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@@ -11,4 +11,6 @@ import { Narrow, Intersect } from './type';

type Returns<FS extends readonly Function[]> = { [P in keyof FS]: FS[P] extends FS[number] ? ReturnType<FS[P]> : FS[P]; };
type Result<T> = { value: T; done: true; } | { value: unknown; done: false; };
type ReturnResults<FS extends readonly Function[]> = { [P in keyof FS]: FS[P] extends FS[number] ? Result<ReturnType<FS[P]>> : FS[P]; };
type ReturnResults<FS extends readonly Function[]> = { readonly [P in keyof FS]: FS[P] extends FS[number] ? Result<ReturnType<FS[P]>> : FS[P]; };
type Result<T> =
| { readonly value: T; readonly done: true; }
| { readonly value: unknown; readonly done: false; };

@@ -53,3 +55,3 @@ export function bundle<fs extends ((this: undefined, a?: unknown) => unknown)[]>(...fs: fs): ( ParamNs<fs, 0>) => Returns<fs>;

function cancel<T>(cancellers: readonly ((error?: Error) => T)[], error?: Error): Result<T>[] {
function cancel<T>(cancellers: readonly ((error?: Error) => T)[], error?: Error): readonly Result<T>[] {
const results: Result<T>[] = Array(cancellers.length);

@@ -56,0 +58,0 @@ for (let i = 0, g: typeof cancellers[number]; g = cancellers[i]; ++i) {

@@ -26,3 +26,3 @@ import { AtomicFuture } from './future';

for (; ;) {
while (true) {
await notifier;

@@ -29,0 +29,0 @@ notifier = new AtomicFuture();

@@ -307,3 +307,3 @@ import { Structural, DeepImmutable, DeepRequired } from './type';

let reply: R | T | undefined;
for (; ;) {
while (true) {
const result = await!);

@@ -310,0 +310,0 @@ if (result.done) return await result.value;

