This is a relatively low level implementation of a kalman filter; with support for extended and iterative extended
kalman filters. The goals of the project are to provide a numerically stable, robust EKF implementation which is both
fast and portable.
The main logic is written in C and only needs the associated matrix library to work; and there are C++ wrappers provided
for convenience.
Tutorial on Kalman Filter Theory
There was originally going to be a more in depth discussion of the theoretical side but there isn't much one could do to
improve on the very in depth tutorial by Roger Labbe.
Quick start
#include <cnkalman/kalman.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static inline void kalman_transition_model_fn(FLT dt, const struct cnkalman_state_s *k, const struct CnMat *x0,
struct CnMat *x1, struct CnMat *F) {
static inline void kalman_process_noise_fn(void *user, FLT dt, const struct CnMat *x, struct CnMat *Q) {
static inline bool kalman_measurement_model_fn(void *user, const struct CnMat *Z, const struct CnMat *x_t,
struct CnMat *y, struct CnMat *H_k) {
return false;
int main() {
int state_cnt = 1;
cnkalman_state_t kalman_state = { 0 };
cnkalman_state_init(&kalman_state, state_cnt, kalman_transition_model_fn, kalman_process_noise_fn, 0, 0);
cnkalman_meas_model_t kalman_meas_model = { 0 };
cnkalman_meas_model_init(&kalman_state, "Example Measurement", &kalman_meas_model, kalman_measurement_model_fn);
CnMat Z, R;
cnkalman_meas_model_predict_update(1, &kalman_meas_model, 0, &Z, &R);
printf("Output:%f\n", cn_as_vector(&kalman_state.state)[0]);
return 0;
Code Generation
One of the more difficult things about extended kalman filters is the fact that calculating the jacobian for even a simple
measurement or prediction function can be tedious and error prone. An optional portion of cnkalman is easy integration
of symengine in such a way that you can write the objective function in python and it'll generate the C implementation
of both the function itself as well as it's jacobian with each of it's inputs.
from symengine import atan2, asin, cos, sin, tan, sqrt
import cnkalman.codegen as cg
@cg.generate_code(state = 3, u = 2)
def predict_function(dt, wheelbase, state, u):
x, y, theta = state
v, alpha = u
d = v * dt
R = wheelbase/tan(alpha)
beta = d / wheelbase * tan(alpha)
return [x + -R * sin(theta) + R * sin(theta + beta),
y + R * cos(theta) - R * cos(theta + beta),
theta + beta]
@cg.generate_code(state = 3, landmark = 2)
def meas_function(state, landmark):
x, y, theta = state
px, py = landmark
hyp = (px-x)**2 + (py-y)**2
dist = sqrt(hyp)
return [dist, atan2(py - y, px - x) - theta]
There are limitations in what type of logic is permissible here -- it must be something that is analytically tractable --
but most objective functions themselves are not too complicated to write.
Notice that for array-type input like state
and u
above, you must specify a size hint.
When ran, this python script generates the companion BikeLandmarks.gen.h
which has the generated code, and callouts
such as:
static inline void gen_predict_function(CnMat* out, const FLT dt, const FLT wheelbase, const FLT* state, const FLT* u);
static inline void gen_predict_function_jac_state(CnMat* Hx, const FLT dt, const FLT wheelbase, const FLT* state, const FLT* u);
If you include this project in as a cmake project, a cmake function cnkalman_generate_code
is available that makes this
an optional part of your build process.