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vue-sonner - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.5 to 1.3.0



@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"version": "1.2.5",
"version": "1.3.0",
"builder": {

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ "@nuxt/module-builder": "0.8.4",

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ declare const _default: import("nuxt/app").Plugin<{

message: (message: string | import("vue").Component, data?: import("vue-sonner").ExternalToast) => string | number;
promise: <ToastData>(promise: Promise<ToastData> | (() => Promise<ToastData>), data?: (Omit<import("vue-sonner").ToastT<import("vue").Component>, "delete" | "id" | "type" | "title" | "promise"> & {
promise: <ToastData>(promise: Promise<ToastData> | (() => Promise<ToastData>), data?: (Omit<import("vue-sonner").ToastT<import("vue").Component>, "id" | "type" | "title" | "promise" | "delete"> & {
id?: number | string;

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ } & {

message: (message: string | import("vue").Component, data?: import("vue-sonner").ExternalToast) => string | number;
promise: <ToastData>(promise: Promise<ToastData> | (() => Promise<ToastData>), data?: (Omit<import("vue-sonner").ToastT<import("vue").Component>, "delete" | "id" | "type" | "title" | "promise"> & {
promise: <ToastData>(promise: Promise<ToastData> | (() => Promise<ToastData>), data?: (Omit<import("vue-sonner").ToastT<import("vue").Component>, "id" | "type" | "title" | "promise" | "delete"> & {
id?: number | string;

@@ -41,0 +41,0 @@ } & {

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import { Toaster, toast } from "vue-sonner";
import { toast } from "vue-sonner";
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from "nuxt/app";
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.component("Toaster", Toaster);
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
return {

@@ -6,0 +5,0 @@ provide: {

@@ -41,9 +41,11 @@ import type { Component } from 'vue';

declare type titleT = (() => string | Component) | string | Component;
export declare const toast: typeof toastFunction & {
success: (message: string | Component, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
info: (message: string | Component, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
warning: (message: string | Component, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
error: (message: string | Component, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
success: (message: titleT, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
info: (message: titleT, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
warning: (message: titleT, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
error: (message: titleT, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
custom: (component: Component, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
message: (message: string | Component, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
message: (message: titleT, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
promise: <ToastData>(promise: PromiseT<ToastData>, data?: PromiseData<ToastData> | undefined) => (string & {

@@ -57,3 +59,3 @@ unwrap: () => Promise<ToastData>;

dismiss: (id?: number | string) => string | number | undefined;
loading: (message: string | Component, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
loading: (message: titleT, data?: ExternalToast) => string | number;
} & {

@@ -123,3 +125,3 @@ getHistory: () => (ToastT<Component> | ToastToDismiss)[];

declare function toastFunction(message: string | Component, data?: ExternalToast): string | number;
declare function toastFunction(message: titleT, data?: ExternalToast): string | number;

@@ -149,3 +151,3 @@ declare interface ToastIcons {

id: number | string;
title?: string | Component;
title?: (() => string | Component) | string | Component;
type?: ToastTypes;

@@ -159,3 +161,3 @@ icon?: Component;

dismissible?: boolean;
description?: string | Component;
description?: (() => string | Component) | string | Component;
duration?: number;

@@ -162,0 +164,0 @@ delete?: boolean;

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

var Ut = Object.defineProperty;
var Kt = (s, a, t) => a in s ? Ut(s, a, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : s[a] = t;
var B = (s, a, t) => Kt(s, typeof a != "symbol" ? a + "" : a, t);
import { ref as p, watchEffect as N, defineComponent as vt, computed as y, onMounted as Yt, watch as Ft, onUnmounted as Gt, openBlock as l, createElementBlock as h, normalizeClass as Y, normalizeStyle as ct, unref as L, createBlock as q, resolveDynamicComponent as Z, renderSlot as P, createCommentVNode as V, mergeProps as ut, Fragment as W, createElementVNode as M, normalizeProps as Lt, createTextVNode as Nt, toDisplayString as lt, renderList as gt, useAttrs as qt, nextTick as Jt, withCtx as X, createVNode as G } from "vue";
function Xt(s) {
var qt = Object.defineProperty;
var Jt = (s, a, t) => a in s ? qt(s, a, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : s[a] = t;
var x = (s, a, t) => Jt(s, typeof a != "symbol" ? a + "" : a, t);
import { ref as f, watchEffect as F, defineComponent as yt, computed as v, onMounted as Ft, watch as Kt, onBeforeUnmount as _t, openBlock as d, createElementBlock as p, normalizeClass as A, normalizeStyle as ct, unref as N, createBlock as X, resolveDynamicComponent as et, renderSlot as D, createCommentVNode as R, mergeProps as ft, Fragment as j, createElementVNode as L, normalizeProps as jt, createTextVNode as Vt, toDisplayString as dt, renderList as mt, useAttrs as te, nextTick as ee, withCtx as U, createVNode as K } from "vue";
function Zt(s) {
if (!s || typeof document > "u") return;

@@ -10,58 +10,46 @@ let a = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], t = document.createElement("style");

