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web-speech-cognitive-services - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 8.0.0-main.d9ef940 to 8.0.0



@@ -1,123 +0,3 @@

import * as memoize_one from 'memoize-one';
import { AudioConfig, SpeechRecognizer } from 'microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk';
declare class SpeechSynthesisUtterance {
constructor(text: any);
_lang: any;
_pitch: number;
_rate: number;
_voice: any;
_volume: number;
text: any;
set onboundary(value: any);
get onboundary(): any;
set onend(value: any);
get onend(): any;
set onerror(value: any);
get onerror(): any;
set onmark(value: any);
get onmark(): any;
set onpause(value: any);
get onpause(): any;
set onresume(value: any);
get onresume(): any;
set onstart(value: any);
get onstart(): any;
set lang(value: any);
get lang(): any;
set pitch(value: number);
get pitch(): number;
set rate(value: number);
get rate(): number;
set voice(value: any);
get voice(): any;
set volume(value: number);
get volume(): number;
preload({ deploymentId, fetchCredentials, outputFormat }: {
deploymentId: any;
fetchCredentials: any;
outputFormat: any;
}): void;
arrayBufferPromise: Promise<ArrayBuffer> | undefined;
play(audioContext: any): Promise<void>;
_playingSource: any;
stop(): void;
declare class SpeechSynthesisEvent {
constructor(type: any);
declare class _default$2 {
constructor(audioContext: any);
audioContext: any;
pause(): void;
resume(): void;
start(queue: any): Promise<void>;
playingUtterance: any;
stop(): void;
declare class _default$1 {
constructor({ audioContext, ponyfill }: {
audioContext: any;
ponyfill: any;
consumer: _default$2 | null;
paused: boolean;
queue: any[];
getAudioContext: memoize_one.MemoizedFn<() => any>;
pause(): void;
push(utterance: any): void;
resume(): void;
get speaking(): boolean;
startConsumer(): Promise<void>;
stop(): void;
type Credentials = Readonly<({
authorizationToken: string;
subscriptionKey?: undefined;
} | {
authorizationToken?: undefined;
subscriptionKey: string;
}) & ({
customVoiceHostname?: undefined;
region: string;
speechRecognitionHostname?: undefined;
speechSynthesisHostname?: undefined;
} | {
customVoiceHostname: string;
region?: undefined;
speechRecognitionHostname: string;
speechSynthesisHostname: string;
type PatchOptionsInit = {
audioConfig: AudioConfig;
credentials?: (() => Credentials | Promise<Credentials>) | Credentials | Promise<Credentials>;
enableTelemetry: boolean;
looseEvent?: boolean | undefined;
looseEvents?: boolean | undefined;
referenceGrammars?: readonly string[] | undefined;
region?: string | undefined;
speechRecognitionEndpointId: string;
textNormalization: 'display' | 'itn' | 'lexical' | 'maskeditn';
} & ({
authorizationToken: string;
subscriptionKey?: undefined;
} | {
authorizationToken?: undefined;
subscriptionKey: string;
declare function createSpeechRecognitionPonyfill(options: PatchOptionsInit): {};
declare class SpeechGrammarList {
addFromString(): void;
get phrases(): readonly string[];
set phrases(value: readonly string[]);
type SpeechRecognitionErrorType = 'aborted' | 'audio-capture' | 'bad-grammar' | 'language-not-supported' | 'network' | 'no-speech' | 'not-allowed' | 'service-not-allowed' | 'unknown';

