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test-keyboard - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0-next.0 to 1.0.0-next.1


# test-keyboard
## 1.0.0-next.1
> 2020-07-05
### Patch Changes
- Fix missing dist files from previous publish.
- Updated dependencies [undefined]
- @remirror/core-helpers@1.0.0-next.1
- @remirror/core-types@1.0.0-next.1
## 1.0.0-next.0

@@ -4,0 +15,0 @@



@@ -1,11 +0,1 @@

// are you seeing an error that a default export doesn't exist but your source file has a default export?
// you should run `yarn` or `yarn preconstruct dev` if preconstruct dev isn't in your postinstall hook
// curious why you need to?
// this file exists so that you can import from the entrypoint normally
// except that it points to your source file and you don't need to run build constantly
// which means we need to re-export all of the modules from your source file
// and since export * doesn't include default exports, we need to read your source file
// to check for a default export and re-export it if it exists
// it's not ideal, but it works pretty well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
export * from "../src/index";
export * from "./declarations/src/index";

@@ -1,19 +0,7 @@

"use strict";
// this file might look strange and you might be wondering what it's for
// it's lets you import your source files by importing this entrypoint
// as you would import it if it was built with preconstruct build
// this file is slightly different to some others though
// it has a require hook which compiles your code with Babel
// this means that you don't have to set up @babel/register or anything like that
// but you can still require this module and it'll be compiled
'use strict';
// this bit of code imports the require hook and registers it
let unregister = require("/Users/ifiokjr/Coding/kickjump/remirror/prs/node_modules/.pnpm/@preconstruct/hook@0.1.0/node_modules/@preconstruct/hook/dist/hook.cjs.js").___internalHook("/Users/ifiokjr/Coding/kickjump/remirror/prs");
// this re-exports the source file
module.exports = require("/Users/ifiokjr/Coding/kickjump/remirror/prs/packages/test-keyboard/src/index.ts");
// this unregisters the require hook so that any modules required after this one
// aren't compiled with the require hook in case you have some other require hook
// or something that should be used on other modules
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
module.exports = require("./");
} else {
module.exports = require("./");

@@ -1,15 +0,1799 @@

// 👋 hey!!
// you might be reading this and seeing .esm in the filename
// and being confused why there is commonjs below this filename
// this is intentional
// it's only commonjs with `preconstruct dev`
// when you run `preconstruct build`, it will be ESM
// why is it commonjs?
// we need to re-export every export from the source file
// but we can't do that with ESM without knowing what the exports are (because default exports aren't included in export/import *)
