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tailwind-styled-components - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.8 to 2.2.0




@@ -1,37 +0,101 @@

import React from "react";
import React, { CSSProperties } from "react";
declare const isTwElement: unique symbol;
export declare type IsTwElement = {
[isTwElement]: true;
export declare type FalseyValue = undefined | null | false;
export declare type FlattenInterpolation<P> = ReadonlyArray<Interpolation<P>>;
export declare type InterpolationValue = string | number | FalseyValue | TailwindComponentInterpolation;
export declare type Interpolation<P> = InterpolationValue | InterpolationFunction<P> | FlattenInterpolation<P>;
export declare type InterpolationFunction<P> = (props: P) => Interpolation<P>;
declare type TailwindComponentInterpolation = PickU<TailwindComponentBase<any, any>, keyof TailwindComponentBase<any, any>>;
declare type IntrinsicElementsKeys = keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
export declare const mergeArrays: (template: TemplateStringsArray, templateElements: TemplateElementResult[]) => TemplateElementResult[];
export declare const cleanTemplate: (template: TemplateElementResult[], inheritedClasses?: string) => string;
declare type StripCallSignature<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
declare type IsAny<T, True, False = never> = True | False extends (T extends never ? True : False) ? True : False;
export declare const mergeArrays: (template: TemplateStringsArray, templateElements: (string | undefined | null)[]) => string[];
export declare const cleanTemplate: (template: Array<Interpolation<any>>, inheritedClasses?: string) => string;
export declare type PickU<T, K extends keyof T> = T extends any ? {
[P in K]: T[P];
} : never;
export declare type RemoveIndex<T> = {
[K in keyof T as string extends K ? never : number extends K ? never : K]: T[K];
export declare type TailwindComponentProps<E extends React.ComponentType<any> | IntrinsicElementsKeys, K extends object> = K extends any ? React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<E> & React.RefAttributes<React.ComponentRef<E> | undefined> & K : never;
declare type TailwindComponentPropsWith$As<E extends React.ComponentType<any> | IntrinsicElementsKeys, K extends object, As extends IntrinsicElementsKeys | React.ComponentType<any> = E> = TailwindComponentProps<E, K> & InnerTailwindComponentAllProps<As> & {
$as?: As;
* ForwardRef typings
export declare type TailwindExoticComponent<P> = PickU<React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<P>, keyof React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>>;
declare type MergeProps<O extends object, P extends {} = {}> = P extends any ? IsAny<P, RemoveIndex<P> & O, P & O> : never;
declare type TailwindPropHelper<P, O extends object = {}> = PickU<MergeProps<O, P>, keyof MergeProps<O, P>>;
declare type TailwindComponentPropsWith$As<P extends object, O extends object, $As extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = React.ComponentType<P>, P2 = $As extends AnyTailwindComponent ? TailwindComponentAllInnerProps<$As> : $As extends IntrinsicElementsKeys | React.ComponentType<any> ? React.ComponentPropsWithRef<$As> : never> = P & O & TailwindPropHelper<P2> & {
$as?: $As;
export declare type TailwindExoticComponent<E extends React.ComponentType<any> | IntrinsicElementsKeys, K extends object> = StripCallSignature<React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TailwindComponentProps<E, K>>>;
export interface TailwindComponent<E extends React.ComponentType<any> | IntrinsicElementsKeys, K extends object> extends TailwindExoticComponent<E, K> {
(props: TailwindComponentProps<E, K> & {
* An interface represent a component styled by tailwind-styled-components
* @export
* @interface TailwindComponent
* @template P The base react props
* @template O The props added with the template function.
export declare type TailwindComponent<P extends object, O extends object = {}> = IsTwElement & TailwindComponentBase<P, O> & WithStyle<P, O>;
* An interface represent a component styled by tailwind-styled-components
* @export
* @interface TailwindComponentBase
* @extends {TailwindExoticComponent<TailwindPropHelper<P, O>>}
* @template P The base react props
* @template O The props added with the template function.
export interface TailwindComponentBase<P extends object, O extends object = {}> extends TailwindExoticComponent<TailwindPropHelper<P, O>> {
(props: TailwindPropHelper<P, O> & {
$as?: never | undefined;
}): React.ReactElement<TailwindComponentProps<E, K>> | null;
<As extends IntrinsicElementsKeys | React.ComponentType<any> = E>(props: TailwindComponentPropsWith$As<E, K, As>): React.ReactElement<TailwindComponentPropsWith$As<E, K, As>> | null;
[isTwElement]: boolean;
}): React.ReactElement<TailwindPropHelper<P, O>>;
<$As extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = React.ComponentType<P>>(props: TailwindComponentPropsWith$As<P, O, $As>): React.ReactElement<TailwindComponentPropsWith$As<P, O, $As>>;
declare type NoInfer<T> = [T][T extends any ? 0 : never];
declare type TemplateElementResult = string | undefined | null | false;
export interface TemplateFunction<E extends React.ComponentType<any> | IntrinsicElementsKeys> {
<K extends object = {}>(template: TemplateStringsArray, ...templateElements: ((props: NoInfer<React.ComponentPropsWithRef<E>> & K) => TemplateElementResult)[]): TailwindComponent<E, K>;
* An interface represent withStyle functionality
* @export
* @interface WithStyle
* @template P
* @template O
export interface WithStyle<P extends object, O extends object = {}> {
withStyle: <S extends object = {}>(styles: CSSProperties | ((p: P & O & S) => CSSProperties)) => TailwindComponent<P, O & S>;
declare type InnerTailwindComponentAllProps<E extends React.ComponentType<any> | IntrinsicElementsKeys | TailwindComponent<any, any>> = E extends TailwindComponent<infer E2, any> ? React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<E2> & React.RefAttributes<React.ComponentRef<E2> | undefined> : React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<E> & React.RefAttributes<React.ComponentRef<E> | undefined>;
export interface TemplateFunctionFactory {
<E extends TailwindComponent<E2, any>, E2 extends IntrinsicElementsKeys>(Element: E): TemplateFunction<E2>;
<E extends TailwindComponent<any, any>>(Element: E): TemplateFunction<any>;
<E extends IntrinsicElementsKeys>(Element: E): TemplateFunction<E>;
<E extends React.ComponentType<any>>(Element: E): TemplateFunction<E>;
* Generice TailwindComponent
declare type AnyTailwindComponent = TailwindComponent<any, any>;
* A template function that accepts a template literal of tailwind classes and returns a tailwind-styled-component
* @export
* @interface TemplateFunction
* @template E
export interface TemplateFunction<P extends object, O extends object = {}> {
(template: TemplateStringsArray): TailwindComponent<P, O>;
(template: TemplateStringsArray | InterpolationFunction<P & O>, Array<Interpolation<P & O>>): TailwindComponent<P, O>;
<K extends object>(template: TemplateStringsArray | InterpolationFunction<P & O & K>, Array<Interpolation<P & O & K>>): TailwindComponent<P, O & K>;
export declare type TailwindComponentInnerProps<C extends AnyTailwindComponent> = C extends TailwindComponent<infer P, any> ? P : never;
export declare type TailwindComponentInnerOtherProps<C extends AnyTailwindComponent> = C extends TailwindComponent<any, infer O> ? O : never;
export declare type TailwindComponentAllInnerProps<C extends AnyTailwindComponent> = TailwindComponentInnerProps<C> & TailwindComponentInnerOtherProps<C>;
export declare type IntrinsicElementsTemplateFunctionsMap = {
[key in IntrinsicElementsKeys]: TemplateFunction<key>;
[RTag in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: TemplateFunction<JSX.IntrinsicElements[RTag]>;
declare const tw: any;
* @export
* @interface TailwindInterface
* @extends {IntrinsicElementsTemplateFunctionsMap}
export interface TailwindInterface extends IntrinsicElementsTemplateFunctionsMap {
<C extends TailwindComponent<any, any>>(component: C): TemplateFunction<TailwindComponentInnerProps<C>, TailwindComponentInnerOtherProps<C>>;
<C extends React.ComponentType<any>>(component: C): TemplateFunction<C extends (P?: never) => any ? {} : React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>>;
<C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements>(component: C): TemplateFunction<JSX.IntrinsicElements[C]>;
declare const tw: TailwindInterface;
export default tw;
"name": "tailwind-styled-components",
"version": "2.1.8",
"version": "2.2.0",
"keywords": [

