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nexus - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.1 to 0.6.2



@@ -353,3 +353,3 @@ "use strict";

return [2 /*return*/, headers.join("\n") + "\n" + imports.join("\n") + "\n\ndeclare global {\n interface GraphQLNexusGen extends GraphQLNexusGenTypes {}\n}\n\n// Maybe Promise\ntype " + MP + "<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;\n\n// Maybe Promise List\ntype " + MPL + "<T> = Array<" + MP + "<T>>;\n\n// Maybe Thunk\ntype " + MT + "<T> = T | (() => T);\n\n// Maybe Thunk, with args\ntype " + MTA + "<T, A> = T | ((args?: A) => T);\n\n" + allTypeStrings.join("\n\n") + "\n\n" + stringifyTypeFieldMapping("GraphQLNexusGenArgTypes", argTypeFields) + "\n\nexport interface GraphQLNexusGenRootTypes {\n" + map(typeNames.interfaces.concat(typeNames.objects), function (name) { return " " + name + ": " + typeRootTypeName(name) + ";"; }) + "\n}\n\n" + stringifyTypeFieldMapping("GraphQLNexusGenReturnTypes", returnTypeFields) + "\n\nexport interface GraphQLNexusGenTypes {\n argTypes: GraphQLNexusGenArgTypes;\n backingTypes: GraphQLNexusGenRootTypes;\n returnTypes: GraphQLNexusGenReturnTypes;\n context: " + contextType + ";\n enums: " + enums() + ";\n objects: " + objectNames() + ";\n interfaces: " + interfacesWithMembers() + ";\n unions: " + unions() + ";\n scalars: " + scalars() + ";\n inputObjects: " + inputObjects() + ";\n allInputTypes: \n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['inputObjects'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['enums'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['scalars'], string>;\n allOutputTypes: \n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['objects'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['enums'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['unions'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['interfaces'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['scalars'], string>;\n}\n\nexport type Gen = GraphQLNexusGenTypes;\n"];
return [2 /*return*/, headers.join("\n") + "\n" + imports.join("\n") + "\n\ndeclare global {\n interface GraphQLNexusGen extends GraphQLNexusGenTypes {}\n}\n\n// Maybe Promise\nexport type " + MP + "<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;\n\n// Maybe Promise List\nexport type " + MPL + "<T> = Array<" + MP + "<T>>;\n\n// Maybe Thunk\nexport type " + MT + "<T> = T | (() => T);\n\n// Maybe Thunk, with args\nexport type " + MTA + "<T, A> = T | ((args?: A) => T);\n\n" + allTypeStrings.join("\n\n") + "\n\n" + stringifyTypeFieldMapping("GraphQLNexusGenArgTypes", argTypeFields) + "\n\nexport interface GraphQLNexusGenRootTypes {\n" + map(typeNames.interfaces.concat(typeNames.objects), function (name) { return " " + name + ": " + typeRootTypeName(name) + ";"; }) + "\n}\n\n" + stringifyTypeFieldMapping("GraphQLNexusGenReturnTypes", returnTypeFields) + "\n\nexport interface GraphQLNexusGenTypes {\n argTypes: GraphQLNexusGenArgTypes;\n backingTypes: GraphQLNexusGenRootTypes;\n returnTypes: GraphQLNexusGenReturnTypes;\n context: " + contextType + ";\n enums: " + enums() + ";\n objects: " + objectNames() + ";\n interfaces: " + interfacesWithMembers() + ";\n unions: " + unions() + ";\n scalars: " + scalars() + ";\n inputObjects: " + inputObjects() + ";\n allInputTypes: \n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['inputObjects'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['enums'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['scalars'], string>;\n allOutputTypes: \n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['objects'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['enums'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['unions'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['interfaces'], string>\n | Extract<keyof GraphQLNexusGenTypes['scalars'], string>;\n}\n\nexport type Gen = GraphQLNexusGenTypes;\n"];

@@ -356,0 +356,0 @@ });

"name": "nexus",
"version": "0.6.1",
"version": "0.6.2",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "types": "dist/index.d.ts",

@@ -483,12 +483,12 @@ import {

// Maybe Promise
type ${MP}<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
export type ${MP}<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
// Maybe Promise List
type ${MPL}<T> = Array<${MP}<T>>;
export type ${MPL}<T> = Array<${MP}<T>>;
// Maybe Thunk
type ${MT}<T> = T | (() => T);
export type ${MT}<T> = T | (() => T);
// Maybe Thunk, with args
type ${MTA}<T, A> = T | ((args?: A) => T);
export type ${MTA}<T, A> = T | ((args?: A) => T);

@@ -495,0 +495,0 @@ ${allTypeStrings.join("\n\n")}

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