// and they could change after running `preconstruct dev` so we can't look at the file without forcing people to
// run preconstruct dev again which wouldn't be ideal
// this solution could change but for now, it's working
import _defineProperty from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';
import { isString, omit, object, take, includes } from '@remirror/core-helpers';
module.exports = require("/Users/ifiokjr/Coding/kickjump/remirror/prs/packages/test-keyboard/src/index.ts")
* See
* {@link}
var rawUSKeyboardLayout = {
'0': {
keyCode: 48,
key: '0',
code: 'Digit0'
'1': {
keyCode: 49,
key: '1',
code: 'Digit1'
'2': {
keyCode: 50,
key: '2',
code: 'Digit2'
'3': {
keyCode: 51,
key: '3',
code: 'Digit3'
'4': {
keyCode: 52,
key: '4',
code: 'Digit4'
'5': {
keyCode: 53,
key: '5',
code: 'Digit5'
'6': {
keyCode: 54,
key: '6',
code: 'Digit6'
'7': {
keyCode: 55,
key: '7',
code: 'Digit7'
'8': {
keyCode: 56,
key: '8',
code: 'Digit8'
'9': {
keyCode: 57,
key: '9',
code: 'Digit9'
Power: {
key: 'Power',
code: 'Power'
Eject: {
key: 'Eject',
code: 'Eject'
Abort: {
keyCode: 3,
code: 'Abort',
key: 'Cancel'
Help: {
keyCode: 6,
code: 'Help',
key: 'Help'
Backspace: {
keyCode: 8,
code: 'Backspace',
key: 'Backspace'
Tab: {
keyCode: 9,
code: 'Tab',
key: 'Tab'
Numpad5: {
keyCode: 12,
shiftKeyCode: 101,
key: 'Clear',
code: 'Numpad5',
shiftKey: '5',
location: 3
NumpadEnter: {
keyCode: 13,
code: 'NumpadEnter',
key: 'Enter',
text: '\r',
location: 3
Enter: {
keyCode: 13,
code: 'Enter',
key: 'Enter',
text: '\r'
'\r': {
keyCode: 13,
code: 'Enter',
key: 'Enter',
text: '\r'
'\n': {
keyCode: 13,
code: 'Enter',
key: 'Enter',
text: '\r'
ShiftLeft: {
keyCode: 16,
code: 'ShiftLeft',
key: 'Shift',
location: 1
ShiftRight: {
keyCode: 16,
code: 'ShiftRight',
key: 'Shift',
location: 2
ControlLeft: {
keyCode: 17,
code: 'ControlLeft',
key: 'Control',
location: 1
ControlRight: {
keyCode: 17,
code: 'ControlRight',
key: 'Control',
location: 2
AltLeft: {
keyCode: 18,
code: 'AltLeft',
key: 'Alt',
location: 1
AltRight: {
keyCode: 18,
code: 'AltRight',
key: 'Alt',
location: 2
Pause: {
keyCode: 19,
code: 'Pause',
key: 'Pause'
CapsLock: {
keyCode: 20,
code: 'CapsLock',
key: 'CapsLock'
Escape: {
keyCode: 27,
code: 'Escape',
key: 'Escape'
Convert: {
keyCode: 28,
code: 'Convert',
key: 'Convert'
NonConvert: {
keyCode: 29,
code: 'NonConvert',
key: 'NonConvert'
Space: {
keyCode: 32,
code: 'Space',
key: ' '
Numpad9: {
keyCode: 33,
shiftKeyCode: 105,
key: 'PageUp',
code: 'Numpad9',
shiftKey: '9',
location: 3
PageUp: {
keyCode: 33,
code: 'PageUp',
key: 'PageUp'
Numpad3: {
keyCode: 34,
shiftKeyCode: 99,
key: 'PageDown',
code: 'Numpad3',
shiftKey: '3',
location: 3
PageDown: {
keyCode: 34,
code: 'PageDown',
key: 'PageDown'
End: {
keyCode: 35,
code: 'End',
key: 'End'
Numpad1: {
keyCode: 35,
shiftKeyCode: 97,
key: 'End',
code: 'Numpad1',
shiftKey: '1',
location: 3
Home: {
keyCode: 36,
code: 'Home',
key: 'Home'
Numpad7: {
keyCode: 36,
shiftKeyCode: 103,
key: 'Home',
