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typal - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.24.7 to 1.24.8

## 18 December 2019
### [1.24.8](
- [feature] Relative example paths.
### [1.24.7](

@@ -4,0 +8,0 @@



@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

const path = require('path');
var aa = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, d) {
a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = d.value);
var aa = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) {
a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = c.value);
}, ba = "undefined" != typeof window && window === this ? this : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : this;
function ca(a, b) {
if (b) {
var d = ba;
var c = ba;
a = a.split(".");
for (var c = 0; c < a.length - 1; c++) {
var e = a[c];
e in d || (d[e] = {});
d = d[e];
for (var d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++) {
var e = a[d];
e in c || (c[e] = {});
c = c[e];
a = a[a.length - 1];
c = d[a];
b = b(c);
b != c && null != b && aa(d, a, {configurable:!0, writable:!0, value:b});
d = c[a];
b = b(d);
b != d && null != b && aa(c, a, {configurable:!0, writable:!0, value:b});

@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ }

const da = (a, b, d, c = !1, e = !1) => {
const f = d ? new RegExp(`^-(${d}|-${b})$`) : new RegExp(`^--${b}$`);
const da = (a, b, c, d = !1, e = !1) => {
const f = c ? new RegExp(`^-(${c}|-${b})$`) : new RegExp(`^--${b}$`);
b = a.findIndex(g => f.test(g));

@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ if (-1 == b) {

if (c) {
if (d) {
return {value:!0, index:b, length:1};
c = a[b + 1];
if (!c || "string" == typeof c && c.startsWith("--")) {
d = a[b + 1];
if (!d || "string" == typeof d && d.startsWith("--")) {
return {argv:a};
e && (c = parseInt(c, 10));
return {value:c, index:b, length:2};
e && (d = parseInt(d, 10));
return {value:d, index:b, length:2};
}, ea = a => {
const b = [];
for (let d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
const c = a[d];
if (c.startsWith("-")) {
for (let c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
const d = a[c];
if (d.startsWith("-")) {

@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ return b;

var a = fa;
return Object.keys(a).reduce((b, d) => {
const c = a[d];
if ("string" == typeof c) {
return b[`-${c}`] = "", b;
return Object.keys(a).reduce((b, c) => {
const d = a[c];
if ("string" == typeof d) {
return b[`-${d}`] = "", b;
d = c.command ? d : `--${d}`;
c.short && (d = `${d}, -${c.short}`);
let e = c.description;
c.default && (e = `${e}\nDefault: ${c.default}.`);
b[d] = e;
c = d.command ? c : `--${c}`;
d.short && (c = `${c}, -${d.short}`);
let e = d.description;
d.default && (e = `${e}\nDefault: ${d.default}.`);
b[c] = e;
return b;

@@ -77,6 +77,6 @@ }, {});

boolean:!0, short:"u"}, externs:{description:"Whether to generate externs for _GCC_.", boolean:!0, short:"e"}, types:{description:"Comma-separated location of files to read types from.", short:"t"}, template:{description:"Scans the input file for `@type` comment in functions' JSDoc, and inserts the annotations from types' files.", short:"T"}, migrate:{description:"Extracts types from JavaScript source code and saves them\ninto the types.xml file specified in the output option.", boolean:!0, short:"m"},
help:{description:"Print the help information and exit.", boolean:!0, short:"h"}, version:{description:"Show the version's number and exit.", boolean:!0, short:"v"}}, v = function(a = {}, b = process.argv) {
let [, , ...d] = b;
const c = ea(d);
d = d.slice(c.length);
help:{description:"Print the help information and exit.", boolean:!0, short:"h"}, version:{description:"Show the version's number and exit.", boolean:!0, short:"v"}}, w = function(a = {}, b = process.argv) {
let [, , ...c] = b;
const d = ea(c);
c = c.slice(d.length);
a = Object.entries(a).reduce((g, [h, k]) => {

@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ g[h] = "string" == typeof k ? {short:k} : k;

const {short:m, boolean:n, number:p, command:q, multiple:r} = k;
if (q && r && c.length) {
l = c;
if (q && r && d.length) {
l = d;
} else {
if (q && c.length) {
l = c[0];
if (q && d.length) {
l = d[0];
} else {
const t = da(d, h, m, n, p);
const t = da(c, h, m, n, p);
({value:l} = t);
const {index:u, length:C} = t;
void 0 !== u && C && e.push({index:u, length:C});
const {index:u, length:v} = t;
void 0 !== u && v && e.push({index:u, length:v});

@@ -109,3 +109,3 @@ }

}, {});
let f = d;
let f = c;
e.forEach(({index:g, length:h}) => {

@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Array.from({length:h}).forEach((k, l) => {

f = f.filter(g => null !== g);
Object.assign(a, {W:f});
Object.assign(a, {Y:f});
return a;
}(fa), x = v.source, ia = v.output, ja = v.closure, ka = v.useNamespace, la = v.externs, ma = v.types, na = v.template, oa = v.migrate, pa =, qa = v.version;
}(fa), y = w.source, ia = w.output, ja = w.closure, ka = w.useNamespace, la = w.externs, ma = w.types, na = w.template, oa = w.migrate, pa =, qa = w.version;
function ra(a = {usage:{}}) {
const {usage:b = {}, description:d, line:c, example:e} = a;
const {usage:b = {}, description:c, line:d, example:e} = a;
a = Object.keys(b);

@@ -142,3 +142,3 @@ const f = Object.values(b), [g] = a.reduce(([l = 0, m = 0], n) => {

}, []).map(l => `\t${l}`);
const k = [d, ` ${c || ""}`].filter(l => l ? l.trim() : l).join("\n\n");
const k = [c, ` ${d || ""}`].filter(l => l ? l.trim() : l).join("\n\n");
a = `${k ? `${k}\n` : ""}

@@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ ${a.join("\n")}

;const {createReadStream:sa, createWriteStream:ta, lstat:y, readFileSync:ua, readdir:va} = fs;
;const {createReadStream:sa, createWriteStream:ta, lstat:z, readFileSync:ua, readdir:va} = fs;
var wa = stream;
const {Transform:z, Writable:xa} = stream;
const ya = (a, b = 0, d = !1) => {
if (0 === b && !d) {
const {Transform:A, Writable:xa} = stream;
const ya = (a, b = 0, c = !1) => {
if (0 === b && !c) {
return a;
a = a.split("\n", d ? b + 1 : void 0);
return d ? a[a.length - 1] : a.slice(b).join("\n");
a = a.split("\n", c ? b + 1 : void 0);
return c ? a[a.length - 1] : a.slice(b).join("\n");
}, za = (a, b = !1) => ya(a, 2 + (b ? 1 : 0)), Aa = a => {

@@ -168,6 +168,6 @@ ({callee:{caller:a}} = a);

const {homedir:Ba} = os;
const Ea = /\s+at.*(?:\(|\s)(.*)\)?/, Fa = /^(?:(?:(?:node|(?:internal\/[\w/]*|.*node_modules\/(?:IGNORED_MODULES)\/.*)?\w+)\.js:\d+:\d+)|native)/, Ga = Ba(), B = a => {
const {pretty:b = !1, ignoredModules:d = ["pirates"]} = {}, c = d.join("|"), e = new RegExp(Fa.source.replace("IGNORED_MODULES", c));
const Ca = /\s+at.*(?:\(|\s)(.*)\)?/, Da = /^(?:(?:(?:node|(?:internal\/[\w/]*|.*node_modules\/(?:IGNORED_MODULES)\/.*)?\w+)\.js:\d+:\d+)|native)/, Ea = Ba(), C = a => {
const {pretty:b = !1, ignoredModules:c = ["pirates"]} = {}, d = c.join("|"), e = new RegExp(Da.source.replace("IGNORED_MODULES", d));
return a.replace(/\\/g, "/").split("\n").filter(f => {
f = f.match(Ea);
f = f.match(Ca);
if (null === f || !f[1]) {

@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ return !0;

return f.includes(".app/Contents/Resources/electron.asar") || f.includes(".app/Contents/Resources/default_app.asar") ? !1 : !e.test(f);
}).filter(f => f.trim()).map(f => b ? f.replace(Ea, (g, h) => g.replace(h, h.replace(Ga, "~"))) : f).join("\n");
}).filter(f => f.trim()).map(f => b ? f.replace(Ca, (g, h) => g.replace(h, h.replace(Ea, "~"))) : f).join("\n");
function Ha(a, b, d = !1) {
return function(c) {
function Ha(a, b, c = !1) {
return function(d) {
var e = Aa(arguments), {stack:f} = Error();
const g = ya(f, 2, !0), h = (f = c instanceof Error) ? c.message : c;
e = [`Error: ${h}`, ...null !== e && a === e || d ? [b] : [g, b]].join("\n");
e = B(e);
return Object.assign(f ? c : Error(), {message:h, stack:e});
const g = ya(f, 2, !0), h = (f = d instanceof Error) ? d.message : d;
e = [`Error: ${h}`, ...null !== e && a === e || c ? [b] : [g, b]].join("\n");
e = C(e);
return Object.assign(f ? d : Error(), {message:h, stack:e});

@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ }

var {stack:b} = Error();
const d = Aa(arguments);
const c = Aa(arguments);
b = za(b, a);
return Ha(d, b, a);
return Ha(c, b, a);
;const Ia = (a, b) => {
b.once("error", d => {
a.emit("error", d);
b.once("error", c => {
a.emit("error", c);

@@ -205,6 +205,6 @@ return b;

constructor(a) {
const {binary:b = !1, rs:d = null, ...c} = a || {}, {P:e = D(!0), proxyError:f} = a || {}, g = (h, k) => e(k);
const {binary:b = !1, rs:c = null, ...d} = a || {}, {S:e = D(!0), proxyError:f} = a || {}, g = (h, k) => e(k);
this.b = [];
this.M = new Promise((h, k) => {
this.O = new Promise((h, k) => {
this.on("finish", () => {

@@ -220,3 +220,3 @@ let l;

} else {
const m = B(l.stack);
const m = C(l.stack);
l.stack = m;

@@ -227,15 +227,15 @@ f && g`${l}`;

d && Ia(this, d).pipe(this);
c && Ia(this, c).pipe(this);
_write(a, b, d) {
_write(a, b, c) {
get f() {
return this.M;
return this.O;
const E = async a => {
({f:a} = new Ja({rs:a, P:D(!0)}));
({f:a} = new Ja({rs:a, S:D(!0)}));
return await a;

@@ -251,6 +251,6 @@ };

const d = D(!0), c = ta(a);
const c = D(!0), d = ta(a);
await new Promise((e, f) => {
c.on("error", g => {
g = d(g);
d.on("error", g => {
g = c(g);

@@ -265,4 +265,4 @@ }).on("close", e).end(b);

async function I(a, b, d) {
const c = D(!0);
async function I(a, b, c) {
const d = D(!0);
if ("function" !== typeof a) {

@@ -276,3 +276,3 @@ throw Error("Function must be passed.");

return await new Promise((f, g) => {
const h = (l, m) => l ? (l = c(l), g(l)) : f(d || m);
const h = (l, m) => l ? (l = d(l), g(l)) : f(c || m);
let k = [h];

@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ Array.isArray(b) ? (b.forEach((l, m) => {

;const {join:J, relative:La} = path;
async function Ma(a, b) {
b = d => {
const c = J(a, d);
return {lstat:await I(y, c), path:c, relativePath:d};
;const {dirname:La, join:J, relative:Ma, resolve:Na} = path;
async function Oa(a, b) {
b = c => {
const d = J(a, c);
return {lstat:await I(z, d), path:d, relativePath:c};
return await Promise.all(b);
const Na = a => a.lstat.isDirectory(), Oa = a => !a.lstat.isDirectory();
const Pa = a => a.lstat.isDirectory(), Qa = a => !a.lstat.isDirectory();
async function K(a) {

@@ -300,16 +300,16 @@ if (!a) {

const {ignore:b = []} = {};
if (!(await I(y, a)).isDirectory()) {
var d = Error("Path is not a directory");
d.code = "ENOTDIR";
throw d;
if (!(await I(z, a)).isDirectory()) {
var c = Error("Path is not a directory");
c.code = "ENOTDIR";
throw c;
d = await I(va, a);
var c = await Ma(a, d);
d = c.filter(Na);
c = c.filter(Oa).reduce((e, f) => {
c = await I(va, a);
var d = await Oa(a, c);
c = d.filter(Pa);
d = d.filter(Qa).reduce((e, f) => {
var g = f.lstat.isDirectory() ? "Directory" : f.lstat.isFile() ? "File" : f.lstat.isSymbolicLink() ? "SymbolicLink" : void 0;
return {...e, [f.relativePath]:{type:g}};
}, {});
d = await d.reduce(async(e, {path:f, relativePath:g}) => {
const h = La(a, f);
c = await c.reduce(async(e, {path:f, relativePath:g}) => {
const h = Ma(a, f);
if (b.includes(h)) {

@@ -322,11 +322,11 @@ return e;

}, {});
return {content:{...c, ...d}, type:"Directory"};
return {content:{...d, ...c}, type:"Directory"};
const L = (a, b) => {
let d = [], c = [];
let c = [], d = [];
Object.keys(a).forEach(f => {
const {type:g} = a[f];
"File" == g ? d.push(J(b, f)) : "Directory" == g && c.push(f);
"File" == g ? c.push(J(b, f)) : "Directory" == g && d.push(f);
const e = c.reduce((f, g) => {
const e = d.reduce((f, g) => {
const {content:h} = a[g];

@@ -336,12 +336,12 @@ g = L(h, J(b, g));

}, []);
return [...d, ...e];
return [...c, ...e];
function Pa(a) {
function Ra(a) {
if ("object" != typeof a) {
return !1;
const {re:b, replacement:d} = a;
const {re:b, replacement:c} = a;
a = b instanceof RegExp;
const c = -1 != ["string", "function"].indexOf(typeof d);
return a && c;
const d = -1 != ["string", "function"].indexOf(typeof c);
return a && d;

@@ -358,18 +358,18 @@ const M = (a, b) => {

a = b.stack.substr(0, a - 1);
const d = a.lastIndexOf("\n");
b.stack = a.substr(0, d);
const c = a.lastIndexOf("\n");
b.stack = a.substr(0, c);
throw b;
function Qa(a, b) {
function d() {
return b.filter(Pa).reduce((c, {re:e, replacement:f}) => {
function Sa(a, b) {
function c() {
return b.filter(Ra).reduce((d, {re:e, replacement:f}) => {
if (this.j) {
return c;
return d;
if ("string" == typeof f) {
return c = c.replace(e, f);
return d = d.replace(e, f);
let g;
return c.replace(e, (h, ...k) => {
return d.replace(e, (h, ...k) => {
g = Error();