@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ "react",

"description": "Create tailwind css react components like styled components with classes name on multiple lines",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"main": "dist/tailwind-styled-components.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/tailwind-styled-components.esm.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",

@@ -23,7 +24,8 @@ "files": [

"scripts": {
"build": "tsc",
"build": "node esbuild.js && tsc -p tsconfig.types.json",
"prebuild": "yarn run clean",
"postbuild": "yarn run test",
"dev": "tsc -w",
"clean": "rimraf dist",
"pretest": "jest --clearCache",
"posttest": "yarn run test:types",
"test": "jest",

@@ -42,3 +44,3 @@ "test:types": "tsc -p ./src/typing-tests/tsconfig.json",

"@testing-library/react": "^12.1.2",
"@types/jest": "^27.4.0",
"@types/jest": "^28.1.4",
"@types/node": "^17.0.8",

@@ -52,3 +54,4 @@ "@types/react": "^17.0.38",

"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.0.0",
"jest": "^27.5.1",
"jest": "^28.0.0",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "^28.1.2",
"prettier": "^2.5.1",

@@ -58,3 +61,3 @@ "react": "^17.0.2",

"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"ts-jest": "^27.1.4",
"ts-jest": "^28.0.5",
"typescript": "^4.5.4"

@@ -67,4 +70,4 @@ },

"dependencies": {
"tailwind-merge": "^1.2.0"
"tailwind-merge": "^1.3.0"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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