Welcome to MuhammaraJS
This is a drop in replacement for hummusJS originally made by Galkahana.
He did an awesome job, but discontinued hummusjs.
The documentation for MuhammaraJS / HummusJS is still located at the
hummusJS github wiki: available here
Welcome to HummusJS.
A Fast NodeJS Module for Creating, Parsing an Manipulating PDF Files and Streams.
Original Project
Project site is here.
If you are looking for a C++ Library go here.
Version 2.0 will be incompatible with some older node and
electron versions because we needed to upgrade node-pre-gyp.
Version 3.x has breaking changes:
- Node < 11 and Electron < 11 removed the prebuilts
- Renamed typo exported value from eTokenSeprator to eTokenSeparator
This wont affect alot of you but still.
npm install muhammara
Replace hummusJS with MuhammaraJS
let hummus = require('hummus')
let muhammara = require('muhammara')
You can find samples and documentation here