1. Introduction
This code has the objective to stablish connection with a SFTP server and depending of the option it will perform diferent actions.
Available options (defined for the flags parameter) and their actions:
CREATEDIRECTORY - Create a directory in an specific path.
DELETEDIRECTORY - Delete the directory and its content (also considering the subdirectories).
DELETEFILE - Delete a file in an specific path in the SFTP server.
DOWNLOADIRECTORY - Dowload the full directory from the SFTP server to a local machine.
GETFILE - Get the content of a file from the SFTP server, a specific encoding can be requested.
GETLISTFILES - Get the list of files and directories contained in a specific path in the SFTP server.
RENAMEFILE - Rename a file inside a path in the SFTP server.
SAVEFILE - Create a file inside the SFTP server, the content of the file is handeled as a string that can have an specific encondig, the enconding should be specified.
UPLOADIRECTORY - Upload a local directory and all its content into a specific path in the SFTP server.
Any other flag will be consider as an invalid value and will return a message error.
As components are used in the N3xGen Portal (NXGP) flows regardless that the library should be added on component code, when the flow is running, an exchange and some queues are created using the ID flow (assigned from NXGP).
2. Library usage
The library can be installed from npm page with the next:
npm install sftp-cg-lib
, npm i sftp-cg-lib
or yarn install sftp-cg-lib
Resultant sample:
"\\newDir\\otherdir1 directory created"
In case the directory already exists, the next message will be shown:
"\\newDir\\otherdir already exists"
Resultant sample:
"Successfully removed directory"
In case the directory does not exist this message will be shown:
"code": "ERR_BAD_PATH",
"custom": true
Resultant sample:
"Successfully deleted \\file.txt"
In case the file does not exist this message will be shown:
"code": 2,
"custom": true
Resultant sample:
"/ downloaded to C://Users//Documents"
If the path of sftp servert that was specified does not existe this message will be shown:
"code": 5,
"custom": true
Description: This request will get the content of a file in a string.
Once the request is sent, the answer will be a string in a JSON format with the result of the excecution.
Sample of a request without encoding (the default countent will be get in base64):
Resultant sample:
"filename": "test.txt",
"content": "dGVzdCBvZiBhIHNmdHAgY29tcG9uZW50"
- Sample of a request with encoding:
"encoding": "utf8"
Resultant sample:
"filename": "test.txt",
"content": "test of a sftp component"
If a file that does not exist is tryed to be get this message will be shown:
"code": 3,
"custom": true
Resultant sample:
"type": "-",
"name": "vista.txt",
"size": 5,
"modifyTime": 1660166815000,
"accessTime": 1660166815000,
"rights": {
"user": "rw",
"group": "rw",
"other": "rw "
"owner": 0,
"group": 0,
"longname": "-rw-rw-rw 1 root root 5 Aug 10 16:26 vista.txt"
"type": "-",
"name": "Xp.txt",
"size": 8,
"modifyTime": 1660166684000,
"accessTime": 1660166674000,
"rights": {
"user": "rw",
"group": "rw",
"other": "rw "
"owner": 0,
"group": 0,
"longname": "-rw-rw-rw 1 root root 8 Aug 10 16:24 Xp.txt"
If a path that does not exist is specified this message will be shown:
"code": 5,
"custom": true
Resultant sample:
"Successfully renamed \\testOldName.txt to \\testNewName.txt"
If the file that will be renamed does not exist this message will be shown:
"code": 2,
"custom": true
Description: This request will save a file into the SFTP server, the string with the content could be in severals formats, the parameter encoding should be specified in case of a content different to base64.
Once the request is sent, the answer will be a string in a JSON format with the result of the excecution.
Sample of a request no enconding specified so the content should be base64:
Resultant sample:
"Uploaded data stream to \\testNewFile.txt"
- Sample of a request with enconding:
"content":"Hello world.",
Resultant sample:
"Uploaded data stream to \\testNewFile.txt"
If the file that will be created already existe, the current file will be renamed adding the date in the name and the new file will be create with the name in the request.
Resultant sample:
"C://Users////Documents// uploaded to /"
If the local path does not exist this message will be shown:
"code": "ERR_BAD_PATH",
"custom": true