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A versatile utility library featuring optimized functions for data manipulation, clipboard handling, text truncation, comparison, validation, and more. Designed for modern JavaScript and TypeScript projects with efficient and reusable solutions.

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Function: convertTimeToMilliseconds


The convertTimeToMilliseconds function takes a time value and a unit (s for seconds, m for minutes, or h for hours) and converts the time into milliseconds. This is useful for standardizing time values across various formats.

import { convertTimeToMilliseconds } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Convert 5 seconds to milliseconds
const timeInMilliseconds1 = convertTimeToMilliseconds(5, 's'); // Output: 5000

// Convert 2 hours to milliseconds
const timeInMilliseconds3 = convertTimeToMilliseconds(2, 'h'); // Output: 7200000
  • time (number): The time value you want to convert.
  • unit (TTimeUnit): The unit of time, which can be: -'s' for seconds, -'m' for minutes,
  • 'h' for hours.
  • number: The equivalent time in milliseconds.
  • If an invalid unit is provided, the function throws an error indicating an invalid time unit.

Function: fn_deadline

Calculates a deadline timestamp based on the current time and a provided time duration in the format hh:mm:ss.

import { fn_deadline } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Calculate a deadline 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 45 seconds from the current time
const deadlineTimestamp = fn_deadline("02:30:45");

// Calculate a deadline 15 minutes from the current time
const shortDeadline = fn_deadline("00:15:00");

Function: formatCadNumber

Formats a credit card or similar numeric string by adding hyphens every four digits for improved readability.

import { formatCadNumber } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Format a 16-digit card number
const formattedCardNumber = formatCadNumber("1234567812345678");
// Output: "1234 - 5678 - 1234 - 5678"

// Format a 9-digit number
const formattedShortNumber = formatCadNumber("123456789");
// Output: "1234 - 5678 - 9"

Function: formatNumber

Formats a number as a localized string with up to 10 decimal places, using the user's locale for number formatting.

import { formatNumber } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Format a number
const formattedNumber = formatNumber(1234567.890123);
// Output: "1,234,567.890123"

// Format a large number with no decimals
const formattedLargeNumber = formatNumber(9876543210);
// Output: "9,876,543,210"

Function: formatPhoneNumber

Formats a phone number string by cleaning non-numeric characters and arranging it in a standardized format.

import { formatPhoneNumber } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Format a phone number with extra characters
const formattedPhoneNumber = formatPhoneNumber('0912-345-6789');
// Output: "(0912) 345-6789"

// Format a phone number with country code
const formattedPhoneNumberWithCountryCode = formatPhoneNumber('+989123456789');
// Output: "(0912) 345-6789"

// Invalid phone number
const invalidPhoneNumber = formatPhoneNumber('12345');
// Output: null

Function: generateRandomNumber

Generates a random integer between the specified minimum and maximum values (inclusive).

import { generateRandomNumber } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Generate a random number between 1 and 10
const randomNum = generateRandomNumber(1, 10);
// Example output: 3

// Generate a random number between 100 and 200
const randomNumInRange = generateRandomNumber(100, 200);
// Example output: 142

Function: getBase64

Converts an image or file (e.g., Blob, File) into a Base64 string representation.

  • img (T): The image or file (of type Blob or File) to be converted to a Base64 string. The type is generic, defaulting to Blob.
  • callback ((url: string) => void): A callback function that will be called with the Base64 string representation of the image once the conversion is complete.
  • void: This function does not return a value. It passes the Base64 string to the provided callback function.
import { getBase64 } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Example usage for an image file
const imageFile = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]')?.files?.[ 0 ];

if (imageFile) {
  getBase64(imageFile, (base64Url) => {
    console.log(base64Url); // The Base64 string of the image

Function: getChunksFromString

Splits a string into an array of substrings, each of a specified chunk size.

  • str (string): The string to be split into chunks.
  • chunkSize (number): The maximum size of each chunk.
  • string[] | null: An array of substrings split by the specified chunk size. If the string does not match the regular expression, it will return null.
import { getChunksFromString } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const longString = "This is a long string that needs to be chunked.";
const chunked = getChunksFromString(longString, 10);

// Output: [ 'This is a ', 'long strin', 'g that ne', 'eds to be', ' chunked.' ]
  • The function uses a regular expression to match chunks of the specified size. It can handle strings of varying lengths and will return the string split into as many chunks as necessary.
  • If the str is shorter than the chunkSize, it will return the entire string as a single element in the array.
  • If the input string is empty or null, the function will return null.

