Xolabot UI Kit
UI Kit for building Xolabot Modules in React.
First, install following packages:
$ npm install xolabot-ui-kit react react-dom
React and ReactDOM needs to be installed along with the UI Kit.
Then, import components you want to use:
import { Chat, Button } from 'xolabot-ui-kit';
export default () => (
That's it.
Start the development server:
$ npm start
This will spin up Storybook documentation server allowing you to create components and write documentation at the same time.
This project is formatted with Prettier. Every time you make a commit, Prettier will be triggered and nicely format your code.
For the best user experience with writing code with Prettier, take a look at some editor integrations and set up formatting on save. See official documentation for Editor Integration.
See rules for Prettier in .prettierrc
Building Documentation
Use the following command to build documentation website ready for publishing:
$ npm run build:docs
Building Library
This will build a release version in lib
$ npm run build