📝 Description
This package needs a new maintainer, as I currently do not have enough time to continue development
of this package. Writing modifications back into the Anki database is currently disabled,
in particular because of issue #137.
Please reach out to me if you are interested in getting involved!
Anki is one of the most popular flashcard
system for spaced repetition learning,
pandas is the most popular python package
for data analysis and manipulation. So what could be better than to
bring both together?
With AnkiPandas
you can use pandas
to easily analyze or manipulate
your Anki flashcards.
- Select: Easily select arbitrary subsets of your cards, notes or
reviews using
(one of many
documentation) - Visualize: Use pandas' powerful built in
or switch to the even more versatile
seaborn (statistical analysis) or
matplotlib libraries
- Manipulate: Apply fast bulk operations to the table (e.g. add
tags, change decks, set field contents, suspend cards, ...) or
iterate over the table and perform these manipulations step by step.
⚠️ This functionality is currently disabled until #137 has been resolved! ⚠️
- Import and Export: Pandas can export to (and import from) csv,
MS Excel, HTML, JSON, ... (io
- Easy installation: Install via python package manager
(independent of your Anki installation)
- Simple: Just one line of code to get started
- Convenient: Bring together information about
decks and more in
just one table!
- Fully documented: Documentation on readthedocs
- Well tested: More than 100 unit tests to keep everything in
Alternatives: If your main goal is to add new cards, models and more,
you can also take a look at the
genanki project.
📦 Installation
is available as pypi
package and can be installed or
upgrade with the python package
pip3 install --user --upgrade ankipandas
Development installation
For the latest development version you can also work from a cloned
version of this repository:
git clone https://github.com/klieret/ankipandas/
cd ankipandas
pip3 install --user --upgrade --editable .
If you want to help develop this package further, please also install the
pre-commit hooks and use gitmoji:
pre-commit install
gitmoji -i
🔥 Let's get started!
Starting up is as easy as this:
from ankipandas import Collection
col = Collection()
And col.notes
will be dataframe containing all notes, with additional
methods that make many things easy. Similarly, you can access cards or
reviews using col.cards
or col.revs
If called without any argument Collection()
tries to find your Anki
database by itself. However this might take some time. To make it
easier, simply supply (part of) the path to the database and (if you
have more than one user) your Anki user name, e.g.
Collection(".local/share/Anki2/", user="User 1")
on many Linux
To get information about the interpretation of each column, use
Take a look at the documentation
to find out more about more about the available methods!
Some basic examples:
📈 Analysis
More examples: Analysis
projects that use AnkiPandas
Show a histogram of the number of reviews (repetitions) of each card for
all decks:
col.cards.hist(column="creps", by="cdeck")
Show the number of leeches per deck as pie chart:
cards = col.cards.merge_notes()
selection = cards[cards.has_tag("leech")]
Find all notes of model MnemoticModel
with empty Mnemotic
notes = col.notes.fields_as_columns()
notes.query("model=='MnemoticModel' and 'Mnemotic'==''")
🛠️ Manipulations
Writing the database has currently been disabled until
#137 has been resolved.
Help is much appreciated!
Please be careful and test this well!
Ankipandas will create a backup of your database before writing, so you can always restore the previous state. Please make sure that everything is working before continuing to use Anki normally!
Add the difficult-japanese
and marked
tag to all notes that contain
the tags Japanese
and leech
notes = col.notes
selection = notes[notes.has_tags(["Japanese", "leech"])]
selection = selection.add_tag(["difficult-japanese", "marked"])
Set the language
field to English
for all notes of model
that are tagged with English
notes = col.notes
selection = notes[notes.has_tag(["English"])].query("model=='LanguageModel'").copy()
selection["language"] = "English"
Move all cards tagged leech
to the deck Leeches Only
cards = col.cards
selection = cards[cards.has_tag("leech")]
selection["cdeck"] = "Leeches Only"
🐞 Troubleshooting
See the troubleshooting section in the
💖 Contributing
Your help is greatly appreciated! Suggestions, bug reports and feature
requests are best opened as github
issues. You could also
first discuss in the gitter
community. If you want to code
something yourself, you are very welcome to submit a pull
Bug reports and pull requests are credited with the help of the allcontributors bot.
📃 License & Disclaimer
This software is licenced under the MIT
and (despite best testing efforts) comes without any warranty. The
logo is inspired by the Anki
(license) and
the logo of the pandas package
This library and its author(s) are not affiliated/associated with the
main Anki or pandas project in any way.
✨ Contributors
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!