@@ -385,41 +385,41 @@ try {

d.b = () => {
d.j = !0;
c.b = () => {
c.j = !0;
;const Ra = a => new RegExp(`%%_RESTREAM_${a.toUpperCase()}_REPLACEMENT_(\\d+)_%%`, "g"), Sa = (a, b) => `%%_RESTREAM_${a.toUpperCase()}_REPLACEMENT_${b}_%%`, Ta = () => {
var a = {R:/^\/\*\*? (documentary|typal) (.+?) externs (.*?)\*\/\n(?:([^\n][\s\S]+?\n))?$/mg};
return Object.keys(a).reduce((b, d) => {
;const Ta = a => new RegExp(`%%_RESTREAM_${a.toUpperCase()}_REPLACEMENT_(\\d+)_%%`, "g"), Ua = (a, b) => `%%_RESTREAM_${a.toUpperCase()}_REPLACEMENT_${b}_%%`, Va = () => {
var a = {T:/^\/\*\*? (documentary|typal) (.+?) externs (.*?)\*\/\n(?:([^\n][\s\S]+?\n))?$/mg};
return Object.keys(a).reduce((b, c) => {
var c = a[d];
const {getReplacement:e = Sa, getRegex:f = Ra} = {}, g = f(d);
c = {name:d, re:c, regExp:g, getReplacement:e, map:{}, lastIndex:0};
var d = a[c];
const {getReplacement:e = Ua, getRegex:f = Ta} = {}, g = f(c);
d = {name:c, re:d, regExp:g, getReplacement:e, map:{}, lastIndex:0};
return {...b, [d]:c};
return {...b, [c]:d};
}, {});
}, Ua = a => {
}, Wa = a => {
var b = [];
const {regExp:d, map:c} = a;
return {re:d, replacement(e, f) {
e = c[f];
delete c[f];
return Qa(e, Array.isArray(b) ? b : [b]);
const {regExp:c, map:d} = a;
return {re:c, replacement(e, f) {
e = d[f];
delete d[f];
return Sa(e, Array.isArray(b) ? b : [b]);
}, Va = a => {
const {re:b, map:d, getReplacement:c, name:e} = a;
}, Xa = a => {
const {re:b, map:c, getReplacement:d, name:e} = a;
return {re:b, replacement(f) {
const {lastIndex:g} = a;
d[g] = f;
c[g] = f;
a.lastIndex += 1;
return c(e, g);
return d(e, g);
async function Wa(a, b) {
return Xa(a, b);
async function Ya(a, b) {
return Za(a, b);
class N extends z {
class N extends A {
constructor(a, b) {
this.f = (Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]).filter(Pa);
this.f = (Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]).filter(Ra);
this.j = !1;

@@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ this.h = b;

async replace(a, b) {
const d = new N(this.f, this.h);
b && Object.assign(d, b);
a = await Wa(d, a);
d.j && (this.j = !0);
b && Object.keys(b).forEach(c => {
b[c] = d[c];
const c = new N(this.f, this.h);
b && Object.assign(c, b);
a = await Ya(c, a);
c.j && (this.j = !0);
b && Object.keys(b).forEach(d => {
b[d] = c[d];

@@ -440,3 +440,3 @@ return a;

async reduce(a) {
return await this.f.reduce(async(b, {re:d, replacement:c}) => {
return await this.f.reduce(async(b, {re:c, replacement:d}) => {
b = await b;

@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ if (this.j) {

if ("string" == typeof c) {
b = b.replace(d, c);
if ("string" == typeof d) {
b = b.replace(c, d);
} else {
const e = [];
let f;
const g = b.replace(d, (h, ...k) => {
const g = b.replace(c, (h, ...k) => {
f = Error();

@@ -458,3 +458,3 @@ try {

const l =, h, ...k);
const l =, h, ...k);
l instanceof Promise && e.push(l);

@@ -469,3 +469,3 @@ return l;

const h = await Promise.all(e);
b = b.replace(d, () => h.shift());
b = b.replace(c, () => h.shift());
} catch (h) {

@@ -481,22 +481,22 @@ M(f, h);

async _transform(a, b, d) {
async _transform(a, b, c) {
try {
const c = await this.reduce(a);
} catch (c) {
a = B(c.stack), c.stack = a, d(c);
const d = await this.reduce(a);
} catch (d) {
a = C(d.stack), d.stack = a, c(d);
async function Xa(a, b) {
async function Za(a, b) {
b instanceof wa ? b.pipe(a) : a.end(b);
return await E(a);
;function Ya() {
var a = Za;
;function $a() {
var a = ab;
let b = "";
const d = new z({transform(c, e, f) {
const c = new A({transform(d, e, f) {
let g;
for (b += c.toString(); (c = a.exec(b)) && (d.push(c), g = c,;) {
for (b += d.toString(); (d = a.exec(b)) && (c.push(d), g = d,;) {

@@ -506,21 +506,21 @@ g && (b = b.slice(g.index + g[0].length));

}, objectMode:!0});
return d;
return c;
;const $a = (a, b, d, c) => {
;const bb = (a, b, c, d) => {
if (!a) {
throw Error("The name of the property is not given");
a = `${c ? `${c}.` : ""}${a}`;
a = `${d ? `${d}.` : ""}${a}`;
if (null === b) {
return a;
b = Number.isInteger(b) || [!0, !1, "null"].includes(b) || ["number", "boolean"].includes(d) ? b : `"${b}"`;
b = Number.isInteger(b) || [!0, !1, "null"].includes(b) || ["number", "boolean"].includes(c) ? b : `"${b}"`;
return `${a}=${b}`;
}, ab = ({number:a, K:b, boolean:d, type:c}) => b ? "string" : a ? "number" : d ? "boolean" : c ? c : "*", bb = a => `${/[^\w\d._]/.test(a) ? `(${a})` : a}|undefined`, O = a => a ? `/**
}, cb = ({number:a, M:b, boolean:c, type:d}) => b ? "string" : a ? "number" : c ? "boolean" : d ? d : "*", db = a => `${/[^\w\d._]/.test(a) ? `(${a})` : a}|undefined`, O = a => a ? `/**
` : "/**\n */\n", P = a => ` * @suppress {nonStandardJsDocs}
${a}`, cb = (a, b, d) => {
${a}`, eb = (a, b, c) => {
a = `${a ? "" : "var "}${a ? `${a}.` : ""}${b}`;
d && (a += ` = ${d}`);
c && (a += ` = ${c}`);
return a;

@@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ }, Q = a => {

var d = a.substr(0, b).lastIndexOf("\n");
-1 == d ? d = 0 : (d++, a = a.substr(d));
b -= d;
const c = " ".repeat(b);
d = a.split("\n");
if (d.filter(e => /\S/.test(e)).find(e => !e.startsWith(c))) {
var c = a.substr(0, b).lastIndexOf("\n");
-1 == c ? c = 0 : (c++, a = a.substr(c));
b -= c;
const d = " ".repeat(b);
c = a.split("\n");
if (c.filter(e => /\S/.test(e)).find(e => !e.startsWith(d))) {
return a.trim();

@@ -548,20 +548,20 @@ }

const e = new RegExp(`^ {${b}}`);
return => f.replace(e, "")).join("\n");
return => f.replace(e, "")).join("\n");
}, db = (a, b, d = null) => {
const {async:c, "void":e, "return":f = e ? "void" : "", ...g} = a;
}, fb = (a, b, c = null) => {
const {async:d, "void":e, "return":f = e ? "void" : "", ...g} = a;
({args:a = ""} = a);
a || (a ={H:h, name:k}) => "this" == k ? `${k}: ${h}` : k.startsWith("...") ? `...${h}` : h).join(","));
a || (a ={I:h, name:k}) => "this" == k ? `${k}: ${h}` : k.startsWith("...") ? `...${h}` : h).join(","));
b = f.replace(/\n\s*/g, " ");
c && b ? b = `!Promise<${b}>` : c && (b = "!Promise");
!b && "constructor" == && d && (b = d);
d = `function(${a})`;
b && (d += `: ${b}`);
return {U:{...g, async:c}, G:d};
d && b ? b = `!Promise<${b}>` : d && (b = "!Promise");
!b && "constructor" == && c && (b = c);
c = `function(${a})`;
b && (c += `: ${b}`);
return {W:{...g, async:d}, H:c};
function eb(a, b, d) {
const c = [];
function gb(a, b, c) {
const d = [];
b.replace(a, (e, ...f) => {
e = f.slice(0, f.length - 2).reduce((g, h, k) => {
k = d[k];
k = c[k];
if (!k || void 0 === h) {

@@ -573,22 +573,22 @@ return g;

}, {});
return c;
return d;
;const fb = new RegExp(`${/([^\s>=/]+)/.source}(?:\\s*=\\s*${/(?:"([\s\S]*?)"|'([\s\S]*?)')/.source})?`, "g"), gb = new RegExp(`(?:\\s+((?:${fb.source}\\s*)*))`);
;const hb = new RegExp(`${/([^\s>=/]+)/.source}(?:\\s*=\\s*${/(?:"([\s\S]*?)"|'([\s\S]*?)')/.source})?`, "g"), ib = new RegExp(`(?:\\s+((?:${hb.source}\\s*)*))`);
const R = (a, b) => {
a = (Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]).join("|");
return eb(new RegExp(`<(${a})${gb.source}?(?:${/\s*\/>/.source}|${/>([\s\S]+?)?<\/\1>/.source})`, "g"), b, "t a v v1 v2 c".split(" ")).map(({t:d, a:c = "", c:e = ""}) => {
c = c.replace(/\/$/, "").trim();
c = hb(c);
return {content:e, props:c, tag:d};
return gb(new RegExp(`<(${a})${ib.source}?(?:${/\s*\/>/.source}|${/>([\s\S]+?)?<\/\1>/.source})`, "g"), b, "t a v v1 v2 c".split(" ")).map(({t:c, a:d = "", c:e = ""}) => {
d = d.replace(/\/$/, "").trim();
d = jb(d);
return {content:e, props:d, tag:c};
}, hb = a => eb(fb, a, ["key", "val", "def", "f"]).reduce((b, {key:d, val:c}) => {
if (void 0 === c) {
return b[d] = !0, b;
}, jb = a => gb(hb, a, ["key", "val", "def", "f"]).reduce((b, {key:c, val:d}) => {
if (void 0 === d) {
return b[c] = !0, b;
b[d] = "true" == c ? !0 : "false" == c ? !1 : /^\d+$/.test(c) ? parseInt(c, 10) : c;
b[c] = "true" == d ? !0 : "false" == d ? !1 : /^\d+$/.test(d) ? parseInt(d, 10) : d;
return b;
}, {});
const ib = a => a.split(/([!?=*(),:.<>{}|\s+])/g).filter(b => /\S/.test(b)).map(b => {
const kb = a => a.split(/([!?=*(),:.<>{}|\s+])/g).filter(b => /\S/.test(b)).map(b => {
switch(b) {

@@ -610,5 +610,5 @@ case "function":

function jb(a) {
function lb(a) {
let b = 0;
const d = (e = 1) => a[b + e], c = (e = !0, f = []) => {
const c = (e = 1) => a[b + e], d = (e = !0, f = []) => {
var g = {};

@@ -626,3 +626,3 @@ let h = a[b];

g = {...c(!0, []), ...g};
g = {...d(!0, []), ...g};
if (")" != a[b]) {

@@ -646,3 +646,3 @@ throw Error("Expecting closing )");

try {
var l = c();
var l = d();
e[k] = l;

@@ -693,3 +693,3 @@ } catch (n) {

k.this = c();
k.this = d();
} else {

@@ -702,9 +702,9 @@ if ("new" == a[b]) {

b++; = c(); = d();
} else {
if ("." == a[b] && "." == d() && "." == d(2)) {
if ("." == a[b] && "." == c() && "." == c(2)) {
m = c();
m = d();
if (")" != a[b]) {

@@ -715,3 +715,3 @@ throw Error("Variable args must come last");

} else {
m = c(), k.args.push(m), "=" == a[b] && (m.optional = !0, b++);
m = d(), k.args.push(m), "=" == a[b] && (m.optional = !0, b++);

@@ -731,6 +731,6 @@ }

":" == a[b] && (b++, m = c(), void 0 == && m.nullable && ( = ""), k.return = m);
":" == a[b] && (b++, m = d(), void 0 == && m.nullable && ( = ""), k.return = m);
l.function = k;
} else {
if ("<" == a[b] || (k = "." == a[b] && "<" == d())) {
if ("<" == a[b] || (k = "." == a[b] && "<" == c())) {

@@ -740,3 +740,3 @@ k && b++;

for (k = []; ">" != a[b];) {
m = c();
m = d();

@@ -759,3 +759,3 @@ if (">" == a[b]) {

({name:l} = c(!1));
({name:l} = d(!1));
if (!l) {

@@ -770,19 +770,19 @@ throw Error("Expected to see the name after .");

for (f.push(g); "|" == a[b];) {
b++, g = c(!0, f), g.union !== f && f.push(g);
b++, g = d(!0, f), g.union !== f && f.push(g);
return {union:f};
return c();
return d();
;function kb(a) {
a = ib(a);
return jb(a);
;function mb(a) {
a = kb(a);
return lb(a);
;function lb(a, b, {name:d, string:c, "boolean":e, opt:f, number:g, type:h}, k) {
if (!d) {
;function nb(a, b, {name:c, string:d, "boolean":e, opt:f, number:g, type:h}, k) {
if (!c) {
throw Error("Argument does not have a name.");
} = d; = c;
b && (a.description = Q(b));
b = ab({number:g, K:c, boolean:e, type:h});
b = cb({number:g, M:d, boolean:e, type:h});
k && (b = b.replace(new RegExp(`([!?])?${k}\\.`, "g"), "$1"));

@@ -793,3 +793,3 @@ b.endsWith("=") && (b = b.replace(/=$/, ""), f = !0);

class mb {
class ob {
constructor() {

@@ -801,15 +801,15 @@ = null;

get H() {
get I() {
return this.optional ? `${this.type}=` : this.type;
const nb = (a, b) => {
let d = a.lastIndexOf("</arg>"), c = a;
const pb = (a, b) => {
let c = a.lastIndexOf("</arg>"), d = a;
var e = [];
-1 != d && (d += 6, e = a.slice(0, d), c = a.slice(d), e = R("arg", e), e ={content:f, props:g}) => {
const h = new mb;
lb(h, f, g, b);
-1 != c && (c += 6, e = a.slice(0, c), d = a.slice(c), e = R("arg", e), e ={content:f, props:g}) => {
const h = new ob;
nb(h, f, g, b);
return h;
return {I:c, D:e};
return {K:d, F:e};

@@ -824,38 +824,38 @@ function S(a) {

b += + "(";
const c = [];
const d = [];
if (a.function.this) {
var d = "this: " + S(a.function.this);
var c = "this: " + S(a.function.this);
} && (d = "new: " + S(, c.push(d)); && (c = "new: " + S(, d.push(c));
a.function.args.forEach(e => {
let f = S(e);
e.optional && (f += "=");
a.function.variableArgs && (d = "..." + S(a.function.variableArgs), c.push(d));
d = c.join(", ");
b += d + ")";
a.function.variableArgs && (c = "..." + S(a.function.variableArgs), d.push(c));
c = d.join(", ");
b += c + ")";
a.function.return && (b += ": " + S(a.function.return));
} else {
if (a.record) {
b += "{ ", d = Object.keys(a.record).map(c => {
var e = a.record[c];
b += "{ ", c = Object.keys(a.record).map(d => {
var e = a.record[d];
if (!e) {
return c;
return d;
e = S(e);
return `${c}: ${e}`;
}), b += d.join(", "), b += " }";
return `${d}: ${e}`;
}), b += c.join(", "), b += " }";
} else {
if (a.application) {
if ("Promise" == && !a.application.some(c => "void" != {
if ("Promise" == && !a.application.some(d => "void" != {
return b + "Promise";
b += + "<";
d = => S(c));
b += d.join(", ");
c = => S(d));
b += c.join(", ");
b += ">";
} else {
a.union ? (b += "(", d = => S(c)), b += d.join("|"), b += ")") : b += "any" == ? "*" :;
a.union ? (b += "(", c = => S(d)), b += c.join("|"), b += ")") : b += "any" == ? "*" :;