Function: isAllEnglishCharacters

Checks if the given string contains only English characters, spaces, digits, and punctuation.

  • input (string): The string to check.
  • boolean: true if the input string contains only English characters (both uppercase and lowercase), spaces, digits, or punctuation. Otherwise, returns false.
import { isAllEnglishCharacters } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const input1 = "Hello, World!";
const input2 = "مرحبا بالعالم";

console.log(isAllEnglishCharacters(input1));  // Output: true
console.log(isAllEnglishCharacters(input2));  // Output: false
  • The function uses a regular expression (/^[a-zA-Z\s\d\p{P}]+$/u) to ensure that the string contains only English letters (both lowercase and uppercase), spaces, digits, and punctuation characters.
  • This function will return false if the string contains any non-English characters (such as Arabic, Chinese, etc.) or other symbols not allowed by the regex.
  • The regex considers punctuation characters using the Unicode property \p{P}.

Function: isAllPersianCharacters

Checks if the given string contains only Persian characters, spaces, digits, and punctuation.

  • input (string): The string to check.
  • boolean: true if the input string contains only English characters (both uppercase and lowercase), spaces, digits, or punctuation. Otherwise, returns false.
import { isAllPersianCharacters } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const input1 = "سلام دنیا!";
const input2 = "Hello World!";

console.log(isAllPersianCharacters(input1));  // Output: true
console.log(isAllPersianCharacters(input2));  // Output: false
  • The function uses a regular expression (/^[\u0600-\u06FF\s\d\p{P}]+$/u) to ensure that the string contains only Persian characters (Unicode range \u0600-\u06FF), spaces, digits, and punctuation characters.
  • This function will return false if the string contains any non-Persian characters (such as English, Arabic, etc.) or other symbols not allowed by the regex.
  • The regex considers punctuation characters using the Unicode property \p{P}.

Function: isArrayEqual

Compares two arrays to determine if they are equal, taking into account both their size and content.

  • x (unknown[]): The first array to compare.
  • y (unknown[]): The second array to compare.
  • boolean: true if the arrays have the same size and identical elements (compared by value). Otherwise, returns false.
import { isArrayEqual } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const array1 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
const array2 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
const array3 = [ 4, 5, 6 ];

console.log(isArrayEqual(array1, array2));  // Output: true
console.log(isArrayEqual(array1, array3));  // Output: false

This function uses lodash methods size, xorWith, and isEqual to compare the arrays:

  • size: Ensures both arrays are of the same length.
  • xorWith: Compares the elements of both arrays and checks if any elements are different.
  • isEqual: Compares array elements by value, checking for deep equality.

It returns true if the arrays have the same number of elements and all corresponding elements are equal by value.

Function: isContainsEnglishCharacter

Checks if the given string contains at least one English character.

  • input (string): The string to check for English characters.
  • boolean: true if the string contains at least one English character (either lowercase or uppercase). Otherwise, returns false.
import { isContainsEnglishCharacter } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const str1 = "Hello, world!";
const str2 = "مرحبا بالعالم";

console.log(isContainsEnglishCharacter(str1));  // Output: true
console.log(isContainsEnglishCharacter(str2));  // Output: false
  • The function uses a regular expression /[a-zA-Z]/ to search for English alphabetic characters (both lowercase and uppercase).
  • It returns true if the string contains at least one English letter and false otherwise.

Function: isContainsPersianCharacter

Checks if the given string contains at least one Persian character.

  • input (string): The string to check for English characters.
  • boolean: true if the string contains at least one English character (either lowercase or uppercase). Otherwise, returns false.
import { isContainsPersianCharacter } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const str1 = "سلام دنیا";
const str2 = "Hello World";

console.log(isContainsPersianCharacter(str1));  // Output: true
console.log(isContainsPersianCharacter(str2));  // Output: false
console.log(isContainsPersianCharacter(undefined));  // Output: false
  • The function uses a regular expression /[\u0600-\u06FF]/ to search for Persian characters within the Unicode range for Persian script.
  • It returns true if the string contains at least one Persian character and false otherwise.

Function: isJson

Checks if the provided string is a valid JSON string.

  • str (string): The string to check if it's a valid JSON.
  • boolean: true if the string is a valid JSON, otherwise false.
import { isJson } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const validJson = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
const invalidJson = '{name: John, age: 30}';

console.log(isJson(validJson));  // Output: true
console.log(isJson(invalidJson));  // Output: false
  • This function attempts to parse the string using JSON.parse(). If it successfully parses the string, it returns true, indicating the string is valid JSON. Otherwise, it catches the error and returns false.

