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Django reset migrations
Add one command to reset the django migrations.
Sometimes you have one app that had a lot migrations in development
process. And this migrations could be deleted, because anybody will need
this in the future.
Soo, could be stressfull delete the files, reset the database and create
the first migration again … to start to developer again and bla bla bla
Because this, I made this command to reset the migrations and start the
first migration.
I hope be usefull to you 2 :D
- delete migrations files
- delete registers in django_migrations
- recreate the first migrations
- apply fake migration
- delete register without delete files with –cached
To install
pip install django-reset-migrations
Install package in your INSTALLED_APPS
python manage.py reset_migrations crm
python manage.py reset_migrations app1 app2
python manage.py reset_migrations app1 app2 --cached
–cached: Don´t delete the migrations files in apps
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