Xt(`:where([data-sonner-toaster][dir=ltr]),:where(html[dir=ltr]){--toast-icon-margin-start:-3px;--toast-icon-margin-end:4px;--toast-svg-margin-start:-1px;--toast-svg-margin-end:0px;--toast-button-margin-start:auto;--toast-button-margin-end:0;--toast-close-button-start:0;--toast-close-button-end:unset;--toast-close-button-transform:translate(-35%, -35%)}:where([data-sonner-toaster][dir=rtl]),:where(html[dir=rtl]){--toast-icon-margin-start:4px;--toast-icon-margin-end:-3px;--toast-svg-margin-start:0px;--toast-svg-margin-end:-1px;--toast-button-margin-start:0;--toast-button-margin-end:auto;--toast-close-button-start:unset;--toast-close-button-end:0;--toast-close-button-transform:translate(35%, -35%)}:where([data-sonner-toaster]){position:fixed;width:var(--width);font-family:ui-sans-serif,system-ui,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,Arial,Noto Sans,sans-serif,Apple Color Emoji,Segoe UI Emoji,Segoe UI Symbol,Noto Color Emoji;--gray1:hsl(0, 0%, 99%);--gray2:hsl(0, 0%, 97.3%);--gray3:hsl(0, 0%, 95.1%);--gray4:hsl(0, 0%, 93%);--gray5:hsl(0, 0%, 90.9%);--gray6:hsl(0, 0%, 88.7%);--gray7:hsl(0, 0%, 85.8%);--gray8:hsl(0, 0%, 78%);--gray9:hsl(0, 0%, 56.1%);--gray10:hsl(0, 0%, 52.3%);--gray11:hsl(0, 0%, 43.5%);--gray12:hsl(0, 0%, 9%);--border-radius:8px;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;margin:0;list-style:none;outline:0;z-index:999999999}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=right]){right:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-right))}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=left]){left:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-left))}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=center]){left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%)}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=top]){top:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-top))}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=bottom]){bottom:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-bottom))}:where([data-sonner-toast]){--y:translateY(100%);--lift-amount:calc(var(--lift) * var(--gap));z-index:var(--z-index);position:absolute;opacity:0;transform:var(--y);filter:blur(0);touch-action:none;transition:transform .4s,opacity .4s,height .4s,box-shadow .2s;box-sizing:border-box;outline:0;overflow-wrap:anywhere}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-styled=true]){padding:16px;background:var(--normal-bg);border:1px solid var(--normal-border);color:var(--normal-text);border-radius:var(--border-radius);box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1);width:var(--width);font-size:13px;display:flex;align-items:center;gap:6px}:where([data-sonner-toast]:focus-visible){box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1),0 0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-y-position=top]){top:0;--y:translateY(-100%);--lift:1;--lift-amount:calc(1 * var(--gap))}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-y-position=bottom]){bottom:0;--y:translateY(100%);--lift:-1;--lift-amount:calc(var(--lift) * var(--gap))}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-description]){font-weight:400;line-height:1.4;color:inherit}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-title]){font-weight:500;line-height:1.5;color:inherit}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-icon]){display:flex;height:16px;width:16px;position:relative;justify-content:flex-start;align-items:center;flex-shrink:0;margin-left:var(--toast-icon-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-icon-margin-end)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-promise=true]) :where([data-icon])>svg{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8);transform-origin:center;animation:sonner-fade-in .3s ease forwards}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-icon])>*{flex-shrink:0}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-icon]) svg{margin-left:var(--toast-svg-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-svg-margin-end)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-content]){display:flex;flex-direction:column;gap:2px}[data-sonner-toast][data-styled=true] [data-button]{border-radius:4px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;height:24px;font-size:12px;color:var(--normal-bg);background:var(--normal-text);margin-left:var(--toast-button-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-button-margin-end);border:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;display:flex;align-items:center;flex-shrink:0;transition:opacity .4s,box-shadow .2s}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-button]):focus-visible{box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-button]):first-of-type{margin-left:var(--toast-button-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-button-margin-end)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-cancel]){color:var(--normal-text);background:rgba(0,0,0,.08)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-theme=dark]) :where([data-cancel]){background:rgba(255,255,255,.3)}[data-sonner-toast] [data-close-button]{position:absolute;left:var(--toast-close-button-start);right:var(--toast-close-button-end);top:0;height:20px;width:20px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;padding:0;background:var(--normal-bg);color:var(--normal-text);border:1px solid var(--normal-border);transform:var(--toast-close-button-transform);border-radius:50%;cursor:pointer;z-index:1;transition:opacity .1s,background .2s,border-color .2s}[data-sonner-toast] [data-close-button]:focus-visible{box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1),0 0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-disabled=true]){cursor:not-allowed}[data-sonner-toast]:hover [data-close-button]:hover{background:var(--gray2);border-color:var(--gray5)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=dark] [data-sonner-toast]:hover [data-close-button]:hover{background:#000;border-color:#4c4c4c}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-swiping=true])::before{content:'';position:absolute;left:0;right:0;height:100%;z-index:-1}:where(
)::before{bottom:50%;transform:scaleY(3) translateY(50%)}:where(
)::before{top:50%;transform:scaleY(3) translateY(-50%)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-swiping=false][data-removed=true])::before{content:'';position:absolute;inset:0;transform:scaleY(2)}:where([data-sonner-toast])::after{content:'';position:absolute;left:0;height:calc(var(--gap) + 1px);bottom:100%;width:100%}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-mounted=true]){--y:translateY(0);opacity:1}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-expanded=false][data-front=false]){--scale:var(--toasts-before) * 0.05 + 1;--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift-amount) * var(--toasts-before))) scale(calc(-1 * var(--scale)));height:var(--front-toast-height)}:where([data-sonner-toast])>*{transition:opacity .4s}:where(
)>*{opacity:0}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-visible=false]){opacity:0;pointer-events:none}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-mounted=true][data-expanded=true]){--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset)));height:var(--initial-height)}:where(
){--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * -100%));opacity:0}:where(
){--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset) + var(--lift) * -100%));opacity:0}:where(
){--y:translateY(40%);opacity:0;transition:transform .5s,opacity .2s}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-removed=true][data-front=false])::before{height:calc(var(--initial-height) + 20%)}[data-sonner-toast][data-swiping=true]{transform:var(--y) translateY(var(--swipe-amount,0));transition:none}[data-sonner-toast][data-swipe-out=true][data-y-position=bottom],[data-sonner-toast][data-swipe-out=true][data-y-position=top]{animation:swipe-out .2s ease-out forwards}@keyframes swipe-out{from{transform:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset) + var(--swipe-amount)));opacity:1}to{transform:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset) + var(--swipe-amount) + var(--lift) * -100%));opacity:0}}@media (max-width:600px){[data-sonner-toaster]{position:fixed;--mobile-offset:16px;right:var(--mobile-offset);left:var(--mobile-offset);width:100%}[data-sonner-toaster][dir=rtl]{left:calc(var(--mobile-offset) * -1)}[data-sonner-toaster] [data-sonner-toast]{left:0;right:0;width:calc(100% - var(--mobile-offset) * 2)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=left]{left:var(--mobile-offset)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=bottom]{bottom:20px}[data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=top]{top:20px}[data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=center]{left:var(--mobile-offset);right:var(--mobile-offset);transform:none}}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=light]{--normal-bg:#fff;--normal-border:var(--gray4);--normal-text:var(--gray12);--success-bg:hsl(143, 85%, 96%);--success-border:hsl(145, 92%, 91%);--success-text:hsl(140, 100%, 27%);--info-bg:hsl(208, 100%, 97%);--info-border:hsl(221, 91%, 91%);--info-text:hsl(210, 92%, 45%);--warning-bg:hsl(49, 100%, 97%);--warning-border:hsl(49, 91%, 91%);--warning-text:hsl(31, 92%, 45%);--error-bg:hsl(359, 100%, 97%);--error-border:hsl(359, 100%, 94%);--error-text:hsl(360, 100%, 45%)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=light] [data-sonner-toast][data-invert=true]{--normal-bg:#000;--normal-border:hsl(0, 0%, 20%);--normal-text:var(--gray1)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=dark] [data-sonner-toast][data-invert=true]{--normal-bg:#fff;--normal-border:var(--gray3);--normal-text:var(--gray12)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=dark]{--normal-bg:#000;--normal-border:hsl(0, 0%, 20%);--normal-text:var(--gray1);--success-bg:hsl(150, 100%, 6%);--success-border:hsl(147, 100%, 12%);--success-text:hsl(150, 86%, 65%);--info-bg:hsl(215, 100%, 6%);--info-border:hsl(223, 100%, 12%);--info-text:hsl(216, 87%, 65%);--warning-bg:hsl(64, 100%, 6%);--warning-border:hsl(60, 100%, 12%);--warning-text:hsl(46, 87%, 65%);--error-bg:hsl(358, 76%, 10%);--error-border:hsl(357, 89%, 16%);--error-text:hsl(358, 100%, 81%)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=success]{background:var(--success-bg);border-color:var(--success-border);color:var(--success-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=success] [data-close-button]{background:var(--success-bg);border-color:var(--success-border);color:var(--success-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=info]{background:var(--info-bg);border-color:var(--info-border);color:var(--info-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=info] [data-close-button]{background:var(--info-bg);border-color:var(--info-border);color:var(--info-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning]{background:var(--warning-bg);border-color:var(--warning-border);color:var(--warning-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning] [data-close-button]{background:var(--warning-bg);border-color:var(--warning-border);color:var(--warning-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=error]{background:var(--error-bg);border-color:var(--error-border);color:var(--error-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=error] [data-close-button]{background:var(--error-bg);border-color:var(--error-border);color:var(--error-text)}.sonner-loading-wrapper{--size:16px;height:var(--size);width:var(--size);position:absolute;inset:0;z-index:10}.sonner-loading-wrapper[data-visible=false]{transform-origin:center;animation:sonner-fade-out .2s ease forwards}.sonner-spinner{position:relative;top:50%;left:50%;height:var(--size);width:var(--size)}.sonner-loading-bar{animation:sonner-spin 1.2s linear infinite;background:var(--gray11);border-radius:6px;height:8%;left:-10%;position:absolute;top:-3.9%;width:24%}.sonner-loading-bar:first-child{animation-delay:-1.2s;transform:rotate(.0001deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(2){animation-delay:-1.1s;transform:rotate(30deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(3){animation-delay:-1s;transform:rotate(60deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(4){animation-delay:-.9s;transform:rotate(90deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(5){animation-delay:-.8s;transform:rotate(120deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(6){animation-delay:-.7s;transform:rotate(150deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(7){animation-delay:-.6s;transform:rotate(180deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(8){animation-delay:-.5s;transform:rotate(210deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(9){animation-delay:-.4s;transform:rotate(240deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(10){animation-delay:-.3s;transform:rotate(270deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(11){animation-delay:-.2s;transform:rotate(300deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(12){animation-delay:-.1s;transform:rotate(330deg) translate(146%)}@keyframes sonner-fade-in{0%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8)}100%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}}@keyframes sonner-fade-out{0%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}100%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8)}}@keyframes sonner-spin{0%{opacity:1}100%{opacity:.15}}@media (prefers-reduced-motion){.sonner-loading-bar,[data-sonner-toast],[data-sonner-toast]>*{transition:none!important;animation:none!important}}.sonner-loader{position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);transform-origin:center;transition:opacity .2s,transform .2s}.sonner-loader[data-visible=false]{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8) translate(-50%,-50%)}`);
let mt = 0;
class Qt {