Function: isNumber

Checks if the provided value is a valid number.

  • val (any): The value to check if it is a number.
  • boolean: true if the value is a valid number, otherwise false.
import { isNumber } from 'react-tesna-utils';

console.log(isNumber(123));      // Output: true
console.log(isNumber('123'));    // Output: true
console.log(isNumber('abc'));    // Output: false
console.log(isNumber(NaN));      // Output: false
console.log(isNumber(null));     // Output: false
  • This function uses parseFloat to check if the value can be converted into a number, and it also checks for numeric values by subtracting zero (val - 0).
  • Non-numeric values like strings that cannot be parsed into numbers will return false.

Function: isValidEmail

Validates if the provided string is a valid email address.

  • value (string): The email address to validate.
  • boolean: true if the value is a valid email address, otherwise false.
import { isValidEmail } from 'react-tesna-utils';

console.log(isValidEmail(''));    // Output: true
console.log(isValidEmail(''));   // Output: false
console.log(isValidEmail(''));   // Output: true
console.log(isValidEmail('example@domain'));      // Output: false
  • The function uses a regular expression to validate the email format, ensuring the email contains a local part, an "@" symbol, and a valid domain part.
  • It considers common cases of valid email formats, but some less common ones might be missed.

Function: isValidNationalCode

Validates if the provided number or string is a valid Iranian national code (ID).

  • value (number | string): The national code (ID) to validate.
  • boolean: true if the value is a valid Iranian national code, otherwise false.
import { isValidNationalCode } from 'react-tesna-utils';

console.log(isValidNationalCode('1234567890'));  // Output: false (example invalid code)
console.log(isValidNationalCode('1234567891'));  // Output: true  (example valid code)
console.log(isValidNationalCode(9876543210));   // Output: true  (example valid code)
  • The function first converts any input to English digits using toEnDigit to ensure proper validation.
  • The Iranian national code must be exactly 10 digits long.
  • The last digit is a checksum calculated from the first 9 digits based on a mathematical formula.

Function: removeEmptyKeys

Removes empty keys and values from an object or array. Empty keys are those with null, undefined, or empty string values, and empty objects are replaced by empty objects.

  • obj (AnyObject | AnyArray): The object or array to process.
  • AnyObject | AnyArray: A new object or array with empty keys removed. Empty objects inside arrays are replaced by empty objects.
import { removeEmptyKeys } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Example with an object
const obj = {
  name: 'John',
  age: null,
  address: {},
  country: 'USA'

const cleanedObj = removeEmptyKeys(obj);
// Output: { name: 'John', country: 'USA' }

// Example with an array
const arr = [ {}, 'hello', { name: 'Alice' }, '' ];

const cleanedArr = removeEmptyKeys(arr);
// Output: [{}, 'hello', { name: 'Alice' }]
  • For objects, it removes properties where the value is an empty string, null, undefined, or an empty object.
  • For arrays, it recursively cleans items and removes any empty objects.
  • Nested objects and arrays are also processed recursively.

Function: removeNullsFromArray

Removes all null values from an object or array. This function recursively traverses the object or array and filters out null values, applying the filtering to nested structures as well.

  • obj (any): The object or array to process, which may contain null values.
  • any: A new object or array with all null values removed. If the input is an object, the properties with null values will be removed. If the input is an array, null values are removed from the array.
import { removeNullsFromArray } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Example with an object
const obj = {
  name: 'John',
  age: null,
  address: { city: 'New York', zip: null },
  country: 'USA'

const cleanedObj = removeNullsFromArray(obj);
// Output: { name: 'John', address: { city: 'New York' }, country: 'USA' }

// Example with an array
const arr = [ null, 'hello', null, [ null, 'world' ], { key: null, value: 'test' } ];

const cleanedArr = removeNullsFromArray(arr);
// Output: ['hello', ['world'], { value: 'test' }]
  • The function recursively cleans nested arrays and objects.undefined, or an empty object.
  • All null values, regardless of their position (whether in objects, arrays, or nested structures), will be removed.
  • Non-null values are retained in the returned structure.

Function: truncatedMiddleText

Truncates a string by removing the middle portion and replacing it with a separator (...). This function is useful for displaying shortened versions of longer texts where only the start and end portions are needed.