code: 'Numpad7',
shiftKey: '7',
location: 3
ArrowLeft: {
keyCode: 37,
code: 'ArrowLeft',
key: 'ArrowLeft'
Numpad4: {
keyCode: 37,
shiftKeyCode: 100,
key: 'ArrowLeft',
code: 'Numpad4',
shiftKey: '4',
location: 3
Numpad8: {
keyCode: 38,
shiftKeyCode: 104,
key: 'ArrowUp',
code: 'Numpad8',
shiftKey: '8',
location: 3
ArrowUp: {
keyCode: 38,
code: 'ArrowUp',
key: 'ArrowUp'
ArrowRight: {
keyCode: 39,
code: 'ArrowRight',
key: 'ArrowRight'
Numpad6: {
keyCode: 39,
shiftKeyCode: 102,
key: 'ArrowRight',
code: 'Numpad6',
shiftKey: '6',
location: 3
Numpad2: {
keyCode: 40,
shiftKeyCode: 98,
key: 'ArrowDown',
code: 'Numpad2',
shiftKey: '2',
location: 3
ArrowDown: {
keyCode: 40,
code: 'ArrowDown',
key: 'ArrowDown'
Select: {
keyCode: 41,
code: 'Select',
key: 'Select'
Open: {
keyCode: 43,
code: 'Open',
key: 'Execute'
PrintScreen: {
keyCode: 44,
code: 'PrintScreen',
key: 'PrintScreen'
Insert: {
keyCode: 45,
code: 'Insert',
key: 'Insert'
Numpad0: {
keyCode: 45,
shiftKeyCode: 96,
key: 'Insert',
code: 'Numpad0',
shiftKey: '0',
location: 3
Delete: {
keyCode: 46,
code: 'Delete',
key: 'Delete'
NumpadDecimal: {
keyCode: 46,
shiftKeyCode: 110,
code: 'NumpadDecimal',
key: "\0",
shiftKey: '.',
location: 3
Digit0: {
keyCode: 48,
code: 'Digit0',
shiftKey: ')',
key: '0'
Digit1: {
keyCode: 49,
code: 'Digit1',
shiftKey: '!',
key: '1'
Digit2: {
keyCode: 50,
code: 'Digit2',
shiftKey: '@',
key: '2'
Digit3: {
keyCode: 51,
code: 'Digit3',
shiftKey: '#',
key: '3'
Digit4: {
keyCode: 52,
code: 'Digit4',
shiftKey: '$',
key: '4'
Digit5: {
keyCode: 53,
code: 'Digit5',
shiftKey: '%',
key: '5'
Digit6: {
keyCode: 54,
code: 'Digit6',
shiftKey: '^',
key: '6'
Digit7: {
keyCode: 55,
code: 'Digit7',
shiftKey: '&',
key: '7'
Digit8: {
keyCode: 56,
code: 'Digit8',
shiftKey: '*',
key: '8'
Digit9: {
keyCode: 57,
code: 'Digit9',
shiftKey: '(',
key: '9'
KeyA: {
keyCode: 65,
code: 'KeyA',
shiftKey: 'A',
key: 'a'
KeyB: {
keyCode: 66,
code: 'KeyB',
shiftKey: 'B',
key: 'b'
KeyC: {
keyCode: 67,
code: 'KeyC',
shiftKey: 'C',
key: 'c'
KeyD: {
keyCode: 68,
code: 'KeyD',
shiftKey: 'D',
key: 'd'
KeyE: {
keyCode: 69,
code: 'KeyE',
shiftKey: 'E',
key: 'e'
KeyF: {
keyCode: 70,
code: 'KeyF',
shiftKey: 'F',
key: 'f'
KeyG: {
keyCode: 71,
code: 'KeyG',
shiftKey: 'G',
key: 'g'
KeyH: {
keyCode: 72,
code: 'KeyH',
shiftKey: 'H',
key: 'h'
KeyI: {
keyCode: 73,
code: 'KeyI',
shiftKey: 'I',
key: 'i'
KeyJ: {
keyCode: 74,
code: 'KeyJ',
shiftKey: 'J',
key: 'j'
KeyK: {
keyCode: 75,
code: 'KeyK',
shiftKey: 'K',
key: 'k'
KeyL: {
keyCode: 76,
code: 'KeyL',
shiftKey: 'L',
key: 'l'
KeyM: {
keyCode: 77,
code: 'KeyM',
shiftKey: 'M',
key: 'm'
KeyN: {
keyCode: 78,
code: 'KeyN',
shiftKey: 'N',
key: 'n'
KeyO: {
keyCode: 79,
code: 'KeyO',
shiftKey: 'O',
key: 'o'
KeyP: {
keyCode: 80,
code: 'KeyP',
shiftKey: 'P',
key: 'p'
KeyQ: {
keyCode: 81,
code: 'KeyQ',
shiftKey: 'Q',
key: 'q'
KeyR: {
keyCode: 82,
code: 'KeyR',
shiftKey: 'R',
key: 'r'
KeyS: {
keyCode: 83,
code: 'KeyS',
shiftKey: 'S',
key: 's'
KeyT: {
keyCode: 84,
code: 'KeyT',
shiftKey: 'T',
