Anidbcli is a simple command line interface for managing your anime collection on your local computer or NAS (using only ssh).
* `Python 3.6 <>`_ or newer (version 3.5 seems to work as well)
Key features
* ed2k hashing library utilizing multiple cores
* adding anime to mylist
* utilize data from anidb to move/rename the files
* moves/renames the subtitle and other files with same extension
* encryption
The package can be installed automatically using pip.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install anidbcli
pip install --upgrade anidbcli #update
Package can be also installed from source like this.
.. code-block:: bash
python install
After installation anidbcli can be invoked like a python module
.. code-block:: bash
python -m anidbcli
or directly by typing following in the command line
.. code-block:: bash
The basic syntax is
.. code-block:: bash
anidbcli [OPTIONS] ed2k/api [OPTIONS] ARGS
If you want to just generate ed2k links for mkv and mp4 files recursively for given folders and copy them to clipboard, use:
.. code-block:: bash
anidbcli -r -e mkv,mp4 ed2k -c "path/to/directory" "path/to/directory2"
* -r is recursive
* -e comma separated list of extensions, that are treated as anime files
To add all mkv files from directory resursively to mylist use:
.. code-block:: bash
anidbcli -r -e mkv api -u "username" -p "password" -k "apikey" -a "path/to/directory"
* "password" is your anidb password
* "username" is your anidb username
* "apikey" is anidb upd api key, that you can set at If no key is provided, unencrypted connection will be used.
Optionally, if you don't provide password or username, you will be prompted to input them.
.. code-block:: bash
anidbcli -r -e mkv api -k "apikey" -a "path/to/directory"
Enter your username: "username"
Enter your password: "password"
To set files to a specified state use:
.. code-block:: bash
anidbcli -r -e mkv api -u "username" -p "password" -k "apikey" --state 0 --show-ed2k -a "path/to/directory"
* "show-ed2k" is an optional parameter to show/print out ed2k links, while adding/renaming files.
* "state" is your desired MyList file state (see
The number 0 can be substituted for different states:
* 0 is unknown (default)
* 1 is internal storage
* 2 is external storage
* 3 is deleted
* 4 is remote storage
To rename all mkv and mp4 files in directory recursively using data from api you can call
.. code-block:: bash
anidbcli -r -e mkv,mp4 api -u "username" -p "password" -k "apikey" -sr "%ep_no% - %ep_english% [%g_name%]" "path/to/directory"
* "-r" rename using provided format string
* "-s" prepend original file path to each renamed file. Without this flag the files would me moved to current directory.
* "-U" use with -a (-aU). Adds the files to mylist as unwatched.
Also along with the parameter "-r" you can use one of the following parameters:
* "-h" Create hardlinks instead of renaming.
* "-l" Create softlinks instead of renaming.
* "-t" Save session info instead of logging out (session lifetime is 35 minutes after last command). Use for subsequent calls of anidbcli to avoid api bans.
Anidbcli should be called with all the parameters as usual. If the session was saved before more than 35 minutes, a new session is created instead.
You can also move watched anime from unwatched directory to watched directory and add it to mylist at the same time using following command.
.. code-block:: bash
anidbcli -r -e mkv,mp4 api -u "username" -p "password" -k "apikey" -xr "watched/%a_english%/%ep_no% - %ep_english% [%g_name%]" "unwatched/anime1" "unwatched/anime2"
* "-x" Delete empty folders after moving all files away.
NOTE: All files with same name and different extension (fx. subtitle files) will be renamed/moved as well.
Selected usable tags:
* %md5% - md5 hash of file.
* %sha1% - sha1 hash of file.
* %crc32% - crc32 hash of file.
* %resolution% - file resolution, for example "1920x1080"
* %aired% - Episode aired date. Only option that needs "--date-format" option. You can find list of available tags at
* %year% - Year, the anime was aired. Can be a timespan, if the anime was aired several years "1990-2005" etc.
* %a_romaji% - Anime title in romaji.
* %a_kanji% - Anime title in kanji.
* %a_english% - English anime title.
* %ep_no% - Episode number. Prepends the necessary zeros, fx. 001, 01
* %ep_english% - English episode name.
* %ep_romaji% - Episode name in romaji.
* %ep_kanji% - Episode name in kanji.
* %g_name% - Group that released the anime. fx. HorribleSubs.
* %g_sname% - Short group name.
Complete list of usable tags in format string:
.. code-block:: bash
%fid%, %aid%, %eid%, %gid%, %lid%, %status%, %size%, %ed2k%, %md5%, %sha1%, %crc32%, %color_depth%,
%quality%, %source%, %audio_codec%, %audio_bitrate%, %video_codec%, %video_bitrate%, %resolution%,
%filetype%, %dub_language%, %sub_language%, %length%, %aired%, %filename%, %ep_total%, %ep_last%, %year%,
%a_type%, %a_categories%, %a_romaji%, %a_kanji%, %a_english%, %a_other%, %a_short%, %a_synonyms%, %ep_no%,
%ep_english%, %ep_romaji%, %ep_kanji%, %g_name%, %g_sname%, %version%, %censored%