@@ -1,1 +0,134 @@

export * from './monad/either';
import { AtomicPromise } from './promise';
import { curry } from './curry';
export interface Either<a, b> {
fmap<c>(f: (b: b) => c): Either<a, c>;
ap<b, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, z>;
ap<b, c, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c) => z>;
ap<b, c, d, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d) => z>;
ap<b, c, d, e, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>;
ap<b, c, d, e, f, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>;
bind<c>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c>;
join<c>(this: Either<a, Either<a, c>>): Either<a, c>;
extract(): b;
extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c): b | c;
extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c, right: (b: b) => c): c;
class Right<b> implements Either<never, b> {
private readonly value: b,
) {
public fmap<c>(f: (b: b) => c): Right<c> {
return new Right(f(this.value));
public ap<b, z>(this: Either<never, (b: b) => z>, b: Either<never, b>): Either<never, z>;
public ap<b, c, z>(this: Either<never, (b: b, c: c) => z>, b: Either<never, b>): Either<never, (c: c) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, z>(this: Either<never, (b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, b: Either<never, b>): Either<never, (c: c, d: d) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, e, z>(this: Either<never, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, b: Either<never, b>): Either<never, (c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, e, f, z>(this: Either<never, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>, b: Either<never, b>): Either<never, (c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>;
public ap<b, z>(this: Either<never, (b: b) => z>, b: Either<never, b>): Either<never, z> {
return Either.ap(this, b);
public bind<c, a = never>(f: (b: b) => Right<c>): Right<c>;
public bind<c, a>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c>;
public bind<c, a>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c> {
return f(this.extract());
public join<c>(this: Either<never, Either<never, c>>): Either<never, c> {
return this.bind(m => m);
public extract(): b;
public extract<c>(transform: (a: never) => c): b;
public extract<c>(left: (a: never) => c, right: (b: b) => c): c;
public extract<c>(left?: (a: never) => c, right?: (b: b) => c): b | c {
if (right !== undefined) return right(this.value);
return this.value;
class Left<a> implements Either<a, never> {
private readonly value: a,
) {
public fmap<c>(f: (b: never) => c): Left<a> {
return this;
public ap<b, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, z>;
public ap<b, c, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, e, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, e, f, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>;
public ap<b, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b) => z>, _: Either<a, b>): Either<a, z> {
return this as Left<a>;
public bind<b>(f: (b: never) => Either<a, b>): Left<a> {
return this;
public join<c>(this: Either<a, Either<a, c>>): Left<a> {
return this as Left<a>;
public extract(): never;
public extract<c>(transform: (a: a) => c): c;
public extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c, right: (b: never) => c): c;
public extract<c>(left?: (a: a) => c): c {
if (left !== undefined) return left(this.value);
throw this.value;
function right<b>(b: b): Right<b>;
function right<a, b>(b: b): Either<a, b>;
function right<a, b>(b: b): Either<a, b> {
return new Right(b);
function left<a>(value: a): Left<a> {
return new Left(value);
export {
right as Right,
left as Left,
export namespace Either {
export function fmap<a, b, c>(m: Either<a, b>, f: (b: b) => c): Either<a, c>;
export function fmap<a, b>(m: Either<a, b>): <c>(f: (b: b) => c) => Either<a, c>;
export function fmap<a, b, c>(m: Either<a, b>, f?: (b: b) => c): Either<a, c> | (<c>(f: (b: b) => c) => Either<a, c>) {
return f
? m.fmap(f)
: <c>(f: (b: b) => c) => m.fmap(f);
export const pure = right;
export function ap<a, b, c>(mf: Either<a, (b: b) => c>, ma: Either<a, b>): Either<a, c>;
export function ap<a, b, c>(mf: Either<a, (b: b) => c>): (ma: Either<a, b>) => Either<a, c>;
export function ap<a, b, c>(af: Either<a, (b: b) => c>, aa?: Either<a, b>): Either<a, c> | ((aa: Either<a, b>) => Either<a, c>) {
return aa
? af.bind(f => aa.fmap(curry(f)))
: (aa: Either<a, b>) => ap(af, aa);
export const Return = pure;
export function bind<a, b, c>(m: Either<a, b>, f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c>;
export function bind<a, b>(m: Either<a, b>): <c>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>) => Either<a, c>;
export function bind<a, b, c>(m: Either<a, b>, f?: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c> | (<c>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>) => Either<a, c>) {
return f
? m.bind(f)
: <c>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>) => bind(m, f);
export function sequence<a, b>(fm: Either<a, b>[]): Either<a, b[]>;
export function sequence<a, b>(fm: Either<a, PromiseLike<b>>): AtomicPromise<Either<a, b>>;
export function sequence<a, b>(fm: Either<a, b>[] | Either<a, PromiseLike<b>>): Either<a, b[]> | AtomicPromise<Either<a, b>> {
return Array.isArray(fm)
? fm.reduce((acc, m) =>
acc.bind(as =>
m.fmap(a =>
[, a]))
, Return([]))
: fm.extract(b => AtomicPromise.resolve(new Left(b)), a => AtomicPromise.resolve(a).then<Either<a, b>>(Return));

