Full-fledged CLI tool to generate and package library Node modules compliant with Browser and NodeJS. Packer CLI support all modern style, unit test and script transpiler tools.
This project is inspired by Angular CLI
You can simply run the following command in a preferred directory to generate a new project using Packer CLI,
npx packer-cli generate my-library
npm install packer-cli -g && packer generate my-library
Then CLI will query questions associated to custom project generation,
# Description about the library
Give us a small description about the library (optional)? Client compliant node module
# Comma separated package keywords to be included in package config
Give us a set of comma separated package keywords (optional)? lib,awesome library,my library
# Name of the library author
Author's name (optional)? Yohan Gomez
# Name of the library author.
Author's email address (optional)? yohan.gz@gmail.com
# Github username of the library author.
Author's github username (optional)? yohangz
# Web home page of the library. This must be a valid URL.
Library homepage link (optional)? http://www.my-project.com
# Script transpiler to be used. Select "none" to use vanilla javascript.
What's the script pre processor you want to use?
- typescript
- none
# Support CSS bundling if yes.
Do you want style sheet support? (Y/n) Yes
# Style preprocessor to be used. Select none if not required.
What's the style pre processor you want to use?
- scss
- sass
- less
- stylus
- none
# Inline bundle style sheets within bundled script files.
Do you want to inline bundle styles within script? (Y/n) Yes
# Target build process to support browser compliant bundling if yes
Are you building a browser compliant library? Yes
# This options will generate a NodeJS CLI tool project.
Are you building a node CLI project? No
# You can chose from the browser compliant flat bundle formats options list.
What's the build bundle format you want to use? umd
- umd
- amd
- iife
- system
# Custom AMD id can be provided if flat bundle format is UMD or AMD. Applicable for "amd" module format only.
What's the AMD id you want to use? (optional) my-lib
# Library namespace will be used when exposing the library via global scope. Applicable for "umd" | "iife" | "systemjs" module formats.
What's the library namespace you want to use? my.lib
# You can chose either Jasmine or Mocha unit test framework.
Which unit test framework do you want to use?
- Jasmine
- Mocha
# Library copyright year to be included in license file.
What is the library copyright year (optional)? 2018
# Generate license file for the project.
What's the library copyright year (optional)?
- MIT License
- Apache License 2.0
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- BBSD 2-Clause FreeBSD License
- BSD 3-Clause Revised License
- Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) License
- GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only
- GNU General Public License v3.0 only
- The Unlicense
# Use yarn package manager instead of NPM CLI if true.
Do you want to use yarn as package manager? (Y/n) Yes
Once project is generated and dependencies are installed, you can use the following CLI commands:
npm run watch
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run lint:style
npm run lint:script
npm run test
npm run test:coverage
npm run test:ci
npm run test:coverage:ci
npm version major|minor|patch
npm run release
Generated Project Structure
├── /.rpt2_cache/ # TypeScript build cache directory
├── /.tmp/ # Watch build temporary artifact directory
├── /demo/ # Demo source content (applicable if serve mode is enabled in config)
│ ├── /build/ # Build demo page and assets
│ ├── /helper/ # Watch and build demo helper scripts
│ │ ├── require.js # RequireJS static artifact
│ │ └── system.js # SystemJS static artifact
│ └── /watch/ # Watch demo page and assets
├── /src/ # Library source of the project
├── /node_modules/ # Node modules directory
├── /dist/ # Compiled distribution artifacts directory (Generated by build task)
│ ├── /bundles # Directory containing main bundled artifacts (umd, amd, iife, system, ejs, esm)
│ ├── /fesm5 # Directory containing FESM5 artifact.
│ ├── /fesmnext # Directory containing FESMNEXT artifact.
│ ├── /styles # Directory containing compiled style sheets.
│ ├── /LICENSE # Project license agreement file.
│ ├── /package.json # Package.json file with publish artifact specific configuration.
│ └── /README.md # Package documentation markup file.
├── /.build/ # Build helpers files directory
│ ├── .banne.hbs # Build artifact top banner comment template.
│ └── .bin.hbs # Build artifact bin file template used in CLI projects
├── .editorconfig # Define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.
├── .babelrc.bundle.js # Bundle build babel config.
├── .babelrc.es5.js # ES5 build babel config.
├── .babelrc.esnext.js # ESNext build babel config.
├── .eslintrc.yml # ES Lint configuration.
├── .gitignore # Contains files to be ignored when pushing to git.
├── .packerrc.json # This file contains library build configuration options.
├── .stylelintrc.json # Style lint configuration.
├── .travis.yml # Travis CI configuration file.
├── karma.conf.js # This file contains karma unit test runner configuration.
├── LICENSE # License agreement file
├── package.json # NPM configuration and medata.
├── README.md # Project documentation markup file.
├── tsconfig.json # This file contains base typescript compiler options and configuration.
