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openapi-format - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.5.0 to 1.6.0




@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

const program = require('commander');
const {infoTable, infoOut, logOut, debugOut} = require("../util-log-output");

@@ -24,3 +25,3 @@ // CLI Helper - change verbosity

.option('--no-sort', 'dont sort the OpenAPI file')
.option('--sortComponentsFile <sortComponentsFile>', 'The file with components to sort alfabehtically')
.option('--sortComponentsFile <sortComponentsFile>', 'The file with components to sort alphabetically')
.option('--lineWidth <lineWidth>', 'max line width of YAML output', -1)

@@ -38,3 +39,3 @@ .option('--rename <oaTitle>', 'overwrite the title in the OpenAPI document.')

) {

@@ -48,17 +49,19 @@ }

async function run(oaFile, options) {
// Helper function to display info message, depending on the verbose level
function info(msg) {
if (options.verbose >= 1) {
// General variables
let outputLogOptions = ''
let outputLogFiltered = ''
let cliLog = {};
const consoleLine = process.stdout.columns ? '='.repeat(process.stdout.columns) : '='.repeat(80)
if (!oaFile) {
console.error('Provide file to OpenAPI document');
console.error('Please provide a file path for the OpenAPI document');
// process.exit(1)
infoOut(`${consoleLine}`); // LOG - horizontal rule
infoOut(`OpenAPI-Format CLI settings:`) // LOG - config file
// apply options from config file if present
if (options && options.configFile) {
info('Config File: ' + options.configFile)
try {

@@ -72,2 +75,3 @@ let configFileOptions = {}

infoOut(`- Config file:\t\t${options.configFile}`) // LOG - config file
options = Object.assign({}, options, configFileOptions);

@@ -82,9 +86,8 @@ } catch (err) {

if (options.verbose >= 1 || options.verbose === true) {
// LOG - Render info table with options
outputLogOptions = infoTable(options, options.verbose)
// apply ordering by priority file if present
if (options && options.sort === true) {
info('Sort File: ' + options.sortFile)
infoOut(`- Sort file:\t\t${options.sortFile}`) // LOG - sort file
try {

@@ -97,3 +100,3 @@ let sortOptions = {sortSet: {}}

} catch (err) {
console.error('\x1b[31m', 'Sort file error - no such file or directory "' + options.sortFile + '"')
console.error('\x1b[31m', `Sort file error - no such file or directory "${options.sortFile}"`)
if (options.verbose >= 1) {

@@ -107,3 +110,3 @@ console.error(err)

if (options && options.filterFile) {
info('Filter File: ' + options.filterFile)
infoOut(`- Filter file:\t\t${options.filterFile}`) // LOG - Filter file
try {

@@ -115,3 +118,3 @@ let filterOptions = {filterSet: {}}

} catch (err) {
console.error('\x1b[31m', 'Filter file error - no such file or directory "' + options.filterFile + '"')
console.error('\x1b[31m', `Filter file error - no such file or directory "${options.filterFile}"`)
if (options.verbose >= 1) {

@@ -125,3 +128,3 @@ console.error(err)

if (options && options.sortComponentsFile) {
info('Sort Components File: ' + options.sortComponentsFile)
infoOut(`- Sort Components file:\t ${options.sortComponentsFile}`) // LOG - Sort file
try {

@@ -133,3 +136,3 @@ let sortComponentsOptions = {sortComponentsSet: {}}

} catch (err) {
console.error('\x1b[31m', 'Sort Components file error - no such file or directory "' + options.sortComponentsFile + '"')
console.error('\x1b[31m', `Sort Components file error - no such file or directory "${options.sortComponentsFile}"`)
if (options.verbose >= 1) {

@@ -141,3 +144,3 @@ console.error(err)

info('Input file: ' + oaFile)
infoOut(`- Input file:\t\t${oaFile}`) // LOG - Input file

