UI for interacting with your components and their respective fixtures.
Full disclosure: CP is a large component that could be split into more modular pieces.
Right now it embodies the following parts:
The fixed header with the home button, alongside the toggle editor and full-screen buttons.
The list of components/fixtures with fuzzy search functionality and navigation between them.
- TODO: Move into separate
- The CodeMirror fixture editor, JSON format.
- It serializes the fixture and only displays the serializable parts, invisibly storing the rest. On user changes, the editor content is parsed and merged with the unserializable rest to form the updated fixture to render.
- It keeps a copy of the editor contents since they were last JSON valid to merge into the fixture contents (used to render component), while user is typing and possibly making syntax errors along the way.
- The editor ignores fixture updates when focused, giving priority to user input over component state changes.
- TODO: Move into separate
- A draggable split pane between the editor and the component preview.
- The desired split position is persisted using localStorage.
- It automatically chooses a portrait/landscape orientation to best serve the width/height ratio of the window.
- Component loader. Render selected component with selected fixture contents.
- Fixture is extended by user input from the editor and updates from state listeners.
- Local state injection and listener.
is injected into component, while preview component is also polled for state changes that merge into the active fixture contents (and therefore into the editor).
- TODO: Move into built-in proxy.
- Proxies. Composable middleware between CP and preview component.
- They can add extra markup around the preview component.
- They can alter fixture contents before reaching the preview component.
- They can hook into the preview component's callback ref to obtain its instance.
- TODO: Send proxies an
handler and enable them to update current fixture contents from various state sources (e.g. Redux store). This is required in order to isolate local state handling (6) into a proxy.
Finally, here is an example of the components
prop, used to pass the components and fixtures from above:
ComponentOne: {
class: require('./components/ComponentOne'),
fixtures: {
normal: {
fooProp: 'bar'
paused: {
fooProp: 'bar',
state: {
paused: true
ComponentTwo: {
class: require('./components/ComponentTwo'),
fixtures: {