Zt(":where([data-sonner-toaster][dir=ltr]),:where(html[dir=ltr]){--toast-icon-margin-start:-3px;--toast-icon-margin-end:4px;--toast-svg-margin-start:-1px;--toast-svg-margin-end:0px;--toast-button-margin-start:auto;--toast-button-margin-end:0;--toast-close-button-start:0;--toast-close-button-end:unset;--toast-close-button-transform:translate(-35%, -35%)}:where([data-sonner-toaster][dir=rtl]),:where(html[dir=rtl]){--toast-icon-margin-start:4px;--toast-icon-margin-end:-3px;--toast-svg-margin-start:0px;--toast-svg-margin-end:-1px;--toast-button-margin-start:0;--toast-button-margin-end:auto;--toast-close-button-start:unset;--toast-close-button-end:0;--toast-close-button-transform:translate(35%, -35%)}:where([data-sonner-toaster]){position:fixed;width:var(--width);font-family:ui-sans-serif,system-ui,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,Arial,Noto Sans,sans-serif,Apple Color Emoji,Segoe UI Emoji,Segoe UI Symbol,Noto Color Emoji;--gray1:hsl(0, 0%, 99%);--gray2:hsl(0, 0%, 97.3%);--gray3:hsl(0, 0%, 95.1%);--gray4:hsl(0, 0%, 93%);--gray5:hsl(0, 0%, 90.9%);--gray6:hsl(0, 0%, 88.7%);--gray7:hsl(0, 0%, 85.8%);--gray8:hsl(0, 0%, 78%);--gray9:hsl(0, 0%, 56.1%);--gray10:hsl(0, 0%, 52.3%);--gray11:hsl(0, 0%, 43.5%);--gray12:hsl(0, 0%, 9%);--border-radius:8px;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;margin:0;list-style:none;outline:0;z-index:999999999;transition:transform .4s ease}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-lifted=true]){transform:translateY(-10px)}@media (hover:none) and (pointer:coarse){:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-lifted=true]){transform:none}}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=right]){right:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-right))}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=left]){left:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-left))}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=center]){left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%)}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=top]){top:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-top))}:where([data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=bottom]){bottom:max(var(--offset),env(safe-area-inset-bottom))}:where([data-sonner-toast]){--y:translateY(100%);--lift-amount:calc(var(--lift) * var(--gap));z-index:var(--z-index);position:absolute;opacity:0;transform:var(--y);filter:blur(0);touch-action:none;transition:transform .4s,opacity .4s,height .4s,box-shadow .2s;box-sizing:border-box;outline:0;overflow-wrap:anywhere}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-styled=true]){padding:16px;background:var(--normal-bg);border:1px solid var(--normal-border);color:var(--normal-text);border-radius:var(--border-radius);box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1);width:var(--width);font-size:13px;display:flex;align-items:center;gap:6px}:where([data-sonner-toast]:focus-visible){box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1),0 0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-y-position=top]){top:0;--y:translateY(-100%);--lift:1;--lift-amount:calc(1 * var(--gap))}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-y-position=bottom]){bottom:0;--y:translateY(100%);--lift:-1;--lift-amount:calc(var(--lift) * var(--gap))}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-description]){font-weight:400;line-height:1.4;color:inherit}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-title]){font-weight:500;line-height:1.5;color:inherit}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-icon]){display:flex;height:16px;width:16px;position:relative;justify-content:flex-start;align-items:center;flex-shrink:0;margin-left:var(--toast-icon-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-icon-margin-end)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-promise=true]) :where([data-icon])>svg{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8);transform-origin:center;animation:sonner-fade-in .3s ease forwards}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-icon])>*{flex-shrink:0}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-icon]) svg{margin-left:var(--toast-svg-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-svg-margin-end)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-content]){display:flex;flex-direction:column;gap:2px}[data-sonner-toast][data-styled=true] [data-button]{border-radius:4px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;height:24px;font-size:12px;color:var(--normal-bg);background:var(--normal-text);margin-left:var(--toast-button-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-button-margin-end);border:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;display:flex;align-items:center;flex-shrink:0;transition:opacity .4s,box-shadow .2s}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-button]):focus-visible{box-shadow:0 0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-button]):first-of-type{margin-left:var(--toast-button-margin-start);margin-right:var(--toast-button-margin-end)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-cancel]){color:var(--normal-text);background:rgba(0,0,0,.08)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-theme=dark]) :where([data-cancel]){background:rgba(255,255,255,.3)}[data-sonner-toast] [data-close-button]{position:absolute;left:var(--toast-close-button-start);right:var(--toast-close-button-end);top:0;height:20px;width:20px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;padding:0;color:var(--gray12);border:1px solid var(--gray4);transform:var(--toast-close-button-transform);border-radius:50%;cursor:pointer;z-index:1;transition:opacity .1s,background .2s,border-color .2s}[data-sonner-toast] [data-close-button]{background:var(--gray1)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-close-button]):focus-visible{box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1),0 0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2)}:where([data-sonner-toast]) :where([data-disabled=true]){cursor:not-allowed}[data-sonner-toast]:hover [data-close-button]:hover{background:var(--gray2);border-color:var(--gray5)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-swiping=true])::before{content:'';position:absolute;left:0;right:0;height:100%;z-index:-1}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-y-position=top][data-swiping=true])::before{bottom:50%;transform:scaleY(3) translateY(50%)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-y-position=bottom][data-swiping=true])::before{top:50%;transform:scaleY(3) translateY(-50%)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-swiping=false][data-removed=true])::before{content:'';position:absolute;inset:0;transform:scaleY(2)}:where([data-sonner-toast])::after{content:'';position:absolute;left:0;height:calc(var(--gap) + 1px);bottom:100%;width:100%}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-mounted=true]){--y:translateY(0);opacity:1}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-expanded=false][data-front=false]){--scale:var(--toasts-before) * 0.05 + 1;--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift-amount) * var(--toasts-before))) scale(calc(-1 * var(--scale)));height:var(--front-toast-height)}:where([data-sonner-toast])>*{transition:opacity .4s}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-expanded=false][data-front=false][data-styled=true])>*{opacity:0}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-visible=false]){opacity:0;pointer-events:none}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-mounted=true][data-expanded=true]){--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset)));height:var(--initial-height)}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-removed=true][data-front=true][data-swipe-out=false]){--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * -100%));opacity:0}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-removed=true][data-front=false][data-swipe-out=false][data-expanded=true]){--y:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset) + var(--lift) * -100%));opacity:0}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-removed=true][data-front=false][data-swipe-out=false][data-expanded=false]){--y:translateY(40%);opacity:0;transition:transform .5s,opacity .2s}:where([data-sonner-toast][data-removed=true][data-front=false])::before{height:calc(var(--initial-height) + 20%)}[data-sonner-toast][data-swiping=true]{transform:var(--y) translateY(var(--swipe-amount,0));transition:none}[data-sonner-toast][data-swiped=true]{user-select:none}[data-sonner-toast][data-swipe-out=true][data-y-position=bottom],[data-sonner-toast][data-swipe-out=true][data-y-position=top]{animation:swipe-out .2s ease-out forwards}@keyframes swipe-out{from{transform:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset) + var(--swipe-amount)));opacity:1}to{transform:translateY(calc(var(--lift) * var(--offset) + var(--swipe-amount) + var(--lift) * -100%));opacity:0}}@media (max-width:600px){[data-sonner-toaster]{position:fixed;--mobile-offset:16px;right:var(--mobile-offset);left:var(--mobile-offset);width:100%}[data-sonner-toaster][dir=rtl]{left:calc(var(--mobile-offset) * -1)}[data-sonner-toaster] [data-sonner-toast]{left:0;right:0;width:calc(100% - var(--mobile-offset) * 2)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=left]{left:var(--mobile-offset)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=bottom]{bottom:20px}[data-sonner-toaster][data-y-position=top]{top:20px}[data-sonner-toaster][data-x-position=center]{left:var(--mobile-offset);right:var(--mobile-offset);transform:none}}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=light]{--normal-bg:#fff;--normal-border:var(--gray4);--normal-text:var(--gray12);--success-bg:hsl(143, 85%, 96%);--success-border:hsl(145, 92%, 91%);--success-text:hsl(140, 100%, 27%);--info-bg:hsl(208, 100%, 97%);--info-border:hsl(221, 91%, 91%);--info-text:hsl(210, 92%, 45%);--warning-bg:hsl(49, 100%, 97%);--warning-border:hsl(49, 91%, 91%);--warning-text:hsl(31, 92%, 45%);--error-bg:hsl(359, 100%, 97%);--error-border:hsl(359, 100%, 94%);--error-text:hsl(360, 100%, 45%)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=light] [data-sonner-toast][data-invert=true]{--normal-bg:#000;--normal-border:hsl(0, 0%, 20%);--normal-text:var(--gray1)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=dark] [data-sonner-toast][data-invert=true]{--normal-bg:#fff;--normal-border:var(--gray3);--normal-text:var(--gray12)}[data-sonner-toaster][data-theme=dark]{--normal-bg:#000;--normal-border:hsl(0, 0%, 20%);--normal-text:var(--gray1);--success-bg:hsl(150, 100%, 6%);--success-border:hsl(147, 100%, 12%);--success-text:hsl(150, 86%, 65%);--info-bg:hsl(215, 100%, 6%);--info-border:hsl(223, 100%, 12%);--info-text:hsl(216, 87%, 65%);--warning-bg:hsl(64, 100%, 6%);--warning-border:hsl(60, 100%, 12%);--warning-text:hsl(46, 87%, 65%);--error-bg:hsl(358, 76%, 10%);--error-border:hsl(357, 89%, 16%);--error-text:hsl(358, 100%, 81%)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=success]{background:var(--success-bg);border-color:var(--success-border);color:var(--success-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=success] [data-close-button]{background:var(--success-bg);border-color:var(--success-border);color:var(--success-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=info]{background:var(--info-bg);border-color:var(--info-border);color:var(--info-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=info] [data-close-button]{background:var(--info-bg);border-color:var(--info-border);color:var(--info-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning]{background:var(--warning-bg);border-color:var(--warning-border);color:var(--warning-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=warning] [data-close-button]{background:var(--warning-bg);border-color:var(--warning-border);color:var(--warning-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=error]{background:var(--error-bg);border-color:var(--error-border);color:var(--error-text)}[data-rich-colors=true][data-sonner-toast][data-type=error] [data-close-button]{background:var(--error-bg);border-color:var(--error-border);color:var(--error-text)}.sonner-loading-wrapper{--size:16px;height:var(--size);width:var(--size);position:absolute;inset:0;z-index:10}.sonner-loading-wrapper[data-visible=false]{transform-origin:center;animation:sonner-fade-out .2s ease forwards}.sonner-spinner{position:relative;top:50%;left:50%;height:var(--size);width:var(--size)}.sonner-loading-bar{animation:sonner-spin 1.2s linear infinite;background:var(--gray11);border-radius:6px;height:8%;left:-10%;position:absolute;top:-3.9%;width:24%}.sonner-loading-bar:first-child{animation-delay:-1.2s;transform:rotate(.0001deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(2){animation-delay:-1.1s;transform:rotate(30deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(3){animation-delay:-1s;transform:rotate(60deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(4){animation-delay:-.9s;transform:rotate(90deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(5){animation-delay:-.8s;transform:rotate(120deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(6){animation-delay:-.7s;transform:rotate(150deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(7){animation-delay:-.6s;transform:rotate(180deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(8){animation-delay:-.5s;transform:rotate(210deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(9){animation-delay:-.4s;transform:rotate(240deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(10){animation-delay:-.3s;transform:rotate(270deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(11){animation-delay:-.2s;transform:rotate(300deg) translate(146%)}.sonner-loading-bar:nth-child(12){animation-delay:-.1s;transform:rotate(330deg) translate(146%)}@keyframes sonner-fade-in{0%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8)}100%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}}@keyframes sonner-fade-out{0%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}100%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8)}}@keyframes sonner-spin{0%{opacity:1}100%{opacity:.15}}@media (prefers-reduced-motion){.sonner-loading-bar,[data-sonner-toast],[data-sonner-toast]>*{transition:none!important;animation:none!important}}.sonner-loader{position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);transform-origin:center;transition:opacity .2s,transform .2s}.sonner-loader[data-visible=false]{opacity:0;transform:scale(.8) translate(-50%,-50%)}");
let vt = 0;
class ae {
constructor() {
B(this, "subscribers");
B(this, "toasts");
x(this, "subscribers");
x(this, "toasts");
// We use arrow functions to maintain the correct `this` reference
B(this, "subscribe", (a) => (this.subscribers.push(a), () => {
x(this, "subscribe", (a) => (this.subscribers.push(a), () => {
const t = this.subscribers.indexOf(a);
this.subscribers.splice(t, 1);
B(this, "publish", (a) => {
x(this, "publish", (a) => {
this.subscribers.forEach((t) => t(a));
B(this, "addToast", (a) => {
x(this, "addToast", (a) => {
this.publish(a), this.toasts = [...this.toasts, a];
B(this, "create", (a) => {
var x;
const { message: t, ...r } = a, n = typeof == "number" || && ((x = == null ? void 0 : x.length) > 0 ? : mt++, g = this.toasts.find((m) => === n), k = a.dismissible === void 0 ? !0 : a.dismissible;
return g ? this.toasts = => === n ? (this.publish({ ...m, ...a, id: n, title: t }), {
x(this, "create", (a) => {
var P;
const { message: t, ...i } = a, n = typeof == "number" || && ((P = == null ? void 0 : P.length) > 0 ? : vt++, g = this.toasts.find((h) => === n), T = a.dismissible === void 0 ? !0 : a.dismissible;
return g ? this.toasts = => === n ? (this.publish({ ...h, ...a, id: n, title: t }), {
id: n,
dismissible: k,
dismissible: T,
title: t
}) : m) : this.addToast({ title: t, ...r, dismissible: k, id: n }), n;
}) : h) : this.addToast({ title: t, ...i, dismissible: T, id: n }), n;
B(this, "dismiss", (a) => (a || this.toasts.forEach((t) => {
x(this, "dismiss", (a) => (a || this.toasts.forEach((t) => {
(r) => r({ id:, dismiss: !0 })
(i) => i({ id:, dismiss: !0 })
}), this.subscribers.forEach((t) => t({ id: a, dismiss: !0 })), a));
B(this, "message", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, message: a, type: "default" }));
B(this, "error", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "error", message: a }));
B(this, "success", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "success", message: a }));
B(this, "info", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "info", message: a }));
B(this, "warning", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "warning", message: a }));
B(this, "loading", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "loading", message: a }));
B(this, "promise", (a, t) => {
x(this, "message", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, message: a, type: "default" }));
x(this, "error", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "error", message: a }));
x(this, "success", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "success", message: a }));
x(this, "info", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "info", message: a }));
x(this, "warning", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "warning", message: a }));
x(this, "loading", (a, t) => this.create({ ...t, type: "loading", message: a }));
x(this, "promise", (a, t) => {
if (!t)
let r;
t.loading !== void 0 && (r = this.create({
let i;
t.loading !== void 0 && (i = this.create({

