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a2pcej, convert Alphabet to Phonetic Code in English and Japanease.
This module convert each alphabet letters to phonetic code, and also
convert each alphabet letterts to katakana.
conv\_al(letters, delimiter='-', upper\_sign='(CAPS)', num=False)
letters is string.
.. code:: python
def conv_al(letters, delimiter='-', sign='(CAPS)', num=False):
return <unicode>
conv\_ak(letters, delimiter='・', upper\_sign='(大文字)', num=False)
letters is string.
.. code:: python
def conv_ak(letters, delimiter='・', sign='(大文字)', num=False):
return <unicode>
Simple example of usage as below... (on Python3.5)
First of all, import module.
.. code:: python
Import module.
>>> from a2pcej import *
Convert 'examples' to Ponetic code in English.
.. code:: python
>>> conv_al('examples')
Convert 'examples' to Ponetic code in Japanese Katakana.
.. code:: python
>>> conv_ak('examples')
| Non alphabet letters are not convert (default).
| Upper case lattters has (CAPS) or (大文字) sign (default).
.. code:: python
>>> conv_al('Examples002')
>>> conv_ak('Examples002')
You can change delimiter and Upper case letters sign.
.. code:: python
>>> conv_al('Examples003', delimiter=', ', sign='(CAPITAL)')
'Echo(CAPITAL), Xray, Alfa, Mike, Papa, Lima, Echo, Sierra, 0, 0, 3'
>>> conv_ak('Examples003', delimiter='/', sign='(大)')
If you would like to convert numbers to phonetic code, set num=True
.. code:: python
>>> conv_al('Examples004', num=True)
>>> conv_ak('Examples004', num=True)
.. |Code Climate| image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/kacchan822/a2pcej/badges/gpa.svg
:target: https://codeclimate.com/github/kacchan822/a2pcej
.. |Issue Count| image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/kacchan822/a2pcej/badges/issue_count.svg
:target: https://codeclimate.com/github/kacchan822/a2pcej
.. |Coverage Status| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/kacchan822/a2pcej/badge.svg?branch=master
:target: https://coveralls.io/github/kacchan822/a2pcej?branch=master