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orbital-list - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.9-rc.8 to 0.2.0



export { default as Dial } from './components/Dial';
export { default as DragRegion } from './components/DragRegion';
export { default as DragRegion, IDragInfo } from './components/DragRegion';
export { default as Hand } from './components/Hand';

@@ -10,2 +10,2 @@ export { default as Label } from './components/Label';

export { default as OrbitalList } from './OrbitalList';
export { default as TimezoneClock } from './TimezoneClock';
export * from './utils';

@@ -1,884 +0,8 @@

function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
var React = require('react');
var React__default = _interopDefault(React);
'use strict'
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
module.exports = require('./orbital-list.cjs.production.min.js')
} else {
module.exports = require('./orbital-list.cjs.development.js')
var pow = Math.pow;
function range(size, startAt) {
if (startAt === void 0) {
startAt = 0;
return Array.from(Array(size).keys()).map(function (i) {
return i + startAt;
var lpad = function lpad(n, length) {
if (length === void 0) {
length = 2;
return ('' + n).padStart(length, '0');
var useDatetime = function useDatetime() {
var ref = React.useRef();
var _useState = React.useState(new Date()),
datetime = _useState[0],
setDatetime = _useState[1];
var ticker = React.useCallback(function () {
return setInterval(function () {
setDatetime(new Date());
}, 1000);
}, []);
React.useEffect(function () {
if (!ref.current) {
ref.current = ticker();
return function () {
return clearInterval(ref.current);
}, []);
React.useLayoutEffect(function () {
setDatetime(new Date());
}, []);
return datetime;
function useEventListener(eventName, handler, ref) {
React.useEffect(function () {
var current = ref ? ref.current : window;
if (!current) {
console.warn('ref current not set!');
var isSupported = current.addEventListener;
if (!isSupported) {
throw new Error('event listener not supported');
current.addEventListener(eventName, handler);
return function () {
current.removeEventListener(eventName, handler);
}, [eventName, ref === null || ref === void 0 ? void 0 : ref.current, handler]);
var toDeg = function toDeg(radians) {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
var easing = {
linear: function linear(n) {
return n;
elastic: function elastic(n) {
return n * (33 * n * n * n * n - 106 * n * n * n + 126 * n * n - 67 * n + 15);
inExpo: function inExpo(n) {
return Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));
easeOutBack: function easeOutBack(n) {
var c1 = 1.70158;
var c3 = c1 + 1;
return 1 + c3 * pow(n - 1, 3) + c1 * pow(n - 1, 2);
easeInOutBack: function easeInOutBack(x) {
var c1 = 1.70158;
var c2 = c1 * 1.525;
return x < 0.5 ? pow(2 * x, 2) * ((c2 + 1) * 2 * x - c2) / 2 : (pow(2 * x - 2, 2) * ((c2 + 1) * (x * 2 - 2) + c2) + 2) / 2;
easeInOutQuart: function easeInOutQuart(x) {
return x < 0.5 ? 8 * x * x * x * x : 1 - pow(-2 * x + 2, 4) / 2;
var useEasedState = function useEasedState(value, duration, easingName) {
if (duration === void 0) {
duration = 500;
if (easingName === void 0) {
easingName = 'linear';
var _useState2 = React.useState(value),
current = _useState2[0],
setCurrent = _useState2[1];
var _useState3 = React.useState(null),
target = _useState3[0],
setTargetInternal = _useState3[1];
var _useState4 = React.useState(0),
elapsed = _useState4[0],
setElapsed = _useState4[1];
var n = Math.min(1, elapsed / duration);
var eased = easing[easingName](n);
var activeValue = current + (target ? eased * (target.value - current) : 0);
var reset = React.useCallback(function (value) {
}, [setCurrent, setTargetInternal, setElapsed]);
var setTarget = React.useCallback(function (value) {
value: value,
}, [setTargetInternal, activeValue]);
React.useEffect(function () {
if (!target) {
var raf = null;
var onFrame = function onFrame(time) {
if (!target) {
var elapsed = time -;
if (elapsed < duration) {