@@ -74,40 +62,40 @@ promise: a,

const n = a instanceof Promise ? a : a();
let g = r !== void 0, k;
const x = n.then(async (d) => {
if (k = ["resolve", d], _t(d) && !d.ok) {
let g = i !== void 0, T;
const P = n.then(async (u) => {
if (T = ["resolve", u], se(u) && !u.ok) {
g = !1;
const b = typeof t.error == "function" ? await t.error(
`HTTP error! status: ${d.status}`
) : t.error, f = typeof t.description == "function" ? (
const m = typeof t.error == "function" ? await t.error(
`HTTP error! status: ${u.status}`
) : t.error, y = typeof t.description == "function" ? (
// @ts-expect-error
await t.description(`HTTP error! status: ${d.status}`)
await t.description(`HTTP error! status: ${u.status}`)
) : t.description;
this.create({ id: r, type: "error", message: b, description: f });
this.create({ id: i, type: "error", message: m, description: y });
} else if (t.success !== void 0) {
g = !1;
const b = typeof t.success == "function" ? await t.success(d) : t.success, f = typeof t.description == "function" ? await t.description(d) : t.description;
this.create({ id: r, type: "success", message: b, description: f });
const m = typeof t.success == "function" ? await t.success(u) : t.success, y = typeof t.description == "function" ? await t.description(u) : t.description;
this.create({ id: i, type: "success", message: m, description: y });
}).catch(async (d) => {
if (k = ["reject", d], t.error !== void 0) {
}).catch(async (u) => {
if (T = ["reject", u], t.error !== void 0) {
g = !1;
const b = typeof t.error == "function" ? await t.error(d) : t.error, f = typeof t.description == "function" ? await t.description(
const m = typeof t.error == "function" ? await t.error(u) : t.error, y = typeof t.description == "function" ? await t.description(
) : t.description;
this.create({ id: r, type: "error", message: b, description: f });
this.create({ id: i, type: "error", message: m, description: y });
}).finally(() => {
var d;
g && (this.dismiss(r), r = void 0), (d = t.finally) == null ||;
}), m = () => new Promise(
(d, b) => x.then(
() => k[0] === "reject" ? b(k[1]) : d(k[1])
var u;
g && (this.dismiss(i), i = void 0), (u = t.finally) == null ||;
}), h = () => new Promise(
(u, m) => P.then(
() => T[0] === "reject" ? m(T[1]) : u(T[1])
return typeof r != "string" && typeof r != "number" ? { unwrap: m } : Object.assign(r, { unwrap: m });
return typeof i != "string" && typeof i != "number" ? { unwrap: h } : Object.assign(i, { unwrap: h });
// We can't provide the toast we just created as a prop as we didn't create it yet, so we can create a default toast object, I just don't know how to use function in argument when calling()?
B(this, "custom", (a, t) => {
const r = (t == null ? void 0 : || mt++;
return this.publish({ component: a, id: r, ...t }), r;
x(this, "custom", (a, t) => {
const i = (t == null ? void 0 : || vt++;
return this.publish({ component: a, id: i, ...t }), i;

@@ -117,6 +105,6 @@ this.subscribers = [], this.toasts = [];

const $ = new Qt();
function Zt(s, a) {
const t = (a == null ? void 0 : || mt++;
return $.create({
const I = new ae();
function oe(s, a) {
const t = (a == null ? void 0 : || vt++;
return I.create({
message: s,

@@ -128,25 +116,25 @@ id: t,

const _t = (s) => s && typeof s == "object" && "ok" in s && typeof s.ok == "boolean" && "status" in s && typeof s.status == "number", te = Zt, ee = () => $.toasts, Ve = Object.assign(
const se = (s) => s && typeof s == "object" && "ok" in s && typeof s.ok == "boolean" && "status" in s && typeof s.status == "number", ne = oe, re = () => I.toasts, Ke = Object.assign(
success: $.success,
info: $.info,
warning: $.warning,
error: $.error,
custom: $.custom,
message: $.message,
promise: $.promise,
dismiss: $.dismiss,
loading: $.loading
success: I.success,
warning: I.warning,
error: I.error,
custom: I.custom,
message: I.message,
promise: I.promise,
dismiss: I.dismiss,
loading: I.loading
getHistory: ee
getHistory: re
function dt(s) {
function ut(s) {
return s.label !== void 0;
function ae() {
const s = p(!1);
return N(() => {
function ie() {
const s = f(!1);
return F(() => {
const a = () => {

@@ -160,10 +148,10 @@ s.value = document.hidden;

function We() {
const s = p([]);
return N((a) => {
const t = $.subscribe((r) => {
if ("dismiss" in r && r.dismiss)
return s.value.filter((g) => !==;
function Xe() {
const s = f([]);
return F((a) => {
const t = I.subscribe((i) => {
if ("dismiss" in i && i.dismiss)
return s.value.filter((g) => !==;
const n = s.value.findIndex(
(g) => ===
(g) => ===

