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perfect-freehand - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.4 to 0.3.5


@@ -0,1 +1,5 @@

## 0.3.5
- Improves caps.
## 0.3.4

@@ -2,0 +6,0 @@



@@ -29,5 +29,2 @@ 'use strict';

function lerpAngles(a0, a1, t) {
return a0 + shortAngleDist(a0, a1) * t;
function getPointBetween(p0, p1, d) {

@@ -164,14 +161,11 @@ if (d === void 0) {

if (len === 0) {
return [];
} // If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.
if (len === 0) return []; // If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.
if (len === 1 || totalLength <= size / 4) {
var first = points[0],
last = points[len - 1],
angle = getAngle(first, last);
_last = points[len - 1],
angle = getAngle(first, _last);
if (thinning) {
r = getStrokeRadius(size, thinning, easing, last[2]);
r = getStrokeRadius(size, thinning, easing, _last[2]);

@@ -181,3 +175,3 @@

tl = projectPoint(first, angle + PI$1 + TAU - t * PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint(last, angle + TAU - t * PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint(_last, angle + TAU - t * PI$1, r);

@@ -191,4 +185,4 @@ rightPts.push(tr);

for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
var prev = points[i - 1];
for (var i = 1; i < len - 1; i++) {
var next = points[i + 1];
var _points$i = points[i],

@@ -230,49 +224,45 @@ x = _points$i[0],

} // 3.
// Handle sharp corners
// Find the delta between the current and next angle.
_angle = lerpAngles(pa, _angle, 0.75); // 3.
// Add points for the current point.
if (i === len - 1) {
// The last point in the line.
// Add points for an end cap.
for (var _t2 = 0, _step2 = 0.1; _t2 <= 1; _t2 += _step2) {
rightPts.push(projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU + _t2 * PI$1, r));
var absDelta = abs(getAngleDelta(next[3], _angle));
if (absDelta > SHARP) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
for (var _t2 = 0, _step2 = 0.25; _t2 <= 1; _t2 += _step2) {
tl = projectPoint([x, y], pa - TAU + _t2 * -PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint([x, y], pa + TAU + _t2 * PI$1, r);
} else {
// Find the delta between the current and previous angle.
var delta = getAngleDelta(prev[3], _angle),
absDelta = abs(delta);
if (absDelta > SHARP && clen > r) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
var mid = getPointBetween(prev, [x, y]);
} // 4. Add regular point.
for (var _t3 = 0, _step3 = 0.25; _t3 <= 1; _t3 += _step3) {
tl = projectPoint(mid, pa - TAU + _t3 * -PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint(mid, pa + TAU + _t3 * PI$1, r);
} else {
// A regular point.
// Add projected points left and right, if far enough away.
pl = projectPoint([x, y], _angle - TAU, r);
pr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU, r);
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl));
tl = pl;
pl = projectPoint([x, y], _angle - TAU, r);
pr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU, r);
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr));
tr = pr;
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl));
tl = pl;
pp = pressure;
pa = _angle;
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr));
tr = pr;
pp = pressure;
pa = _angle;
} // Add the end cap. This is tricky because some lines end with sharp angles.
var last = points[points.length - 1];
for (var _t3 = 0, _step3 = 0.1; _t3 <= 1; _t3 += _step3) {
rightPts.push(projectPoint(last, last[3] + TAU + _t3 * PI$1, r));