@@ -1,1 +0,143 @@

export * from './monad/maybe';
import { AtomicPromise } from './promise';
import { curry } from './curry';
export interface Maybe<a> {
fmap<b>(f: (a: a) => b): Maybe<b>;
ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<z>
ap<a, b, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b) => z>
ap<a, b, c, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c) => z>
ap<a, b, c, d, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>
ap<a, b, c, d, e, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>
bind<b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b>;
join<b>(this: Maybe<Maybe<b>>): Maybe<b>;
guard(cond: boolean): Maybe<a>;
extract(): a;
extract(nothing: () => a): a;
extract<b>(nothing: () => b): a | b;
extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: a) => b): b;
class Just<a> implements Maybe<a> {
private readonly value: a,
) {
public fmap<b>(f: (a: a) => b): Just<b> {
return new Just(f(this.value));
public ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<z>
public ap<a, b, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b) => z>
public ap<a, b, c, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c) => z>
public ap<a, b, c, d, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>
public ap<a, b, c, d, e, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>
public ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<( any[]) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<z> {
return Maybe.ap(this, a);
public bind<b>(f: (a: a) => Just<b>): Just<b>;
public bind<b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b>;
public bind<b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b> {
return f(this.value);
public join<b>(this: Maybe<Maybe<b>>): Maybe<b> {
return this.bind(m => m);
public guard(cond: boolean): Maybe<a> {
return cond
? this
: nothing;
public extract(): a;
public extract(nothing: () => a): a;
public extract<b>(nothing: () => b): a | b;
public extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: a) => b): b;
public extract<b>(nothing?: () => b, just?: (a: a) => b): a | b {
if (just !== undefined) return just(this.value);
return this.value;
class Nothing implements Maybe<never> {
public fmap<b>(f: (a: never) => b): Nothing {
return this;
public ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Nothing;
public ap<a, b, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Nothing;
public ap<a, b, c, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Nothing;
public ap<a, b, c, d, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Nothing;
public ap<a, b, c, d, e, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Nothing;
public ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<( any[]) => z>, _: Maybe<a>): Nothing {
return this as Nothing;
public bind<b>(f: (a: never) => Maybe<b>): Nothing {
return this;
public join<b>(this: Maybe<Maybe<b>>): Nothing {
return this as Nothing;
public guard(cond: boolean): Nothing {
return this;
public extract(): never;
public extract<b>(transform: () => b): b;
public extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: never) => b): b;
public extract<b>(nothing?: () => b): b {
if (nothing !== undefined) return nothing();
throw new Error(`Spica: Maybe: Nothig value is extracted.`);
function just<a>(value: a): Just<a> {
return new Just(value);
const nothing = new Nothing();
export {
just as Just,
nothing as Nothing,
export namespace Maybe {
export function fmap<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f: (a: a) => b): Maybe<b>;
export function fmap<a>(m: Maybe<a>): <b>(f: (a: a) => b) => Maybe<b>;
export function fmap<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f?: (a: a) => b): Maybe<b> | (<b>(f: (a: a) => b) => Maybe<b>) {
return f
? m.fmap(f)
: <b>(f: (a: a) => b) => m.fmap(f);
export const pure = just;
export function ap<a, b>(mf: Maybe<(a: a) => b>, ma: Maybe<a>): Maybe<b>;
export function ap<a, b>(mf: Maybe<(a: a) => b>): (ma: Maybe<a>) => Maybe<b>;
export function ap<a, b>(af: Maybe<(a: a) => b>, aa?: Maybe<a>): Maybe<b> | ((aa: Maybe<a>) => Maybe<b>) {
return aa
? af.bind(f => aa.fmap(curry(f)))
: (aa: Maybe<a>) => ap(af, aa);
export const Return = pure;
export function bind<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b>;
export function bind<a>(m: Maybe<a>): <b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>) => Maybe<b>;
export function bind<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f?: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b> | (<b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>) => Maybe<b>) {
return f
? m.bind(f)
: <b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>) => bind(m, f);
export function sequence<a>(fm: Maybe<a>[]): Maybe<a[]>;
export function sequence<a>(fm: Maybe<PromiseLike<a>>): AtomicPromise<Maybe<a>>;
export function sequence<a>(fm: Maybe<a>[] | Maybe<PromiseLike<a>>): Maybe<a[]> | AtomicPromise<Maybe<a>> {
return Array.isArray(fm)
? fm.reduce((acc, m) =>
acc.bind(as =>
m.fmap(a =>
[, a]))
, Return([]))
: fm.extract(() => AtomicPromise.resolve(Maybe.mzero), a => AtomicPromise.resolve(a).then(Return))
export const mzero: Maybe<never> = nothing;
export function mplus<a>(ml: Maybe<a>, mr: Maybe<a>): Maybe<a> {
return ml.extract(() => mr, () => ml);

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { Monad } from './monad';

public ap<b, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, z>
public ap<b, c, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c) => z>
public ap<b, c, d, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d) => z>
public ap<b, c, d, e, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>
public ap<b, c, d, e, f, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>
public ap<b, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, z>;
public ap<b, c, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, e, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>;
public ap<b, c, d, e, f, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, (c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f) => z>;
public ap<b, z>(this: Either<a, (b: b) => z>, b: Either<a, b>): Either<a, z> {