@@ -212,2 +92,105 @@ type SpeechRecognitionErrorEventInit = {

interface W3CSpeechGrammar {
src: string;
weight: number;
interface W3CSpeechGrammarList {
readonly length: number;
addFromString(string: string, weight?: number): void;
addFromURI(src: string, weight?: number): void;
item(index: number): W3CSpeechGrammar;
[index: number]: W3CSpeechGrammar;
declare class SpeechGrammarList implements W3CSpeechGrammarList {
addFromString(): void;
addFromURI(): void;
item(): W3CSpeechGrammar;
get length(): number;
[index: number]: {
src: string;
weight: number;
get phrases(): readonly string[];
set phrases(value: readonly string[]);
type Credentials = Readonly<({
authorizationToken: string;
subscriptionKey?: undefined;
} | {
authorizationToken?: undefined;
subscriptionKey: string;
}) & ({
customVoiceHostname?: undefined;
region: string;
speechRecognitionHostname?: undefined;
speechSynthesisHostname?: undefined;
} | {
customVoiceHostname: string;
region?: undefined;
speechRecognitionHostname: string;
speechSynthesisHostname: string;
type PatchOptionsInit = {
audioConfig: AudioConfig;
credentials?: (() => Credentials | Promise<Credentials>) | Credentials | Promise<Credentials>;
enableTelemetry: boolean;
looseEvent?: boolean | undefined;
looseEvents?: boolean | undefined;
referenceGrammars?: readonly string[] | undefined;
region?: string | undefined;
speechRecognitionEndpointId: string;
textNormalization: 'display' | 'itn' | 'lexical' | 'maskeditn';
} & ({
authorizationToken: string;
subscriptionKey?: undefined;
} | {
authorizationToken?: undefined;
subscriptionKey: string;
declare function createSpeechRecognitionPonyfill(options: PatchOptionsInit): {
SpeechGrammarList: typeof SpeechGrammarList;
SpeechRecognition: {
new (): {
"__#8@#continuous": boolean;
"__#8@#eventListenerMap": SpeechRecognitionEventListenerMap;
"__#8@#grammars": SpeechGrammarList;
"__#8@#interimResults": boolean;
"__#8@#lang": string;
"__#8@#maxAlternatives": number;
emitCognitiveServices<T extends {
type: string;
}>(type: string, event: T): void;
continuous: boolean;
grammars: SpeechGrammarList;
interimResults: boolean;
maxAlternatives: number;
lang: string;
get onaudioend(): ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"audioend">) => void) | undefined;
set onaudioend(value: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"audioend">) => void) | undefined);
onaudiostart: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"audiostart">) => void) | undefined;
oncognitiveservices: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"cognitiveservices">) => void) | undefined;
onend: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"end">) => void) | undefined;
onerror: ((event: SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent) => void) | undefined;
onresult: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"result">) => void) | undefined;
onsoundend: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"soundend">) => void) | undefined;
onsoundstart: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"soundstart">) => void) | undefined;
onspeechend: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"speechend">) => void) | undefined;
onspeechstart: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"speechstart">) => void) | undefined;
onstart: ((event: SpeechRecognitionEvent<"start">) => void) | undefined;
abort: (() => void) | undefined;
stop: (() => void) | undefined;
start(): void;
_startOnce(): Promise<void>;
addEventListener(type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean;
removeEventListener(type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
SpeechRecognitionEvent: typeof SpeechRecognitionEvent;
type CreateSpeechRecognitionPonyfillFromRecognizerInit = {

@@ -272,2 +255,49 @@ createRecognizer: (lang: string) => Promise<SpeechRecognizer>;

declare class SpeechSynthesisEvent {
constructor(type: any);
declare class SpeechSynthesisUtterance {
constructor(text: any);
_lang: any;
_pitch: number;
_rate: number;
_voice: any;
_volume: number;
text: any;
set onboundary(value: any);
get onboundary(): any;
set onend(value: any);
get onend(): any;
set onerror(value: any);
get onerror(): any;
set onmark(value: any);
get onmark(): any;
set onpause(value: any);
get onpause(): any;
set onresume(value: any);
get onresume(): any;
set onstart(value: any);
get onstart(): any;
set lang(value: any);
get lang(): any;
set pitch(value: number);
get pitch(): number;
set rate(value: number);
get rate(): number;
set voice(value: any);
get voice(): any;
set volume(value: number);
get volume(): number;
preload({ deploymentId, fetchCredentials, outputFormat }: {
deploymentId: any;
fetchCredentials: any;
outputFormat: any;
}): void;
arrayBufferPromise: Promise<ArrayBuffer> | undefined;
play(audioContext: any): Promise<void>;
_playingSource: any;
stop(): void;
declare function _default(options: any): {

