overlayClassName | string | | additional className added to popup overlay |
overlayStyle | Object | | additional style of overlay node |
prefixCls | String | rmc-tooltip | prefix class name |
transitionName | String | | same as https://github.com/react-component/css-transition-group |
onVisibleChange | Function | | call when visible is changed |
afterVisibleChange | Function | | call after visible is changed |
visible | boolean | | whether tooltip is visible |
defaultVisible | boolean | | whether tooltip is visible initially |
placement | String | | one of ['left','right','top','bottom', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'] |
align | Object: alignConfig of [dom-align](https://github.com/yiminghe/dom-align) | | value will be merged into placement's config |
onPopupAlign | function(popupDomNode, align) | | callback when popup node is aligned |
overlay | React.Element | () => React.Element | | popup content |
arrowContent | React.Node | null | arrow content |
getTooltipContainer | function | | Function returning html node which will act as tooltip container. By default the tooltip attaches to the body. If you want to change the container, simply return a new element. |
destroyTooltipOnHide | boolean | false | whether destroy tooltip when tooltip is hidden |