Nano Stores
A tiny state manager for React, React Native, Preact, Vue,
Svelte, and vanilla JS. It uses many atomic stores
and direct manipulation.
- Small. between 172 and 527 bytes (minified and gzipped).
Zero dependencies. It uses Size Limit to control size.
- Fast. With small atomic and derived stores, you do not need to call
the selector function for all components on every store change.
- Tree Shakable. The chunk contains only stores used by components
in the chunk.
- Was designed to move logic from components to stores.
- It has good TypeScript support.
import { createStore, update } from 'nanostores'
export const users = createStore<User[]>(() => {
export function addUser(user: User) {
update(users, current => [...current, user])
import { createDerived } from 'nanostores'
import { users } from './users.js'
export const admins = createDerived(users, list =>
list.filter(user => user.isAdmin)
import { useStore } from 'nanostores/react'
import { admins } from '../stores/admins.js'
export const Admins = () => {
const list = useStore(admins)
return (
{ => <UserItem user={user} />)}
Table of Contents
npm install nanostores
- Persistent store to save data
and synchronize changes between browser tabs. - Router store.
- Logux Client: stores with WebSocket
sync and CRDT conflict resolution.
In Nano Stores, stores are smart. They subscribe to events,
validate input, send AJAX requests, etc. For instance,
Router store subscribes to click
on <a>
and window.onpopstate
. It simplifies testing and switching
between UI frameworks (like from React to React Native).
import { createStore } from 'nanostores'
export type StoreType = …
export const simpleStore = createStore<StoreType>(() => {
return () => {
Stores have two modes: active and disabled. From the beginning,
the store is in disabled mode and does not keep value. On the first subscriber,
the store will call the initializer and will move to active mode.
One second after unsubscribing of the last listener, the store will call
the destructor.
The only way to get store’s value is to subscribe to store’s changes:
const unsubscribe2 = store.listen(value => {
const unsubscribe1 = store.subscribe(value => {
We have shortcut to subscribe, return value and unsubscribe:
import { getValue } from 'nanostores'
And there is shortcut to get current value, change it and set new value.
import { update } from 'nanostores'
update(store, value => newValue)
Simple Store
Simple store API is the basement for all other stores.
import { createStore, update } from 'nanostores'
export const counter = createStore<number>(() => {
export function increaseCounter() {
update(counter, value => value + 1)
You can change store value by calling the store.set(newValue)
All async operations in store you need to wrap to effect
(or use startEffect
It will help to wait async operations end in tests.
import { effect } from 'nanostore'
export function saveUser() {
effect(async () => {
await api.saveUser(getValue(userStore))
Map Store
This store is with key-value pairs.
import { createMap } from 'nanostores'
export interface ProfileValue {
name: string,
email?: string
export const profile = createMap<ProfileValue>(() => {
profile.setKey('name', 'anonymous')
In additional to store.set(newObject)
it has store.setKey(key, value)
to change specific key. There is a special shortcut
updateKey(store, key, updater)
in additional to update(store, updater)
Changes listener receives changed key as a second argument.
profile.listen((value, changed) => {
console.log(`${changed} new value ${value[changed]}`)
Map store object link is the same. store.set(newObject)
changes all keys
inside the old object.
Derived Store
The store is based on other store’s value.
import { createDerived } from 'nanostores'
import { users } from './users.js'
export const admins = createDerived(users, all => {
return all.filter(user => user.isAdmin)
You can combine a value from multiple stores:
import { lastVisit } from './lastVisit.js'
import { posts } from './posts.js'
export const newPosts = createDerived([lastVisit, posts], (when, allPosts) => {
return allPosts.filter(post => post.publishedAt > when)
Store Builder
A template to create a similar store. Each store made by the template
is a map store with at least the id
import { defineMap, BuilderStore } from 'nanostores'
export interface PostValue {
id: string
title: string
updatedAt: number
export const Post = defineMap<PostValue>((newPost, id) => {
newPost.setKey('title', 'New post')
return () => {
export function renamePost (post: BuilderStore<typeof Post>, newTitle: string) {
post.setKey('title', newTitle)
Builder is a function, which returns a new store instance.
import { Post } from '../stores/post.js'
const post = Post(id)
If a store has listeners, the builder will return the old post instance
on the same store’s ID.
