Coop - base for all (most) Neon Jungle sites
This is a base to build all Neon Jungle sites off.
This package contains all the common code shared
between sites, with the ideal Neon Jungle site containing only
model definitions, templates, and front end assets.
Making a release
Upgrade the version in pyproject.toml
Coops version stays in step with Wagtail. i.e. Coop 2.4.x uses Wagtail 2.4.x.
Point releases are used to add features during a Wagtail version lifespan.
Update the CHANGELOG. Please.
Tag your release:
After your branch has been merged to master, checkout master locally, pull remote master and
.. code-block:: bash
$ git tag "x.y.z"
$ git push --tags
And you are done! Gitlab is set up to automatically push the new package to pypi when a tag is pushed.
Local dev
Create a virtual environment, activate and install the requirements:
.. code-block:: bash
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install
First time you should run migrations and setup a superuser:
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./ migrate
$ ./ createsuperuser
You can run and debug the project locally using ./ runserver
, or included is a launch.json for vscode to debug using the debugger.