raf = requestAnimationFrame(onFrame);
raf = requestAnimationFrame(onFrame);
return function () {
return cancelAnimationFrame(raf);
}, [target, setElapsed, duration]);
return [activeValue, setTarget, reset];
var orbitalContext = React.createContext(null);
var OrbitalWrapper = function OrbitalWrapper(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children;
var ref = React.useRef();
var _useState = React.useState({
width: 0,
height: 0,
squareSize: 0
size = _useState[0],
setSize = _useState[1];
var onResize = React.useCallback(function () {
if (!ref.current) {
var width = ref.current.offsetWidth;
var height = ref.current.offsetHeight;
var squareSize = Math.min(width, height);
width: width,
height: height,
squareSize: squareSize
}, [ref, ref.current, setSize]);
useEventListener('resize', onResize);
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
React.useLayoutEffect(onResize, [onResize]);
var squareSize = size.squareSize;
var context = {
radius: squareSize / 2,
centerX: squareSize / 2,
centerY: squareSize / 2
return React__default.createElement("div", {
style: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
ref: ref
}, React__default.createElement("div", {
style: {
width: size.squareSize + "px",
height: size.squareSize + "px",
margin: 'auto',
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden'
}, React__default.createElement("div", {
style: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
overflow: 'visible',
transform: 'translate(50%, 50%)'
}, React__default.createElement(orbitalContext.Provider, {
value: context
}, children))));
var Place = function Place(_ref) {
var angle = _ref.angle,
children = _ref.children,
distance = _ref.distance,
style =,
className = _ref.className,
onHover = _ref.onHover,
onClick = _ref.onClick;
var context = React.useContext(orbitalContext);
if (!context) {
throw 'invalid context';
var radius = context.radius;
var radAngle = angle * (Math.PI / 180);
var d = (distance || 0) * radius;
var x = d * Math.cos(radAngle);
var y = d * Math.sin(radAngle);
var params = className ? {
className: className
} : {};
var onEnter = React.useCallback(function () {
if (onHover) {
}, [onHover]);
var onLeave = React.useCallback(function () {
if (onHover) {
}, [onHover]);
return React__default.createElement("div", Object.assign({}, params, {
onMouseEnter: onEnter,
onMouseLeave: onLeave,
style: _extends({}, style, {
position: 'absolute',
left: x,
top: y,
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)'
onClick: onClick
}), children);
var Planet = function Planet(props) {
var angle = props.angle,
children = props.children,
distance = props.distance,
radius = props.radius,
color = props.color,
className = props.className,
onHover = props.onHover,
onClick = props.onClick;
var context = React.useContext(orbitalContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error('invalid context');
var size = context.radius * radius * 2 + "px";
var style = _extends({
width: size,
height: size,
borderRadius: '50%'
}, color ? {
backgroundColor: color
} : {},;
var params = className ? {
className: className
} : {};
return React__default.createElement(Place, Object.assign({}, params, {
angle: angle,
distance: distance || 0,
style: style,
onHover: onHover,
onClick: onClick
}), children);
var Dial = function Dial(_ref) {
var style =,
className = _ref.className,
color = _ref.color,
radius = _ref.radius;
var p = _extends({}, style ? {
style: style
} : {}, className ? {
className: className
} : {}, color ? {
color: color
} : {});
return React__default.createElement(Planet, Object.assign({
distance: 0,
angle: 0,
radius: radius || 1
}, p));
var pullEventInfo = function pullEventInfo(e, inside, radius) {
var _inside$getBoundingCl = inside.getBoundingClientRect(),
left = _inside$getBoundingCl.left,
top = _inside$;
var event = e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e;
var x = event.clientX - left - radius;
var y = event.clientY - top - radius;
return {
x: x,
y: y
var DragRegion = function DragRegion(props) {