@@ -299,22 +329,4 @@ speechSynthesis?: never;

declare function createSpeechServicesPonyfill(options?: {}, ...args: any[]): {
speechSynthesis?: never;
SpeechSynthesisEvent?: never;
SpeechSynthesisUtterance?: never;
} | {
speechSynthesis: {
queue: _default$1;
cancel(): void;
getVoices(): any[];
onvoiceschanged: any;
pause(): void;
resume(): void;
speak(utterance: any): Promise<any>;
readonly speaking: boolean;
updateVoices(): Promise<void>;
SpeechSynthesisEvent: typeof SpeechSynthesisEvent;
SpeechSynthesisUtterance: typeof SpeechSynthesisUtterance;
declare function createSpeechServicesPonyfill(options?: any): any;
export { createSpeechRecognitionPonyfill, createSpeechRecognitionPonyfillFromRecognizer, createSpeechServicesPonyfill, _default as createSpeechSynthesisPonyfill, fetchAuthorizationToken };

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ "use strict";

__export(src_exports, {
createSpeechRecognitionPonyfill: () => SpeechToText_default,
createSpeechRecognitionPonyfill: () => createSpeechRecognitionPonyfill,
createSpeechRecognitionPonyfillFromRecognizer: () => createSpeechRecognitionPonyfillFromRecognizer,

@@ -365,2 +365,11 @@ createSpeechServicesPonyfill: () => createSpeechServicesPonyfill,

addFromURI() {
throw new Error("JSGF is not supported");
item() {
throw new Error("JSGF is not supported");
get length() {
throw new Error("JSGF is not supported");

@@ -827,6 +836,5 @@ get phrases() {

if (!audioConfig && (!window.navigator.mediaDevices || !window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia)) {
"web-speech-cognitive-services: This browser does not support WebRTC and it will not work with Cognitive Services Speech Services."
throw new Error(
"web-speech-cognitive-services: This browser does not support Media Capture and Streams API and it will not work with Cognitive Services Speech Services."
return {};

@@ -864,5 +872,2 @@ const createRecognizer = async (lang) => {

// src/SpeechServices/SpeechToText.ts
var SpeechToText_default = createSpeechRecognitionPonyfill;
// src/SpeechServices/TextToSpeech/createSpeechSynthesisPonyfill.js

@@ -1389,7 +1394,7 @@ var import_event_target_shim3 = require("event-target-shim");

// src/SpeechServices.js
function createSpeechServicesPonyfill(options = {}, ...args) {
// src/SpeechServices.ts
function createSpeechServicesPonyfill(options = {}) {
return {
...SpeechToText_default(options, ...args),
...TextToSpeech_default(options, ...args)

@@ -1399,3 +1404,3 @@ }

meta.setAttribute("name", "web-speech-cognitive-services");
meta.setAttribute("content", `version=${"8.0.0-main.d9ef940"}`);
meta.setAttribute("content", `version=${"8.0.0"}`);

@@ -1402,0 +1407,0 @@ // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:

"name": "web-speech-cognitive-services",
"version": "8.0.0-main.d9ef940",
"version": "8.0.0",
"description": "Polyfill Web Speech API with Cognitive Services Speech-to-Text service",

@@ -103,3 +103,3 @@ "files": [

"simple-update-in": "^2.2.0",
"web-speech-cognitive-services": "^8.0.0-main.d9ef940"
"web-speech-cognitive-services": "^8.0.0"

@@ -106,0 +106,0 @@ "peerDependencies": {

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