@@ -174,6 +162,6 @@ if (n !== -1) {

}, s.value = g;
} else
s.value = [r, ...s.value];
s.value = [i, ...s.value];

@@ -187,6 +175,3 @@ a(() => {

const oe = ["aria-live", "data-rich-colors", "data-styled", "data-mounted", "data-promise", "data-removed", "data-visible", "data-y-position", "data-x-position", "data-index", "data-front", "data-swiping", "data-dismissible", "data-type", "data-invert", "data-swipe-out", "data-expanded"], se = ["aria-label", "data-disabled"], ne = {
key: 0,
"data-icon": ""
}, re = 4e3, ie = 20, le = 200, de = /* @__PURE__ */ vt({
const le = ["aria-live", "data-rich-colors", "data-styled", "data-mounted", "data-promise", "data-removed", "data-visible", "data-y-position", "data-x-position", "data-index", "data-front", "data-swiping", "data-dismissible", "data-type", "data-invert", "data-swipe-out", "data-expanded"], de = ["aria-label", "data-disabled"], Wt = 4e3, ue = 20, ce = 200, fe = /* @__PURE__ */ yt({
__name: "Toast",

@@ -223,94 +208,101 @@ props: {

setup(s, { emit: a }) {
const t = s, r = a, n = p(!1), g = p(!1), k = p(!1), x = p(!1), m = p(0), d = p(0), b = p(null), f = p(null), R = y(() => t.index === 0), ft = y(() => t.index + 1 <= t.visibleToasts), I = y(() => t.toast.type), F = y(() => t.toast.dismissible !== !1), pt = y(() => t.toast.class || ""), ht = y(() => t.descriptionClass || ""), o = || {}, i = y(
const t = s, i = a, n = f(!1), g = f(!1), T = f(!1), P = f(!1), h = f(!1), u = f(0), m = f(0), y = f(
t.toast.duration || t.duration || Wt
), H = f(null), B = f(null), pt = v(() => t.index === 0), ht = v(() => t.index + 1 <= t.visibleToasts), E = v(() => t.toast.type), Y = v(() => t.toast.dismissible !== !1), gt = v(() => t.toast.class || ""), o = v(() => t.descriptionClass || ""), r = || {}, l = v(
() => t.heights.findIndex((e) => e.toastId === || 0
), u = y(() => t.toast.closeButton ?? t.closeButton), C = y(
() => t.toast.duration || t.duration || re
), S = p(0), T = p(0), j = p(0), z = p(null), U = y(() => t.position.split("-")), tt = y(() => U.value[0]), et = y(() => U.value[1]), at = y(() => typeof t.toast.title != "string"), ot = y(
), k = v(() => t.toast.closeButton ?? t.closeButton);
() => t.toast.duration || t.duration || Wt
const b = f(0), z = f(0), O = f(null), G = v(() => t.position.split("-")), Q = v(() => G.value[0]), ot = v(() => G.value[1]), st = v(() => typeof t.toast.title != "string"), nt = v(
() => typeof t.toast.description != "string"
), st = y(() => t.heights.reduce((e, c, w) => w >= i.value ? e : e + c.height, 0)), nt = ae(), rt = y(() => t.toast.invert || t.invert), H = y(() => I.value === "loading");
Yt(() => {
), rt = v(() => t.heights.reduce((e, c, S) => S >= l.value ? e : e + c.height, 0)), it = ie(), lt = v(() => t.toast.invert || t.invert), V = v(() => E.value === "loading"), M = v(() => l.value * + rt.value || 0);
Ft(() => {
if (!n.value) return;
const e = f.value, c = e == null ? void 0 :;
const e = B.value, c = e == null ? void 0 :; = "auto";
const w = e.getBoundingClientRect().height; = c, d.value = w;
let E;
const S = e.getBoundingClientRect().height; = c, m.value = S;
let C;
(v) => v.toastId ===
) ? E =
(v) => v.toastId === ? { ...v, height: w } : v
) : E = [
(w) => w.toastId ===
) ? C =
(w) => w.toastId === ? { ...w, height: S } : w
) : C = [
height: w,
height: S,
position: t.toast.position
], r("update:heights", E);
], i("update:heights", C);
function K() {
g.value = !0, m.value = T.value;
function W() {
g.value = !0, u.value = M.value;
const e = t.heights.filter(
(c) => c.toastId !==
r("update:heights", e), setTimeout(() => {
r("removeToast", t.toast);
}, le);
i("update:heights", e), setTimeout(() => {
i("removeToast", t.toast);
}, ce);
function bt() {
var e, c;
H.value || !F.value || (K(), (c = (e = t.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, t.toast));
if (V.value || !Y.value)
return {};
W(), (c = (e = t.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, t.toast);
function jt(e) {
H.value || !F.value || (b.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), m.value = T.value,, !== "BUTTON" && (k.value = !0, z.value = { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY }));
function Xt(e) {
V.value || !Y.value || (H.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), u.value = M.value,, !== "BUTTON" && (T.value = !0, O.value = { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY }));
function Vt() {
var E, D, v, A, O;
if (x.value) return;
z.value = null;
function Gt() {
var C, $, w, q, J;
if (P.value || !Y) return;
O.value = null;
const e = Number(
((E = f.value) == null ? void 0 :"--swipe-amount").replace("px", "")) || 0
), c = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() - ((D = b.value) == null ? void 0 : D.getTime()), w = Math.abs(e) / c;
if (Math.abs(e) >= ie || w > 0.11) {
m.value = T.value, (A = (v = t.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, t.toast), K(), x.value = !0;
((C = B.value) == null ? void 0 :"--swipe-amount").replace("px", "")) || 0
), c = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() - (($ = H.value) == null ? void 0 : $.getTime()), S = Math.abs(e) / c;
if (Math.abs(e) >= ue || S > 0.11) {
u.value = M.value, (q = (w = t.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, t.toast), W(), P.value = !0, h.value = !1;
(O = f.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", "0px"), k.value = !1;
(J = B.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", "0px"), T.value = !1;
function Wt(e) {
var O;
if (!z.value || !F.value) return;
const c = e.clientY - z.value.y, w = e.clientX - z.value.x, D = (U.value[0] === "top" ? Math.min : Math.max)(0, c), v = e.pointerType === "touch" ? 10 : 2;
Math.abs(D) > v ? (O = f.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", `${c}px`) : Math.abs(w) > v && (z.value = null);
function Qt(e) {
var $, w;
if (!O.value || !Y.value) return;
const c = e.clientY - O.value.y, S = (($ = window.getSelection()) == null ? void 0 : $.toString().length) > 0, C = Q.value === "top" ? Math.min(0, c) : Math.max(0, c);
Math.abs(C) > 0 && (h.value = !0), !S && ((w = B.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", `${C}px`));
return N(() => {
T.value = i.value * (t == null ? void 0 : + st.value;
}), N((e) => {
if (t.toast.promise && I.value === "loading" || t.toast.duration === 1 / 0 || t.toast.type === "loading")
return F((e) => {
if (t.toast.promise && E.value === "loading" || t.toast.duration === 1 / 0 || t.toast.type === "loading")
let c, w = C.value;
const E = () => {
if (j.value < S.value) {
const v = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() - S.value;
w = w - v;
let c;
const S = () => {
if (z.value < b.value) {
const $ = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() - b.value;
y.value = y.value - $;
j.value = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
}, D = () => {
w !== 1 / 0 && (S.value = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(), c = setTimeout(() => {
var v, A;
(A = (v = t.toast).onAutoClose) == null ||, t.toast), K();
}, w));
z.value = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
}, C = () => {
y.value !== 1 / 0 && (b.value = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(), c = setTimeout(() => {
var $, w;
(w = ($ = t.toast).onAutoClose) == null ||$, t.toast), W();
}, y.value));
t.expanded || t.interacting || t.pauseWhenPageIsHidden && nt ? E() : D(), e(() => {
t.expanded || t.interacting || t.pauseWhenPageIsHidden && it ? S() : C(), e(() => {
}), Ft(
}), Kt(
() => t.toast.delete,
(e) => {
e && K();
() => {
t.toast.delete && W();
deep: !0
), Yt(() => {
if (f.value) {
const e = f.value.getBoundingClientRect().height;
d.value = e;
), Ft(() => {
if (n.value = !0, B.value) {
const e = B.value.getBoundingClientRect().height;
m.value = e;
const c = [

@@ -320,17 +312,16 @@ { toastId:, height: e, position: t.toast.position },

r("update:heights", c);
i("update:heights", c);
n.value = !0;
}), Gt(() => {
if (f.value) {
}), _t(() => {
if (B.value) {
const e = t.heights.filter(
(c) => c.toastId !==
r("update:heights", e);
i("update:heights", e);
}), (e, c) => {
var w, E, D, v, A, O, yt, wt, kt, xt, Tt, Bt, St, Ct, $t, It, Et, Pt, Dt, zt, Ht, At, Mt, Ot;
return l(), h("li", {
var S, C, $, w, q, J, wt, kt, xt, Tt, Bt, St, Ct, $t, It, Et, Pt, Dt, Ht, zt, Mt, Ot, At, Lt, Yt, Nt, Rt;
return d(), p("li", {
ref_key: "toastRef",
ref: f,
ref: B,
"aria-live": e.toast.important ? "assertive" : "polite",

