
Node.js Tcl bindings to execute Tcl commands using a native Tcl Interpreter.
Prerequisites : You will need to have tcl-dev
packages installed on
your system (e.g. sudo apt-get install tcl-dev
) for the Node.js native addon
to link to.
$ npm install --save tcl
You can execute any Tcl command supported by the Tcl shell (tchsh
) and you
can even load native Tcl modeles (load
), source scripts
(source filename.tcl
) and source Tcl libraries (package require name
Note : Asynchronous commands (cmd
and eval
) are executed usng a
dedicated worker thread using a new Tcl Interpreter instance and comes with the
overhead of creating and destroying a Tcl Interpreter for each call. But these
executions are parallel and useful for batched tasks.
var tcl = require( 'tcl' );
console.log( tcl.version() );
console.log( tcl.cmdSync( 'info tclversion' ) );
console.log( tcl.evalSync( 'info tclversion' ) );
tcl.cmd( 'info tclversion', function ( err, result ) {
console.log( );
} );
tcl.eval( 'info commands', function ( err, result ) {
console.log( result.toArray() );
} );
tcl.queue( 'set x 0' );
tcl.queue( 'incr $x', function ( err, result ) {
console.log( result );
} );
API Documentation
JSDoc generated API documentation can be found at
Contributions are welcome through GitHub pull requests (using fork & pull model).