  • text (string): The input string to be truncated.
  • startLength (number, optional): The number of characters to retain from the start of the string. Default is 5.
  • endLength (number, optional): The number of characters to retain from the end of the string. Default is 15..
  • separator (string, optional): The separator to use in the middle of the truncated string. Default is ....
  • string: A truncated string with the middle portion replaced by the separator if the length exceeds the combined startLength and endLength.
import { truncatedMiddleText } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Example 1: Basic usage
const result1 = truncatedMiddleText({ text: 'This is a very long sentence that needs truncation.' });
// Output: 'This ...n.' (5 characters from the start and 15 characters from the end)

// Example 2: Custom start and end lengths
const result2 = truncatedMiddleText({
  text: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.',
  startLength: 3,
  endLength: 4
// Output: 'The' (3 characters from the start and 4 characters from the end)

// Example 3: Custom separator
const result3 = truncatedMiddleText({
  text: 'A very long text example that needs truncation.',
  separator: '***'
// Output: 'A v***tion.' (Default start and end lengths with custom separator)
  • If the text is shorter than the combined lengths of startLength and endLength, the function returns the original text.
  • If the text is empty or undefined, it returns the text as is.

Function: wait

Creates a delay by returning a promise that resolves after a specified duration. This function is useful for adding pauses or delays in asynchronous code.

  • duration (number): The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before resolving the promise.
  • Promise<void>: A promise that resolves after the specified duration.
import { wait } from 'react-tesna-utils';

// Example 1: Using wait for a delay in an async function
async function example() {
  await wait(2000);  // Wait for 2 seconds

// Output:
// Start
// (After 2 seconds)
// End
  • The duration is in milliseconds, so 1000 represents a 1-second delay.
  • The function returns a Promise, making it useful for chaining with async/await or .then() for handling asynchronous flows.

Function: deepCompareAndRemove

This function compares two objects or arrays deeply. It removes keys from the first object (obj1) if their values match in the second object (obj2). If obj2 is not provided, the function returns the entire obj1. The function can handle nested objects and arrays.

  • obj1: The main object or array to process.
  • obj2 (optional): The reference object or array to compare against.
  • A new object or array with keys or elements removed from obj1 based on the comparison with obj2.
  • Recursively compares nested objects and arrays.
  • Deletes keys or elements if they are deeply equal.
  • Removes top-level empty objects or arrays from the result.
import { deepCompareAndRemove } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const obj1 = {
  name: "Alice",
  age: 30,
  address: {
    city: "New York",
    zip: 10001,
    additional: {
      info: "Apartment 12B",
      details: null,
  hobbies: [ "reading", "sports", "coding" ],

const obj2 = {
  name: "Alice",
  address: {
    city: "New York",
    additional: {
      info: "Apartment 12B",
  hobbies: [ "reading", "sports" ],

const result = deepCompareAndRemove(obj1, obj2);

  age: 30,
  address: {
    zip: 10001,
    additional: {
      details: null,
  hobbies: ["coding"],
How It Works:
  1. Compares obj1 and obj2 key by key.
  2. If the value of a key in obj1 matches the corresponding value in obj2, the key is removed.
  3. For nested objects or arrays, it calls itself recursively.
  4. Cleans up empty objects or arrays after processing.

This utility is helpful for scenarios where you need to filter out unchanged or duplicate data in hierarchical structures, such as processing configuration files or response data.

Function: useCopy

The useCopy custom hook simplifies copying text to the clipboard in a React application. It handles the logic for copying, loading states, and resetting the state after a delay.

  • Loading State: Indicates when the copy action is in progress.
  • Copied State: Tracks if the text was successfully copied.
  • Timeout Handling: Automatically resets the copied state after 2 seconds.
  • Clipboard API Integration: Uses the browser's Clipboard API for copying text.
Hook API
  • isCopied: A boolean indicating whether the text has been successfully copied.
  • isCopyLoading: A boolean indicating if the copying process is in progress.
  • copyText: A function that takes a string (text) and attempts to copy it to the clipboard.
import { useCopy } from 'react-tesna-utils';

const CopyExample = () => {
  const { isCopied, isCopyLoading, copyText } = useCopy();
  return (
        onClick={ () => copyText('Hello, World!') }
        disabled={ isCopyLoading }
        { isCopyLoading ? 'Copying...' : isCopied ? 'Copied!' : 'Copy Text' }

export default CopyExample;
Additional Notes:
  • Clipboard Support: The hook uses the navigator.clipboard API, which is supported in most modern browsers. If the Clipboard API is not supported, it logs an error to the console and returns false.
  • Automatic Cleanup: The hook ensures the timeout is cleared when the component is unmounted to prevent memory leaks.

This utility is perfect for creating user-friendly interactions, such as "Copy to Clipboard" buttons.



Package last updated on 20 Nov 2024

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