@@ -279,0 +269,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var r=Math.hypot,t=Math.cos,n=Math.max,e=Math.min,i=Math.sin,u=Math.atan2,o=2*Math.PI;function a(r,t,n){return r*(1-n)+t*n}function s(r,n,e){return[t(n)*e+r[0],i(n)*e+r[1]]}function f(r,t){var n=(t-r)%o;return 2*n%o-n}function v(r,t,n){return r+f(r,t)*n}function h(r,t,n){return void 0===n&&(n=.5),[r[0]+(t[0]-r[0])*n,r[1]+(t[1]-r[1])*n]}function c(r,t){return u(t[1]-r[1],t[0]-r[0])}function p(t,n){return r(n[1]-t[1],n[0]-t[0])}function d(r,t,i){return n(t,e(i,r))}var l=Math.abs,M=Math.min,g=Math.PI,m=g/2,x=m,P=x/2;function y(r,t,n,e){return void 0===e&&(e=.5),void 0===t?r/2:(e=d(n(e),0,1),(t<0?a(r,r+r*d(t,-.95,-.05),e):a(r-r*d(t,.05,.95),r,e))/2)}function b(r,t){void 0===t&&(t=.5);var n=function(r){return Array.isArray(r[0])?{var t=r[2];return[r[0],r[1],void 0===t?.5:t]})){var t=r.pressure;return[r.x,r.y,void 0===t?.5:t]}))}(r);if(0===n.length)return[];n[0]=[n[0][0],n[0][1],n[0][2]||.5,0,0,0];for(var e=1,i=n[e],u=n[0];e<n.length;i=n[++e],u=n[e-1])i[0]=a(u[0],i[0],1-t),i[1]=a(u[1],i[1],1-t),i[3]=c(i,u),i[4]=p(i,u),i[5]=u[5]+i[4];return n}function k(r,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var n=t.size,e=void 0===n?8:n,i=t.thinning,u=void 0===i?.5:i,o=t.smoothing,a=t.simulatePressure,d=void 0===a||a,b=t.easing,k=void 0===b?function(r){return r}:b,A=r.length,I=e*(void 0===o?.5:o),O=[],S=[],_=r[0],j=r[0],z=_,q=j,w=j[3],B=0,C=e/2,D=!0;if(0===A)return[];if(1===A||r[A-1][5]<=e/4){var E=r[0],F=r[A-1],G=c(E,F);u&&(C=y(e,u,k,F[2]));for(var H=0;H<=1;H+=.1)z=s(E,G+g+m-H*g,C),q=s(F,G+m-H*g,C),O.push(z),S.push(q);return O.concat(S)}for(var J=1;J<A;J++){var K=r[J-1],L=r[J],N=L[0],Q=L[1],R=L[2],T=L[3],U=L[4],V=L[5];if(u){if(d){var W=M(1-U/e,1),X=M(U/e,1);R=M(1,B+X/2*(W-B))}C=y(e,u,k,R)}if(D){if(V<e/4)continue;D=!1;for(var Y=0;Y<=1;Y+=.1)z=s(r[0],T+m-Y*g,C),O.push(z);q=s(r[0],T+m,C),S.push(q)}if(T=v(w,T,.75),J===A-1)for(var Z=0;Z<=1;Z+=.1)S.push(s([N,Q],T+m+Z*g,C));else{var $=f(K[3],T),rr=l($);if(rr>x&&V>C)for(var tr=h(K,[N,Q]),nr=0;nr<=1;nr+=.25)z=s(tr,w-m+nr*-g,C),q=s(tr,w+m+nr*g,C),O.push(z),S.push(q);else _=s([N,Q],T-m,C),j=s([N,Q],T+m,C),(rr>P||p(_,z)>I)&&(O.push(h(z,_)),z=_),(rr>P||p(j,q)>I)&&(S.push(h(q,j)),q=j);B=R,w=T}}return O.concat(S.reverse())}exports.default=function(r,t){return void 