
Debounced React high order component to expose container width and height.
Let's build an example react component:
const Header = ({ style }) => (<h1 style={style}>Header</h1>)
And decorate:
import WithDimension from 'react-with-dimension'
const Decorated = WithDimension()(Header)
Now when you use <Decorated />
it will pass the numeric properties containerWidth
and containerHeight
You can change the property name by passing a function, example:
const Decorated = WithDimension(
{ transform: (width, height) => ({ largeness: width, tallness: height }) }
The property passed to the Header
would change to largeness
and tallness
You can also change the wrapper div style to meet your needs like:
const Decorated = WithDimension(
{ containerStyle: { display: 'inline-block' } }
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