key: 't'
KeyU: {
keyCode: 85,
code: 'KeyU',
shiftKey: 'U',
key: 'u'
KeyV: {
keyCode: 86,
code: 'KeyV',
shiftKey: 'V',
key: 'v'
KeyW: {
keyCode: 87,
code: 'KeyW',
shiftKey: 'W',
key: 'w'
KeyX: {
keyCode: 88,
code: 'KeyX',
shiftKey: 'X',
key: 'x'
KeyY: {
keyCode: 89,
code: 'KeyY',
shiftKey: 'Y',
key: 'y'
KeyZ: {
keyCode: 90,
code: 'KeyZ',
shiftKey: 'Z',
key: 'z'
MetaLeft: {
keyCode: 91,
code: 'MetaLeft',
key: 'Meta',
location: 1
MetaRight: {
keyCode: 92,
code: 'MetaRight',
key: 'Meta',
location: 2
ContextMenu: {
keyCode: 93,
code: 'ContextMenu',
key: 'ContextMenu'
NumpadMultiply: {
keyCode: 106,
code: 'NumpadMultiply',
key: '*',
location: 3
NumpadAdd: {
keyCode: 107,
code: 'NumpadAdd',
key: '+',
location: 3
NumpadSubtract: {
keyCode: 109,
code: 'NumpadSubtract',
key: '-',
location: 3
NumpadDivide: {
keyCode: 111,
code: 'NumpadDivide',
key: '/',
location: 3
F1: {
keyCode: 112,
code: 'F1',
key: 'F1'
F2: {
keyCode: 113,
code: 'F2',
key: 'F2'
F3: {
keyCode: 114,
code: 'F3',
key: 'F3'
F4: {
keyCode: 115,
code: 'F4',
key: 'F4'
F5: {
keyCode: 116,
code: 'F5',
key: 'F5'
F6: {
keyCode: 117,
code: 'F6',
key: 'F6'
F7: {
keyCode: 118,
code: 'F7',
key: 'F7'
F8: {
keyCode: 119,
code: 'F8',
key: 'F8'
F9: {
keyCode: 120,
code: 'F9',
key: 'F9'
F10: {
keyCode: 121,
code: 'F10',
key: 'F10'
F11: {
keyCode: 122,
code: 'F11',
key: 'F11'
F12: {
keyCode: 123,
code: 'F12',
key: 'F12'
F13: {
keyCode: 124,
code: 'F13',
key: 'F13'
F14: {
keyCode: 125,
code: 'F14',
key: 'F14'
F15: {
keyCode: 126,
code: 'F15',
key: 'F15'
F16: {
keyCode: 127,
code: 'F16',
key: 'F16'
F17: {
keyCode: 128,
code: 'F17',
key: 'F17'
F18: {
keyCode: 129,
code: 'F18',
key: 'F18'
F19: {
keyCode: 130,
code: 'F19',
key: 'F19'
F20: {
keyCode: 131,
code: 'F20',
key: 'F20'
F21: {
keyCode: 132,
code: 'F21',
key: 'F21'
F22: {
keyCode: 133,
code: 'F22',
key: 'F22'
F23: {
keyCode: 134,
code: 'F23',
key: 'F23'
F24: {
keyCode: 135,
code: 'F24',
key: 'F24'
NumLock: {
keyCode: 144,
code: 'NumLock',
key: 'NumLock'
ScrollLock: {
keyCode: 145,
code: 'ScrollLock',
key: 'ScrollLock'
AudioVolumeMute: {
keyCode: 173,
code: 'AudioVolumeMute',
key: 'AudioVolumeMute'
AudioVolumeDown: {
keyCode: 174,
code: 'AudioVolumeDown',
key: 'AudioVolumeDown'
AudioVolumeUp: {
keyCode: 175,
code: 'AudioVolumeUp',
key: 'AudioVolumeUp'
MediaTrackNext: {
keyCode: 176,
code: 'MediaTrackNext',
key: 'MediaTrackNext'
MediaTrackPrevious: {
keyCode: 177,
code: 'MediaTrackPrevious',
key: 'MediaTrackPrevious'
MediaStop: {
keyCode: 178,
code: 'MediaStop',
key: 'MediaStop'
MediaPlayPause: {
keyCode: 179,
code: 'MediaPlayPause',
key: 'MediaPlayPause'
Semicolon: {
keyCode: 186,
code: 'Semicolon',
shiftKey: ':',
key: ';'
Equal: {
keyCode: 187,
code: 'Equal',
shiftKey: '+',
key: '='
NumpadEqual: {
keyCode: 187,
code: 'NumpadEqual',
key: '=',
location: 3
Comma: {
keyCode: 188,
code: 'Comma',
shiftKey: '<',
key: ','
Minus: {
keyCode: 189,
code: 'Minus',
shiftKey: '_',
key: '-'
Period: {
keyCode: 190,
code: 'Period',
shiftKey: '>',
key: '.'
