Custom ESRI Search Documentation
is a React component that provides a dynamic search interface with autocomplete suggestions. It is designed to search within observing sites, researchers, or keywords. The component leverages Material-UI for styling and icons, and it includes custom hooks and helper functions to manage search functionality.
The Search
folder contains all the files related to the CustomEsriSearch
. This includes the main component file, any related sub-components, utility functions, tests, and styles.
To install the SearchComponent
, you need to have npm
or yarn
installed. You can then install the package and its dependencies.
Using npm:
npm i sel-custom-esri-search
The SearchComponent takes the following props:
- view: An object representing the map view or context where the search will be performed.
- searchFields: An array of strings representing the fields to search within.
- featureLayer: An object representing the feature layer or data source.
import React from "react";
import CustomEsriSearch from "sel-custom-esri-search";
function App() {
const view = {};
const searchFields = ["field1", "field2"];
const featureLayer = {};
return (
<div className="App">
export default App;
Internal Functions
- Clears the current search input and resets the search results.
- Handles the search input change, updates the state, and triggers the search query if the input length is greater than or equal to 3 characters.
- Handles the selection of a suggestion from the autocomplete list, hides the suggestions, and triggers the getSuggestion function.
useWithSearch: Custom hook used within SearchComponent to manage search state and actions. It returns the following:
- onSearchClear: Function to clear the search.
- buildQuery: Function to build and execute the search query.
- getSuggestion: Function to get the selected suggestion.
- suggestions: Array of suggestions based on the search input.