@@ -866,24 +866,24 @@ }

;const T = (a, b = !1) => a.split("\n").map((d, c) => {
if (b && !c) {
return d;
;const T = (a, b = !1) => a.split("\n").map((c, d) => {
if (b && !d) {
return c;
c = " *";
d.length && (c += " ");
return c + d;
}).join("\n"), ob = a => {
const b = a.replace(/^\s*\n/gm, "").split("\n").reduce((d, c) => {
[{length:c = 0} = {}] = /^\s*/.exec(c) || [];
return c < d ? c : d;
d = " *";
c.length && (d += " ");
return d + c;
}).join("\n"), qb = a => {
const b = a.replace(/^\s*\n/gm, "").split("\n").reduce((c, d) => {
[{length:d = 0} = {}] = /^\s*/.exec(d) || [];
return d < c ? d : c;
}, Infinity);
return a.replace(new RegExp(`^ {${b}}`, "gm"), "");
function pb(a, b = "") {
const d = b.split(/\s*,\s*/);
return a.split(/\s*,\s*/).map(c => {
let e = c = ua(c, "utf8");
if (c = /\/\* start example \*\/\r?\n([\s\S]+?)\r?\n\s*\/\* end example \*\//.exec(c)) {
[, c] = c, e = ob(c);
function rb(a, b = "") {
const c = b.split(/\s*,\s*/);
return a.split(/\s*,\s*/).map(d => {
let e = d = ua(d, "utf8");
if (d = /\/\* start example \*\/\r?\n([\s\S]+?)\r?\n\s*\/\* end example \*\//.exec(d)) {
[, d] = d, e = qb(d);
d.forEach(f => {
c.forEach(f => {
const [g, h] = f.split(/\s*=>\s*/);

@@ -896,5 +896,5 @@ e = e.replace(`'${g}'`, `'${h}'`);

function qb(a, {N:b = !0, S:d = !0} = {}) {
const c = [];
b && c.push(" * @example");
function sb(a, {P:b = !0, U:c = !0} = {}) {
const d = [];
b && d.push(" * @example");
a.forEach(e => {

@@ -913,37 +913,37 @@ let f = [], g = [], h = "", k;

}, []);
d && (e = => T(l)));
c && (e = => T(l)));
return c;
return d;
function rb(a, b, d = new RegExp(`([!?])?${b}\\.`, "g")) {
b && (a.type = a.type.replace(d, "$1"));
function tb(a, b, c = new RegExp(`([!?])?${b}\\.`, "g")) {
b && (a.type = a.type.replace(c, "$1"));
function sb(a, b = !1) {
function ub(a, b = !1) {
return b ? a.closureType : a.isParsedFunction ? a.toTypeScriptFunction(S) : a.type;
function tb(a, b = null, d = !1, c = !1) {
function vb(a, b = null, c = !1, d = !1) {
if (! {
throw Error("Property does not have a name. Has it been constructed using fromXML?");
b = $a(, a.optional ? a.default : null, a.type, b);
b = bb(, a.optional ? a.default : null, a.type, b);
b = a.optional ? `[${b}]` : b;
var {m:e} = a;
e = e ? ` ${e}` : "";
d = `{${sb(a, d)}} ${b}${e}`;
c && (a = qb(a.examples, {N:!1, S:!1}).join("\n").replace(/\*/g, "\uff0a")) && (d += `\n${a}`);
return d;
c = `{${ub(a, c)}} ${b}${e}`;
d && (a = sb(a.examples, {P:!1, U:!1}).join("\n").replace(/\*/g, "\uff0a")) && (c += `\n${a}`);
return c;
function ub(a, b = !1) {
a = tb(a, null, b, !0);
function wb(a, b = !1) {
a = vb(a, null, b, !0);
return ` * @prop ${T(a, !0)}`;
function vb(a) {
const b = [], {function:{args:d, return:c, variableArgs:e, this:f}} = a.parsed; => S(h)).forEach((h, k) => {
const {optional:l} = d[k], {name:m = `arg${k}`, description:n} = a.args[k] || {};
function xb(a) {
const b = [], {function:{args:c, return:d, variableArgs:e, this:f}} = a.parsed; => S(h)).forEach((h, k) => {
const {optional:l} = c[k], {name:m = `arg${k}`, description:n} = a.args[k] || {};
b.push(` * @param {${h}${l ? "=" : ""}} ${l ? `[${m}]` : m}${n ? ` ${n}` : ""}`);
if (e) {
const {L:h, V:k} = wb(a.args || []);
const {N:h, X:k} = yb(a.args || []);
var g = [h, k].filter(Boolean).join(" ");

@@ -953,35 +953,35 @@ b.push(` * @param {...${S(e)}} ${g}`);

f && b.push(` * @this {${S(f)}}`);
c && "void" != && (g = S(c), b.push(` * @return {${g}}`));
d && "void" != && (g = S(d), b.push(` * @return {${g}}`));
return b;
function xb(a) {
function zb(a) {
if (a.isParsedFunction) {
const {function:{args:b, variableArgs:d}} = a.parsed, c =, f) => {
const {function:{args:b, variableArgs:c}} = a.parsed, d =, f) => {
({name:e = `arg${f}`} = a.l[f] || {});
return e;
if (d) {
const {L:e} = wb(a.args || []);
if (c) {
const {N:e} = yb(a.args || []);
return ` = function(${c.join(", ")}) {}`;
return ` = function(${d.join(", ")}) {}`;
return a.type.startsWith("function(") ? " = function() {}" : "";
function U(a, b = "", d = !1) {
let c = [];
function U(a, b = "", c = !1) {
let d = [];
var {m:e} = a;
e && (e = T(e), c.push(...e.split("\n")));
!a.optional && a.isParsedFunction ? (e = vb(a), c.push(...e)) : c.push(` * @type {${a.optional ? bb(a.closureType) : a.closureType}}`);
d && a.examples.length && (a = qb(a.examples), c.push(...a));
b && (c = => `${b}${f}`));
return c.join("\n");
e && (e = T(e), d.push(...e.split("\n")));
!a.optional && a.isParsedFunction ? (e = xb(a), d.push(...e)) : d.push(` * @type {${a.optional ? db(a.closureType) : a.closureType}}`);
c && a.examples.length && (a = sb(a.examples), d.push(...a));
b && (d = => `${b}${f}`));
return d.join("\n");
function yb(a, b) {
const d = Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(a)), a);
d.description = `An alias for \`${}\`.`; = b;
return d;
function Ab(a, b) {
const c = Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(a)), a);
c.description = `An alias for \`${}\`.`; = b;
return c;
class zb {
class Bb {
constructor(a = null) {

@@ -1003,3 +1003,3 @@ this.g = this.description = = null;

const {function:{args:b, return:d, this:c, variableArgs:e}} = this.parsed;
const {function:{args:b, return:c, this:d, variableArgs:e}} = this.parsed;
var f = => a(h)).map((h, k) => {

@@ -1010,4 +1010,4 @@ const {optional:l} = b[k];

if (c) {
var g = a(c);
if (d) {
var g = a(d);
f.unshift(`this: ${g}`);

@@ -1025,3 +1025,3 @@ }

f = f.join(", ");
g = d ? a(d) : "?";
g = c ? a(c) : "?";
return `(${f}) => ${g}`;

@@ -1035,3 +1035,3 @@ }

b(a, {name:b, string:d, "boolean":c, opt:e, number:f, type:g, "default":h, closure:k, alias:l, aliases:m, example:n, "example-override":p = "", noParams:q, "static":r, initial:t}) {
b(a, {name:b, string:c, "boolean":d, opt:e, number:f, type:g, "default":h, closure:k, alias:l, aliases:m, example:n, "example-override":p = "", noParams:q, "static":r, initial:t}) {
if (!b) {

@@ -1042,3 +1042,3 @@ throw Error("Property does not have a name.");

a && (this.description = Q(a));
a = ab({number:f, K:d, boolean:c, type:g});
a = cb({number:f, M:c, boolean:d, type:g});
q && (this.o = q);

@@ -1054,3 +1054,3 @@ k && (this.h = k);

r && (this.f = !0);
n && (this.examples = pb(n, p));
n && (this.examples = rb(n, p));

@@ -1065,3 +1065,3 @@ get type() {

try {
this.parsed = kb(this.closureType), this.isParsedFunction && !this.args && (this.args = []);
this.parsed = mb(this.closureType), this.isParsedFunction && !this.args && (this.args = []);
} catch (b) {

@@ -1084,15 +1084,15 @@ this.parsed = null;

B(a, b = "", d = !1) {
a = tb(this, a, d);
const [c, ...e] = a.split("\n");
return [`@param ${c}`, ...e].map(f => `${b} * ${f}`).join("\n");
C(a, b = "", c = !1) {
a = vb(this, a, c);
const [d, ...e] = a.split("\n");
return [`@param ${d}`, ...e].map(f => `${b} * ${f}`).join("\n");
const wb = a => {
const yb = a => {
let b = "args";
const {name:d = "", description:c} = a[a.length - 1] || {};
d.startsWith("...") && (b = d.replace("...", ""));
return {L:b, V:c};
const {name:c = "", description:d} = a[a.length - 1] || {};
c.startsWith("...") && (b = c.replace("...", ""));
return {N:b, X:d};
class V extends zb {
class V extends Bb {
constructor(...a) {

@@ -1108,9 +1108,9 @@ super(...a);

;const X = (a, b, d = {}) => {
let c;
;const X = (a, b, c = {}) => {
let d;
if ("object" == typeof b) {
c = b;
d = b;
} else {
try {
(c = kb(b)) || console.log("Could not parse %s", b);
(d = mb(b)) || console.log("Could not parse %s", b);
} catch (e) {

@@ -1120,8 +1120,8 @@ console.log("Could not parse %s", b), console.error(e.message);

return c ? W(c, a, d) : b;
}, W = (a, b, d = {}) => {
return d ? W(d, a, c) : b;
}, W = (a, b, c = {}) => {
if ("" == && a.nullable) {
return "?";
var {escapePipe:c = !0} = d;
var {escapePipe:d = !0} = c;
let e = "";

@@ -1133,15 +1133,15 @@ var f = "";

const g = [];
a.function.this && (c = "this: " + W(a.function.this, b, d), g.push(c)); && (c = "new: " + W(, b, d), g.push(c));
a.function.this && (d = "this: " + W(a.function.this, b, c), g.push(d)); && (d = "new: " + W(, b, c), g.push(d));
a.function.args.forEach(h => {
let k = W(h, b, d);
let k = W(h, b, c);
h.optional && (k += "=");
a.function.variableArgs && (c = "..." + W(a.function.variableArgs, b, d), g.push(c));
c = g.join(", ");
e += c + ")";
a.function.return && (e += ": " + W(a.function.return, b, d));
a.function.variableArgs && (d = "..." + W(a.function.variableArgs, b, c), g.push(d));
d = g.join(", ");
e += d + ")";
a.function.return && (e += ": " + W(a.function.return, b, c));
} else {
a.record ? (e += "{ ", c = Object.keys(a.record).map(g => {
a.record ? (e += "{ ", d = Object.keys(a.record).map(g => {
var h = a.record[g];

@@ -1151,38 +1151,38 @@ if (!h) {

h = W(h, b, d);
h = W(h, b, c);
return `${g}: ${h}`;
}), e += c.join(", "), e += " }") : a.application ? (e += Ab(, b, f, d) + "&lt;", c = => W(g, b, d)), e += c.join(", "), e += "&gt;") : a.union ? (e = e + f + "(", f = => W(g, b, d)), e += f.join(c ? " \\| " : " | "), e += ")") : e += Ab("any" == ? "*" :, b, f, d);
}), e += d.join(", "), e += " }") : a.application ? (e += Cb(, b, f, c) + "&lt;", d = => W(g, b, c)), e += d.join(", "), e += "&gt;") : a.union ? (e = e + f + "(", f = => W(g, b, c)), e += f.join(d ? " \\| " : " | "), e += ")") : e += Cb("any" == ? "*" :, b, f, c);
return e;
}, Ab = (a, b, d = "", c = {}) => {
const {flatten:e = !1, nameProcess:f, link:g = ({link:l}) => `#${l}`} = c;
c = Bb(b, a);
d = `${d}${a}`;
if (!c) {
return d;
}, Cb = (a, b, c = "", d = {}) => {
const {flatten:e = !1, nameProcess:f, link:g = ({link:l}) => `#${l}`} = d;
d = Db(b, a);
c = `${c}${a}`;
if (!d) {
return c;
let {link:h, type:{description:k}} = c;
h = g(c);
let {link:h, type:{description:k}} = d;
h = g(d);
e && ((b = b.find(({fullName:l}) => l == a)) && && (h =, !k && b.description && (k = b.description), "function" == typeof e && e(a));
b = f ? f(d) : d;
b = f ? f(c) : c;
return k ? `<a href="${h}" title="${k.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")}">${b}</a>` : `[${b}](${h})`;
}, Bb = (a, b) => {
a = a.filter(({fullName:c}) => c == b);
}, Db = (a, b) => {
a = a.filter(({fullName:d}) => d == b);
if (a.length) {
var d = a.find(({import:c}) => c || !1);
a = a.find(({import:c}) => !c) || d;
var c = a.find(({import:d}) => d || !1);
a = a.find(({import:d}) => !d) || c;
return {link:`${"type"}-${a.fullName.replace(/<\/?code>/g, "").replace(/<\/?strong>/g, "").replace(/<br\/>/g, "").replace(/&nbsp;/g, "").replace(/[^\w-\d ]/g, "").toLowerCase().replace(/[, ]/g, "-")}`, type:a};
function Cb(a, b = [], d = [], c = {}) {
const {narrow:e = !1, flatten:f = !1, preprocessDesc:g, link:h} = c;
function Eb(a, b = [], c = [], d = {}) {
const {narrow:e = !1, flatten:f = !1, preprocessDesc:g, link:h} = d;
if (!b.length) {
return "";
const k = a.isConstructor || a.isInterface, l = b.some(({hasDefault:p}) => p), m = {flatten:f, escapePipe:!e, link:h}, n = p => X(d, p, m);
const k = a.isConstructor || a.isInterface, l = b.some(({hasDefault:p}) => p), m = {flatten:f, escapePipe:!e, link:h}, n = p => X(c, p, m);
a = => {
let q;
p.args && p.isParsedFunction ? (q = p.toTypeScriptFunction(n), p.isConstructor && (q = `new ${q}`)) : q = X(d, p.parsed || p.type, m);
p.args && p.isParsedFunction ? (q = p.toTypeScriptFunction(n), p.isConstructor && (q = `new ${q}`)) : q = X(c, p.parsed || p.type, m);
const r = k || p.optional ? : `${}*`, t = p.hasDefault ? `\`${p.default}\`` : "-", u = g ? g(p.description) : p.description;
return {prop:p, typeName:q, name:r, de:Db(u, !e), d:t};
return {prop:p, typeName:q, name:r, de:Fb(u, !e), d:t};