Slash: {
keyCode: 191,
code: 'Slash',
shiftKey: '?',
key: '/'
Backquote: {
keyCode: 192,
code: 'Backquote',
shiftKey: '~',
key: '`'
BracketLeft: {
keyCode: 219,
code: 'BracketLeft',
shiftKey: '{',
key: '['
Backslash: {
keyCode: 220,
code: 'Backslash',
shiftKey: '|',
key: '\\'
BracketRight: {
keyCode: 221,
code: 'BracketRight',
shiftKey: '}',
key: ']'
Quote: {
keyCode: 222,
code: 'Quote',
shiftKey: '"',
key: "'"
AltGraph: {
keyCode: 225,
code: 'AltGraph',
key: 'AltGraph'
Props: {
keyCode: 247,
code: 'Props',
key: 'CrSel'
Cancel: {
keyCode: 3,
key: 'Cancel',
code: 'Abort'
Clear: {
keyCode: 12,
key: 'Clear',
code: 'Numpad5',
location: 3
Shift: {
keyCode: 16,
key: 'Shift',
code: 'ShiftLeft',
location: 1
Control: {
keyCode: 17,
key: 'Control',
code: 'ControlLeft',
location: 1
Alt: {
keyCode: 18,
key: 'Alt',
code: 'AltLeft',
location: 1
Accept: {
keyCode: 30,
key: 'Accept'
ModeChange: {
keyCode: 31,
key: 'ModeChange'
' ': {
keyCode: 32,
key: ' ',
code: 'Space'
Print: {
keyCode: 42,
key: 'Print'
Execute: {
keyCode: 43,
key: 'Execute',
code: 'Open'
"\0": {
keyCode: 46,
key: "\0",
code: 'NumpadDecimal',
location: 3
a: {
keyCode: 65,
key: 'a',
code: 'KeyA'
b: {
keyCode: 66,
key: 'b',
code: 'KeyB'
c: {
keyCode: 67,
key: 'c',
code: 'KeyC'
d: {
keyCode: 68,
key: 'd',
code: 'KeyD'
e: {
keyCode: 69,
key: 'e',
code: 'KeyE'
f: {
keyCode: 70,
key: 'f',
code: 'KeyF'
g: {
keyCode: 71,
key: 'g',
code: 'KeyG'
h: {
keyCode: 72,
key: 'h',
code: 'KeyH'
i: {
keyCode: 73,
key: 'i',
code: 'KeyI'
j: {
keyCode: 74,
key: 'j',
code: 'KeyJ'
k: {
keyCode: 75,
key: 'k',
code: 'KeyK'
l: {
keyCode: 76,
key: 'l',
code: 'KeyL'
m: {
keyCode: 77,
key: 'm',
code: 'KeyM'
n: {
keyCode: 78,
key: 'n',
code: 'KeyN'
o: {
keyCode: 79,
key: 'o',
code: 'KeyO'
p: {
keyCode: 80,
key: 'p',
code: 'KeyP'
q: {
keyCode: 81,
key: 'q',
code: 'KeyQ'
r: {
keyCode: 82,
key: 'r',
code: 'KeyR'
s: {
keyCode: 83,
key: 's',
code: 'KeyS'
t: {
keyCode: 84,
key: 't',
code: 'KeyT'
u: {
keyCode: 85,
key: 'u',
code: 'KeyU'
v: {
keyCode: 86,
key: 'v',
code: 'KeyV'
w: {
keyCode: 87,
key: 'w',
code: 'KeyW'
x: {
keyCode: 88,
key: 'x',
code: 'KeyX'
y: {
keyCode: 89,
key: 'y',
code: 'KeyY'
z: {
keyCode: 90,
key: 'z',
code: 'KeyZ'
Meta: {
keyCode: 91,
key: 'Meta',
code: 'MetaLeft',
location: 1
'*': {
keyCode: 106,
key: '*',
code: 'NumpadMultiply',
location: 3
'+': {
keyCode: 107,
key: '+',
code: 'NumpadAdd',
location: 3
'-': {
keyCode: 109,
key: '-',
code: 'NumpadSubtract',
location: 3
'/': {
keyCode: 111,
key: '/',
code: 'NumpadDivide',
location: 3
';': {
keyCode: 186,
key: ';',
code: 'Semicolon'
'=': {
keyCode: 187,
key: '=',
code: 'Equal'
',': {
keyCode: 188,
key: ',',
code: 'Comma'
'.': {
keyCode: 190,
key: '.',
code: 'Period'
'`': {
keyCode: 192,
key: '`',
code: 'Backquote'
'[': {
keyCode: 219,
key: '[',
code: 'BracketLeft'
'\\': {
keyCode: 220,
key: '\\',
code: 'Backslash'
']': {
keyCode: 221,
key: ']',
code: 'BracketRight'
"'": {
keyCode: 222,
key: "'",
code: 'Quote'
Attn: {
keyCode: 246,
key: 'Attn'
CrSel: {
keyCode: 247,
key: 'CrSel',
code: 'Props'
ExSel: {
keyCode: 248,
key: 'ExSel'
EraseEof: {
keyCode: 249,
key: 'EraseEof'
Play: {
keyCode: 250,
key: 'Play'
ZoomOut: {
keyCode: 251,
key: 'ZoomOut'
')': {
keyCode: 48,
key: ')',
code: 'Digit0'
'!': {
keyCode: 49,
key: '!',
code: 'Digit1'
'@': {
keyCode: 50,
key: '@',
code: 'Digit2'
'#': {
keyCode: 51,
key: '#',
code: 'Digit3'
$: {
keyCode: 52,
key: '$',
code: 'Digit4'
'%': {
keyCode: 53,
key: '%',
code: 'Digit5'
'^': {
keyCode: 54,
key: '^',
code: 'Digit6'
'&': {
keyCode: 55,
key: '&',
code: 'Digit7'
'(': {
keyCode: 57,
