Batch Face for Modern Research
🚧Documentation under construction, check tests folder for more details. 🚧
This repo provides the out-of-box face detection and face alignment with batch input support and enables real-time application on CPU.
- Batch input support for faster data processing.
- Smart API.
- Ultrafast with inference runtime acceleration.
- Automatically download pre-trained weights.
- Minimal dependencies.
- Unleash the power of GPU for batch processing.
- Linux, Windows or macOS
- Python 3.5+ (it may work with other versions too)
- opencv-python
- PyTorch (>=1.0)
- ONNX (optional)
While not required, for optimal performance it is highly recommended to run the code using a CUDA enabled GPU.
The easiest way to install it is using pip:
pip install git+
No extra setup needs, most of the pretrained weights will be downloaded automatically.
If you have trouble install from source, you can try install from PyPI:
pip install batch-face
the PyPI version is not guaranteed to be the latest version, but we will try to keep it up to date.
You can clone the repo and run tests like this
python -m
Face Detection
Detect face and five landmarks on single image
import cv2
from batch_face import RetinaFace
detector = RetinaFace(gpu_id=0)
img = cv2.imread("examples/obama.jpg")
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
max_size = 1080
resize = 1
threshold = 0.95
faces = detector(img, threshold=threshold, resize=resize, max_size=max_size, return_dict=True)
face = faces[0]
box = face['box']
kps = face['kps']
score = face['score']
faces = detector(img, threshold=threshold, resize=resize, max_size=max_size)
box, kps, score = faces[0]
Running on CPU/GPU
In order to specify the device (GPU or CPU) on which the code will run one can explicitly pass the device id.
from batch_face import RetinaFace
fp16 = True
detector = RetinaFace(gpu_id=0, fp16=True)
| GPU(GTX 1080TI,batch size=1) | GPU(GTX 1080TI,batch size=750) | CPU(Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7800X CPU @ 3.50GHz) |
FPS | 44.02405810720893 | 96.64058005582535 | 15.452635835550483 |
SPF | 0.022714852809906007 | 0.010347620010375976 | 0.0647138786315918 |
Batch input for faster detection
Detector with CUDA process batch input faster than the same amount of single input.
import cv2
from batch_face import RetinaFace
detector = RetinaFace()
img= cv2.imread('examples/obama.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
max_size = 1080
resize = 1
resize_device = 'cpu'
threshold = 0.95
batch_size = 100
batch_images = [img,img]
all_faces = detector(batch_images, threshold=threshold, resize=resize, max_size=max_size, batch_size=batch_size)
faces = all_faces[0]
box, kps, score = faces[0]
Note: All the input images must of the same size, for input images with different size, please use detector.pseudo_batch_detect
Face Alignment
face alignment on single image
from batch_face import drawLandmark_multiple, LandmarkPredictor, RetinaFace
predictor = LandmarkPredictor(0)
detector = RetinaFace(0)
imgname = "examples/obama.jpg"
img = cv2.imread(imgname)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
faces = detector(img)
if len(faces) == 0:
print("NO face is detected!")
results = predictor(faces, img, from_fd=True)
for face, landmarks in zip(faces, results):
img = drawLandmark_multiple(img, face[0], landmarks)
Head Pose Estimation
Head pose estimation on video
from batch_face import RetinaFace, SixDRep, draw_landmarks, load_frames_rgb, Timer
vis = True
gpu_id = 0
batch_size = 100
threshold = 0.95
detector = RetinaFace(gpu_id=gpu_id)
head_pose_estimator = SixDRep(gpu_id=gpu_id)
video_file = 'examples/ross.mp4'
frames = load_frames_rgb(video_file)
print(f'Loaded {len(frames)} frames')
print('image size:', frames[0].shape)
all_faces = detector(frames, batch_size=batch_size, return_dict=True, threshold=threshold, resize=0.5)
head_poses = head_pose_estimator(all_faces, frames, batch_size=batch_size, update_dict=True, input_face_type='dict')
out_frames = []
for faces, frame in zip(all_faces, frames):
for face in faces:
head_pose_estimator.plot_pose_cube(frame, face['box'], **face['head_pose'])
if vis:
import imageio
out_file = 'examples/head_pose.mp4'
imageio.mimsave(out_file, out_frames, fps=8)
check out the result video here
you can run the script python -m tests.video_head_pose
to see the result.