<small>1.0.24 (2018-07-17)</small>
- chore: add 'exit if not logged in to NPM' step to bumped (a299393)
- chore: add Node.JS 10 to travis (e2589d8)
- chore: bring package.json up to date and fix Flow and Eslint errors (0944102)
- chore: finish upgrading packages and run 'npm audit fix' to fix security issues (d364496)
- chore: move 'prettier' settings to 'package.json' for format-on-save compatibility (a361673), closes #83
- chore: remove deprecated 'nsp' and use 'npm audit' (8f08c7f)
- chore(BREAKING): drop Node.js 4 (67f8471)
- chore(breaking): remove Node.js 6 and 7 from travis (af1d07a)
- chore(CI): add Node.js 9 to travis (29e6707)
- chore(eslint): restore 'no-unexpected-multiline' error rule (bc8298d)
- chore(package): correct prop-types semver in peerDependencies (5d66ca2)
- chore(package): update ava to version 0.24.0 (6220a07)
- chore(package): update ava to version 0.25.0 (634d896)
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-babel to version 5.0.0 (6e683a5)
- chore(package): update flow-bin to version 0.59.0 (b8547ef)
- chore(package): update lockfiles (839f2b5)
- chore(package): update nsp to version 3.0.0 (e0502dd)
- chore(package): update postcss-cli to version 5.0.0 (a76f711)
- chore(package): update postcss-custom-properties to version 7.0.0 (4573352)
- chore(package): update stylelint to version 9.0.0 (10a18d1)
- chore(package): upgrade prettier to version 1.7.4 (04605b8)
- chore(prettier): run 'yarn prettier' (bda79e4)
- fix: remove flow folders and hidden files from release bundle shipped to npm (d74f679)
- fix: use 'npx' to run 'git-dirty' (625d24c)
- docs: update software versions in docs (1d14898)
- docs(README): bump webpack versions (5c2a758)
- docs(README): specify webpack version better (17f7137)
- chore(bumped) switch changelog generation and lock files (7c2946c)
- wip (921a31f)
- test: improve prop-types tests (89a404b)
- refactor: rename 'ExactValidator' validator to 'NoExtraPropsValidator' (1ee4fbc), closes #49
<a name="1.0.23"></a>