key: '(',
code: 'Digit9'
A: {
keyCode: 65,
key: 'A',
code: 'KeyA'
B: {
keyCode: 66,
key: 'B',
code: 'KeyB'
C: {
keyCode: 67,
key: 'C',
code: 'KeyC'
D: {
keyCode: 68,
key: 'D',
code: 'KeyD'
E: {
keyCode: 69,
key: 'E',
code: 'KeyE'
F: {
keyCode: 70,
key: 'F',
code: 'KeyF'
G: {
keyCode: 71,
key: 'G',
code: 'KeyG'
H: {
keyCode: 72,
key: 'H',
code: 'KeyH'
I: {
keyCode: 73,
key: 'I',
code: 'KeyI'
J: {
keyCode: 74,
key: 'J',
code: 'KeyJ'
K: {
keyCode: 75,
key: 'K',
code: 'KeyK'
L: {
keyCode: 76,
key: 'L',
code: 'KeyL'
M: {
keyCode: 77,
key: 'M',
code: 'KeyM'
N: {
keyCode: 78,
key: 'N',
code: 'KeyN'
O: {
keyCode: 79,
key: 'O',
code: 'KeyO'
P: {
keyCode: 80,
key: 'P',
code: 'KeyP'
Q: {
keyCode: 81,
key: 'Q',
code: 'KeyQ'
R: {
keyCode: 82,
key: 'R',
code: 'KeyR'
S: {
keyCode: 83,
key: 'S',
code: 'KeyS'
T: {
keyCode: 84,
key: 'T',
code: 'KeyT'
U: {
keyCode: 85,
key: 'U',
code: 'KeyU'
V: {
keyCode: 86,
key: 'V',
code: 'KeyV'
W: {
keyCode: 87,
key: 'W',
code: 'KeyW'
X: {
keyCode: 88,
key: 'X',
code: 'KeyX'
Y: {
keyCode: 89,
key: 'Y',
code: 'KeyY'
Z: {
keyCode: 90,
key: 'Z',
code: 'KeyZ'
':': {
keyCode: 186,
key: ':',
code: 'Semicolon'
'<': {
keyCode: 188,
key: '<',
code: 'Comma'
_: {
keyCode: 189,
key: '_',
code: 'Minus'
'>': {
keyCode: 190,
key: '>',
code: 'Period'
'?': {
keyCode: 191,
key: '?',
code: 'Slash'
'~': {
keyCode: 192,
key: '~',
code: 'Backquote'
'{': {
keyCode: 219,
key: '{',
code: 'BracketLeft'
'|': {
keyCode: 220,
key: '|',
code: 'Backslash'
'}': {
keyCode: 221,
key: '}',
code: 'BracketRight'
'"': {
keyCode: 222,
key: '"',
code: 'Quote'
var noKeyPress = ['Power', 'Eject', 'Abort', 'Help', 'Backspace', 'Tab', 'Numpad5', 'NumpadEnter', 'Enter', 'ShiftLeft', 'ShiftRight', 'ControlLeft', 'ControlRight', 'AltLeft', 'AltRight', 'Pause', 'CapsLock', 'Escape', 'Convert', 'NonConvert', 'Space', 'PageUp', 'PageDown', 'End', 'Home', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'ArrowDown', 'Select', 'Open', 'PrintScreen', 'Delete', 'MetaLeft', 'MetaRight', 'ContextMenu', 'NumLock', 'ScrollLock', 'AudioVolumeMute', 'AudioVolumeDown', 'AudioVolumeUp', 'MediaTrackNext', 'MediaTrackPrevious', 'MediaStop', 'MediaPlayPause', 'AltGraph', 'Props', 'Cancel', 'Clear', 'Shift', 'Control', 'Alt', 'Accept', 'ModeChange', 'Print', 'Execute', 'Meta', 'Attn', 'CrSel', 'ExSel', 'EraseEof', 'Play', 'ZoomOut'];
var noKeyUp = ['CapsLock', 'NumLock', 'ScrollLock'];
var usKeyboardLayout = rawUSKeyboardLayout;
* Predicate for checking if the passed char is a supported character for the US
* Keyboard
* @param char
var isUSKeyboardCharacter = char => isString(char) && Object.keys(rawUSKeyboardLayout).includes(char);
function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it; if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || o[Symbol.iterator] == null) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it = o[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it.return != null) it.return(); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }
* Creates a keyboard event which can be dispatched into the DOM
* @param type
* @param options
var createKeyboardEvent = (type, options) => new KeyboardEvent(type, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, options), {}, {
bubbles: true
* Returns an info object detailing which modifier keys are currently active
* @param params
* @param params.modifiers
* @param [params.isMac]
var getModifierInformation = (_ref) => {
var modifiers = _ref.modifiers,
_ref$isMac = _ref.isMac,
isMac = _ref$isMac === void 0 ? false : _ref$isMac;
var info = {
altKey: false,