@@ -1200,3 +1200,3 @@ if (e) {

const Db = (a = "", b = !0) => {
const Fb = (a = "", b = !0) => {
null === a && (a = "");

@@ -1206,25 +1206,25 @@ b && (a = a.replace(/\|/g, "\\|"));

function Eb(a) {
var b = a.g();
function Gb(a) {
var b = a.h();
b = O(b.join("\n"));
b += cb(a.namespace,, Fb(a));
const d =, e) => {
const f = => yb(e, g));
return c;
}, []).filter(c => c instanceof V && c.isConstructor ? !1 : !0).map(c => {
let e = U(c);
b += eb(a.namespace,, Hb(a));
const c =, e) => {
const f = => Ab(e, g));
return d;
}, []).filter(d => d instanceof V && d.isConstructor ? !1 : !0).map(d => {
let e = U(d);
e = O(e);
e += cb(`${a.fullName}${c.static ? "" : ".prototype"}`,;
return e += xb(c);
e += eb(`${a.fullName}${d.static ? "" : ".prototype"}`,;
return e += zb(d);
return [b, ...d].join("\n");
return [b, ...c].join("\n");
function Gb(a, b = !1) {
const d = `${a.extends ? "$" : ""}${}`;
return b ? `${a.ns}${d}` : d;
function Ib(a, b = !1) {
const c = `${a.extends ? "$" : ""}${}`;
return b ? `${a.ns}${c}` : c;
function Hb(a, b = !1, d = !1, c = b) {
c = ` * @typedef {${(b ? a.closureType : a.type) || a.m()}}${` ${Gb(a, c)}${a.h}`}`;
function Jb(a, b = !1, c = !1, d = b) {
d = ` * @typedef {${(b ? a.closureType : a.type) || a.o()}}${` ${Ib(a, d)}${a.l}`}`;
a = ( ?, f) => {

@@ -1235,11 +1235,11 @@ if (f.f) {

const g = => yb(f, h));
const g = => Ab(f, h));
return e;
}, []) : []).map(e => ub(e, b));
a = [c, ...a].join("\n");
b && !d && (a = P(a));
}, []) : []).map(e => wb(e, b));
a = [d, ...a].join("\n");
b && !c && (a = P(a));
return a = O(a);
function Fb(a) {
function Hb(a) {
return a.args ? `function(${a.args.filter(({name:b}) => "this" != b).map(({name:b}) => b).join(", ")}) {}` : null;

@@ -1258,2 +1258,3 @@ }

this.examples = [];
this.file = null;

@@ -1263,3 +1264,3 @@ get import() {

b(a, {name:b, type:d, desc:c, noToc:e, spread:f, noExpand:g, link:h, closure:k, constructor:l, "extends":m, "interface":n, record:p, example:q, "example-override":r}, t, u = null) {
b(a, {name:b, type:c, desc:d, noToc:e, spread:f, noExpand:g, link:h, closure:k, constructor:l, "extends":m, "interface":n, record:p, example:q, "example-override":r}, t, u = null) {
if (!b) {

@@ -1269,5 +1270,5 @@ throw Error("Type does not have a name."); = b;
d && (this.type = d);
c && (this.type = c);
k ? this.closureType = k : this.closureType = this.type;
c && (this.description = Q(c));
d && (this.description = Q(d));
this.noToc = !!e;

@@ -1283,39 +1284,44 @@ this.spread = !!f;

if (a) {
b = R("prop", a).map(({content:w, props:A}) => {
const F = new zb;
F.b(w, A);
b = R("prop", a).map(({content:x, props:B}) => {
const F = new Bb;
F.b(x, B);
return F;
a = R(["function", "fn", "static"], a).map(({content:w, props:A, tag:F}) => {
a = R(["function", "fn", "static"], a).map(({content:x, props:B, tag:F}) => {
F = "static" == F;
const {I:Xb, D:Ca} = nb(w, u);
w = new V(Ca);
const {U:Da, G:Yb} = db(A, Ca, this.fullName);
Da.type = Yb;
w.b(Xb, Da);
F && (w.f = !0);
return w;
const {K:Zb, F:Fa} = pb(x, u);
x = new V(Fa);
const {W:Ga, H:$b} = fb(B, Fa, this.fullName);
Ga.type = $b;
x.b(Zb, Ga);
F && (x.f = !0);
return x;
a = [...b, ...a];
const {F:C, J:Zb, n:$b} = a.reduce((w, A) => {
A.isConstructor ? w.F.push(A) : A.static ? w.J.push(A) : w.n.push(A);
return w;
}, {F:[], J:[], n:[]}); = [...C, ...Zb, ...$b];
const {G:v, L:ac, n:bc} = a.reduce((x, B) => {
B.isConstructor ? x.G.push(B) : B.static ? x.L.push(B) : x.n.push(B);
return x;
}, {G:[], L:[], n:[]}); = [...v,, ...bc];
q && (this.examples = pb(q, r));
q && (q = q.startsWith(".") && this.file ? Na(La(this.file), q) : q, this.examples = rb(q, r));
get o() {
get J() {
return this.isConstructor || this.isInterface || this.isRecord;
m() {
o() {
return "Object";
get h() {
m(a, b = new RegExp(`([!?])?${a}\\.`, "g")) {
this.type && (this.type = this.type.replace(b, "$1"));
this.extends && (this.extends = this.extends.replace(b, "$1"));
return b;
get l() {
return `${this.tag ? ` \`\uff20${this.tag}\`` : ""}${this.description ? ` ${this.description}` : ""}`;
f(a = !1, b = !1, d = a) {
const c = !!this.extends, e = Hb(this, a, b, d), f = [];
g(a = !1, b = !1, c = a) {
const d = !!this.extends, e = Jb(this, a, b, c), f = [];
if (this.namespace && a) {
var g = ` * @typedef {${this.fullName}} ${}${this.h}`;
var g = ` * @typedef {${this.fullName}} ${}${this.l}`;
a && !b && (g = P(g));

@@ -1325,9 +1331,9 @@ g = O(g);

} else {
this.namespace && d && (g = ` * @typedef {${this.fullName}} ${}${this.h}`, g = O(g), f.push(g));
this.namespace && c && (g = ` * @typedef {${this.fullName}} ${}${this.l}`, g = O(g), f.push(g));
c && (d = ` * @typedef {${this.extends.split(/,\s*/).join(" & ")} & ${Gb(this, d)}} ${d ? this.fullName :}${this.h}`, a && !b && (d = P(d)), d = O(d), f.push(d));
d && (c = ` * @typedef {${this.extends.split(/,\s*/).join(" & ")} & ${Ib(this, c)}} ${c ? this.fullName :}${this.l}`, a && !b && (c = P(c)), c = O(c), f.push(c));
return f.join("");
get T() {
get V() {
const a = this.tag;

@@ -1342,7 +1348,7 @@ if (!a) {

g(a = "", b = !0, d = !1) {
let c = [];
this.description && c.push(` * ${this.description}`);
h(a = "", b = !0, c = !1) {
let d = [];
this.description && d.push(` * ${this.description}`);
this.extends && this.extends.split(/,\s*/).forEach(e => {
c.push(` * @extends {${e}}`);
d.push(` * @extends {${e}}`);

@@ -1356,12 +1362,12 @@ this.args && this.args.forEach(e => {

if ("this" == f) {
c.push(` * @this {${k}}${e}`);
d.push(` * @this {${k}}${e}`);
c.push(` * @param {${k}${h ? "=" : ""}} ${h ? `[${f}]` : f}${e}`);
d.push(` * @param {${k}${h ? "=" : ""}} ${h ? `[${f}]` : f}${e}`);
b && c.push(` * @${this.T}`);
d && this.examples.length && (b = qb(this.examples), c.push(...b));
a && (c = => `${a}${e}`));
return c;
b && d.push(` * @${this.V}`);
c && this.examples.length && (b = sb(this.examples), d.push(...b));
a && (d = => `${a}${e}`));
return d;

@@ -1374,16 +1380,16 @@ get ns() {

B(a, b, d, c, e = !1, f = !1) {
C(a, b, c, d, e = !1, f = !1) {
var g = "";
!0 === c ? g = "?" : !1 === c && (g = "!");
c = this.description ? ` ${this.description}` : "";
const h = this.spread ? Ib( : e || f ? this.fullName :;
b = `${d || ""} * @param {${g}${h}} ${b ? `[${a}]` : a}${c}`;
g = && !this.noExpand ? => k.B(a, d, e, f)) : [];
!0 === d ? g = "?" : !1 === d && (g = "!");
d = this.description ? ` ${this.description}` : "";
const h = this.spread ? Kb( : e || f ? this.fullName :;
b = `${c || ""} * @param {${g}${h}} ${b ? `[${a}]` : a}${d}`;
g = && !this.noExpand ? => k.C(a, c, e, f)) : [];
return [b, ...g].join("\n");
toMarkdown(a = [], b = {}) {
const {flatten:d, details:c = []} = b, e = c.includes(;
const {flatten:c, details:d = []} = b, e = d.includes(;
var f = this.type ? `\`${this.type}\`` : "", g = f; ? g = `[${f}](${})` : !this.import && this.type && (g = X(a, this.type, b), f = g != this.type, g = Jb(g, f));
f = Jb(this.fullName); ? g = `[${f}](${})` : !this.import && this.type && (g = X(a, this.type, b), f = g != this.type, g = Lb(g, f));
f = Lb(this.fullName);
f = this.import ? `[${f}](l-type)` : this.noToc ? `[${f}](l-type)` : `[${f}](t-type)`;

@@ -1394,6 +1400,6 @@ const h = this.description ? `: ${this.description}` : "";

if (this.extends) {
const l = Kb(this.extends, a, b), m = ` extends ${l}`;
const l = Mb(this.extends, a, b), m = ` extends ${l}`;
k = k || /_/.test(l);
g = (k ? g + "<strong>" : g + "__") + (f + m);
"function" == typeof d && d(this.extends);
"function" == typeof c && c(this.extends);
} else {

@@ -1403,26 +1409,26 @@ g = (k ? g + "<strong>" : g + "__") + f;

g = (k ? g + "</strong>" : g + "__") + h;
a = Cb(this,, a, b);
a = Eb(this,, a, b);
return {LINE:g, table:a, displayInDetails:e};
const Jb = (a, b = !1) => `${b ? "<code>" : "`"}${a}${b ? "</code>" : "`"}`, Ib = (a = [], b = !1) => {
a = a.reduce((d, c) => {
const e = => ({...c, name:f}));
return d;
const Lb = (a, b = !1) => `${b ? "<code>" : "`"}${a}${b ? "</code>" : "`"}`, Kb = (a = [], b = !1) => {
a = a.reduce((c, d) => {
const e = => ({...d, name:f}));
return c;
}, []);
return `{ ${ => {
const c = b ? d.closureType : d.type;
let e =, f = c;
d.optional && !b ? e = `${}?` : d.optional && b && (f = `(${bb(c)})`);
return `{ ${ => {
const d = b ? c.closureType : c.type;
let e =, f = d;
c.optional && !b ? e = `${}?` : c.optional && b && (f = `(${db(d)})`);
return `${e}: ${f}`;
}).join(", ")} }`;
}, Kb = (a, b, d) => a.split(/,\s*/).map(c => {
let e = `\`${c}\``;
var f = b.find(({fullName:g}) => g == c);
f && ? (e = "<a ", f.description && (e += `title="${f.description}" `), e += `href="${}">\`${c}\`</a>`) : (f = X(b, c, {...d, nameProcess:g => `\`${g}\``}), c != f && (e = f));
}, Mb = (a, b, c) => a.split(/,\s*/).map(d => {
let e = `\`${d}\``;
var f = b.find(({fullName:g}) => g == d);
f && ? (e = "<a ", f.description && (e += `title="${f.description}" `), e += `href="${}">\`${d}\`</a>`) : (f = X(b, d, {...c, nameProcess:g => `\`${g}\``}), d != f && (e = f));
return e;
}).join(", ");
class Lb extends Y {
class Nb extends Y {
constructor() {

@@ -1435,3 +1441,3 @@ super();

b(a, {from:b, name:d, ...c}, e, f) {
b(a, {from:b, name:c, ...d}, e, f) {
if (!b) {

@@ -1442,21 +1448,21 @@ throw Error("From attribute of import is not given.");

this.description = Q(a);
super.b("", {...c, noToc:!0, name:d, type:`import('${b}').${d}`}, e != f ? e : null);
super.b("", {...d, noToc:!0, name:c, type:`import('${b}').${c}`}, e != f ? e : null);
f(a = !0) {
g(a = !0) {
return ` * @typedef {import('${this.from}').${}} ${a ? this.fullName :}`;
;function Mb(a, b) {
b = b.reduce((d, c) => ({...d, [c.fullName]:c}), {});
;function Ob(a, b) {
b = b.reduce((c, d) => ({...c, [d.fullName]:d}), {});
a.w = {...a.w, ...b};
class Nb extends N {
class Pb extends N {
constructor(a, b = {}) {
this.w = {};
this.on("types", d => {
Mb(this, d);
this.on("types", c => {
Ob(this, c);
this.on("namespace", d => {
this.b.includes(d) || this.b.push(d);
this.on("namespace", c => {
this.b.includes(c) || this.b.push(c);

@@ -1473,3 +1479,3 @@ this.g = b;

static get Import() {
return Lb;
return Nb;

@@ -1480,9 +1486,9 @@ get types() {

;class Ob extends Y {
;class Qb extends Y {
constructor() {
this.l = null;
this.f = null;
this.async = !1;
get o() {
get J() {
return !1;

@@ -1493,35 +1499,45 @@ }

b(a, {async:b, "return":d, ...c}, ...e) {
b(a, {async:b, "return":c, ...d}, ...e) {
this.description = Q(a);
super.b("", c, ...e);
d && (this.l = d.replace(/\n\s*/g, " "));
super.b("", d, ...e);
c && (this.f = c.replace(/\n\s*/g, " "));
b && (this.async = !0);
get return() {
return this.l || "void";
return this.f || "void";
g(a = "") {
const b = super.g(a, !1);
let d;
this.l && (d = this.return);
this.async && d ? d = `Promise<${d}>` : this.async && (d = "Promise");
d && b.push(`${a} * @return {${d}}`);
h(a = "") {
const b = super.h(a, !1);
let c;
this.f && (c = this.return);
this.async && c ? c = `Promise<${c}>` : this.async && (c = "Promise");
c && b.push(`${a} * @return {${c}}`);
return b;
m() {
return `(${{name:a, type:b, optional:d}) => `${a}${d ? "?" : ""}: ${b}`).join(", ")}) => ${this.return}`;
o() {
return `(${{name:a, type:b, optional:c}) => `${a}${c ? "?" : ""}: ${b}`).join(", ")}) => ${this.return}`;
m(a) {
a = super.m(a);
this.f && (this.f = this.f.replace(a, "$1"));
;const Pb = a => {
var {args:b = []} = a;
if (b.length) {
var d = `function(${{H:c}) => c).join(", ")}): ${a.fullName}`;
b = new V(b);
b.isConstructor = !0;
b.b("Constructor method.", {type:d, name:"constructor"});
b.examples = a.examples;
rb(b, void 0);;
;const Rb = (a, b) => {
const c = new RegExp(`([!?])?${a}\\.`, "g"); => {
tb(d, a, c);
}, Sb = (a, b) => {
var {args:c = []} = a;
if (c.length) {
var d = `function(${{I:e}) => e).join(", ")}): ${a.fullName}`;
c = new V(c);
c.isConstructor = !0;
c.b("Constructor method.", {type:d, name:"constructor"});
c.examples = a.examples;
tb(c, b);;
}, Rb = a => {
}, Ub = (a, b, c = null) => {
a = R("types", a);