@@ -151,3 +154,6 @@ // Get

if (options.filterSet) {
res = await openapiFormat.openapiFilter(res, options);
const resFilter = await openapiFormat.openapiFilter(res, options);
cliLog.unusedComp = resFilter?.resultData?.unusedComp;
outputLogFiltered = `filtered & `;
res =;

@@ -157,3 +163,4 @@

if (options.sort === true) {
res = await openapiFormat.openapiSort(res, options);
const resFormat = await openapiFormat.openapiSort(res, options);
if ( res =

@@ -163,4 +170,5 @@

if (options.rename) {
res = await openapiFormat.openapiRename(res, options);
info('OpenAPI title renamed to: "' + options.rename + '"')
const resRename = await openapiFormat.openapiRename(res, options);
if ( res =
debugOut(`- OAS.title renamed to: "${options.rename}"`, options.verbose) // LOG - Rename title

@@ -172,3 +180,3 @@

// o = jy.dump(res,{lineWidth:-1});
let lineWidth = (options.lineWidth && options.lineWidth === -1 ? Infinity: options.lineWidth) || Infinity;
let lineWidth = (options.lineWidth && options.lineWidth === -1 ? Infinity : options.lineWidth) || Infinity;
o = sy.safeStringify(res, {lineWidth: lineWidth});

@@ -180,5 +188,5 @@ }

fs.writeFileSync(options.output, o, 'utf8');
info('Output file: ' + options.output)
infoOut(`- Output file:\t\t${options.output}`) // LOG - config file
} catch (err) {
console.error('\x1b[31m', 'Output file error - no such file or directory "' + options.output + '"')
console.error('\x1b[31m', `Output file error - no such file or directory "${options.output}"`)
if (options.verbose >= 1) {

@@ -192,3 +200,33 @@ console.error(err)

info('\n✅ OpenAPI was formatted successfully')
if (outputLogOptions) { //&& options.verbose > 2) {
// Show options
debugOut(`${consoleLine}\n`, options.verbose); // LOG - horizontal rule
debugOut(`OpenAPI-Format CLI options:`, options.verbose) // LOG - config file
debugOut(`${outputLogOptions}`, options.verbose);
// Show unused components
if (cliLog?.unusedComp) {
// List unused component
logOut(`${consoleLine}`, options.verbose); // LOG - horizontal rule
logOut(`Removed unused components:`, options.verbose); // LOG - horizontal rule
const unusedComp = cliLog.unusedComp
const keys = Object.keys(unusedComp, options.verbose)
let count = 0 => {
if (unusedComp?.[comp].length > 0) {
unusedComp[comp].forEach(value => {
const spacer = (comp === 'requestBodies' ? `\t` : `\t\t`);
logOut(`- components/${comp}${spacer} "${value}"`, options.verbose);
logOut(`Total components removed: ${count}`, options.verbose);
// Final result
infoOut(`${consoleLine}\n`); // LOG - horizontal rule
infoOut(`✅ OpenAPI ${outputLogFiltered}formatted successfully\n`, 99) // LOG - success message
infoOut(`${consoleLine}\n`); // LOG - horizontal rule

@@ -210,3 +210,5 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

return jsonObj;
// Return result object
return {data: jsonObj, resultData: {}}

@@ -226,2 +228,4 @@

const httpVerbs = ["get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete"];
const fixedFlags = ["x-openapi-format-filter"]
options.unusedDepth = options.unusedDepth || 0;

@@ -232,3 +236,3 @@ // Merge object filters

const filterOperations = [...filterSet.operations];
const filterProps = [...filterSet.operationIds, ...filterSet.flags];
const filterProps = [...filterSet.operationIds, ...filterSet.flags, ...fixedFlags];
const stripFlags = [...filterSet.stripFlags];