ctrlKey: false,
shiftKey: false,
metaKey: false
var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(modifiers),
try {
for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {
var modifier = _step.value;
if (/^(cmd|meta|m)$/i.test(modifier)) {
info.metaKey = true;
} else if (/^a(lt)?$/i.test(modifier)) {
info.altKey = true;
} else if (/^(c|ctrl|control)$/i.test(modifier)) {
info.ctrlKey = true;
} else if (/^s(hift)?$/i.test(modifier)) {
info.shiftKey = true;
} else if (/^mod$/i.test(modifier)) {
if (isMac) {
info.metaKey = true;
} else {
info.ctrlKey = true;
} else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized modifier name: ".concat(modifier));
} catch (err) {
} finally {
return info;
* Removes the shiftKey property from the keyboard layout spec
* @param key
var cleanKey = key => omit(usKeyboardLayout[key], ['shiftKey']);
function _createForOfIteratorHelper$1(o, allowArrayLike) { var it; if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || o[Symbol.iterator] == null) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it = o[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it.return != null) it.return(); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen); }
function _arrayLikeToArray$1(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
function ownKeys$1(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
function _objectSpread$1(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys$1(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys$1(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }
class Keyboard {
static create(params) {
return new Keyboard(params);
static get defaultOptions() {
return {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true
get started() {
return this.status === 'started';
constructor(_ref) {
var target =,
_ref$defaultOptions = _ref.defaultOptions,
defaultOptions = _ref$defaultOptions === void 0 ? Keyboard.defaultOptions : _ref$defaultOptions,
_ref$isMac = _ref.isMac,
isMac = _ref$isMac === void 0 ? false : _ref$isMac,
_ref$batch = _ref.batch,
batch = _ref$batch === void 0 ? false : _ref$batch,
onEventDispatch = _ref.onEventDispatch;
_defineProperty(this, "status", 'idle');
_defineProperty(this, "actions", []);
_defineProperty(this, "keyDown", (_ref2) => {
var options = _ref2.options;
return this.dispatchEvent('keydown', options);
_defineProperty(this, "keyPress", (_ref3) => {
var options = _ref3.options;
return this.dispatchEvent('keypress', options);
_defineProperty(this, "keyUp", (_ref4) => {
var options = _ref4.options;
return this.dispatchEvent('keyup', options);
}); = target;
this.defaultOptions = defaultOptions;
this.isMac = isMac;
this.batch = batch;
this.onEventDispatch = onEventDispatch;
* Starts the fake timers and sets the keyboard status to 'started'
start() {
if (this.started) {
return this;
this.status = 'started';
return this;
* Ends the fake timers and sets the keyboard status to 'ended'
end() {
if (!this.started) {
return this;
if (this.batch) {
this.actions = [];
this.status = 'ended';
return this;
* When batched is true the user can run through each event and fire as they
* please.
forEach(fn) {
if (!this.started) {
return this;
if (!this.batch) {
throw new Error("'forEach' is only available when 'batched' is set to 'true'.");
this.actions = [];
this.status = 'ended';
return this;
* Runs all the batched events.
runBatchedEvents() {
this.actions.forEach(action => {
* Like `this.char` but only supports US Keyboard Characters. This is mainly a
* utility for TypeScript and autocomplete support when typing characters.