@@ -1531,68 +1547,75 @@ if (!a.length) {

const [{content:b, props:{namespace:d, ns:c = d}}] = a, e = void 0 == c ? void 0 : c, f = [];
a = R(["type", "interface", "constructor", "method", "import"], b).reduce((g, {content:h, props:k, tag:l}) => {
const {alias:m, aliases:n, ...p} = k;
var q = m ? [m] : n ? n.split(/, */) : [];
switch(l) {
const [{content:d, props:{namespace:e, ns:f = e}}] = a, g = b == f ? void 0 : f, h = [];
a = R(["type", "interface", "constructor", "method", "import"], d).reduce((k, {content:l, props:m, tag:n}) => {
const {alias:p, aliases:q, ...r} = m;
var t = r.example;
t && t.startsWith(".") && c && (r.example = Na(La(c), t));
t = p ? [p] : q ? q.split(/, */) : [];
switch(n) {
case "type":
l = new Y;
l.b(h, k, e, void 0);
q.forEach(r => {
const t = new Y;
t.b(h, {...p, name:r}, e, void 0);
n = new Y;
c && (n.file = c);
n.b(l, m, g, b);
t.forEach(u => {
const v = new Y;
c && (v.file = c);
v.b(l, {...r, name:u}, g, b);
case "interface":
k = Qb(h, k, e);
k.forEach(r => {{isConstructor:t}) => t) || Pb(r);
r.isInterface = !0;
m = Tb({content:l, props:m, ns:g, B:b, location:c});
m.forEach(u => {{isConstructor:v}) => v) || Sb(u, b);
u.isInterface = !0;
case "constructor":
k = Qb(h, k, e);
k.forEach(r => {{isConstructor:t}) => t) || Pb(r);
r.isConstructor = !0;
m = Tb({content:l, props:m, ns:g, B:b, location:c});
m.forEach(u => {{isConstructor:v}) => v) || Sb(u, b);
u.isConstructor = !0;
case "method":
k = Qb(h, k, e, !0);
m = Tb({content:l, props:m, ns:g, B:b, isMethod:!0, location:c});
case "import":
q = new Lb, q.b(h, k, k.ns || k.from, void 0), f.push(q);
n = new Nb, n.b(l, m, m.ns || m.from, b), h.push(n);
return g;
return k;
}, []);
return {namespace:c, types:a, imports:f};
}, Sb = (a, b, d, c = !1) => {
const e = c ? new Ob : new Y, f =<(prop|function|fn|static) /);
let g = "", h = a;
1 != f && (g = a.slice(0, f), h = a.slice(f));
const {D:k, I:l} = nb(g, void 0);
e.b(c ? l : h, b, d, void 0);
({G:a} = db(b, k));
c && (e.closureType = a);
e.args = k;
return e;
}, Qb = (a, b, d, c = !1) => {
const e = [], {alias:f, aliases:g, ...h} = b;
b = Sb(a, b, d, c);
(f ? [f] : g ? g.split(/, */) : []).forEach(k => {
k = Sb(a, {...h, name:k}, d, c);
k.description = `${k.description}${k.description ? " " : ""}Alias of \`${}\`.`;
b && a.forEach(k => Rb(b, k));
return {namespace:f, types:a, imports:h};
}, Vb = (a, b, c, d, e = !1, f = null) => {
const g = e ? new Qb : new Y;
g.file = f;
f =<(prop|function|fn|static) /);
let h = "", k = a;
1 != f && (h = a.slice(0, f), k = a.slice(f));
const {F:l, K:m} = pb(h, d);
g.b(e ? m : k, b, c, d);
({H:a} = fb(b, l));
e && (g.closureType = a);
g.args = l;
return g;
}, Tb = ({content:a, props:b, ns:c, B:d, isMethod:e = !1, location:f = null}) => {
const g = [], {alias:h, aliases:k, ...l} = b;
b = Vb(a, b, c, d, e, f);
(h ? [h] : k ? k.split(/, */) : []).forEach(m => {
m = Vb(a, {...l, name:m}, c, d, e, f);
m.description = `${m.description}${m.description ? " " : ""}Alias of \`${}\`.`;
return e;
}, Tb = async(a, b = []) => {
const d = await G(a);
let c, e, f;
return g;
}, Wb = async(a, b = []) => {
const c = await G(a);
let d, e, f;
try {
({namespace:c = null, types:e, imports:f} = Rb(d));
({namespace:d = null, types:e, imports:f} = Ub(c, void 0, a));
} catch (g) {

@@ -1603,26 +1626,26 @@ throw g.message = `Error while reading ${a}\n${g.message}`, g;

f = f.filter(({fullName:g}) => b.includes(g) ? !1 : !0);
return {types:e, imports:f, namespace:c};
return {types:e, imports:f, namespace:d};
const Ub = (a, b, d) => {
b = => c.f(!0, d));
a = => {
c = c.f();
return O(d ? c : P(c));
const Xb = (a, b, c) => {
b = => d.g(!0, c));
a = => {
d = d.g();
return O(c ? d : P(d));
return [...b, ...a].join("");
}, Vb = (a, b, d, c = !1) => {
}, Yb = (a, b, c, d = !1) => {
a = [ => {
let f;
e.closureType ? f = ` * @typedef {${e.closureType}}` : e.o || (f = ` * @typedef {${Ib(, !0)}}`);
f ? (e.description && (f = ` * ${e.description}\n${f}`), f = O(f), e = f += cb(e.namespace, : e = Eb(e);
e.closureType ? f = ` * @typedef {${e.closureType}}` : e.J || (f = ` * @typedef {${Kb(, !0)}}`);
f ? (e.description && (f = ` * ${e.description}\n${f}`), f = O(f), e = f += eb(e.namespace, : e = Gb(e);
return e;
return `${!b || c || d.includes(b) ? "" : `/** @const */
return `${!b || d || c.includes(b) ? "" : `/** @const */
var ${b} = {}
const ac = {re:/^\/\*\*? (documentary|typal) (.+?) \*\/\n(?:([^\n][\s\S]+?\n))?$/mg, replacement:async function(a, b, d) {
const [c, ...e] = d.split(/\s+/), f = e.includes("closure"), g = e.includes("externs"), h = e.includes("noSuppress"), k = e.includes("skipNsDecl"), l = e.includes("namespace");
const dc = {re:/^\/\*\*? (documentary|typal) (.+?) \*\/\n(?:([^\n][\s\S]+?\n))?$/mg, replacement:async function(a, b, c) {
const [d, ...e] = c.split(/\s+/), f = e.includes("closure"), g = e.includes("externs"), h = e.includes("noSuppress"), k = e.includes("skipNsDecl"), l = e.includes("namespace");
let m = e.find(q => q.startsWith("ignore:"));

@@ -1634,21 +1657,21 @@ m = m ? m.replace("ignore:", "").split(",") : [];

try {
this.i("Detected type marker: %s", d);
const {types:q, imports:r, namespace:t} = await Tb(c, m);
this.i("Detected type marker: %s", c);
const {types:q, imports:r, namespace:t} = await Wb(d, m);
this.emit("types", q);
this.emit("types", r);
let u;
n ? u = Ub(r, q, h) : p ? (u = Vb(q, t, this.b, k) + "\n", t && this.emit("namespace", t)) : l ? (t && this.emit("namespace", t), u = Wb(r, q, !0)) : u = Wb(r, q);
return `/* ${b} ${d} */\n${u}`;
n ? u = Xb(r, q, h) : p ? (u = Yb(q, t, this.b, k) + "\n", t && this.emit("namespace", t)) : l ? (t && this.emit("namespace", t), u = cc(r, q, !0)) : u = cc(r, q);
return `/* ${b} ${c} */\n${u}`;
} catch (q) {
return this.i("(%s) Could not process typedef-js: %s", d, q.message), process.env.b && console.error(q.stack), a;
return this.i("(%s) Could not process typedef-js: %s", c, q.message), process.env.b && console.error(q.stack), a;
}}, Wb = (a, b, d = !1) => {
b = => c.f(!1, !1, d));
a = => c.f(d)).map(O).join("");
}}, cc = (a, b, c = !1) => {
b = => d.g(!1, !1, c));
a = => d.g(c)).map(O).join("");
b = b.join("");
return `${a}${b}`.replace(bc, " * @typedef");
}, bc = / \*\/\n\/\*\*\n \* @typedef/g;
const dc = {re:/( *) \* @param {(.+?)} (\[)?([^\s\]]+)\]?(?: .+)?((?:\n(?: +)\* @param {(?:.+?)} \[?\4\]?(?:(?!\n\s*\*(?:\/|\s*@))[\s\S])*)*)/gm, replacement:cc};
function cc(a, b, d, c, e, f, g) {
const {v:h, C:k} = this.g;
return `${a}${b}`.replace(ec, " * @typedef");
}, ec = / \*\/\n\/\*\*\n \* @typedef/g;
const gc = {re:/( *) \* @param {(.+?)} (\[)?([^\s\]]+)\]?(?: .+)?((?:\n(?: +)\* @param {(?:.+?)} \[?\4\]?(?:(?!\n\s*\*(?:\/|\s*@))[\s\S])*)*)/gm, replacement:fc};
function fc(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
const {v:h, D:k} = this.g;
let l;

@@ -1663,5 +1686,5 @@ f = () => {

n = {line:n, O:b.length + 11};
n = {line:n, R:b.length + 11};
const {line:p, O:q} = n;
const {line:p, R:q} = n;
this.i("%s:%s:%s", this.file, p, q);

@@ -1671,17 +1694,17 @@ }

try {
l = kb(d);
l = mb(c);
} catch (n) {
return this.i("Error while parsing the type %s", d), this.i(process.env.DEBUG ? n.stack : n.message), f(), a;
return this.i("Error while parsing the type %s", c), this.i(process.env.DEBUG ? n.stack : n.message), f(), a;
if (!l) {
return this.i("Could not parse the type %s", d), f(), a;
return this.i("Could not parse the type %s", c), f(), a;
const m = Object.values(this.types).map(({name:n, fullName:p}) => h || k ? p : n);
if (!Z(l, m, this.i, d, f)) {
if (!Z(l, m, this.i, c, f)) {
return a;
d = Object.values(this.types).find(({name:n, fullName:p}) => h || k ? p == : n ==;
return !d || d instanceof Nb.Import ? a : d.B(e, c, b, l.nullable, h, k);
c = Object.values(this.types).find(({name:n, fullName:p}) => h || k ? p == : n ==;
return !c || c instanceof Pb.Import ? a : c.C(e, d, b, l.nullable, h, k);
const Z = (a, b, d, c, e) => {
const Z = (a, b, c, d, e) => {
if (a) {

@@ -1692,10 +1715,10 @@ var f =;

let h = b.includes(f);
h || (h = ec.includes(f));
h || (h = hc.includes(f));
if (h) {
return !0;
d("Type %s%s was not found.", f, c != f ? ` in ${c}` : "");
c("Type %s%s was not found.", f, d != f ? ` in ${d}` : "");
var g = [b, d, c, e];
var g = [b, c, d, e];
a.application ? a.application.forEach(h => {

@@ -1712,46 +1735,46 @@ Z(h, ...g);

}, ec = "String Boolean Object Date Number Symbol Buffer Function".split(" ");
var fc = (a, b = !1) => {
var {R:d} = Ta();
const c = Va(d);
d = Ua(d);
return new Nb(b ? [ac] : [ac, c, dc, d], a);
}, hc = "String Boolean Object Date Number Symbol Buffer Function".split(" ");
var ic = (a, b = !1) => {
var {T:c} = Va();
const d = Xa(c);
c = Wa(c);
return new Pb(b ? [dc] : [dc, d, gc, c], a);
const gc = /( *) \* @(fnType|methodType) {(.+?)}/gm, hc = (a, b, d, c, e, f, g = c) => `/**
const jc = /( *) \* @(fnType|methodType) {(.+?)}/gm, kc = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g = d) => `/**
${b ? "static " : ""}${d ? "async " : ""}${c}(${e}) {
${b ? "static " : ""}${c ? "async " : ""}${d}(${e}) {
return ${`${b ? f : "super"}.${g}`}(${e})
class ic extends N {
class lc extends N {
constructor(a, b) {
super([{re:/\/\*\*\s+( *) \* @constructor {(.+?)}[\s\S]+?(class\s+.+?\s+extends\s+(.+?)\s*){\s*}/gm, replacement(d, c, e, f, g) {
c = a.find(({fullName:l}) => l == e);
if (!c) {
return console.error("Type %s in %s not found", e, b), d;
super([{re:/\/\*\*\s+( *) \* @constructor {(.+?)}[\s\S]+?(class\s+.+?\s+extends\s+(.+?)\s*){\s*}/gm, replacement(c, d, e, f, g) {
d = a.find(({fullName:l}) => l == e);
if (!d) {
return console.error("Type %s in %s not found", e, b), c;
d = => l instanceof V && !l.isConstructor).map(l => {
c = => l instanceof V && !l.isConstructor).map(l => {
const {name:m, aliases:n, static:p, async:q} = l;
let r = U(l, "", !0);
r = jc(r, e);
const t ={name:C}) => C).join(", ");
l = hc(r, p, q, m, t, g);
const u = => hc(r + `\n * @alias ${m} An alias for **${m}**.`, p, q, C, t, g, m));
r = mc(r, e);
const t ={name:v}) => v).join(", ");
l = kc(r, p, q, m, t, g);
const u = => kc(r + `\n * @alias ${m} An alias for **${m}**.`, p, q, v, t, g, m));
return [l, ...u].join("\n");
const h = => l instanceof V && l.isConstructor), k ={name:l}) => l).join(", ");
d = [`/**
${jc(U(h, "", !0), e)}
const h = => l instanceof V && l.isConstructor), k ={name:l}) => l).join(", ");
c = [`/**
${mc(U(h, "", !0), e)}
constructor(${k}) {
}`, ...d].join("\n").replace(/^/gm, " ");
}`, ...c].join("\n").replace(/^/gm, " ");
f = `${f}{
c.description && (f = `/**
d.description && (f = `/**
*/\n` + f);
return f;
}}, {re:gc, async replacement(d, c, e, f) {
}}, {re:jc, async replacement(c, d, e, f) {
const g = f.split(".");