var context = React.useContext(orbitalContext);
var ref = React.useRef(null);
if (!context) {
throw new Error('invalid context');
var onDrag = React.useCallback(function (x) {
return x;
}, [props.onDrag]);
var _useState = React.useState({
start: null,
current: null,
last: null
dragInfo = _useState[0],
setDragInfo = _useState[1];
var onMouseDown = React.useCallback(function (e) {
var coords = pullEventInfo(e, ref.current, context.radius);
start: coords,
current: coords,
last: null
}, [setDragInfo, context.radius, onDrag]);
var onMouseMove = React.useCallback(function (e) {
if (dragInfo.start === null) {
setDragInfo(function (before) {
return onDrag(_extends({}, before, {
current: pullEventInfo(e, ref.current, context.radius)
}, [setDragInfo, dragInfo, context.radius, onDrag]);
var onMouseUp = React.useCallback(function (e) {
if (dragInfo.start === null || dragInfo.current === null) {
setDragInfo(function (before) {
return onDrag(_extends({}, before, {
start: null,
current: null,
last: pullEventInfo(e, ref.current, context.radius)
}, [setDragInfo, context.radius, onDrag]);
useEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown, ref);
useEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp);
useEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
useEventListener('touchstart', onMouseDown, ref);
useEventListener('touchend', onMouseUp);
useEventListener('touchmove', onMouseMove);
if (!context) {
throw new Error('invalid context');
return React__default.createElement("div", {
style: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
top: 0,
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
borderRadius: '50%'
ref: ref
var Hand = function Hand(props) {
var context = React.useContext(orbitalContext);
if (!context) {
throw 'invalid context';
var angle = props.angle,
children = props.children,
color = props.color,
width = props.width;
var radius = context.radius;
var actualLength = 1;
var baseDistance = 0;
if (props.start !== undefined || props.end !== undefined) {
var start = props.start || 0;
var end = props.end || 1;
actualLength = radius * (end - start);
baseDistance = radius * start;
} else {
var length = props.length || 1;
actualLength = radius * length;
baseDistance = 0;
var style = _extends({}, color ? {
backgroundColor: color
} : {},, {
position: 'absolute',
transform: "rotate(" + angle + "deg) translate(" + baseDistance + "px, 0)",
transformOrigin: "center left",
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: actualLength,
height: width || 1
return React__default.createElement("div", {
className: (props.className || '') + " Hand",
style: _extends({}, style)
}, children);
var Label = function Label(props) {
var distance = props.distance,
angle = props.angle,
children = props.children,
color = props.color;
var style = _extends({},, color ? {
color: color
} : {});
return React__default.createElement(Place, {
angle: angle,
distance: distance || 1,
className: 'Label',
style: style
}, children);
var Orbit = function Orbit(props) {
var style =,
color = props.color,
width = props.width,
radius = props.radius;
return React__default.createElement(Planet, {
angle: 0,
distance: 0,
radius: radius || 1,
className: 'Orbit',
style: _extends({
border: (width || 1) + "px solid " + color
}, style)
var Slice = function Slice(props) {
var context = React.useContext(orbitalContext);
if (!context) {
throw 'invalid context';
var children = props.children,
color = props.color;
var angleStart = props.angleStart % 360;
var angleEnd = props.angleEnd % 360;
var angle = angleEnd - angleStart;
var radAngle = angle * (Math.PI / 180);
var radius = (props.length || 1) * context.radius;
var squareSize = radius * 2;
var middle = squareSize / 2 + "px";
var left = '0px';
var right = squareSize + "px";
var top = '0px';
var bottom = squareSize + "px";
var at = function at(x, y) {
return x + " " + y;
var points = [at(middle, middle), at(right, middle), at(right, bottom)];
if (angle > 90) {
points.push(at(left, bottom));
if (angle > 180) {
points.push(at(left, top));