@@ -240,61 +244,64 @@ const stripUnused = [...filterSet.unusedComponents];

const filterFlagValues = [...filterSet.flagValues];
const filterFlagHash = => (JSON.stringify(o)));
// Initiate components tracking
const compSchemas = {}
const compResponses = {}
const compParams = {}
const compExamples = {}
const compRequestBodies = {}
const compHeaders = {}
const comps = {
schemas: {},
responses: {},
parameters: {},
examples: {},
requestBodies: {},
headers: {},
meta: {total: 0}
// Prepare unused components
let unusedComp = {
schemas: [],
responses: [],
parameters: [],
examples: [],
requestBodies: [],
headers: [],
meta: {total: 0}
// Use options.unusedComp to collect unused components during multiple recursion
if (!options.unusedComp) options.unusedComp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(unusedComp));
let debugFilterStep = '' // uncomment // debugFilterStep below to see which sort part is triggered
traverse(jsonObj).forEach(function (node) {
// Register components
// Register components presence
if (this?.parent?.parent?.key === 'components') {
if (this?.parent?.key === 'schemas') {
compSchemas[this.key] = {...compSchemas[this.key], present: true};
if (this?.parent?.key && comps[this.parent.key]) {
comps[this.parent.key][this.key] = {...comps[this.parent.key][this.key], present: true}; =;
if (this?.parent?.key === 'responses') {
compResponses[this.key] = {...compResponses[this.key], present: true};
if (this?.parent?.key === 'parameters') {
compParams[this.key] = {...compParams[this.key], present: true};
if (this?.parent?.key === 'examples') {
compExamples[this.key] = {...compExamples[this.key], present: true};
if (this?.parent?.key === 'requestBodies') {
compRequestBodies[this.key] = {...compRequestBodies[this.key], present: true};
if (this?.parent?.key === 'headers') {
compHeaders[this.key] = {...compHeaders[this.key], present: true};
// Register component/schemas usage
// Register components usage
if (this?.key === '$ref') {
if (node.startsWith('#/components/schemas/')) {
const compSchema = node.replace('#/components/schemas/', '');
compSchemas[compSchema] = {...compSchemas[compSchema], used: true};
comps.schemas[compSchema] = {...comps.schemas[compSchema], used: true};
if (node.startsWith('#/components/responses/')) {
const compResp = node.replace('#/components/responses/', '');
compResponses[compResp] = {...compResponses[compResp], used: true};
comps.responses[compResp] = {...comps.responses[compResp], used: true};
if (node.startsWith('#/components/parameters/')) {
const compParam = node.replace('#/components/parameters/', '');
compParams[compParam] = {...compParams[compParam], used: true};
comps.parameters[compParam] = {...comps.parameters[compParam], used: true};
if (node.startsWith('#/components/examples/')) {
const compExample = node.replace('#/components/examples/', '');
compExamples[compExample] = {...compExamples[compExample], used: true};
comps.examples[compExample] = {...comps.examples[compExample], used: true};
if (node.startsWith('#/components/requestBodies/')) {
const compRequestBody = node.replace('#/components/requestBodies/', '');
compRequestBodies[compRequestBody] = {...compRequestBodies[compRequestBody], used: true};
comps.requestBodies[compRequestBody] = {...comps.requestBodies[compRequestBody], used: true};
if (node.startsWith('#/components/headers/')) {
const compHeader = node.replace('#/components/headers/', '');
compHeaders[compHeader] = {...compHeaders[compHeader], used: true};
comps.headers[compHeader] = {...comps.headers[compHeader], used: true};

@@ -330,6 +337,16 @@ }

const itmObj = {[this.key]: node[i]};
if (filterFlagValues.some(item => JSON.stringify(item) === JSON.stringify(itmObj))) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Single field - flagValues - array value'
// Top parent has other nodes, so remove only targeted parent node of matching element
const itmObjHash = JSON.stringify(itmObj);
if (filterFlagHash.some(filterFlag => filterFlag === itmObjHash)) {
// ========================================================================
// HACK to overcome the issue with removing items from an array
if (this?.parent?.parent.key === 'x-tagGroups') {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter -x-tagGroups - flagValues - array value'
const tagGroup = this.parent.node
tagGroup['x-openapi-format-filter'] = true
// ========================================================================
} else {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Single field - flagValues - array value'