@@ -341,27 +332,29 @@ "aria-atomic": "true",

"data-sonner-toast": "true",
class: Y(
(w = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : w.toast,
(E = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : E.toast,
// @ts-ignore
(D = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : D[I.value],
// @ts-ignore
(A = (v = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : v.classes) == null ? void 0 : A[I.value]
class: A(
(S = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : S.toast,
(C = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : C.toast,
// @ts-ignore
($ = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : $[E.value],
// @ts-ignore
(q = (w = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : w.classes) == null ? void 0 : q[E.value]
"data-rich-colors": e.toast.richColors ?? e.defaultRichColors,
"data-styled": !(e.toast.component || (O = e.toast) != null && O.unstyled || e.unstyled),
"data-styled": !(e.toast.component || (J = e.toast) != null && J.unstyled || e.unstyled),
"data-mounted": n.value,
"data-promise": !!e.toast.promise,
"data-removed": g.value,
"data-visible": ft.value,
"data-y-position": tt.value,
"data-x-position": et.value,
"data-visible": ht.value,
"data-y-position": Q.value,
"data-x-position": ot.value,
"data-index": e.index,
"data-front": R.value,
"data-swiping": k.value,
"data-dismissible": F.value,
"data-type": I.value,
"data-invert": rt.value,
"data-swipe-out": x.value,
"data-front": pt.value,
"data-swiping": T.value,
"data-dismissible": Y.value,
"data-type": E.value,
"data-invert": lt.value,
"data-swipe-out": P.value,
"data-expanded": !!(e.expanded || e.expandByDefault && n.value),

@@ -372,89 +365,93 @@ style: ct({

"--z-index": e.toasts.length - e.index,
"--offset": `${g.value ? m.value : T.value}px`,
"--initial-height": e.expandByDefault ? "auto" : `${d.value}px`,
"--offset": `${g.value ? u.value : M.value}px`,
"--initial-height": e.expandByDefault ? "auto" : `${m.value}px`,,
onPointerdown: jt,
onPointerup: Vt,
onPointermove: Wt
onPointerdown: Xt,
onPointerup: Gt,
onPointermove: Qt
}, [
u.value && !e.toast.component ? (l(), h("button", {
k.value && !e.toast.component ? (d(), p("button", {
key: 0,
"aria-label": e.closeButtonAriaLabel || "Close toast",
"data-disabled": H.value,
"data-disabled": V.value,
"data-close-button": "true",
class: Y( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : yt.closeButton, (kt = (wt = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : wt.classes) == null ? void 0 : kt.closeButton)),
class: A( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : wt.closeButton, (xt = (kt = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : kt.classes) == null ? void 0 : xt.closeButton)),
onClick: bt
}, [
(xt = e.icons) != null && xt.close ? (l(), q(Z((Tt = e.icons) == null ? void 0 : Tt.close), { key: 0 })) : P(e.$slots, "close-icon", { key: 1 })
], 10, se)) : V("", !0),
e.toast.component ? (l(), q(Z(e.toast.component), ut({ key: 1 }, e.toast.componentProps, { onCloseToast: bt }), null, 16)) : (l(), h(W, { key: 2 }, [
I.value !== "default" || e.toast.icon || e.toast.promise ? (l(), h("div", ne, [
(e.toast.promise || I.value === "loading") && !e.toast.icon ? P(e.$slots, "loading-icon", { key: 0 }) : V("", !0),
e.toast.icon ? (l(), q(Z(e.toast.icon), { key: 1 })) : (l(), h(W, { key: 2 }, [
I.value === "success" ? P(e.$slots, "success-icon", { key: 0 }) : I.value === "error" ? P(e.$slots, "error-icon", { key: 1 }) : I.value === "warning" ? P(e.$slots, "warning-icon", { key: 2 }) : I.value === "info" ? P(e.$slots, "info-icon", { key: 3 }) : V("", !0)
(Tt = e.icons) != null && Tt.close ? (d(), X(et((Bt = e.icons) == null ? void 0 : Bt.close), { key: 0 })) : D(e.$slots, "close-icon", { key: 1 })
], 10, de)) : R("", !0),
e.toast.component ? (d(), X(et(e.toast.component), ft({ key: 1 }, e.toast.componentProps, { onCloseToast: bt }), null, 16)) : (d(), p(j, { key: 2 }, [
E.value !== "default" || e.toast.icon || e.toast.promise ? (d(), p("div", {
key: 0,
"data-icon": "",
class: A( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : St.icon, ($t = (Ct = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : Ct.classes) == null ? void 0 : $t.icon))
}, [
(e.toast.promise || E.value === "loading") && !e.toast.icon ? D(e.$slots, "loading-icon", { key: 0 }) : R("", !0),
e.toast.icon ? (d(), X(et(e.toast.icon), { key: 1 })) : (d(), p(j, { key: 2 }, [
E.value === "success" ? D(e.$slots, "success-icon", { key: 0 }) : E.value === "error" ? D(e.$slots, "error-icon", { key: 1 }) : E.value === "warning" ? D(e.$slots, "warning-icon", { key: 2 }) : E.value === "info" ? D(e.$slots, "info-icon", { key: 3 }) : R("", !0)
], 64))
])) : V("", !0),
M("div", {
], 2)) : R("", !0),
L("div", {
"data-content": "",
class: Y( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : Bt.content, (Ct = (St = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : St.classes) == null ? void 0 : Ct.content))
class: A( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : It.content, (Pt = (Et = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : Et.classes) == null ? void 0 : Pt.content))
}, [
M("div", {
L("div", {
"data-title": "",
class: Y($t = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : $t.title, (It = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : It.title))
class: A( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : Dt.title, (Ht = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : Ht.title))
}, [
at.value ? (l(), q(Z(e.toast.title), Lt(ut({ key: 0 }, e.toast.componentProps)), null, 16)) : (l(), h(W, { key: 1 }, [
Nt(lt(e.toast.title), 1)
st.value ? (d(), X(et(e.toast.title), jt(ft({ key: 0 }, e.toast.componentProps)), null, 16)) : (d(), p(j, { key: 1 }, [
Vt(dt(e.toast.title), 1)
], 64))
], 2),
e.toast.description ? (l(), h("div", {
e.toast.description ? (d(), p("div", {
key: 0,
"data-description": "",
class: Y(
class: A(
(Et = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : Et.description,
(Pt = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : Pt.description
(zt = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : zt.description,
(Mt = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : Mt.description
}, [
ot.value ? (l(), q(Z(e.toast.description), Lt(ut({ key: 0 }, e.toast.componentProps)), null, 16)) : (l(), h(W, { key: 1 }, [
Nt(lt(e.toast.description), 1)
nt.value ? (d(), X(et(e.toast.description), jt(ft({ key: 0 }, e.toast.componentProps)), null, 16)) : (d(), p(j, { key: 1 }, [
Vt(dt(e.toast.description), 1)
], 64))
], 2)) : V("", !0)
], 2)) : R("", !0)
], 2),
e.toast.cancel ? (l(), h("button", {
e.toast.cancel ? (d(), p("button", {
key: 1,
style: ct(e.toast.cancelButtonStyle || e.cancelButtonStyle),
class: Y( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : Dt.cancelButton, (zt = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : zt.cancelButton)),
class: A( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : Ot.cancelButton, (At = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : At.cancelButton)),
"data-button": "",
"data-cancel": "",
onClick: c[0] || (c[0] = (it) => {
var J, Q;
L(dt)(e.toast.cancel) && F.value && ((Q = (J = e.toast.cancel).onClick) == null ||, it), K());
onClick: c[0] || (c[0] = (Z) => {
var _, tt;
N(ut)(e.toast.cancel) && Y.value && ((tt = (_ = e.toast.cancel).onClick) == null ||, Z), W());
}, lt(L(dt)(e.toast.cancel) ? (Ht = e.toast.cancel) == null ? void 0 : Ht.label : e.toast.cancel), 7)) : V("", !0),
e.toast.action ? (l(), h("button", {
}, dt(N(ut)(e.toast.cancel) ? (Lt = e.toast.cancel) == null ? void 0 : Lt.label : e.toast.cancel), 7)) : R("", !0),
e.toast.action ? (d(), p("button", {
key: 2,
style: ct(e.toast.actionButtonStyle || e.actionButtonStyle),
class: Y( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : At.actionButton, (Mt = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : Mt.actionButton)),
class: A( = e.classes) == null ? void 0 : Yt.actionButton, (Nt = e.toast.classes) == null ? void 0 : Nt.actionButton)),
"data-button": "",
"data-action": "",
onClick: c[1] || (c[1] = (it) => {
var J, Q;
L(dt)(e.toast.action) && (it.defaultPrevented || ((Q = (J = e.toast.action).onClick) == null ||, it), K()));
onClick: c[1] || (c[1] = (Z) => {
var _, tt;
N(ut)(e.toast.action) && (Z.defaultPrevented || ((tt = (_ = e.toast.action).onClick) == null ||, Z), !Z.defaultPrevented && W()));
}, lt(L(dt)(e.toast.action) ? (Ot = e.toast.action) == null ? void 0 : Ot.label : e.toast.action), 7)) : V("", !0)
}, dt(N(ut)(e.toast.action) ? (Rt = e.toast.action) == null ? void 0 : Rt.label : e.toast.action), 7)) : R("", !0)
], 64))
], 46, oe);
], 46, le);
}), _ = (s, a) => {
}), at = (s, a) => {
const t = s.__vccOpts || s;
for (const [r, n] of a)
t[r] = n;
for (const [i, n] of a)
t[i] = n;
return t;
}, ce = {}, ue = {
}, pe = {}, he = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -470,5 +467,5 @@ width: "12",

function fe(s, a) {
return l(), h("svg", ue, a[0] || (a[0] = [
M("line", {
function ge(s, a) {
return d(), p("svg", he, a[0] || (a[0] = [
L("line", {
x1: "18",