@@ -1774,55 +1797,55 @@ let h, k;

if (!f) {
return console.error("Type %s in %s not found", h, b), d;
return console.error("Type %s in %s not found", h, b), c;
if ("constructor" == k || "methodType" == e) {
return f.g(c, !1, !0).join("\n");
return f.h(d, !1, !0).join("\n");
e ={name:l}) => l == k);
return e ? e.parsed ? U(e, c, !0) : (console.error("Property %s of type %s in %s wasn't parsed, possibly parser bug.", k, h, b), d) : (console.error("Property %s of type %s in %s not found", k, h, b), d);
return e ? e.parsed ? U(e, d, !0) : (console.error("Property %s of type %s in %s wasn't parsed, possibly parser bug.", k, h, b), c) : (console.error("Property %s of type %s in %s not found", k, h, b), c);
const jc = (a, b) => a.replace(`\n * @return {${b}}`, "").replace(`\n * @return {!${b}}`, "").replace(`\n * @return {?${b}}`, "");
const kc = async a => a ? (await Promise.all(a.split(",").map(async b => {
var d = [];
const c = await I(y, b);
c.isFile() ? d = [b] : c.isDirectory() && (d = await K(b), d = L(d.content, b), d = d.filter(e => e.endsWith(".xml")));
return d;
}))).reduce((b, d) => [...b, ...d], []) : [], lc = async a => (await Promise.all( b => ({...await Tb(b), location:b})))).reduce((b, {imports:d, types:c}) => {
const mc = (a, b) => a.replace(`\n * @return {${b}}`, "").replace(`\n * @return {!${b}}`, "").replace(`\n * @return {?${b}}`, "");
const nc = async a => a ? (await Promise.all(a.split(",").map(async b => {
var c = [];
const d = await I(z, b);
d.isFile() ? c = [b] : d.isDirectory() && (c = await K(b), c = L(c.content, b), c = c.filter(e => e.endsWith(".xml")));
return c;
}))).reduce((b, c) => [...b, ...c], []) : [], oc = async a => (await Promise.all( b => ({...await Wb(b), location:b})))).reduce((b, {imports:c, types:d}) => {
return b;
}, []);
async function mc() {
const {s:a, types:b} = {s:na, types:ma}, d = await kc(b), c = await lc(d);
await Promise.all( e => {
var f = await I(y, e);
async function pc() {
const {s:a, types:b} = {s:na, types:ma}, c = await nc(b), d = await oc(c);
await Promise.all( e => {
var f = await I(z, e);
let g;
f.isFile() ? g = [e] : f.isDirectory() && (f = await K(e), g = L(f.content, e));
await nc(g, c, a);
await qc(g, d, a);
const nc = async(a, b = [], d = null) => {
await Promise.all( c => {
var e = await G(c);
const f = new ic(b, c);
const qc = async(a, b = [], c = null) => {
await Promise.all( d => {
var e = await G(d);
const f = new lc(b, d);
e = await E(f);
"-" == d ? console.log(e) : d ? await H(d, e) : await H(c, e);
"-" == c ? console.log(e) : c ? await H(c, e) : await H(d, e);
var pc = async() => {
const {v:a = !1, C:b = !1, A:d = !1, s:c, types:e} = {v:ja, A:la, s:ia, types:ma, C:ka}, f = await kc(e);
await Promise.all( g => {
var h = await I(y, g);
var sc = async() => {
const {v:a = !1, D:b = !1, A:c = !1, s:d, types:e} = {v:ja, A:la, s:ia, types:ma, D:ka}, f = await nc(e);
await Promise.all( g => {
var h = await I(z, g);
let k;
h.isFile() ? k = [g] : h.isDirectory() && (h = await K(g), k = L(h.content, g));
await oc(k, a, d, c, f, b);
await rc(k, a, c, d, f, b);
const oc = async(a, b = !1, d = !1, c = "", e = [], f = !1) => {
const rc = async(a, b = !1, c = !1, d = "", e = [], f = !1) => {
const g = [];
await Promise.all( h => {
h = await G(h);
const {types:k, imports:l} = Rb(h);
const {types:k, imports:l} = Ub(h);
g.push(k, l);

@@ -1832,3 +1855,3 @@ }));

var k = await G(h);
const l = fc({v:b, A:d, C:f}, d);
const l = ic({v:b, A:c, D:f}, c);
g.forEach(m => l.emit("types", m));

@@ -1840,23 +1863,23 @@ l.file = h;

k = await E(l);
"-" == c ? console.log(k) : c ? await H(c, k) : await H(h, k);
"-" == d ? console.log(k) : d ? await H(d, k) : await H(h, k);
const qc = a => {
const tc = a => {
let b;
"true" == a ? b = !0 : "false" == a ? b = !1 : /^\d+$/.test(a) && (b = parseInt(a, 10));
return void 0 !== b ? b : a;
}, rc = /^ \* @prop {(.+?)} (\[)?(.+?)(?:=(["'])?(.+?)\4)?(?:])?(?: (.+?))?(?: Default `(.+?)`.)?$/gm, sc = "type opt name quote defaultValue description Default".split(" "), Za = new RegExp(`^ \\* @typedef {(.+?)} (.+?)(?: (.+))?\\n((?:${/ \* @prop(?:erty)? .+\n/.source})*)`, "gm"), tc = (a, b, d, c) => {
c = c.length;
}, uc = /^ \* @prop {(.+?)} (\[)?(.+?)(?:=(["'])?(.+?)\4)?(?:])?(?: (.+?))?(?: Default `(.+?)`.)?$/gm, vc = "type opt name quote defaultValue description Default".split(" "), ab = new RegExp(`^ \\* @typedef {(.+?)} (.+?)(?: (.+))?\\n((?:${/ \* @prop(?:erty)? .+\n/.source})*)`, "gm"), wc = (a, b, c, d) => {
d = d.length;
a = a && "Object" != a ? ` type="${a}"` : "";
d = d ? ` desc="${d}"` : "";
return `${" ".repeat(2)}<type name="${b}"${a}${d}${c ? "" : " /"}>\n`;
c = c ? ` desc="${c}"` : "";
return `${" ".repeat(2)}<type name="${b}"${a}${c}${d ? "" : " /"}>\n`;
class uc extends z {
class xc extends A {
constructor() {
_transform({type:a, name:b, description:d, properties:c}, e, f) {
a = a && a.startsWith("import") ? vc(a, b) : tc(a, b, d, c);
_transform({type:a, name:b, description:c, properties:d}, e, f) {
a = a && a.startsWith("import") ? yc(a, b) : wc(a, b, c, d);
c.forEach(({type:g, name:h, default:k, description:l, optional:m}) => {
d.forEach(({type:g, name:h, default:k, description:l, optional:m}) => {

@@ -1873,27 +1896,27 @@ g = ["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(g) ? ` ${g}` : ` type="${g}"`;

c.length && this.push(" </type>\n");
d.length && this.push(" </type>\n");
const vc = (a, b) => {
const d = /import\((['"])(.+?)\1\)/.exec(a);
if (!d) {
const yc = (a, b) => {
const c = /import\((['"])(.+?)\1\)/.exec(a);
if (!c) {
throw Error(`Could not extract package from "${a}"`);
[, , a] = d;
[, , a] = c;
return `${" ".repeat(2)}<import name="${b}" from="${a}" />\n`;
class wc extends z {
class zc extends A {
constructor() {
_transform([, a, b, d, c], e, f) {
c = eb(rc, c, sc).map(g => {
_transform([, a, b, c, d], e, f) {
d = gb(uc, d, vc).map(g => {
const {defaultValue:h, Default:k, opt:l, name:m, type:n, ...p} = g;
g = {...p, name:m, type:n, ...h ? {defaultValue:qc(h)} : {}, ...k ? {u:qc(k)} : {}, ...l ? {optional:!0} : {}};
g = {...p, name:m, type:n, ...h ? {defaultValue:tc(h)} : {}, ...k ? {u:tc(k)} : {}, ...l ? {optional:!0} : {}};
if (h || k) {
if (h) {
h !== k && void 0 !== g.u && (q = $a(m, k, n), console.error("%s[%s] does not match Default `%s`.", b, q, g.u));
h !== k && void 0 !== g.u && (q = bb(m, k, n), console.error("%s[%s] does not match Default `%s`.", b, q, g.u));
} else {
var q = $a(m, k, n);
var q = bb(m, k, n);
console.error("%s[%s] got from Default.", b, q);

@@ -1907,31 +1930,31 @@ }

this.push({type:a, name:b, description:d, properties:c});
this.push({type:a, name:b, description:c, properties:d});
async function xc(a) {
const b = Ya(), d = new wc, c = new uc;
async function Ac(a) {
const b = $a(), c = new zc, d = new xc;
b.on("error", e => {
console.error("Error in Transform");
c.emit("error", e);
d.emit("error", e);
d.on("error", e => {
c.on("error", e => {
console.error("Error in RegexTransform");
c.emit("error", e);
d.emit("error", e);
c.on("error", e => {
d.on("error", e => {
console.error("Error in XML");
c.emit("error", e);
d.emit("error", e);
return `<types>
${(await E(c)).trim()}
${(await E(d)).trim()}
;var yc = async() => {
;var Bc = async() => {
const {s:a} = {s:ia};
await Promise.all( b => {
await Promise.all( b => {
b = await G(b);
b = await xc(b);
b = await Ac(b);
a ? await H(a, b) : console.log(b);

@@ -1949,3 +1972,3 @@ }));

try {
return oa ? await yc() : na ? await mc() : await pc();
return oa ? await Bc() : na ? await pc() : await sc();
} catch (a) {

@@ -1952,0 +1975,0 @@ process.env.DEBUG ? console.log(a.stack) : console.log(a.message);

#!/usr/bin/env node
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

@@ -8,6 +9,6 @@ const stream = require('stream');

a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = d.value);
}, y = "undefined" != typeof window && window === this ? this : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : this;
function A(a, b) {
}, z = "undefined" != typeof window && window === this ? this : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : this;
function aa(a, b) {
if (b) {
var d = y;
var d = z;
a = a.split(".");

@@ -25,3 +26,3 @@ for (var c = 0; c < a.length - 1; c++) {

A("String.prototype.trimRight", function(a) {
aa("String.prototype.trimRight", function(a) {
function b() {

@@ -35,8 +36,8 @@ return this.replace(/[\s\xa0]+$/, "");

b.replace(a, (e, ...g) => {
e = g.slice(0, g.length - 2).reduce((f, h, k) => {
k = d[k];
if (!k || void 0 === h) {
e = g.slice(0, g.length - 2).reduce((f, k, h) => {
h = d[h];
if (!h || void 0 === k) {
return f;
f[k] = h;
f[h] = k;
return f;

@@ -48,8 +49,11 @@ }, {});

;const C = new RegExp(`${/([^\s>=/]+)/.source}(?:\\s*=\\s*${/(?:"([\s\S]*?)"|'([\s\S]*?)')/.source})?`, "g"), D = new RegExp(`(?:\\s+((?:${C.source}\\s*)*))`);
const F = (a, b) => B(new RegExp(`<(${(Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]).join("|")})${D.source}?(?:${/\s*\/>/.source}|${/>([\s\S]+?)?<\/\1>/.source})`, "g"), b, "t a v v1 v2 c".split(" ")).map(({t:d, a:c = "", c:e = ""}) => {
c = c.replace(/\/$/, "").trim();
c = E(c);
return {content:e, props:c, tag:d};
}), E = a => B(C, a, ["key", "val", "def", "f"]).reduce((b, {key:d, val:c}) => {
;const C = new RegExp(`${/([^\s>=/]+)/.source}(?:\\s*=\\s*${/(?:"([\s\S]*?)"|'([\s\S]*?)')/.source})?`, "g"), ba = new RegExp(`(?:\\s+((?:${C.source}\\s*)*))`);
const D = (a, b) => {
a = (Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]).join("|");
return B(new RegExp(`<(${a})${ba.source}?(?:${/\s*\/>/.source}|${/>([\s\S]+?)?<\/\1>/.source})`, "g"), b, "t a v v1 v2 c".split(" ")).map(({t:d, a:c = "", c:e = ""}) => {
c = c.replace(/\/$/, "").trim();
c = ca(c);
return {content:e, props:c, tag:d};
}, ca = a => B(C, a, ["key", "val", "def", "f"]).reduce((b, {key:d, val:c}) => {
if (void 0 === c) {

@@ -61,3 +65,3 @@ return b[d] = !0, b;

}, {});
const aa = a => a.split(/([!?=*(),:.<>{}|\s+])/g).filter(b => /\S/.test(b)).map(b => {
const da = a => a.split(/([!?=*(),:.<>{}|\s+])/g).filter(b => /\S/.test(b)).map(b => {
switch(b) {

@@ -79,16 +83,16 @@ case "function":

function ba(a) {
function ea(a) {
let b = 0;
const d = (e = 1) => a[b + e], c = (e = !0, g = []) => {
var f = {};
let h = a[b];
if (["nullable", "nonNullable"].includes(h)) {
let k = a[b];
if (["nullable", "nonNullable"].includes(k)) {
if (!e) {
throw Error(`${h} not allowed after .`);
throw Error(`${k} not allowed after .`);
f.nullable = "nullable" === h;
f.nullable = "nullable" === k;
h = a[b];
if ("(" == h) {
k = a[b];
if ("(" == k) {

@@ -104,16 +108,16 @@ f = {...c(!0, []), ...f};

} else {
if ("{" == h) {
if ("{" == k) {
g = f;
for (e = {}; "}" != a[b];) {
var k = a[b];
var h = a[b];
e[k] = null;
e[h] = null;
if (":" == a[b]) {
try {
var l = c();
e[k] = l;
} catch (q) {
throw q.message += `(when parsing ${k} property)`, q;
var m = c();
e[h] = m;
} catch (p) {
throw p.message += `(when parsing ${h} property)`, p;

@@ -126,3 +130,3 @@ }

if ("," != a[b]) {
throw Error(`Expecting , for record after ${k}`);
throw Error(`Expecting , for record after ${h}`);

@@ -135,12 +139,12 @@ b++;

if (["nonNullable", "nullable"].includes(h)) {
if (["nonNullable", "nullable"].includes(k)) {
throw Error("Nullability already defined.");
if (/[=),:.<>}|]/.test(h)) {
throw Error(`Unexpected token ${h}.`);
if (/[=),:.<>}|]/.test(k)) {
throw Error(`Unexpected token ${k}.`);
"|" != a[b] && ( = a[b], b++);
if ("function" == h) {
l = f;
k = {return:null, args:[]};
if ("function" == k) {
m = f;
h = {return:null, args:[]};
if ("(" != a[b]) {

@@ -150,7 +154,7 @@ throw Error("Expecting opening (");

for (var m; ")" != a[b];) {
if (m && "this" == a[b]) {
for (var l; ")" != a[b];) {
if (l && "this" == a[b]) {
throw Error("this must come first in function arguments");
if (m && "new" == a[b]) {
if (l && "new" == a[b]) {
throw Error("new must come first in function arguments");

@@ -164,3 +168,3 @@ }

k.this = c();
h.this = c();
} else {

@@ -173,3 +177,3 @@ if ("new" == a[b]) {

b++; = c(); = c();
} else {

@@ -180,13 +184,13 @@ if ("." == a[b] && "." == d() && "." == d(2)) {

m = c();
l = c();
if (")" != a[b]) {
throw Error("Variable args must come last");
k.variableArgs = m;
h.variableArgs = l;
} else {
m = c(), k.args.push(m), "=" == a[b] && (m.optional = !0, b++);
l = c(), h.args.push(l), "=" == a[b] && (l.optional = !0, b++);
m = !0;
l = !0;
if (")" == a[b]) {

@@ -202,12 +206,12 @@ break;