if (angle > 270) {
points.push(at(right, top));
var x = radius + radius * Math.cos(radAngle);
var y = radius + radius * Math.sin(radAngle);
points.push(at(x + 'px', y + 'px'));
var clipPath = "polygon(" + points.join(',') + ")";
var style = _extends({}, color ? {
backgroundColor: color
} : {},, {
position: 'absolute',
transform: "translate(-" + radius + "px, -" + radius + "px) rotate(" + angleStart + "deg)",
clipPath: clipPath,
WebkitClipPath: clipPath,
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: squareSize + "px",
height: squareSize + "px",
borderRadius: '50%'
return React__default.createElement("div", {
className: (props.className || '') + " Slice",
style: _extends({}, style)
}, children);
var OrbitalList = function OrbitalList(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children;
return React__default.createElement(OrbitalWrapper, null, children);
var BIG_HOURS = new Set([0, 6, 12, 18]);
var HOURS = range(24);
var ANGLE_DELTA = 90;
var asAngle = function asAngle(hours, minutes) {
if (minutes === void 0) {
minutes = 0;
return hours / 24 * 360 + minutes / 60 * (360 / 24) + ANGLE_DELTA;
var augmentItems = function augmentItems(time, items) {
var withHoursAndMinutes = (item) {
var minutes = time.getUTCHours() * 60 + time.getUTCMinutes() - item.timezoneOffset + 24 * 60;
return _extends({}, item, {
hour: Math.floor(minutes / 60) % 24,
minute: minutes % 60
var layerUsed = {};
var use = function use(hour, distance) {
var H = hour + 24 % 24;
layerUsed[H] = Math.max(layerUsed[H] | 0, distance);
var withLayer = (item) {
var hour = item.hour;
var layer = layerUsed[hour] !== undefined ? layerUsed[hour] + 1 : 0;
use(hour, layer);
use(hour + 1, layer);
use(hour - 1, layer);
return _extends({}, item, {
layer: layer
return withLayer;
var Background = function Background() {
return React__default.createElement(React__default.Fragment, null, React__default.createElement(Dial, {
className: 'Dial',
radius: 1,
color: '#F3A712'
}), React__default.createElement(Slice, {
angleStart: asAngle(18),
angleEnd: asAngle(6),
color: '#133762'
}), React__default.createElement(Orbit, {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)',
width: 2,
radius: 0.7
}), React__default.createElement(Orbit, {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)',
width: 2,
radius: 0.45
}), React__default.createElement(Orbit, {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)',
width: 2,
radius: 0.2
var TimeHand = function TimeHand(_ref) {
var hours = _ref.hours,
minutes = _ref.minutes;
return React__default.createElement(React__default.Fragment, null, React__default.createElement(Hand, {
angle: asAngle(hours, minutes),
color: '#DB2B39',
width: 7,
length: 0.51,
style: {
borderRadius: '0.3rem'
}), React__default.createElement(Hand, {
style: {
borderRadius: '0.3rem'
angle: asAngle(hours, minutes) + 180,
color: '#DB2B39',
width: 7,
length: 0.15
}), React__default.createElement(Dial, {
className: 'Dial',
radius: 0.08,
color: '#DB2B39'
var HoursSlice = function HoursSlice(_ref2) {
var active =;
return React__default.createElement(React__default.Fragment, null, (hour) {
return React__default.createElement(Slice, {
key: hour,
style: {
transition: 'background-color 0.6s ease'
angleStart: asAngle(hour) + 0.5,
angleEnd: asAngle(hour + 1) - 0.5,
color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, " + (active.has(hour) ? '0.08' : '0') + ")"
var Ticks = function Ticks(_ref3) {
var active =;
return React__default.createElement(React__default.Fragment, null, (hour) {
var opacity = BIG_HOURS.has(hour) ? '1' : active.has(hour) ? '0.7' : '0.1';
var fontSize = BIG_HOURS.has(hour) ? '1.8rem' : '1.2rem';
var color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, " + opacity + ")";
return React__default.createElement(React__default.Fragment, {
key: hour
}, React__default.createElement(Label, {
angle: asAngle(hour),
distance: 0.89,
color: color,
style: {
fontSize: fontSize,
fontWeight: 'bold'
}, lpad(hour, 2)), React__default.createElement(Hand, {
start: 0.95,