@@ -352,6 +369,16 @@ }

const itmObj = {[this.key]: node};
if (filterFlagValues.some(item => JSON.stringify(item) === JSON.stringify(itmObj))) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Single field - flagValues - single value'
// Top parent has other nodes, so remove only targeted parent node of matching element
const itmObjHash = JSON.stringify(itmObj);
if (filterFlagHash.some(filterFlagHash => filterFlagHash === itmObjHash)) {
// ========================================================================
// HACK to overcome the issue with removing items from an array
if (this?.parent?.parent.key === 'x-tagGroups') {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter -x-tagGroups - flagValues - single value'
const tagGroup = this.parent.node
tagGroup['x-openapi-format-filter'] = true
// ========================================================================
} else {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Single field - flagValues - single value'

@@ -363,3 +390,2 @@ }

// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Single field - Tags/operationIds'
// Top parent has other nodes, so remove only targeted parent node of matching element

@@ -389,57 +415,49 @@ }

// Filter out markdown comments in description fields
if (this.key === 'description') {
const lines = node.split('\n');
if (lines.length > 1) {
const filtered = lines.filter(line => !line.startsWith('[comment]: <>'))
const cleanDescription = filtered.join('\n');
// Prepare unused components
let unusedSchemas = []
let unusedResponses = []
let unusedParams = []
let unusedExamples = []
let unusedRequestBodies = []
let unusedHeaders = []
if (stripUnused.length > 0) {
unusedSchemas = Object.keys(compSchemas).filter(key => !compSchemas[key]?.used);
unusedResponses = Object.keys(compResponses).filter(key => !compResponses[key]?.used);
unusedParams = Object.keys(compParams).filter(key => !compParams[key]?.used);
unusedExamples = Object.keys(compExamples).filter(key => !compExamples[key]?.used);
unusedRequestBodies = Object.keys(compRequestBodies).filter(key => !compRequestBodies[key]?.used);
unusedHeaders = Object.keys(compHeaders).filter(key => !compHeaders[key]?.used);
unusedComp.schemas = Object.keys(comps.schemas).filter(key => !comps.schemas[key]?.used);
options.unusedComp.schemas = [...options.unusedComp.schemas, ...unusedComp.schemas];
unusedComp.responses = Object.keys(comps.responses).filter(key => !comps.responses[key]?.used);
options.unusedComp.responses = [...options.unusedComp.responses, ...unusedComp.responses];
unusedComp.parameters = Object.keys(comps.parameters).filter(key => !comps.parameters[key]?.used);
options.unusedComp.parameters = [...options.unusedComp.parameters, ...unusedComp.parameters];
unusedComp.examples = Object.keys(comps.examples).filter(key => !comps.examples[key]?.used);
options.unusedComp.examples = [...options.unusedComp.examples, ...unusedComp.examples];
unusedComp.requestBodies = Object.keys(comps.requestBodies).filter(key => !comps.requestBodies[key]?.used);
options.unusedComp.requestBodies = [...options.unusedComp.requestBodies, ...unusedComp.requestBodies];