":" == a[b] && (b++, m = c(), void 0 == && m.nullable && ( = ""), k.return = m);
l.function = k;
":" == a[b] && (b++, l = c(), void 0 == && l.nullable && ( = ""), h.return = l);
m.function = h;
} else {
if ("<" == a[b] || (k = "." == a[b] && "<" == d())) {
if ("<" == a[b] || (h = "." == a[b] && "<" == d())) {
k && b++;
l = f;
for (k = []; ">" != a[b];) {
m = c();
h && b++;
m = f;
for (h = []; ">" != a[b];) {
l = c();
if (">" == a[b]) {

@@ -223,3 +227,3 @@ break;

l.application = k;
m.application = h;

@@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ }

({name:l} = c(!1));
if (!l) {
({name:m} = c(!1));
if (!m) {
throw Error("Expected to see the name after .");
} += l; += m;

@@ -247,7 +251,7 @@ if ("|" != a[b] || !e) {

;function G(a) {
a = aa(a);
return ba(a);
;function E(a) {
a = da(a);
return ea(a);
;const H = ({w:a, B:b, i:d, type:c}) => b ? "string" : a ? "number" : d ? "boolean" : c ? c : "*", I = a => {
;const F = ({A:a, C:b, l:d, type:c}) => b ? "string" : a ? "number" : d ? "boolean" : c ? c : "*", G = a => {
a = a.trimRight();

@@ -274,6 +278,6 @@ var b = /\S/.exec(a);

}, J = (a, b, d = null) => {
}, H = (a, b, d = null) => {
const {async:c, "void":e, "return":g = e ? "void" : "", ...f} = a;
({args:a = ""} = a);
a || (a ={m:h, name:k}) => "this" == k ? `${k}: ${h}` : k.startsWith("...") ? `...${h}` : h).join(","));
a || (a ={s:k, name:h}) => "this" == h ? `${h}: ${k}` : h.startsWith("...") ? `...${k}` : k).join(","));
b = g.replace(/\n\s*/g, " ");

@@ -284,5 +288,5 @@ c && b ? b = `!Promise<${b}>` : c && (b = "!Promise");

b && (d += `: ${b}`);
return {D:{...f, async:c}, l:d};
return {F:{...f, async:c}, o:d};
function ca(a, b, {name:d, string:c, "boolean":e, opt:g, number:f, type:h}, k) {
function fa(a, b, {name:d, string:c, "boolean":e, opt:g, number:f, type:k}, h) {
if (!d) {

@@ -292,5 +296,5 @@ throw Error("Argument does not have a name."); = d;
b && (a.description = I(b));
b = H({w:f, B:c, i:e, type:h});
k && (b = b.replace(new RegExp(`([!?])?${k}\\.`, "g"), "$1"));
b && (a.description = G(b));
b = F({A:f, C:c, l:e, type:k});
h && (b = b.replace(new RegExp(`([!?])?${h}\\.`, "g"), "$1"));
b.endsWith("=") && (b = b.replace(/=$/, ""), g = !0);

@@ -300,3 +304,3 @@ a.type = b;

class da {
class ha {
constructor() {

@@ -308,18 +312,18 @@ = null;

get m() {
get s() {
return this.optional ? `${this.type}=` : this.type;
const K = (a, b) => {
const I = (a, b) => {
let d = a.lastIndexOf("</arg>"), c = a;
var e = [];
-1 != d && (d += 6, e = a.slice(0, d), c = a.slice(d), e = F("arg", e), e ={content:g, props:f}) => {
const h = new da;
ca(h, g, f, b);
return h;
-1 != d && (d += 6, e = a.slice(0, d), c = a.slice(d), e = D("arg", e), e ={content:g, props:f}) => {
const k = new ha;
fa(k, g, f, b);
return k;
return {v:c, h:e};
return {w:c, j:e};
const {readFileSync:ea} = fs;
const fa = a => {
const {readFileSync:ia} = fs;
const ja = a => {
const b = a.replace(/^\s*\n/gm, "").split("\n").reduce((d, c) => {

@@ -331,13 +335,13 @@ [{length:c = 0} = {}] = /^\s*/.exec(c) || [];

function L(a, b = "") {
function J(a, b = "") {
const d = b.split(/\s*,\s*/);
return a.split(/\s*,\s*/).map(c => {
let e = c = ea(c, "utf8");
let e = c = ia(c, "utf8");
if (c = /\/\* start example \*\/\r?\n([\s\S]+?)\r?\n\s*\/\* end example \*\//.exec(c)) {
[, c] = c, e = fa(c);
[, c] = c, e = ja(c);
d.forEach(g => {
const [f, h] = g.split(/\s*=>\s*/);
e = e.replace(`'${f}'`, `'${h}'`);
e = e.replace(`"${f}"`, `"${h}"`);
const [f, k] = g.split(/\s*=>\s*/);
e = e.replace(`'${f}'`, `'${k}'`);
e = e.replace(`"${f}"`, `"${k}"`);

@@ -347,13 +351,13 @@ return e = e.replace(/@/g, "\uff20");

function M(a, b, d = new RegExp(`([!?])?${b}\\.`, "g")) {
function K(a, b, d = new RegExp(`([!?])?${b}\\.`, "g")) {
b && (a.type = a.type.replace(d, "$1"));
class N {
class L {
constructor(a = null) {
this.g = this.description = = null;
this.o = "";
this.default = this.s = null;
this.h = "";
this.default = this.u = null;
this.optional = !1;
this.aliases = [];
this.u = !1;
this.v = !1;
this.parsed = null;

@@ -369,6 +373,6 @@ this.args = a;

const {function:{args:b, return:d, this:c, variableArgs:e}} = this.parsed;
var g = => a(h)).map((h, k) => {
const {optional:l} = b[k];
let {name:m = `arg${k}`, optional:q = l} = this.C[k] || {};
return `${`${m}${q ? "?" : ""}`}: ${h}`;
var g = => a(k)).map((k, h) => {
const {optional:m} = b[h];
let {name:l = `arg${h}`, optional:p = m} = this.D[h] || {};
return `${`${l}${p ? "?" : ""}`}: ${k}`;

@@ -381,8 +385,8 @@ if (c) {

f = a(e);
let h = "...args";
let k = "...args";
try {
h = `${this.args[this.args.length - 1].name}`;
} catch (k) {
k = `${this.args[this.args.length - 1].name}`;
} catch (h) {
g.push(`${h}: ${f}[]`);
g.push(`${k}: ${f}[]`);

@@ -399,3 +403,3 @@ g = g.join(", ");

b(a, {name:b, string:d, "boolean":c, opt:e, number:g, type:f, "default":h, closure:k, alias:l, aliases:m, example:q, "example-override":n = "", noParams:r, "static":t, initial:p}) {
b(a, {name:b, string:d, "boolean":c, opt:e, number:g, type:f, "default":k, closure:h, alias:m, aliases:l, example:p, "example-override":n = "", noParams:q, "static":v, initial:r}) {
if (!b) {

@@ -405,15 +409,15 @@ throw Error("Property does not have a name."); = b;
a && (this.description = I(a));
a = H({w:g, B:d, i:c, type:f});
r && (this.u = r);
k && (this.s = k);
a && (this.description = G(a));
a = F({A:g, C:d, l:c, type:f});
q && (this.v = q);
h && (this.u = h);
this.type = a;
void 0 !== h ? this.default = h : void 0 !== p && (this.default = p);
if (e || void 0 !== h) {
void 0 !== k ? this.default = k : void 0 !== r && (this.default = r);
if (e || void 0 !== k) {
this.optional = !0;
l && (this.aliases = [l]);
m && (this.aliases = m.split(/\s*,\s*/));
t && (this.f = !0);
q && (this.examples = L(q, n));
m && (this.aliases = [m]);
l && (this.aliases = l.split(/\s*,\s*/));
v && (this.f = !0);
p && (this.examples = J(p, n));

@@ -425,6 +429,6 @@ get type() {

this.g = a || null;
this.o = this.s || this.g || "";
if (!this.u) {
this.h = this.u || this.g || "";
if (!this.v) {
try {
this.parsed = G(this.o), this.isParsedFunction && !this.args && (this.args = []);
this.parsed = E(this.h), this.isParsedFunction && !this.args && (this.args = []);
} catch (b) {

@@ -435,3 +439,3 @@ this.parsed = null;

get C() {
get D() {
var a = this.args;

@@ -445,3 +449,3 @@ this.args && this.args[0] && "this" == this.args[0].name && ([, ...a] = this.args);

;class O extends N {
;class M extends L {
constructor(...a) {

@@ -457,3 +461,3 @@ super(...a);

;const S = (a, b, d = {}) => {
;const O = (a, b, d = {}) => {
let c;

@@ -464,3 +468,3 @@ if ("object" == typeof b) {

try {
(c = G(b)) || console.log("Could not parse %s", b);
(c = E(b)) || console.log("Could not parse %s", b);
} catch (e) {

@@ -470,4 +474,4 @@ console.log("Could not parse %s", b), console.error(e.message);

return c ? R(c, a, d) : b;
}, R = (a, b, d = {}) => {
return c ? N(c, a, d) : b;
}, N = (a, b, d = {}) => {
if ("" == && a.nullable) {

@@ -483,26 +487,27 @@ return "?";

const f = [];
a.function.this && (c = "this: " + R(a.function.this, b, d), f.push(c)); && (c = "new: " + R(, b, d), f.push(c));
a.function.args.forEach(h => {
let k = R(h, b, d);
h.optional && (k += "=");
a.function.this && (c = "this: " + N(a.function.this, b, d), f.push(c)); && (c = "new: " + N(, b, d), f.push(c));
a.function.args.forEach(k => {
let h = N(k, b, d);
k.optional && (h += "=");
a.function.variableArgs && (c = "..." + R(a.function.variableArgs, b, d), f.push(c));
e += f.join(", ") + ")";
a.function.return && (e += ": " + R(a.function.return, b, d));
a.function.variableArgs && (c = "..." + N(a.function.variableArgs, b, d), f.push(c));
c = f.join(", ");
e += c + ")";
a.function.return && (e += ": " + N(a.function.return, b, d));
} else {
a.record ? (e += "{ ", c = Object.keys(a.record).map(f => {
var h = a.record[f];
if (!h) {
var k = a.record[f];
if (!k) {
return f;
h = R(h, b, d);
return `${f}: ${h}`;
}), e += c.join(", "), e += " }") : a.application ? (e += T(, b, g, d) + "&lt;", c = => R(f, b, d)), e += c.join(", "), e += "&gt;") : a.union ? (e = e + g + "(", g = => R(f, b, d)), e += g.join(c ? " \\| " : " | "), e += ")") : e += T("any" == ? "*" :, b, g, d);
k = N(k, b, d);
return `${f}: ${k}`;
}), e += c.join(", "), e += " }") : a.application ? (e += P(, b, g, d) + "&lt;", c = => N(f, b, d)), e += c.join(", "), e += "&gt;") : a.union ? (e = e + g + "(", g = => N(f, b, d)), e += g.join(c ? " \\| " : " | "), e += ")") : e += P("any" == ? "*" :, b, g, d);
return e;
}, T = (a, b, d = "", c = {}) => {
const {flatten:e = !1, nameProcess:g, link:f = ({link:l}) => `#${l}`} = c;
c = ha(b, a);
}, P = (a, b, d = "", c = {}) => {
const {flatten:e = !1, nameProcess:g, link:f = ({link:m}) => `#${m}`} = c;
c = ka(b, a);
d = `${d}${a}`;

@@ -512,8 +517,8 @@ if (!c) {

let {link:h, type:{description:k}} = c;
h = f(c);
e && ((b = b.find(({fullName:l}) => l == a)) && && (h =, !k && b.description && (k = b.description), "function" == typeof e && e(a));
let {link:k, type:{description:h}} = c;
k = f(c);
e && ((b = b.find(({fullName:m}) => m == a)) && && (k =, !h && b.description && (h = b.description), "function" == typeof e && e(a));
b = g ? g(d) : d;
return k ? `<a href="${h}" title="${k.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")}">${b}</a>` : `[${b}](${h})`;
}, ha = (a, b) => {
return h ? `<a href="${k}" title="${h.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")}">${b}</a>` : `[${b}](${k})`;
}, ka = (a, b) => {
a = a.filter(({fullName:c}) => c == b);

@@ -526,19 +531,19 @@ if (a.length) {

function ia(a, b = [], d = [], c = {}) {
const {narrow:e = !1, flatten:g = !1, preprocessDesc:f, link:h} = c;
function la(a, b = [], d = [], c = {}) {
const {narrow:e = !1, flatten:g = !1, preprocessDesc:f, link:k} = c;
if (!b.length) {
return "";
const k = a.isConstructor || a.isInterface, l = b.some(({hasDefault:n}) => n), m = {flatten:g, escapePipe:!e, link:h}, q = n => S(d, n, m);
const h = a.isConstructor || a.isInterface, m = b.some(({hasDefault:n}) => n), l = {flatten:g, escapePipe:!e, link:k}, p = n => O(d, n, l);
a = => {
let r;
n.args && n.isParsedFunction ? (r = n.toTypeScriptFunction(q), n.isConstructor && (r = `new ${r}`)) : r = S(d, n.parsed || n.type, m);
const t = k || n.optional ? : `${}*`, p = n.hasDefault ? `\`${n.default}\`` : "-", u = f ? f(n.description) : n.description;
return {prop:n, typeName:r, name:t, de:ja(u, !e), d:p};
let q;
n.args && n.isParsedFunction ? (q = n.toTypeScriptFunction(p), n.isConstructor && (q = `new ${q}`)) : q = O(d, n.parsed || n.type, l);
const v = h || n.optional ? : `${}*`, r = n.hasDefault ? `\`${n.default}\`` : "-", t = f ? f(n.description) : n.description;
return {prop:n, typeName:q, name:v, de:ma(t, !e), d:r};
if (e) {
return {props:a, anyHaveDefault:l, constr:k};
return {props:a, anyHaveDefault:m, constr:h};
a ={name:n, typeName:r, de:t, d:p, prop:u}) => [u.optional ? n : `__${n}__`, `<em>${r}</em>`, t, ...l ? [p] : []]);
b = ["Name", ...e ? ["Type & Description"] : ["Type", "Description"], ...l ? [k ? "Initial" : "Default"] : []];
a ={name:n, typeName:q, de:v, d:r, prop:t}) => [t.optional ? n : `__${n}__`, `<em>${q}</em>`, v, ...m ? [r] : []]);
b = ["Name", ...e ? ["Type & Description"] : ["Type", "Description"], ...m ? [h ? "Initial" : "Default"] : []];
return `

@@ -550,3 +555,3 @@

const ja = (a = "", b = !0) => {
const ma = (a = "", b = !0) => {
null === a && (a = "");

@@ -556,2 +561,3 @@ b && (a = a.replace(/\|/g, "\\|"));

const {dirname:Q, resolve:R} = path;
class U {

@@ -568,2 +574,3 @@ constructor() {

this.examples = [];
this.f = null;

@@ -573,3 +580,3 @@ get import() {

b(a, {name:b, type:d, desc:c, noToc:e, spread:g, noExpand:f, link:h, closure:k, constructor:l, "extends":m, "interface":q, record:n, example:r, "example-override":t}, p, u = null) {
b(a, {name:b, type:d, desc:c, noToc:e, spread:g, noExpand:f, link:k, closure:h, constructor:m, "extends":l, "interface":p, record:n, example:q, "example-override":v}, r, t = null) {
if (!b) {