@@ -479,3 +476,3 @@ y1: "6",

}, null, -1),
M("line", {
L("line", {
x1: "6",

@@ -488,3 +485,3 @@ y1: "6",

const pe = /* @__PURE__ */ _(ce, [["render", fe]]), he = ["data-visible"], ge = { class: "sonner-spinner" }, me = /* @__PURE__ */ vt({
const me = /* @__PURE__ */ at(pe, [["render", ge]]), ve = ["data-visible"], ye = { class: "sonner-spinner" }, be = /* @__PURE__ */ yt({
__name: "Loader",

@@ -496,8 +493,8 @@ props: {

const a = Array(12).fill(0);
return (t, r) => (l(), h("div", {
return (t, i) => (d(), p("div", {
class: "sonner-loading-wrapper",
"data-visible": t.visible
}, [
M("div", ge, [
(l(!0), h(W, null, gt(L(a), (n) => (l(), h("div", {
L("div", ye, [
(d(!0), p(j, null, mt(N(a), (n) => (d(), p("div", {
key: `spinner-bar-${n}`,

@@ -507,5 +504,5 @@ class: "sonner-loading-bar"

], 8, he));
], 8, ve));
}), ve = {}, be = {
}), we = {}, ke = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -517,5 +514,5 @@ viewBox: "0 0 20 20",

function ye(s, a) {
return l(), h("svg", be, a[0] || (a[0] = [
M("path", {
function xe(s, a) {
return d(), p("svg", ke, a[0] || (a[0] = [
L("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",

@@ -527,3 +524,3 @@ d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z",

const we = /* @__PURE__ */ _(ve, [["render", ye]]), ke = {}, xe = {
const Te = /* @__PURE__ */ at(we, [["render", xe]]), Be = {}, Se = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -535,5 +532,5 @@ viewBox: "0 0 20 20",

function Te(s, a) {
return l(), h("svg", xe, a[0] || (a[0] = [
M("path", {
function Ce(s, a) {
return d(), p("svg", Se, a[0] || (a[0] = [
L("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",

@@ -545,3 +542,3 @@ d: "M18 10a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0zm-7-4a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0zM9 9a.75.75 0 000 1.5h.253a.25.25 0 01.244.304l-.459 2.066A1.75 1.75 0 0010.747 15H11a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-.253a.25.25 0 01-.244-.304l.459-2.066A1.75 1.75 0 009.253 9H9z",

const Be = /* @__PURE__ */ _(ke, [["render", Te]]), Se = {}, Ce = {
const $e = /* @__PURE__ */ at(Be, [["render", Ce]]), Ie = {}, Ee = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -553,5 +550,5 @@ viewBox: "0 0 24 24",

function $e(s, a) {
return l(), h("svg", Ce, a[0] || (a[0] = [
M("path", {
function Pe(s, a) {
return d(), p("svg", Ee, a[0] || (a[0] = [
L("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",

@@ -563,3 +560,3 @@ d: "M9.401 3.003c1.155-2 4.043-2 5.197 0l7.355 12.748c1.154 2-.29 4.5-2.599 4.5H4.645c-2.309 0-3.752-2.5-2.598-4.5L9.4 3.003zM12 8.25a.75.75 0 01.75.75v3.75a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0V9a.75.75 0 01.75-.75zm0 8.25a.75.75 0 100- 0 000 1.5z",

const Ie = /* @__PURE__ */ _(Se, [["render", $e]]), Ee = {}, Pe = {
const De = /* @__PURE__ */ at(Ie, [["render", Pe]]), He = {}, ze = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -571,5 +568,5 @@ viewBox: "0 0 20 20",

function De(s, a) {
return l(), h("svg", Pe, a[0] || (a[0] = [
M("path", {
function Me(s, a) {
return d(), p("svg", ze, a[0] || (a[0] = [
L("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",

@@ -581,7 +578,7 @@ d: "M18 10a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0zm-8-5a.75.75 0 01.75.75v4.5a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0v-4.5A.75.75 0 0110 5zm0 10a1 1 0 100-2 1 1 0 000 2z",

const ze = /* @__PURE__ */ _(Ee, [["render", De]]), He = ["aria-label"], Ae = ["dir", "data-theme", "data-rich-colors", "data-y-position", "data-x-position"], Me = 3, Rt = "32px", Oe = 356, Ye = 14, Le = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u";
function Ne(...s) {
const Oe = /* @__PURE__ */ at(He, [["render", Me]]), Ae = ["aria-label"], Le = ["dir", "data-theme", "data-rich-colors", "data-y-position", "data-x-position", "data-lifted"], Ye = 3, Ut = "32px", Ne = 356, Re = 14, Fe = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u";
function je(...s) {
return s.filter(Boolean).join(" ");
const Re = /* @__PURE__ */ vt({
const Ve = /* @__PURE__ */ yt({
name: "Toaster",

@@ -598,4 +595,4 @@ inheritAttrs: !1,

duration: {},
gap: { default: Ye },
visibleToasts: { default: Me },
gap: { default: Re },
visibleToasts: { default: Ye },
closeButton: { type: Boolean, default: !1 },

@@ -605,3 +602,3 @@ toastOptions: { default: () => ({}) },

style: { default: () => ({}) },
offset: { default: Rt },
offset: { default: Ut },
dir: { default: "auto" },

@@ -611,3 +608,3 @@ icons: {},

pauseWhenPageIsHidden: { type: Boolean, default: !1 },
cn: { type: Function, default: Ne }
cn: { type: Function, default: je }