unusedComp.headers = Object.keys(comps.headers).filter(key => !comps.headers[key]?.used);
options.unusedComp.headers = [...options.unusedComp.headers, ...unusedComp.headers]; = unusedComp.schemas.length + unusedComp.responses.length + unusedComp.parameters.length + unusedComp.examples.length + unusedComp.requestBodies.length + unusedComp.headers.length
// if (options.verbose >= 1 || options.verbose === true) {
// if (unusedSchemas.length > 0) console.log('- Removed unused components/schemas:\n', unusedSchemas.join(', '))
// if (unusedResponses.length > 0) console.log('- Removed unused components/responses:\n', unusedResponses.join(', '))
// if (unusedParams.length > 0) console.log('- Removed unused components/parameters:\n', unusedParams.join(', '))
// if (unusedExamples.length > 0) console.log('- Removed unused components/examples:\n', unusedExamples.join(', '))
// if (unusedRequestBodies.length > 0) console.log('- Removed unused components/requestBodies:\n', unusedRequestBodies.join(', '))
// if (unusedHeaders.length > 0) console.log('- Removed unused components/headers:\n', unusedHeaders.join(', '))
// }
// Clean-up jsonObj
traverse(jsonObj).forEach(function (node) {
// Remove unused component/schemas
// Remove unused component
if (this.path[0] === 'components' && stripUnused.length > 0) {
if (this.path[1] === 'schemas' && stripUnused.includes('schemas') && unusedSchemas.includes(this.key)) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Remove unused component/schemas'
if (stripUnused.includes(this.path[1]) && unusedComp[this.path[1]].includes(this.key)) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Remove unused components'
if (this.path[1] === 'responses' && stripUnused.includes('responses') && unusedResponses.includes(this.key)) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Remove unused component/responses'
// Filter out OpenApi.tags & OpenApi.x-tagGroups matching the fixedFlags
if ((this?.key === 'tags' || this?.key === 'x-tagGroups') && this?.parent.key === undefined && Array.isArray(node)) {
if (fixedFlags.length > 0) {
debugFilterStep = 'Filter - tag/x-tagGroup - fixed flags'
// Deep filter array of tag/x-tagGroup
let oaTags = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node)); // Deep copy of the object
const oaFilteredTags = oaTags.filter(item => !fixedFlags.some(i => (Object.keys(item).includes(i))));
if (this.path[1] === 'parameters' && stripUnused.includes('parameters') && unusedParams.includes(this.key)) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Remove unused component/parameters'
if (this.path[1] === 'examples' && stripUnused.includes('examples') && unusedExamples.includes(this.key)) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Remove unused component/examples'
if (this.path[1] === 'requestBodies' && stripUnused.includes('requestBodies') && unusedRequestBodies.includes(this.key)) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Remove unused component/requestBodies'
if (this.path[1] === 'headers' && stripUnused.includes('headers') && unusedHeaders.includes(this.key)) {
// debugFilterStep = 'Filter - Remove unused component/headers'