@@ -580,39 +587,39 @@ throw Error("Type does not have a name.");

d && (this.type = d);
k ? this.closureType = k : this.closureType = this.type;
c && (this.description = I(c));
h ? this.closureType = h : this.closureType = this.type;
c && (this.description = G(c));
this.noToc = !!e;
this.spread = !!g;
this.noExpand = !!f;
h && ( = h);
!0 === l && (this.isConstructor = l);
!0 === q && (this.isInterface = q);
k && ( = k);
!0 === m && (this.isConstructor = m);
!0 === p && (this.isInterface = p);
!0 === n && (this.isRecord = n);
m && (this.extends = m);
p && (this.namespace = p);
l && (this.extends = l);
r && (this.namespace = r);
if (a) {
b = F("prop", a).map(({content:v, props:x}) => {
const z = new N;
z.b(v, x);
return z;
b = D("prop", a).map(({content:u, props:x}) => {
const A = new L;
A.b(u, x);
return A;
a = F(["function", "fn", "static"], a).map(({content:v, props:x, tag:z}) => {
z = "static" == z;
const {v:ka, h:P} = K(v, u);
v = new O(P);
const {D:Q, l:la} = J(x, P, this.fullName);
Q.type = la;
v.b(ka, Q);
z && (v.f = !0);
return v;
a = D(["function", "fn", "static"], a).map(({content:u, props:x, tag:A}) => {
A = "static" == A;
const {w:na, j:S} = I(u, t);
u = new M(S);
const {F:T, o:oa} = H(x, S, this.fullName);
T.type = oa;
u.b(na, T);
A && (u.f = !0);
return u;
a = [...b, ...a];
const {j:ma, A:na, n:oa} = a.reduce((v, x) => {
x.isConstructor ? v.j.push(x) : x.static ? v.A.push(x) : v.n.push(x);
return v;
}, {j:[], A:[], n:[]}); = [,, ...oa];
const {m:y, B:pa, n:qa} = a.reduce((u, x) => {
x.isConstructor ? u.m.push(x) : x.static ? u.B.push(x) : u.n.push(x);
return u;
}, {m:[], B:[], n:[]}); = [...y,,];
r && (this.examples = L(r, t));
q && (q = q.startsWith(".") && this.f ? R(Q(this.f), q) : q, this.examples = J(q, v));
g(a, b = new RegExp(`([!?])?${a}\\.`, "g")) {
h(a, b = new RegExp(`([!?])?${a}\\.`, "g")) {
this.type && (this.type = this.type.replace(b, "$1"));

@@ -634,25 +641,25 @@ this.extends && (this.extends = this.extends.replace(b, "$1"));

var g = this.type ? `\`${this.type}\`` : "", f = g; ? f = `[${g}](${})` : !this.import && this.type && (f = S(a, this.type, b), g = f != this.type, f = V(f, g)); ? f = `[${g}](${})` : !this.import && this.type && (f = O(a, this.type, b), g = f != this.type, f = V(f, g));
g = V(this.fullName);
g = this.import ? `[${g}](l-type)` : this.noToc ? `[${g}](l-type)` : `[${g}](t-type)`;
const h = this.description ? `: ${this.description}` : "";
const k = this.description ? `: ${this.description}` : "";
f = f ? `${f} ` : "";
let k = /_/.test(g);
let h = /_/.test(g);
if (this.extends) {
const l = pa(this.extends, a, b), m = ` extends ${l}`;
k = k || /_/.test(l);
f = (k ? f + "<strong>" : f + "__") + (g + m);
const m = ra(this.extends, a, b), l = ` extends ${m}`;
h = h || /_/.test(m);
f = (h ? f + "<strong>" : f + "__") + (g + l);
"function" == typeof d && d(this.extends);
} else {
f = (k ? f + "<strong>" : f + "__") + g;
f = (h ? f + "<strong>" : f + "__") + g;
f = (k ? f + "</strong>" : f + "__") + h;
a = ia(this,, a, b);
f = (h ? f + "</strong>" : f + "__") + k;
a = la(this,, a, b);
return {LINE:f, table:a, displayInDetails:e};
const V = (a, b = !1) => `${b ? "<code>" : "`"}${a}${b ? "</code>" : "`"}`, pa = (a, b, d) => a.split(/,\s*/).map(c => {
const V = (a, b = !1) => `${b ? "<code>" : "`"}${a}${b ? "</code>" : "`"}`, ra = (a, b, d) => a.split(/,\s*/).map(c => {
let e = `\`${c}\``;
var g = b.find(({fullName:f}) => f == c);
g && ? (e = "<a ", g.description && (e += `title="${g.description}" `), e += `href="${}">\`${c}\`</a>`) : (g = S(b, c, {...d, nameProcess:f => `\`${f}\``}), c != g && (e = g));
g && ? (e = "<a ", g.description && (e += `title="${g.description}" `), e += `href="${}">\`${c}\`</a>`) : (g = O(b, c, {...d, nameProcess:f => `\`${f}\``}), c != g && (e = g));
return e;

@@ -663,3 +670,3 @@ }).join(", ");

this.f = null;
this.g = null;
this.async = !1;

@@ -671,16 +678,16 @@ }

b(a, {async:b, "return":d, ...c}, ...e) {
this.description = I(a);
this.description = G(a);
super.b("", c, ...e);
d && (this.f = d.replace(/\n\s*/g, " "));
d && (this.g = d.replace(/\n\s*/g, " "));
b && (this.async = !0);
get return() {
return this.f || "void";
return this.g || "void";
g(a) {
a = super.g(a);
this.f && (this.f = this.f.replace(a, "$1"));
h(a) {
a = super.h(a);
this.g && (this.g = this.g.replace(a, "$1"));
;class qa extends U {
;class sa extends U {
constructor() {

@@ -698,71 +705,77 @@ super();

this.from = b;
this.description = I(a);
this.description = G(a);
super.b("", {...c, noToc:!0, name:d, type:`import('${b}').${d}`}, e != g ? e : null);
;const {homedir:ra} = os;
const sa = (a, b) => {
;const {homedir:ta} = os;
const ua = (a, b) => {
const d = new RegExp(`([!?])?${a}\\.`, "g"); => {
M(c, a, d);
K(c, a, d);
}, X = (a, b) => {
var {args:d = []} = a;
if (d.length) {
var c = `function(${{m:e}) => e).join(", ")}): ${a.fullName}`;
d = new O(d);
var c = `function(${{s:e}) => e).join(", ")}): ${a.fullName}`;
d = new M(d);
d.isConstructor = !0;
d.b("Constructor method.", {type:c, name:"constructor"});
d.examples = a.examples;
M(d, b);
K(d, b);;
}, Y = (a, b, d, c, e = !1) => {
const g = e ? new W : new U, f =<(prop|function|fn|static) /);
let h = "", k = a;
1 != f && (h = a.slice(0, f), k = a.slice(f));
const {h:l, v:m} = K(h, c);
g.b(e ? m : k, b, d, c);
({l:a} = J(b, l));
e && (g.closureType = a);
g.args = l;
return g;
}, Z = (a, b, d, c, e = !1) => {
const g = [], {alias:f, aliases:h, ...k} = b;
b = Y(a, b, d, c, e);
(f ? [f] : h ? h.split(/, */) : []).forEach(l => {
l = Y(a, {...k, name:l}, d, c, e);
l.description = `${l.description}${l.description ? " " : ""}Alias of \`${}\`.`;
}, Y = (a, b, d, c, e = !1, g = null) => {
const f = e ? new W : new U;
f.f = g;
g =<(prop|function|fn|static) /);
let k = "", h = a;
1 != g && (k = a.slice(0, g), h = a.slice(g));
const {j:m, w:l} = I(k, c);
f.b(e ? l : h, b, d, c);
({o:a} = H(b, m));
e && (f.closureType = a);
f.args = m;
return f;
}, Z = ({content:a, props:b, ns:d, i:c, isMethod:e = !1, location:g = null}) => {
const f = [], {alias:k, aliases:h, ...m} = b;
b = Y(a, b, d, c, e, g);
(k ? [k] : h ? h.split(/, */) : []).forEach(l => {
l = Y(a, {...m, name:l}, d, c, e, g);
l.description = `${l.description}${l.description ? " " : ""}Alias of \`${}\`.`;
return g;
return f;
module.exports = {_Type:U, _Property:N, _Method:W, _parseFile:(a, b) => {
a = F("types", a);
module.exports = {_Type:U, _Property:L, _Method:W, _parseFile:(a, b, d = null) => {
a = D("types", a);
if (!a.length) {
throw Error("XML file should contain root types element.");
const [{content:d, props:{namespace:c, ns:e = c}}] = a, g = b == e ? void 0 : e, f = [];
a = F(["type", "interface", "constructor", "method", "import"], d).reduce((h, {content:k, props:l, tag:m}) => {
const {alias:q, aliases:n, ...r} = l;
var t = q ? [q] : n ? n.split(/, */) : [];
switch(m) {
const [{content:c, props:{namespace:e, ns:g = e}}] = a, f = b == g ? void 0 : g, k = [];
a = D(["type", "interface", "constructor", "method", "import"], c).reduce((h, {content:m, props:l, tag:p}) => {
const {alias:n, aliases:q, ...v} = l;
var r = v.example;
r && r.startsWith(".") && d && (v.example = R(Q(d), r));
r = n ? [n] : q ? q.split(/, */) : [];
switch(p) {
case "type":
m = new U;
m.b(k, l, g, b);
t.forEach(p => {
const u = new U;
u.b(k, {...r, name:p}, g, b);
p = new U;
d && (p.f = d);
p.b(m, l, f, b);
r.forEach(t => {
const y = new U;
d && (y.f = d);
y.b(m, {...v, name:t}, f, b);
case "interface":
l = Z(k, l, g, b);
l.forEach(p => {{isConstructor:u}) => u) || X(p, b);
p.isInterface = !0;
l = Z({content:m, props:l, ns:f, i:b, location:d});
l.forEach(t => {{isConstructor:y}) => y) || X(t, b);
t.isInterface = !0;

@@ -772,6 +785,6 @@ h.push(...l);

case "constructor":
l = Z(k, l, g, b);
l.forEach(p => {{isConstructor:u}) => u) || X(p, b);
p.isConstructor = !0;
l = Z({content:m, props:l, ns:f, i:b, location:d});
l.forEach(t => {{isConstructor:y}) => y) || X(t, b);
t.isConstructor = !0;

@@ -781,15 +794,15 @@ h.push(...l);

case "method":
l = Z(k, l, g, b, !0);
l = Z({content:m, props:l, ns:f, i:b, isMethod:!0, location:d});
case "import":
t = new qa, t.b(k, l, l.ns || l.from, b), f.push(t);
p = new sa, p.b(m, l, l.ns || l.from, b), k.push(p);
return h;
}, []);
b && a.forEach(h => sa(b, h));
return {namespace:e, types:a, imports:f};
}, _getLinks:S};
b && a.forEach(h => ua(b, h));
return {namespace:g, types:a, imports:k};
}, _getLinks:O};
"name": "typal",
"version": "1.24.7",
"version": "1.24.8",
"description": "Organises TypeDefs By Placing Them Into Types.Xml File To Be Embedded Into Source Code Compatible With VSCode And Google Closure Compiler, Generates Externs And Allows To Place Documentation In README Markdown.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "compile/index.js",

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import extractTags from 'rexml'

import Fn from './Fn'
import { dirname, resolve } from 'path'

@@ -50,4 +51,5 @@ /**

* @param {string} [rootNamespace] Namespace to ignore in types and properties.
* @param {string|null} [location] The file location. Will be used to update relative example locations.
const parseFile = (xml, rootNamespace) => {
const parseFile = (xml, rootNamespace, location = null) => {
const root = extractTags('types', xml)

@@ -73,2 +75,5 @@ if (!root.length)

const { 'alias': alias, 'aliases': aliases, ...restProps } = props
const example = restProps['example']
if (example && example.startsWith('.') && location)
restProps['example'] = resolve(dirname(location), example)
const als = alias ? [alias] : (aliases ? aliases.split(/, */) : [])

@@ -79,2 +84,3 @@

const type = new Type()
if (location) type.file = location
type.fromXML(content, props, ns, rootNamespace)

@@ -85,2 +91,3 @@ acc.push(type)

const type2 = new Type()
if (location) type2.file = location
type2.fromXML(content, { ...restProps, name }, ns, rootNamespace)

@@ -92,3 +99,3 @@ acc.push(type2)

case 'interface': {
const t = parseTypes(content, props, ns, rootNamespace)
const t = parseTypes({ content, props, ns, rootNamespace, location })
t.forEach(tt => {

@@ -105,3 +112,3 @@ const hasConsructorProp ={ isConstructor }) => {

case 'constructor': {
const t = parseTypes(content, props, ns, rootNamespace)
const t = parseTypes({ content, props, ns, rootNamespace, location })
t.forEach(tt => {

@@ -118,3 +125,5 @@ const hasConsructorProp ={ isConstructor }) => {

case 'method': {
const t = parseTypes(content, props, ns, rootNamespace, true)
const t = parseTypes({
content, props, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod: true, location,

@@ -151,5 +160,7 @@ break

* @param {boolean} [isMethod]
* @param {string|null} [location] The source XML file location.
const parseType = (content, props, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod = false) => {
const parseType = (content, props, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod = false, location = null) => {
const type = isMethod ? new Method() : new Type()
type.file = location
const i =<(prop|function|fn|static) /)

@@ -186,12 +197,16 @@ let prebody = '', body = content

* will be written with `= function () {}` in externs.
* @param {string} content
* @param {!Object} props
* @param {string} [ns]
* @param {string} [rootNamespace]
* @param {boolean} [isMethod]
* @param {Object} props
* @param {string} props.content
* @param {!Object} props.props
* @param {string} [props.ns]
* @param {string} [props.rootNamespace]
* @param {boolean} [props.isMethod]
* @param {string|null} [props.location]
const parseTypes = (content, props, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod = false) => {
const parseTypes = ({
content, props, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod = false, location = null,
}) => {
const acc = []
const { 'alias': alias, 'aliases': aliases, ...restProps } = props
const type = parseType(content, props, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod)
const type = parseType(content, props, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod, location)

@@ -202,3 +217,3 @@

als.forEach((name) => {
const type2 = parseType(content, { ...restProps, name }, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod)
const type2 = parseType(content, { ...restProps, name }, ns, rootNamespace, isMethod, location)
type2.description = `${type2.description}${type2.description ? ' ' : ''}Alias of \`${}\`.`

@@ -220,3 +235,3 @@ acc.push(type2)

try {
({ namespace = null, types, imports } = parseFile(xml))
({ namespace = null, types, imports } = parseFile(xml, undefined, path))
} catch (err) {

@@ -223,0 +238,0 @@ err.message = `Error while reading ${path}\n${err.message}`

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import extractTags from 'rexml'

import makePropsTable from './make-props-table'
import { resolve, dirname } from 'path'

@@ -86,2 +87,8 @@ /**

this.examples = []
* The location on the disk.
* @type {string|null}
this.file = null

@@ -148,3 +155,6 @@ get import() {

if (example) this.examples = Property.readExamples(example, exampleOverride)
if (example) {
const e = (example.startsWith('.') && this.file) ? resolve(dirname(this.file), example) : example
this.examples = Property.readExamples(e, exampleOverride)

@@ -151,0 +161,0 @@ get shouldPrototype() {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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