@@ -24,12 +24,10 @@ return Either.ap(this, b);

const m: Either<a, b> = this.evaluate();
if (m instanceof Left) {
return m;
switch (m.constructor) {
case Right:
return f(m.extract());
case Left:
return m as Left<a>;
return m.bind(f);
if (m instanceof Right) {
return f(m.extract());
if (m instanceof Either) {
return m.bind(f);
throw new TypeError(`Spica: Either: Invalid monad value: ${m}`);

@@ -40,6 +38,5 @@ }

public extract(): b
public extract(left: (a: a) => b): b
public extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c): b | c
public extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c, right: (b: b) => c): c
public extract(): b;
public extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c): b | c;
public extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c, right: (b: b) => c): c;
public extract<c>(left?: (a: a) => c, right?: (b: b) => c): b | c {

@@ -50,8 +47,8 @@ return right === undefined

public static do<b>(block: () => Iterator<Either<never, b>, Either<never, b>, b>): Either<never, b>
public static do<a, b>(block: () => Iterator<Either<a, b>, Either<a, b>, b>): Either<a, b>
public static do<b>(block: () => Iterator<Either<never, b>, Either<never, b>, b>): Either<never, b>;
public static do<a, b>(block: () => Iterator<Either<a, b>, Either<a, b>, b>): Either<a, b>;
public static do<a, b>(block: () => Iterator<Either<a, b>, Either<a, b>, b>): Either<a, b> {
const iter = block();
let value: b | undefined;
for (; ;) {
while (true) {
const { value: m, done } =!);

@@ -64,14 +61,14 @@ if (done) return m;

export namespace Either {
export declare function fmap<e, a, b>(m: Either<e, a>, f: (a: a) => b): Either<e, b>
export declare function fmap<e, a>(m: Either<e, a>): <b>(f: (a: a) => b) => Either<e, b>
export function pure<b>(b: b): Right<b>
export function pure<a, b>(b: b): Either<a, b>
export declare function fmap<a, b, c>(m: Either<a, b>, f: (b: b) => c): Either<a, c>;
export declare function fmap<a, b>(m: Either<a, b>): <c>(f: (b: b) => c) => Either<a, c>;
export function pure<b>(b: b): Right<b>;
export function pure<a, b>(b: b): Either<a, b>;
export function pure<a, b>(b: b): Either<a, b> {
return new Right(b);
export declare function ap<e, a, b>(mf: Either<e, (a: a) => b>, ma: Either<e, a>): Either<e, b>
export declare function ap<e, a, b>(mf: Either<e, (a: a) => b>): (ma: Either<e, a>) => Either<e, b>
export declare function ap<a, b, c>(mf: Either<a, (b: b) => c>, ma: Either<a, b>): Either<a, c>;
export declare function ap<a, b, c>(mf: Either<a, (b: b) => c>): (ma: Either<a, b>) => Either<a, c>;
export const Return = pure;
export declare function bind<e, a, b>(m: Either<e, a>, f: (a: a) => Either<e, b>): Either<e, b>
export declare function bind<e, a>(m: Either<e, a>): <b>(f: (a: a) => Either<e, b>) => Either<e, b>
export declare function bind<a, b, c>(m: Either<a, b>, f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c>;
export declare function bind<a, b>(m: Either<a, b>): <c>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>) => Either<a, c>;
export function sequence<a, b>(fm: Either<a, b>[]): Either<a, b[]>;

@@ -86,3 +83,3 @@ export function sequence<a, b>(fm: Either<a, PromiseLike<b>>): AtomicPromise<Either<a, b>>;

[, a]))
, Return<a, b[]>([]));
, Return([]));

@@ -95,13 +92,12 @@ }

public override bind<_>(_: (_: never) => Left<a>): Left<a>
public override bind<b>(_: (_: never) => Either<a, b>): Either<a, b>
public override bind<b>(_: (_: never) => Either<a, b>): Either<a, b> {
public override bind<b>(f: (b: never) => Either<a, b>): Left<a> {
return this;
public override extract(): never
public override extract<c>(transform: (a: a) => c): c
public override extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c, right: (b: never) => c): c
public override extract(): never;
public override extract<c>(transform: (a: a) => c): c;
public override extract<c>(left: (a: a) => c, right: (b: never) => c): c;
public override extract<c>(left?: (a: a) => c): c {
if (left === undefined) throw this.value;
return left(this.value);
if (left !== undefined) return left(this.value);
throw this.value;