* @param params - see {@link TextInputParameter}
usChar(_ref5) {
var text = _ref5.text,
_ref5$options = _ref5.options,
options = _ref5$options === void 0 ? object() : _ref5$options,
_ref5$typing = _ref5.typing,
typing = _ref5$typing === void 0 ? false : _ref5$typing;
if (!isUSKeyboardCharacter(text)) {
throw new Error('This is not a supported character. For generic characters use the `keyboard.char` method instead');
return this.char({
* Dispatches an event for a keyboard character
* @param params - see {@link TextInputParameter}
char(_ref6) {
var text = _ref6.text,
options = _ref6.options,
typing = _ref6.typing;
options = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, options), isUSKeyboardCharacter(text) ? cleanKey(text) : {
key: text
return this;
* Triggers a keydown event with provided options
* @param params - see {@link OptionsParameter}
* Breaks a string into single characters and fires a keyboard into the target
* node
* @param params - see {@link TypingInputParameter}
type(_ref7) {
var text = _ref7.text,
_ref7$options = _ref7.options,
options = _ref7$options === void 0 ? object() : _ref7$options;
var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper$1(text),
try {
for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {
var char = _step.value;
text: char,
typing: true
} catch (err) {
} finally {
return this;
* Enables typing modifier commands
* ```ts
* const editor = document.getElementById('editor');
* const keyboard = new Keyboard({ target: editor });
* keyboard
* .mod({text: 'Shift-Meta-A'})
* .end();
* ```
* @param params - see {@link TextInputParameter}
mod(_ref8) {
var text = _ref8.text,
_ref8$options = _ref8.options,
options = _ref8$options === void 0 ? object() : _ref8$options;
var modifiers = text.split(/-(?!$)/);
var result = modifiers[modifiers.length - 1];
modifiers = take(modifiers, modifiers.length - 1);
if (result === 'Space') {
result = ' ';
var info = getModifierInformation({
isMac: this.isMac
this.fireModifierEvents(info, 'keydown');
text: result,
options: _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, options), info)
this.fireModifierEvents(info, 'keyup');
return this;
* Fires events where valid.
* @param options - see {@link OptionsWithTypingParameter}
fireAllEvents(_ref9) {
var options = _ref9.options,
_ref9$typing = _ref9.typing,
typing = _ref9$typing === void 0 ? false : _ref9$typing;
if (!includes(noKeyPress, options.key) || typing && isUSKeyboardCharacter(options.key) && usKeyboardLayout[options.key].text) {
if (!includes(noKeyUp, options.key)) {
return this;
* Fires all modifier events
* @param info - the modifier information for the keys see
* {@link ModifierInformation}
* @param type - the keyboard event type
fireModifierEvents(_ref10, type) {
var altKey = _ref10.altKey,
ctrlKey = _ref10.ctrlKey,
metaKey = _ref10.metaKey,
shiftKey = _ref10.shiftKey;
var event = type === 'keydown' ? this.keyDown : this.keyUp;
if (shiftKey) {
options: _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, this.defaultOptions), cleanKey('Shift'))
if (metaKey) {
if (this.isMac) {
options: _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, this.defaultOptions), cleanKey('Meta'))
} else {
options: _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, this.defaultOptions), cleanKey('Control'))
if (ctrlKey) {
options: _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, this.defaultOptions), cleanKey('Control'))
if (altKey) {
options: _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, this.defaultOptions), cleanKey('Alt'))
* Dispatches the action or adds it to the queue when batching is enabled.
* @param type - the keyboard event name
* @param options - options passed to the keyboard event. See
* {@link KeyboardEventInit}
dispatchEvent(type, options) {
if (!this.started) {
var event = createKeyboardEvent(type, _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, this.defaultOptions), options));
var dispatch = () => {;
if (this.onEventDispatch) {
if (this.batch) {
} else {
return this;
export { Keyboard, cleanKey, createKeyboardEvent, getModifierInformation, isUSKeyboardCharacter, noKeyPress, noKeyUp, usKeyboardLayout };
"name": "test-keyboard",
"version": "1.0.0-next.0",
"version": "1.0.0-next.1",
"description": "A test keyboard for composing fake keyboard events",

@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ "keywords": [

"@babel/runtime": "^7.10.4",
"@remirror/core-helpers": "^1.0.0-next.0",
"@remirror/core-types": "^1.0.0-next.0"
"@remirror/core-helpers": "^1.0.0-next.1",
"@remirror/core-types": "^1.0.0-next.1"

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@ "publishConfig": {

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