end: 0.99,
color: color,
style: {
borderRadius: '0.2rem'
angle: asAngle(hour),
width: 2
var HandSeconds = function HandSeconds(_ref4) {
var seconds = _ref4.seconds;
return React__default.createElement(Hand, {
style: {
borderRadius: '0.1rem'
angle: seconds / 60 * 360 + ANGLE_DELTA,
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
width: 2,
length: 0.73
var BackgroundAndHands = function BackgroundAndHands(_ref5) {
var activeItemHours = _ref5.activeItemHours,
activeTickHours = _ref5.activeTickHours,
hours = _ref5.hours,
minutes = _ref5.minutes,
seconds = _ref5.seconds;
return React__default.createElement(React__default.Fragment, null, React__default.createElement(Background, null), React__default.createElement(HoursSlice, {
active: activeItemHours
}), React__default.createElement(Ticks, {
active: activeTickHours
}), React__default.createElement(HandSeconds, {
seconds: seconds
}), React__default.createElement(TimeHand, {
hours: hours,
minutes: minutes
var Peoples = function Peoples(_ref6) {
var items = _ref6.items,
distance = _ref6.distance;
return React__default.createElement(React__default.Fragment, null, (_ref7) {
var id =,
color = _ref7.color,
hour = _ref7.hour,
minute = _ref7.minute,
layer = _ref7.layer,
style =,
children = _ref7.children,
onHover = _ref7.onHover,
onClick = _ref7.onClick;
return React__default.createElement(Planet, {
onHover: onHover,
onClick: onClick,
key: id,
style: _extends({
backgroundColor: color
}, style),
angle: asAngle(hour, minute),
radius: 0.09,
distance: distance(layer)
}, children);
function useDebounce(value, delay) {
if (delay === void 0) {
delay = 500;
var _useState = React.useState(value),
debouncedValue = _useState[0],
setDebouncedValue = _useState[1];
React.useEffect(function () {
var handler = setTimeout(function () {
}, delay);
return function () {
}, [value, delay]);
return debouncedValue;
var TimezoneClock = function TimezoneClock(props) {
var myTime = useDatetime();
var _useEasedState = useEasedState(-80, 1000, 'easeInOutQuart'),
delta = _useEasedState[0],
setDelta = _useEasedState[1],
resetDelta = _useEasedState[2];
var _useState2 = React.useState(myTime.getSeconds()),
setSeconds = _useState2[1];
React.useEffect(function () {
}, []);
React.useEffect(function () {
}, [myTime.getSeconds()]);
var onDrag = React.useCallback(function (i) {
var start = i.start,
current = i.current,
last = i.last;
if (last && !start) {
if (!start || !current) {
var startAngle = Math.atan2(start.y, start.x);
var currentAngle = Math.atan2(current.y, current.x);
resetDelta(toDeg(currentAngle - startAngle) / 360 * 24 * 60);
}, [setDelta, resetDelta]);
var time = new Date(myTime);
time.setMinutes(time.getMinutes() + delta);
var debouncedTime = useDebounce(time, 1500);
React.useEffect(function () {
props.setCurrentTime ? props.setCurrentTime(debouncedTime) : null;
}, [debouncedTime, props.setCurrentTime]);
var items = augmentItems(time, props.items);
var itemsHours = (x) {
return x.hour;
var activeItemHours = new Set([].concat(itemsHours));
var activeTickHours = new Set([].concat(itemsHours, [0, 6, 12, 18, time.getHours()]));
var maxLayer = Math.max.apply(Math, (x) {
return x.layer;
var layerCoeficient = maxLayer === 0 ? 1 : 1 / maxLayer;
var LAYER_MIN = 0.33;
var LAYER_MAX = 0.75;
var distance = function distance(layer) {
return LAYER_MAX - layer * layerCoeficient * LAYER_RANGE;
return React__default.createElement(OrbitalList, null, React__default.createElement(BackgroundAndHands, {
activeItemHours: activeItemHours,
activeTickHours: activeTickHours,
hours: time.getHours(),
minutes: time.getMinutes(),
seconds: time.getSeconds()
}), React__default.createElement(DragRegion, {
onDrag: onDrag
}), React__default.createElement(Peoples, {
items: items,
distance: distance
exports.Dial = Dial;
exports.DragRegion = DragRegion;
exports.Hand = Hand;
exports.Label = Label;
exports.Orbit = Orbit;
exports.OrbitalList = OrbitalList;
exports.Place = Place;
exports.Planet = Planet;
exports.Slice = Slice;
exports.TimezoneClock = TimezoneClock;