@@ -464,3 +482,12 @@

return jsonObj;
// Recurse to strip any remaining unusedComp, to a maximum depth of 10
if (stripUnused.length > 0 && > 0 && options.unusedDepth <= 10) {
const resultObj = openapiFilter(jsonObj, options);
jsonObj =;
unusedComp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options.unusedComp));
// Return result object
return {data: jsonObj, resultData: {unusedComp: unusedComp}}

@@ -483,3 +510,4 @@

return jsonObj;
// Return result object
return {data: jsonObj, resultData: {}}

@@ -486,0 +514,0 @@

"name": "openapi-format",
"version": "1.5.0",
"version": "1.6.0",
"description": "Format an OpenAPI document by ordering and filtering fields.",

@@ -30,2 +30,3 @@ "keywords": [


@@ -43,3 +44,3 @@ "defaultFilter.json",

"scripts": {
"test": "npx mocha",
"test": "mocha",
"release": "np --branch main"

@@ -46,0 +47,0 @@ },

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ # openapi-format

Next to the ordering, the CLI provides additional options to filter fields & parts of the OpenAPI document based on
flags, tags, methods and operationID's.
flags, tags, methods, operationID's and even unused components.

@@ -34,2 +34,9 @@ <a href="" alt="Latest Stable Version">![npm](</a>

**Public documentation:**
An OpenAPI document is a specification that evolves and changes. To facilitate working with the specification and publishing the
document as public documentation, you want to deliver a clean and structured specification. OpenAPI-format helps you to
organize the fields by sorting and filtering specific elements from the OpenAPI like internal endpoints, beta tags, ...
and even unused schemas, examples, responses, ... with a clean and optimized OpenAPI document as a result.
When working on large OpenAPI documents or with multiple team members, the file can be become messy and difficult to

@@ -39,4 +46,4 @@ compare changes. By sorting it from time to time, the fields are all ordered in a structured manner, which will help you

The filtering is a handy add-on to remove specific elements from the OpenAPI like internal endpoints, beta tags, ...
This can be useful in CI/CD pipelines, where the OpenAPI is used as source for other documents like Web documentation,
**CI/CD pipelines:**
OpenAPI-format can be useful in CI/CD pipelines, where the OpenAPI is used as the source for other documents like Web documentation,
Postman collections, test suites, ...

@@ -119,3 +126,3 @@

--no-sort Don't sort the OpenAPI file [boolean]
--sortComponentsFile The file with components to sort alfabehtically [path]
--sortComponentsFile The file with components to sort alphabetically [path]

@@ -162,3 +169,3 @@ --rename Rename the OpenAPI title [string]

You can easily modify this by specifying your own ordering per key, which can passed on to the CLI (see below for an
You can easily modify this by specifying your own ordering per key, which can be passed on to the CLI (see below for an
example on how to do this).

@@ -189,3 +196,3 @@

For more complex use-cases, we can advise the excellent package, which has
really extended options for filtering OpenAPI documents.
extended options for filtering OpenAPI documents.

@@ -263,9 +270,8 @@ | Type | Description | Type | Examples |

=> **operations**: Refers to a combination of a OpenApi method & path from the "Path
=> **operations**: Refers to a combination of a OpenAPI method & path from the "Path
Object" & "Path
This will remove specific path items that matches the operation definition `PUT::/pets`. In the
example below, this would mean that the item with the path '/pets' and method 'PUT' would be removed from the OpenAPI
This will remove specific path items that match the operation definition `PUT::/pets`. In the example below, this would
mean that the item with the path '/pets' and method 'PUT' would be removed from the OpenAPI document.

@@ -287,7 +293,7 @@ For example:

An `operationId` is an optional property. To offer support for OpenApi documents that don't have operationIds, we have
added the `operation` definition which is the unique combination of the OpenApi method & path, with a `::` separator
An `operationId` is an optional property. To offer support for OpenAPI documents that don't have operationIds, we have
added the `operation` definition which is the unique combination of the OpenAPI method & path, with a `::` separator
This will allow filtering for very specific OpenApi items, without the need of adding operationIds to the OpenApi
This will allow filtering for very specific OpenAPI items, without the need of adding operationIds to the OpenAPI

@@ -312,5 +318,5 @@

Method & Path wildcard matching example: `"*::/pets/*"`
A combination of wildcards for the method and path parts are even possible.
A combination of wildcards for the method and path parts is even possible.
=> **flags**: Refers to a custom property which can be set on any field in the OpenAPI document.
=> **flags**: Refers to a custom property that can be set on any field in the OpenAPI document.

@@ -344,3 +350,3 @@ This will remove all fields and attached fields that match the flags. In the example below, this would mean that all

In the example below, this would mean that all items with the flag `x-version` that match `x-version: 1.0` OR `x-version: 3.0` would be removed from the OpenAPI document.
In the example below, this would mean that all items with the flag `x-version` that matches `x-version: 1.0` OR `x-version: 3.0` would be removed from the OpenAPI document.