@@ -621,82 +618,97 @@ setup(s) {

const r = qt(), n = p([]), g = y(() => {
const o = n.value.filter((i) => i.position).map((i) => i.position);
const i = te(), n = f([]), g = v(() => (o, r) => n.value.filter(
(l) => !l.position && r === 0 || l.position === o
)), T = v(() => {
const o = n.value.filter((r) => r.position).map((r) => r.position);
return o.length > 0 ? Array.from(new Set([a.position].concat(o))) : [a.position];
}), k = p([]), x = p(!1), m = p(!1), d = p(
}), P = f([]), h = f(!1), u = f(!1), m = f(
a.theme !== "system" ? a.theme : typeof window < "u" && window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ? "dark" : "light"
), b = p(null), f = p(null), R = p(!1), ft = a.hotkey.join("+").replace(/Key/g, "").replace(/Digit/g, "");
function I(o) {
var i;
(i = n.value.find((u) => === != null && i.delete || $.dismiss(, n.value = n.value.filter(({ id: u }) => u !==;
), y = f(null), H = f(null), B = f(!1), pt = a.hotkey.join("+").replace(/Key/g, "").replace(/Digit/g, "");
function ht(o) {
var r;
(r = n.value.find((l) => === != null && r.delete || I.dismiss(, n.value = n.value.filter(({ id: l }) => l !==;
function F(o) {
var i, u;
R.value && !((u = (i = o.currentTarget) == null ? void 0 : i.contains) != null &&, o.relatedTarget)) && (R.value = !1, f.value && (f.value.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), f.value = null));
function E(o) {
var r, l;
B.value && !((l = (r = o.currentTarget) == null ? void 0 : r.contains) != null &&, o.relatedTarget)) && (B.value = !1, H.value && (H.value.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), H.value = null));
function pt(o) { instanceof HTMLElement && === "false" || R.value || (R.value = !0, f.value = o.relatedTarget);
function Y(o) { instanceof HTMLElement && === "false" || B.value || (B.value = !0, H.value = o.relatedTarget);
function ht(o) { && instanceof HTMLElement && === "false" || (m.value = !1);
function gt(o) { && instanceof HTMLElement && === "false" || (u.value = !0);
return N((o) => {
const i = $.subscribe((u) => {
if (u.dismiss) {
return F((o) => {
const r = I.subscribe((l) => {
if (l.dismiss) {
n.value =
(C) => === ? { ...C, delete: !0 } : C
(k) => === ? { ...k, delete: !0 } : k
Jt(() => {
const C = n.value.findIndex(
(S) => ===
ee(() => {
const k = n.value.findIndex(
(b) => ===
C !== -1 ? n.value = [
...n.value.slice(0, C),
{ ...n.value[C], ...u },
...n.value.slice(C + 1)
] : n.value = [u, ...n.value];
k !== -1 ? n.value = [
...n.value.slice(0, k),
{ ...n.value[k], ...l },
...n.value.slice(k + 1)
] : n.value = [l, ...n.value];
o(() => {
}), Ft(
}), Kt(
() => a.theme,
(o) => {
if (o !== "system") {
d.value = o;
m.value = o;
o === "system" && (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ? d.value = "dark" : d.value = "light"), !(typeof window > "u") && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").addEventListener("change", ({ matches: i }) => {
i ? d.value = "dark" : d.value = "light";
if (o === "system" && (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ? m.value = "dark" : m.value = "light"), typeof window > "u") return;
const r = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
try {
r.addEventListener("change", ({ matches: l }) => {
l ? m.value = "dark" : m.value = "light";
} catch {
r.addListener(({ matches: k }) => {
try {
k ? m.value = "dark" : m.value = "light";
} catch (b) {
), N(() => {
b.value && f.value && (f.value.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), f.value = null, R.value = !1);
}), N(() => {
n.value.length <= 1 && (x.value = !1);
}), N((o) => {
function i(u) {
const C = a.hotkey.every(
(j) => u[j] || u.code === j
), S = Array.isArray(b.value) ? b.value[0] : b.value;
C && (x.value = !0, S == null || S.focus());
const T = document.activeElement === b.value || (S == null ? void 0 : S.contains(document.activeElement));
u.code === "Escape" && T && (x.value = !1);
), F(() => {
y.value && H.value && (H.value.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), H.value = null, B.value = !1);
}), F(() => {
n.value.length <= 1 && (h.value = !1);
}), F((o) => {
function r(l) {
const k = a.hotkey.every(
(O) => l[O] || l.code === O
), b = Array.isArray(y.value) ? y.value[0] : y.value;
k && (h.value = !0, b == null || b.focus());
const z = document.activeElement === y.value || (b == null ? void 0 : b.contains(document.activeElement));
l.code === "Escape" && z && (h.value = !1);
Le && (document.addEventListener("keydown", i), o(() => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", i);
Fe && (document.addEventListener("keydown", r), o(() => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", r);
}), (o, i) => (l(), h("section", {
"aria-label": `${o.containerAriaLabel} ${L(ft)}`,
tabIndex: -1
}), (o, r) => (d(), p("section", {
"aria-label": `${o.containerAriaLabel} ${N(pt)}`,
tabIndex: -1,
"aria-live": "polite",
"aria-relevant": "additions text",
"aria-atomic": "false"
}, [
(l(!0), h(W, null, gt(g.value, (u, C) => {
var S;
return l(), h("ol", ut({
key: u,
(d(!0), p(j, null, mt(T.value, (l, k) => {
var b;
return d(), p("ol", ft({
key: l,
ref_for: !0,
ref_key: "listRef",
ref: b,
ref: y,
"data-sonner-toaster": "",

@@ -708,88 +720,87 @@ class: a.class,

"data-rich-colors": o.richColors,
"data-y-position": u.split("-")[0],
"data-x-position": u.split("-")[1],
"data-y-position": l.split("-")[0],
"data-x-position": l.split("-")[1],
"data-lifted": h.value && n.value.length > 1 && !o.expand,
style: {
"--front-toast-height": `${(S = k.value[0]) == null ? void 0 : S.height}px`,
"--offset": typeof o.offset == "number" ? `${o.offset}px` : o.offset || Rt,
"--width": `${Oe}px`,
"--front-toast-height": `${(b = P.value[0]) == null ? void 0 : b.height}px`,
"--offset": typeof o.offset == "number" ? `${o.offset}px` : o.offset || Ut,
"--width": `${Ne}px`,
"--gap": `${}px`,,
}, o.$attrs, {
onBlur: F,
onFocus: pt,
onMouseenter: i[1] || (i[1] = () => x.value = !0),
onMousemove: i[2] || (i[2] = () => x.value = !0),
onMouseleave: i[3] || (i[3] = () => {
m.value || (x.value = !1);
onBlur: E,
onFocus: Y,
onMouseenter: r[1] || (r[1] = () => h.value = !0),
onMousemove: r[2] || (r[2] = () => h.value = !0),
onMouseleave: r[3] || (r[3] = () => {
u.value || (h.value = !1);
onPointerdown: ht,
onPointerup: i[4] || (i[4] = () => m.value = !1)
onPointerdown: gt,
onPointerup: r[4] || (r[4] = () => u.value = !1)
}), [
(l(!0), h(W, null, gt(n.value.filter(
(T) => !T.position && C === 0 || T.position === u
), (T, j) => {
var z, U, tt, et, at, ot, st, nt, rt;
return l(), q(de, {
heights: k.value.filter((H) => H.position === T.position),
(d(!0), p(j, null, mt(g.value(l, k), (z, O) => {
var G, Q, ot, st, nt, rt, it, lt, V;
return d(), X(fe, {
heights: P.value.filter((M) => M.position === z.position),
icons: o.icons,
index: j,
toast: T,
index: O,
toast: z,
defaultRichColors: o.richColors,
duration: ((z = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : z.duration) ?? o.duration,
class: Y(((U = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : U.class) ?? ""),
descriptionClass: (tt = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : tt.descriptionClass,
duration: ((G = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : G.duration) ?? o.duration,
class: A(((Q = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : Q.class) ?? ""),
descriptionClass: (ot = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : ot.descriptionClass,
invert: o.invert,
visibleToasts: o.visibleToasts,
closeButton: ((et = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : et.closeButton) ?? o.closeButton,
interacting: m.value,
position: u,
style: ct((at = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 :,
unstyled: (ot = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : ot.unstyled,
classes: (st = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : st.classes,
cancelButtonStyle: (nt = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : nt.cancelButtonStyle,
actionButtonStyle: (rt = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : rt.actionButtonStyle,
toasts: n.value.filter((H) => H.position === T.position),
closeButton: ((st = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : st.closeButton) ?? o.closeButton,
interacting: u.value,
position: l,
style: ct((nt = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 :,
unstyled: (rt = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : rt.unstyled,
classes: (it = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : it.classes,
cancelButtonStyle: (lt = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : lt.cancelButtonStyle,
actionButtonStyle: (V = o.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : V.actionButtonStyle,
toasts: n.value.filter((M) => M.position === z.position),
expandByDefault: o.expand,
expanded: x.value,
expanded: h.value,
pauseWhenPageIsHidden: o.pauseWhenPageIsHidden,
"onUpdate:heights": i[0] || (i[0] = (H) => {
k.value = H;
"onUpdate:heights": r[0] || (r[0] = (M) => {
P.value = M;
onRemoveToast: I
onRemoveToast: ht
}, {
"close-icon": X(() => [
P(o.$slots, "close-icon", {}, () => [
"close-icon": U(() => [
D(o.$slots, "close-icon", {}, () => [
"loading-icon": X(() => [
P(o.$slots, "loading-icon", {}, () => [
G(me, {
visible: T.type === "loading"
"loading-icon": U(() => [
D(o.$slots, "loading-icon", {}, () => [
K(be, {
visible: z.type === "loading"
}, null, 8, ["visible"])
"success-icon": X(() => [
P(o.$slots, "success-icon", {}, () => [
"success-icon": U(() => [
D(o.$slots, "success-icon", {}, () => [
"error-icon": X(() => [
P(o.$slots, "error-icon", {}, () => [
"error-icon": U(() => [
D(o.$slots, "error-icon", {}, () => [
"warning-icon": X(() => [
P(o.$slots, "warning-icon", {}, () => [
"warning-icon": U(() => [
D(o.$slots, "warning-icon", {}, () => [
"info-icon": X(() => [
P(o.$slots, "info-icon", {}, () => [
"info-icon": U(() => [
D(o.$slots, "info-icon", {}, () => [

@@ -800,17 +811,17 @@ ]),

}), 128))
], 16, Ae);
], 16, Le);
}), 128))
], 8, He));
], 8, Ae));
}), Ue = {
}), Ge = {
install(s) {
s.component("Toaster", Re);
s.component("Toaster", Ve);
export {
Re as Toaster,
Ue as default,
Ve as toast,
We as useVueSonner
Ve as Toaster,
Ge as default,
Ke as toast,
Xe as useVueSonner
"name": "vue-sonner",
"version": "1.2.5",
"version": "1.3.0",
"type": "module",

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ "author": "xiaoluoboding <>",

"@iconify/json": "^2.2.172",
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.47.10",
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.47.11",
"@nuxt/devtools": "^1.6.0",

@@ -66,3 +66,3 @@ "@nuxt/kit": "^3.13.2",

"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.1.4",
"@vue/tsconfig": "^0.5.1",
"@vue/tsconfig": "^0.6.0",
"@vueuse/core": "^11.1.0",

@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "@vueuse/head": "^2.0.0",

"unplugin-vue-components": "^0.27.4",
"vite": "^5.4.9",
"vite": "^5.4.11",
"vue": "^3.5.12",
"vue-sonner": "^1.2.4",
"vue-tsc": "^2.1.6"
"vue-tsc": "^2.1.10"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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