source | Object or number | (Required) Can be an object containing a uri string for remote image or local asset using require . | - |
style | ImageStyle | Styles to be applied to the image. | - |
placeholder | object | show placeholder while loading, either thumbhash or blurhash | - |
cachePolicy | string | dataCache : aggressive LRU disk cache urlCache : HTTP disk cache, respect cache-control | urlCache |
resizeMode | String | Resize the image with one of the options: contain cover stretch center | contain |
indicator | object | style : medium (default) or large . color : number / ColorValue | - |
fadeDuration | number | The transition duration of the image. Note: To avoid flicking, it will be set to 0 when a placeholder is provided | 300(iOS) / 100(Android) |
resize | number | Scales an image to the given width preserving aspect ratio | - |
blur | number | The blur radius of the blur filter added to the image | - |
monochrome | number / ColorValue | The color applied to the image. note: For iOS and Android Q+, it works with any color. For Android Q-, it only supports grayscale | - |
tint | number / ColorValue | The color is applied to every non-transparent pixel, causing the image’s shape to adopt that color. This effect is not applied to placeholders | - |
showPlaceholderOnFailure | boolean | Show the blur placeholder image in the case of a failure | false |
rounded | boolean | Round the image into a circle | false |
enableLiveTextInteraction | boolean | Enables Live Text interaction with the image (iOS 16+ only) | false |
allowHardware | boolean | Setting this to false this will reduce performance on API 26 and above. Only disable this if necessary. Coil's docs (Android only) | false |
format | string | Specify the format for special image, e.g. svg , gif and apng . In general, TurboImage will determine the decoder automatically. | - |
onStart | Function | The function to call when the image is fetching. | - |
onSuccess | Function | The function to call when the image is successfully loaded | - |
onFailure | Function | The function to call when the request failed | - |
onCompletion | Function | The function to call when the request is completed | - |