@@ -388,6 +394,6 @@ ```yaml

This option allows you to strip the OpenApi document from any unused items of the targeted `components` types.
An item in the `components` that is not referenced by `$ref`, will get marked and removed from the OpenAPI document.
This option allows you to strip the OpenAPI document from any unused items of the targeted `components` types.
Any item in the list of OpenAPI `components` that is not referenced as `$ref`, will get marked and removed from the OpenAPI document.
REMARK: We will only strip unused components **once**, if after this one-time removal other items become unused, they will remain in the OpenApi doc.
REMARK: We will recursively strip all unused components, with a maximum depth of 10 times. This means that "nested" components, that become unused, will also get removed

@@ -402,3 +408,3 @@ Supported component types that can be marked as "unused":

=> **stripFlags**: Refers to a lis of custom properties which can be set on any field in the OpenAPI document.
=> **stripFlags**: Refers to a list of custom properties that can be set on any field in the OpenAPI document.

@@ -443,3 +449,3 @@ The `stripFlags` will remove only the flags, the linked parent and properties will remain. In the example below, this would mean that all

- Format a OpenAPI JSON document with the default sorting and saves it as a new YAML file
- Format an OpenAPI JSON document with the default sorting and saves it as a new YAML file

@@ -450,3 +456,3 @@ ```shell

- Format a OpenAPI document with the default sorting and output it as JSON to STDOUT
- Format an OpenAPI document with the default sorting and output it as JSON to STDOUT

@@ -457,3 +463,3 @@ ```shell

- Format a OpenAPI document with the default sorting and output it as YAML to STDOUT
- Format an OpenAPI document with the default sorting and output it as YAML to STDOUT

@@ -464,3 +470,3 @@ ```shell

- Format a OpenAPI JSON document with the default sorting and save it as YAML
- Format an OpenAPI JSON document with the default sorting and save it as YAML

@@ -471,3 +477,3 @@ ```shell

- Format a OpenAPI document but skip the sorting and save it as a new JSON file
- Format an OpenAPI document but skip the sorting and save it as a new JSON file

@@ -481,3 +487,3 @@ ```shell

- Format a OpenAPI document, including sorting all elements in the components section
- Format an OpenAPI document, including sorting all elements in the components section

@@ -494,3 +500,3 @@ ```shell

- Format a OpenAPI document by filtering fields, default sorting and saves it as a new file
- Format an OpenAPI document by filtering fields, default sorting and saves it as a new file

@@ -500,3 +506,3 @@ When you want to strip certain methods ,tags, operationIds, operations, flags you can pass a `filterFile` which contains the

This can be useful to combine with the sorting, to end-up with an order and filtered OpenAPI document.
This can be useful to combine with the sorting, to end up with an order and filtered OpenAPI document.

@@ -523,6 +529,6 @@ example:

- Format a OpenAPI document by changing the title and saves it as a new JSON file
- Format an OpenAPI document by changing the title and saves it as a new JSON file
During CI/CD pipelines, you might want to create different results of the OpenAPI document. Having the option to rename
them, might make it easier to work with the results, so that is why we provide this command option.
them might make it easier to work with the results, so that is why we provide this command option.

@@ -555,3 +561,3 @@ ```shell

All the CLI options can be managed in separate configuration file and passed along the openapi-format command. This will
All the CLI options can be managed in a separate configuration file and passed along the openapi-format command. This will
make configuration easier, especially in CI/CD implementations where the configuration can be stored in version control

@@ -583,6 +589,6 @@ systems.

By using the Stoplight YAML parsing, the results will be slightly different from when using a normal YAML parsing
library, like [js-to-yaml]( We appreciate the Stoplight Studio
tool, since it is an excellent GUI for working with OpenAPI documents for non-OpenAPI experts who will be contributing
changes. By adopting to the Stoplight Studio YAML parsing, the potential risk of merge conflicts will
be lower, which is the main reason why we opted for using the @stoplight/yaml package.
library, like [js-to-yaml]( We appreciate the Stoplight Studio tool, since it is
an excellent GUI for working with OpenAPI documents for non-OpenAPI experts who will be contributing changes. By
adopting the Stoplight Studio YAML parsing, the potential risk of merge conflicts will be lower, which is the main
reason why we opted for using the @stoplight/yaml package.

@@ -589,0 +595,0 @@ ## Credits

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