@@ -114,15 +110,14 @@ }

public override bind<c, _ = never>(f: (b: b) => Right<c>): Right<c>
public override bind<c, a>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c>
public override bind<c, a = never>(f: (b: b) => Right<c>): Right<c>;
public override bind<c, a>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c>;
public override bind<c, a>(f: (b: b) => Either<a, c>): Either<a, c> {
return new Either(() => f(this.extract()));
public override extract(): b
public override extract(transform: (a: never) => b): b
public override extract<c>(transform: (a: never) => c): b
public override extract<c>(left: (a: never) => c, right: (b: b) => c): c
public override extract<c>(_?: (a: never) => c, right?: (b: b) => c): b | c {
return right === undefined
? this.value
: right(this.value);
public override extract(): b;
public override extract<c>(transform: (a: never) => c): b;
public override extract<c>(left: (a: never) => c, right: (b: b) => c): c;
public override extract<c>(left?: (a: never) => c, right?: (b: b) => c): b | c {
if (right !== undefined) return right(this.value);
return this.value;

@@ -129,0 +124,0 @@ }

import { Either, Left, Right } from './either';
describe('Unit: lib/either', () => {
describe('Unit: lib/monad/either', () => {
const Return = Either.Return;

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { MonadPlus } from './monadplus';

public ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<z>
public ap<a, b, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b) => z>
public ap<a, b, c, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c) => z>
public ap<a, b, c, d, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>
public ap<a, b, c, d, e, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>
public ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<z>;
public ap<a, b, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b) => z>;
public ap<a, b, c, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c) => z>;
public ap<a, b, c, d, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d) => z>;
public ap<a, b, c, d, e, z>(this: Maybe<(a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<(b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e) => z>;
public ap<a, z>(this: Maybe<( any[]) => z>, a: Maybe<a>): Maybe<z> {

@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ return Maybe.ap(this, a);

const m: Maybe<a> = this.evaluate();
if (m instanceof Just) {
return f(m.extract());
switch (m.constructor) {
case Just:
return f(m.extract());
case Nothing:
return m as Nothing;
return m.bind(f);
if (m instanceof Nothing) {
return m;
if (m instanceof Maybe) {
return m.bind(f);
throw new TypeError(`Spica: Maybe: Invalid monad value: ${m}`);
public join<b>(this: Maybe<Maybe<b>>): Maybe<b> {
return this.bind(m => m);
public guard(cond: boolean): Maybe<a> {

@@ -42,9 +43,5 @@ return cond

public join<b>(this: Maybe<Maybe<b>>): Maybe<b> {
return this.bind(m => m);
public extract(): a
public extract(nothing: () => a): a
public extract<b>(nothing: () => b): a | b
public extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: a) => b): b
public extract(): a;
public extract<b>(nothing: () => b): a | b;
public extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: a) => b): b;
public extract<b>(nothing?: () => b, just?: (a: a) => b): a | b {

@@ -58,3 +55,3 @@ return just === undefined

let value: a | undefined;
for (; ;) {
while (true) {
const { value: m, done } =!);

@@ -67,16 +64,12 @@ if (done) return m;

export namespace Maybe {
export declare function fmap<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f: (a: a) => b): Maybe<b>
export declare function fmap<a>(m: Maybe<a>): <b>(f: (a: a) => b) => Maybe<b>
export declare function fmap<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f: (a: a) => b): Maybe<b>;
export declare function fmap<a>(m: Maybe<a>): <b>(f: (a: a) => b) => Maybe<b>;
export function pure<a>(a: a): Maybe<a> {
return new Just(a);
export declare function ap<a, b>(mf: Maybe<(a: a) => b>, ma: Maybe<a>): Maybe<b>
export declare function ap<a, b>(mf: Maybe<(a: a) => b>): (ma: Maybe<a>) => Maybe<b>
export declare function ap<a, b>(mf: Maybe<(a: a) => b>, ma: Maybe<a>): Maybe<b>;
export declare function ap<a, b>(mf: Maybe<(a: a) => b>): (ma: Maybe<a>) => Maybe<b>;
export const Return = pure;
export declare function bind<a>(m: Maybe<a>, f: (a: a) => Maybe<a>): Maybe<a>
export declare function bind<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b>
export declare function bind<a>(m: Maybe<a>): {
(f: (a: a) => Nothing): Maybe<a>;
<b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b>;
export declare function bind<a, b>(m: Maybe<a>, f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b>;
export declare function bind<a>(m: Maybe<a>): <b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>) => Maybe<b>;
export function sequence<a>(fm: Maybe<a>[]): Maybe<a[]>;