0===t&&(t={}),k(b(r,t.streamline),t)},exports.getStrokeOutlinePoints=k,exports.getStrokePoints=b;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var r=Math.hypot,t=Math.cos,n=Math.max,e=Math.min,i=Math.sin,o=Math.atan2,u=2*Math.PI;function a(r,t,n){return r*(1-n)+t*n}function s(r,n,e){return[t(n)*e+r[0],i(n)*e+r[1]]}function v(r,t,n){return void 0===n&&(n=.5),[r[0]+(t[0]-r[0])*n,r[1]+(t[1]-r[1])*n]}function f(r,t){return o(t[1]-r[1],t[0]-r[0])}function h(t,n){return r(n[1]-t[1],n[0]-t[0])}function c(r,t,i){return n(t,e(i,r))}var p=Math.abs,d=Math.min,l=Math.PI,M=l/2,g=M,m=g/2;function x(r,t,n,e){return void 0===e&&(e=.5),void 0===t?r/2:(e=c(n(e),0,1),(t<0?a(r,r+r*c(t,-.95,-.05),e):a(r-r*c(t,.05,.95),r,e))/2)}function P(r,t){void 0===t&&(t=.5);var n=function(r){return Array.isArray(r[0])?{var t=r[2];return[r[0],r[1],void 0===t?.5:t]})){var t=r.pressure;return[r.x,r.y,void 0===t?.5:t]}))}(r);if(0===n.length)return[];n[0]=[n[0][0],n[0][1],n[0][2]||.5,0,0,0];for(var e=1,i=n[e],o=n[0];e<n.length;i=n[++e],o=n[e-1])i[0]=a(o[0],i[0],1-t),i[1]=a(o[1],i[1],1-t),i[3]=f(i,o),i[4]=h(i,o),i[5]=o[5]+i[4];return n}function y(r,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var n=t.size,e=void 0===n?8:n,i=t.thinning,o=void 0===i?.5:i,a=t.smoothing,c=t.simulatePressure,P=void 0===c||c,y=t.easing,b=void 0===y?function(r){return r}:y,k=r.length,A=e*(void 0===a?.5:a),I=[],O=[],S=r[0],_=r[0],j=S,z=_,q=_[3],w=0,B=e/2,C=!0;if(0===k)return[];if(1===k||r[k-1][5]<=e/4){var D=r[0],E=r[k-1],F=f(D,E);o&&(B=x(e,o,b,E[2]));for(var G=0;G<=1;G+=.1)j=s(D,F+l+M-G*l,B),z=s(E,F+M-G*l,B),I.push(j),O.push(z);return I.concat(O)}for(var H=1;H<k-1;H++){var J=r[H+1],K=r[H],L=K[0],N=K[1],Q=K[2],R=K[3],T=K[4],U=K[5];if(o){if(P){var V=d(1-T/e,1),W=d(T/e,1);Q=d(1,w+W/2*(V-w))}B=x(e,o,b,Q)}if(C){if(U<e/4)continue;C=!1;for(var X=0;X<=1;X+=.1)j=s(r[0],R+M-X*l,B),I.push(j);z=s(r[0],R+M,B),O.push(z)}var Y=p(function(r,t){var n=(t-r)%u;return 2*n%u-n}(J[3],R));if(Y>g)for(var Z=0;Z<=1;Z+=.25)j=s([L,N],q-M+Z*-l,B),z=s([L,N],q+M+Z*l,B),I.push(j),O.push(z);else S=s([L,N],R-M,B),_=s([L,N],R+M,B),(Y>m||h(S,j)>A)&&(I.push(v(j,S)),j=S),(Y>m||h(_,z)>A)&&(O.push(v(z,_)),z=_),w=Q,q=R}for(var $=r[r.length-1],rr=0;rr<=1;rr+=.1)O.push(s($,$[3]+M+rr*l,B));return I.concat(O.reverse())}exports.default=function(r,t){return void 0===t&&(t={}),y(P(r,t.streamline),t)},exports.getStrokeOutlinePoints=y,exports.getStrokePoints=P;