└── tslint.json # TS Lint rules for the project.
Build Configuration
Build configuration can be updated after project generation via .packerrc.json
"entry": "index.ts",
"source": "src",
"dist": "dist",
"output": {
"amd": {
"define": "",
"id": ""
"dependencyMapMode": "mapDependency",
"esnext": true,
"es5": true,
"minBundle": true,
"format": "umd",
"imageInlineLimit": 1000000,
"inlineStyle": false,
"stylesDir": "styles",
"namespace": "my.lib"
"compiler": {
"buildMode": "browser",
"scriptPreprocessor": "typescript",
"stylePreprocessor": "scss",
"styleSupport": true
"assetPaths": [
"copy": [
"bundle": {
"externals": [
"globals": {},
"mapExternals": false
"ignore": [],
"pathReplacePatterns": [
"replace": "./config/replace-config",
"test": "./config/base-config"
"testFramework": "jasmine",
"watch": {
"demoDir": "demo/watch",
"helperDir": "demo/helper",
"open": true,
"port": 4000,
"scriptDir": ".tmp",
"serve": true
"license": {
"banner": true,
"thirdParty": {
"fileName": "dependencies.txt",
"includePrivate": false
Config | Type | Definition |
entry | string | entry source file |
source | string | source directory |
dist | string | build artifact output directory |
output | object | Build artifact output generation config |
output.amd | object | AMD flat bundle configuration |
output.amd.define | string | AMD flat bundle define function name |
output.amd.id | string | AMD flat bundle module identifier name |
output.dependencyMapMode | object | Dependency map modes |
| | "cross-map-peer-dependency" - Map project dependencies to target peerDependencies |
| | "cross-map-dependency" - Map project peerDependencies to target dependencies |
| | "map-dependency" - Map project dependencies to target dependencies |
| | "map-peer-dependency" - Map project peer dependencies to target peerDependencies |
| | "all" - Map both peerDependencies and dependencies to target peerDependencies and dependencies |
output.es5 | boolean | Generate flat ES5 module build artifacts based on .babelrc.es5.js |
output.esnext | boolean | Generate flat ESNext module build artifacts based on .babelrc.esnext.js |
output.minBundle | boolean | Generate minified flat bundle build artifact |
output.format | string | Browser compliant bundle modules formats (based on .babelrc.bundle.js ) |
| | "umd" – Universal Module Definition, works as amd, cjs and iife all in one |
| | "amd" – Asynchronous Module Definition, used with module loaders like RequireJS |
| | "iife" – A self-executing function, suitable for inclusion as a
| | "system" - Native format of SystemJS loader |
| | NodeJS only bundle module formats |
| | "cjs" – CommonJS, suitable for Node and Browserify/Webpack |
| | "esm" – Keep the bundle as an ES module file |
output.imageInlineLimit | number | Size limit in bytes to inline compile images |
output.inlineStyle | boolean | Inline bundle styles withing JS distribution if true |
output.stylesDir | string | Style artifact output directory within dist |
output.namespace | string | Library global scope namespace (only applicable for browser compliant) |
compiler | object | Compiler options object |
compiler.buildMode | string | Library compile mode |
| | "browser" - Browser/NodeJS compliant module |
| | "node" - NodeJS only module |
| | "node-cli" - Node CLI module |
compiler.scriptPreprocessor | string | Support "typescript" and "none" options |
compiler.stylePreprocessor | string | Support "scss", "sass", "stylus", "less" and "none" options |
compiler.styleSupport | boolean | Support style preprocessing and linting |
assetPaths | array of strings | List of paths which contains static assets referenced in style sheets |
copy | array of strings | List of files paths to copy on build. |
bundle | object | Bundle options |
bundle.externals | array of string | Bundle output external dependencies (dependency modules to treat as externals). Refer rollup options for more info. |
bundle.globals | object | Bundle output global dependencies (dependency modules to tread as globals). Refer rollup options for more info. |
bundle.mapExternals | boolean | Treat globals as externals if true |
bundle.ignore | array of strings | Import paths to ignore with noop implementation |
pathReplacePatterns | array of objects | Import path replace pattern collection |
pathReplacePatterns.test | string | Path to find |
pathReplacePatterns.replace | string | Path to replace |
testFramework | string | Support "Jasmine" and "Mocha" test framework options |
watch | object | watch mode configuration object |
watch.scriptDir | string | watch build temporary directory |
watch.helperDir | string | watch build helper library directory |
watch.demoDir | string | watch demo page dir |
watch.port | number | watch server port |
watch.serve | boolean | Serve project via browser on watch mode |
watch.open | boolean | open browser automatically on watch mode |
license | object | Bundle license configuration |
license.banner | boolean | Include inline header banner passed via .banner.hbs template |
Feel free to open an issue or create a PR