@@ -91,3 +84,3 @@ export function sequence<a>(fm: Maybe<PromiseLike<a>>): AtomicPromise<Maybe<a>>;

[, a]))
, Return<a[]>([]));
, Return([]));

@@ -100,13 +93,14 @@ }

public override bind<b>(f: (a: a) => Just<b>): Just<b>;
public override bind<b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b>;
public override bind<b>(f: (a: a) => Maybe<b>): Maybe<b> {
return new Maybe(() => f(this.extract()));
public override extract(): a
public override extract(transform: () => a): a
public override extract<b>(transform: () => b): a
public override extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: a) => b): b
public override extract<b>(_?: () => b, just?: (a: a) => b): a | b {
return just === undefined
? this.value
: just(this.value);
public override extract(): a;
public override extract<b>(transform: () => b): a;
public override extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: a) => b): b;
public override extract<b>(nothing?: () => b, just?: (a: a) => b): a | b {
if (just !== undefined) return just(this.value);
return this.value;

@@ -119,13 +113,12 @@ }

public override bind<_>(_: (_: never) => Nothing): Nothing
public override bind<a>(_: (_: never) => Maybe<a>): Maybe<a>
public override bind<a>(_: (_: never) => Maybe<a>): Maybe<a> {
public override bind<b>(f: (a: never) => Maybe<b>): Nothing {
return this;
public override extract(): never
public override extract<b>(transform: () => b): b
public override extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: never) => b): b
public override extract(): never;
public override extract<b>(transform: () => b): b;
public override extract<b>(nothing: () => b, just: (a: never) => b): b;
public override extract<b>(nothing?: () => b): b {
if (nothing === undefined) throw new Error(`Spica: Maybe: Nothig value is extracted.`);
return nothing();
if (nothing !== undefined) return nothing();
throw new Error(`Spica: Maybe: Nothig value is extracted.`);

@@ -136,10 +129,5 @@ }

export const mzero: Maybe<never> = new Nothing();
export function mplus<a>(ml: Maybe<a>, mr: Nothing): Maybe<a>
export function mplus<a>(ml: Nothing, mr: Maybe<a>): Maybe<a>
export function mplus<a>(ml: Maybe<a>, mr: Maybe<a>): Maybe<a>
export function mplus<a>(ml: Maybe<a>, mr: Maybe<a>): Maybe<a> {
return new Maybe<a>(() =>
.fmap(() => ml)
.extract(() => mr));
ml.extract(() => mr, () => ml));

@@ -146,0 +134,0 @@ }

import { Maybe, Just, Nothing } from './maybe';
import { Sequence } from './sequence';
describe('Unit: lib/maybe', () => {
describe('Unit: lib/monad/maybe', () => {
const Return = Maybe.Return;

@@ -145,2 +145,6 @@

it('join', () => {
assert(Return(Return(0)).join().extract() === 0);
it('guard', () => {

@@ -153,6 +157,2 @@ assert(Just(0).guard(true).extract(() => 1) === 0);

it('join', () => {
assert(Return(Return(0)).join().extract() === 0);
it('sequence', async () => {

@@ -159,0 +159,0 @@ assert.deepStrictEqual(Maybe.sequence([Just(0), Just(1)]).extract(), [0, 1]);

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ import { Sequence } from '../../core';

let iter = () => this.iterate();
for (; ;) {
while (true) {
const thunk = iter();

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ if (!Sequence.isIterable(thunk)) return acc;

"name": "spica",
"version": "0.0.740",
"version": "0.0.741",
"description": "Supervisor, Coroutine, Channel, select, AtomicPromise, Cancellation, Cache, List, Queue, Stack, and some utils.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "private": false,

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