@@ -25,5 +25,2 @@ var hypot = Math.hypot,

function lerpAngles(a0, a1, t) {
return a0 + shortAngleDist(a0, a1) * t;
function getPointBetween(p0, p1, d) {

@@ -160,14 +157,11 @@ if (d === void 0) {

if (len === 0) {
return [];
} // If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.
if (len === 0) return []; // If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.
if (len === 1 || totalLength <= size / 4) {
var first = points[0],
last = points[len - 1],
angle = getAngle(first, last);
_last = points[len - 1],
angle = getAngle(first, _last);
if (thinning) {
r = getStrokeRadius(size, thinning, easing, last[2]);
r = getStrokeRadius(size, thinning, easing, _last[2]);

@@ -177,3 +171,3 @@

tl = projectPoint(first, angle + PI$1 + TAU - t * PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint(last, angle + TAU - t * PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint(_last, angle + TAU - t * PI$1, r);

@@ -187,4 +181,4 @@ rightPts.push(tr);

for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
var prev = points[i - 1];
for (var i = 1; i < len - 1; i++) {
var next = points[i + 1];
var _points$i = points[i],

@@ -226,49 +220,45 @@ x = _points$i[0],

} // 3.
// Handle sharp corners
// Find the delta between the current and next angle.
_angle = lerpAngles(pa, _angle, 0.75); // 3.
// Add points for the current point.
if (i === len - 1) {
// The last point in the line.
// Add points for an end cap.
for (var _t2 = 0, _step2 = 0.1; _t2 <= 1; _t2 += _step2) {
rightPts.push(projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU + _t2 * PI$1, r));
var absDelta = abs(getAngleDelta(next[3], _angle));
if (absDelta > SHARP) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
for (var _t2 = 0, _step2 = 0.25; _t2 <= 1; _t2 += _step2) {
tl = projectPoint([x, y], pa - TAU + _t2 * -PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint([x, y], pa + TAU + _t2 * PI$1, r);
} else {
// Find the delta between the current and previous angle.
var delta = getAngleDelta(prev[3], _angle),
absDelta = abs(delta);
if (absDelta > SHARP && clen > r) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
var mid = getPointBetween(prev, [x, y]);
} // 4. Add regular point.
for (var _t3 = 0, _step3 = 0.25; _t3 <= 1; _t3 += _step3) {
tl = projectPoint(mid, pa - TAU + _t3 * -PI$1, r);
tr = projectPoint(mid, pa + TAU + _t3 * PI$1, r);
} else {
// A regular point.
// Add projected points left and right, if far enough away.
pl = projectPoint([x, y], _angle - TAU, r);
pr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU, r);
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl));
tl = pl;
pl = projectPoint([x, y], _angle - TAU, r);
pr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU, r);
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr));
tr = pr;
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl));
tl = pl;
pp = pressure;
pa = _angle;
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr));
tr = pr;
pp = pressure;
pa = _angle;
} // Add the end cap. This is tricky because some lines end with sharp angles.
var last = points[points.length - 1];
for (var _t3 = 0, _step3 = 0.1; _t3 <= 1; _t3 += _step3) {
rightPts.push(projectPoint(last, last[3] + TAU + _t3 * PI$1, r));

@@ -275,0 +265,0 @@

"version": "0.3.4",
"version": "0.3.5",
"name": "perfect-freehand",

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ "author": {

@@ -9,3 +9,2 @@ import {


@@ -105,5 +104,3 @@ } from './utils'

// We can't do anything with an empty array.
if (len === 0) {
return []
if (len === 0) return []

@@ -131,4 +128,4 @@ // If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.

// For a point with more than one point, create an outline shape.
for (let i = 1; i < len; i++) {
const prev = points[i - 1]
for (let i = 1; i < len - 1; i++) {
const next = points[i + 1]

@@ -139,2 +136,3 @@ let [x, y, pressure, angle, distance, clen] = points[i]

// Calculate the size of the current point.
if (thinning) {

@@ -154,2 +152,3 @@ if (simulatePressure) {

// Draw a cap once we've reached the minimum length.
if (short) {

@@ -172,51 +171,49 @@ if (clen < size / 4) continue

angle = lerpAngles(pa, angle, 0.75)
// 3.
// Handle sharp corners
// 3.
// Add points for the current point.
if (i === len - 1) {
// The last point in the line.
// Add points for an end cap.
for (let t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
rightPts.push(projectPoint([x, y], angle + TAU + t * PI, r))
// Find the delta between the current and next angle.
const absDelta = abs(getAngleDelta(next[3], angle))
if (absDelta > SHARP) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
for (let t = 0, step = 0.25; t <= 1; t += step) {
tl = projectPoint([x, y], pa - TAU + t * -PI, r)
tr = projectPoint([x, y], pa + TAU + t * PI, r)
} else {
// Find the delta between the current and previous angle.
const delta = getAngleDelta(prev[3], angle),
absDelta = abs(delta)
if (absDelta > SHARP && clen > r) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
const mid = getPointBetween(prev, [x, y])
for (let t = 0, step = 0.25; t <= 1; t += step) {
tl = projectPoint(mid, pa - TAU + t * -PI, r)
tr = projectPoint(mid, pa + TAU + t * PI, r)
// 4. Add regular point.
} else {
// A regular point.
// Add projected points left and right, if far enough away.
pl = projectPoint([x, y], angle - TAU, r)
pr = projectPoint([x, y], angle + TAU, r)
pl = projectPoint([x, y], angle - TAU, r)
pr = projectPoint([x, y], angle + TAU, r)
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl))
tl = pl
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl))
tl = pl
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr))
tr = pr
if (absDelta > DULL || getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr))
tr = pr
pp = pressure
pa = angle
pp = pressure
pa = angle
// Add the end cap. This is tricky because some lines end with sharp angles.
const last = points[points.length - 1]
for (let t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
rightPts.push(projectPoint(last, last[3] + TAU + t * PI, r))
return leftPts.concat(rightPts.reverse())

@@ -223,0 +220,0 @@ }

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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