolean);
get active(): boolean;
set active(val: boolean);