UI Spec MD
UI Spec MD is the efficient markdown compiler for UI documentation with UI Flows Graph.
UI Spec MD compiles special markdown with following features
- YAML header consists of the title and screen capture image path
- Github-flavored Markdown
- UI Flows code blocks
👉Quick Start Example
UI Flow codeblock
When you make UI documentation, you may need to have UI Flows Graph
UI Spec MD arrows to contain special code blocks to draw UI Flows with markdown friendly easy syntax.
Here is a markdown example with the code block for UI Flows.
title: doc title
screen: ./screen1.png?highlight=[[216,193,150,70],[720,140,130,50]]
Write docs with markdown.
You can also contain uiflow code block.
[What the user sees]
What they do
==> What the user sees 2
[What the user sees 2]
What they do A
==> What the user sees 3
What they do B
==> What the user sees 4
| awesome | table |
| --- | --- |
| data | data |
Here is the complied result example.
Compile MD to HTML with gulp!
Example for gulp task
var gulp = require( 'gulp' );
var uiSpecMd = require( 'ui-spec-md' );
gulp.task( 'md', function () {
gulp.src( './src/**/*.md' )
.pipe( uiSpecMd( { srcRoot: __dirname + '/src/' } ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest('./build/' ) );
// copy images as well
gulp.src( [ './src/**/*.jpg', './src/**/*.png' ] )
.pipe( gulp.dest( './build/' ) );
} );
Highlight Editor
UI Spec MD comes with the Highlight Editor!
To launch the editor, just press Edit button on a documentation page.