@@ -9,2 +9,1 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

export declare const toDeg: (radians: number) => number;
export declare const useEasedState: (value: number, duration?: number, easingName?: string) => [number, (x: number) => void, (x: number) => void];
"name": "orbital-list",
"version": "0.1.9-rc.8",
"description": "A React library to display data using circles, orbits, and planets.",
"author": "lsenta",
"version": "0.2.0",
"license": "MIT",
"repository": "laurentsenta/orbital-list",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.modern.js",
"source": "src/index.tsx",
"typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"engines": {

@@ -15,50 +14,50 @@ "node": ">=10"

"scripts": {
"build": "microbundle-crl --no-compress --format modern,cjs",
"start": "microbundle-crl watch --no-compress --format modern,cjs",
"prepublish": "run-s build",
"test": "run-s test:unit test:lint test:build",
"test:build": "run-s build",
"test:lint": "echo SKIPPED: eslint .",
"test:unit": "cross-env CI=1 react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
"test:watch": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
"predeploy": "cd example && yarn install && rm -rf ../node_modules/react ../node_modules/react-dom && yarn run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d example/build"
"start": "tsdx watch",
"build": "tsdx build",
"test": "tsdx test --passWithNoTests",
"lint": "tsdx lint",
"prepare": "tsdx build",
"size": "size-limit",
"analyze": "size-limit --why"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "^16.13.1",
"react-dom": "^16.13.1"
"react": ">=16"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^25.1.4",
"@types/react": "^16.9.27",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^2.26.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^2.26.0",
"babel-eslint": "^10.0.3",
"cross-env": "^7.0.2",
"eslint": "^6.8.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^6.7.0",
"eslint-config-standard": "^14.1.0",
"eslint-config-standard-react": "^9.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.18.2",
"eslint-plugin-node": "^11.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.1.1",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "^4.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.17.0",
"eslint-plugin-standard": "^4.0.1",
"gh-pages": "^2.2.0",
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"react-scripts": "^3.4.1"
"files": [
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "pretty-quick --staged"
"pre-commit": "tsdx lint"
"prettier": {
"printWidth": 80,
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true,
"trailingComma": "es5"
"name": "orbital-list",
"author": "laurentsenta",
"module": "dist/orbital-list.esm.js",
"size-limit": [
"path": "dist/orbital-list.cjs.production.min.js",
"limit": "10 KB"
"path": "dist/orbital-list.esm.js",
"limit": "10 KB"
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"@size-limit/preset-small-lib": "^4.9.1",
"@types/react": "^17.0.0",
"@types/react-dom": "^17.0.0",
"husky": "^4.3.7",
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"dependencies": {}

@@ -1,14 +0,14 @@

![logo](./social.png?raw=true 'orbital-list logo')
![logo]( 'orbital-list logo')
# orbital-list
A React library to display data using circles, orbits, and planets.
A React library to create interfaces using circles, orbits, and planets.
[![NPM](]( [![JavaScript Style Guide](](
![capture orbital-list](./capture.png?raw=true 'orbital-list Example')
![capture orbital-list]( 'orbital-list Example')
Visit []( for an interactive example.
Visit []( for an interactive example.
Or even check out [](, it's built with the library and helps you and your team dealing with timezones.
Check it out in production: **[](** is built with the library and helps you and your team to deal with timezones.

@@ -33,2 +33,5 @@ ## Install

Check the example to see the code behind the [demo](

@@ -35,0 +38,0 @@ import React, { Component } from 'react'

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