Made the map resize on the window resize event, so the issue of blank tiles being rendered at the edge of an interactive map when the window is resized is no longer present.
Removed use of the typings tool from the project, and swapped over to @types packages to provide type declarations.
Updated all dependencies to their latest versions.
This property enables a high ppi and doubles the pixel ratio for the map, making the map look much, much better on high resolution screens/devices.
Isolated the tests, so that if the component is required to be mounted in the DOM by a test an individual component is both mounted and umnounted within that test, rather than mounting a component prior to the tests taking place.
Testing the hidpi mode requires direct DOM manipulation not possible with cheerio.
Replaced cheerio with jQuery throughout the testing framework.
Added a SCSS file, along with the necessary preprocessor for Karma, to set the height of the container and ensure that height is propagated down.
Implemented code coverage reporting and transmission to Coveralls.
Updated the TypeScript nightly build to that from 2016-08-25.