Post('same ID') === Post('same ID')
React & Preact
Use useStore()
hook to get store’s value and re-render component
on store’s changes.
import { useStore } from 'nanostores/react'
import { profile } from '../stores/profile.js'
import { User } from '../stores/user.js'
export const Header = () => {
const { userId } = useStore(profile)
const currentUser = useStore(User(userId))
return <header>{}<header>
Use useStore()
composable function to get store’s value
and re-render component on store’s changes.
<header>{{ }}</header>
import { useStore } from 'nanostores/vue'
import { profile } from '../stores/profile.js'
import { User } from '../stores/user.js'
export default {
setup () {
const { userId } = useStore(profile).value
const currentUser = useStore(User(userId))
return { currentUser }
Every store implements
Svelte store contract.
Put $
before store variable to get store’s
value and subscribe for store’s changes.
import { profile } from '../stores/profile.js'
import { User } from '../stores/user.js'
const { userId } = useStore(profile)
const currentUser = useStore(User(userId))
Vanilla JS
calls callback immediately and subscribes to store changes.
It passes store’s value to callback.
let prevUserUnbind
profile.subscribe(({ userId }) => {
if (prevUserUnbind) {
prevUserUnbind = User(userId).subscribe(currentUser => {
Use Store#listen()
if you need to add listener without calling
callback immediately.
Adding an empty listener by keepActive(store)
keeps the store
in active mode during the test. cleanStores(store1, store2, …)
stores used in the test.
import { getValue, cleanStores, keepActive } from 'nanostores'
import { profile } from './profile.js'
afterEach(() => {
it('is anonymous from the beginning', () => {
expect(getValue(profile)).toEqual({ name: 'anonymous' })
You can use allEffects()
to wait all async options in stores.
import { getValue, allEffects } from 'nanostores'
it('saves user', async () => {
await allEffects()
Best Practices
Move Logic from Components to Stores
Stores are not only to keep values. You can use them to track time, to load data
from server.
import { createStore } from 'nanostores'
export const currentTime = createStore<number>(() => {
const updating = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)
return () => {
Use derived stores to create chains of reactive computations.
import { createDerived } from 'nanostores'
import { currentTime } from './currentTime.js'
const appStarted =
export const userInApp = createDerived(currentTime, now => {
return now - appStarted
We recommend moving all logic, which is not highly related to UI, to the stores.
Let your stores track URL routing, validation, sending data to a server.
With application logic in the stores, it is much easier to write and run tests.
It is also easy to change your UI framework. For instance, add React Native
version of the application.
Think about Tree Shaking
We recommend doing all store changes in separated functions. It will allow
to tree shake unused functions from JS bundle.
export function changeStore (newValue: string) {
if (validate(newValue)) {
throw new Error('New value is not valid')
} else {
For builder, you can add properties to the store, but try to avoid it.
interface UserExt {
avatarCache?: string
export function User = defineMap<UserValue, [], UserExt>((store, id) => {
function getAvatar (user: BuilderStore<typeof User>) {
if (!user.avatarCache) {
user.avatarCache = generateAvatar(getValue(user).email)
return user.avatarCache
Separate changes and reaction
Use a separated listener to react on new store’s value, not a function where you
change this store.
function increase () {
update(counter, value => value + 1)
- printCounter(getValue(counter))
+ counter.subscribe(value => {
+ printCounter(value)
+ })
A "change" function is not only a way for store to a get new value.
For instance, persistent store could get the new value from another browser tab.
With this separation your UI will be ready to any source of store’s changes.
Reduce getValue()
usage outside of tests
returns current value and it is a good solution for tests.
But it is better to use useStore()
, $store
, or Store#subscribe()
in UI
to subscribe to store changes and always render the actual data.
- const { userId } = getValue(profile)
+ const { userId } = useStore(profile)
In store’s functions you can use update
and updateKey
function increase () {
- counter.set(getValue(counter) + 1)
+ update(counter, value => value + 1)
Known Issues
Diamond Problem
To make stores simple and small, Nano Stores doesn’t solve “Diamond problem”.
↓ ↓
↓ D
↓ ↓
On A
store changes, H
store will be called twice in different time
by change signals coming from different branches.
You need to care about these changes on your own.
Nano Stores use ES modules and doesn’t provide CommonJS exports.
You need to use ES modules in your application to import Nano Stores.
For instance, for Next.js you need to use next-transpile-modules
to fix
lack of ESM support in Next.js.
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['nanostores'])
module.exports = withTM({