.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/icons/galacteek-128.png
:align: center
:info: A multi-platform browser for the distributed web
.. image:: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/workflows/galacteek/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/actions
.. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/galacteek/community.svg
:target: https://gitter.im/galacteek/galacteek?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge
galacteek is a multi-platform Qt5-based browser and
content crafter for the distributed web.
Join in on the Aether_ network (search for the Galacteek community).
Stable release
- AppImage (Linux):
Galacteek-0.5.0-x86_64.AppImage <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/releases/download/v0.5.0/Galacteek-0.5.0-x86_64.AppImage>
_ - DMG (MacOS):
Galacteek-0.5.0-x86_64.dmg <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/releases/download/v0.5.0/Galacteek-0.5.0-x86_64.dmg>
_ - Windows:
Galacteek-0.5.0-installer-x86_64.exe <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/releases/download/v0.5.0/Galacteek-0.5.0-installer-x86_64.exe>
On Linux: Be sure to install all the gstreamer packages on your
system to be able to use the mediaplayer. Problem with the AppImage ?
Check the wiki <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/wiki/AppImage#troubleshooting>
or file an issue <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/issues/new?assignees=&labels=appimage&template=appimage-issue.md&title=Cannot+run+the+AppImage>
On MacOS: After opening/mounting the DMG image, hold Control and click on the
galacteek icon, and select Open and accept. You probably need to
allow the system to install applications from anywhere in the security
settings. Create an issue <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/issues/new?assignees=&labels=dmg&template=dmg-issue.md&title=Cannot+run+the+DMG+image>
_ if you
have problems running the DMG image.
On Windows: GIT is not packaged in the installer. Install it here <https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.29.2.windows.2/Git->
If you run into an issue with the installer, please create an issue here <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/issues/new?assignees=&labels=windows-installer&template=windows-installer-issue.md>
You'll need to have git installed to sync hashmarks repositories.
See the releases_ page for all releases.
See the sponsor_ page for all the possible ways to donate to this project.
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/icons/github-mark.png
:target: https://github.com/sponsors/pinnaculum
:alt: Sponsor with Github Sponsors
:align: left
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/icons/liberapay.png
:target: https://liberapay.com/galacteek/donate
:alt: Sponsor with Liberapay
:align: left
From the galacteek main window, go to the Messenger workspace
and select Compose. In the recipient field, type in galacteek,
select the galacteek-support contact, write your message and hit Send.
Alternatively, from the galacteek main window, go to the Information menu
on the top right and select About. Just click on the Author
link (cipres) and it will automatically start the BitMessage_
composer with my BitMessage address.
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/screencasts/browsing-ipfsio.gif
:align: center
Browsing ipns://ipfs.io
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/screencasts/filemanager-dirimport.gif
:align: center
Filemanager drag-and-drop
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/screencasts/filesharing.gif
:align: center
File sharing
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/screencasts/pyramid-drop1.gif
:align: center
Publish a directory to a pyramid
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/share/screencasts/bwstats.gif
:align: center
Live bandwidth stats
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/screenshots/browse-wikipedia-small.png
:target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/master/screenshots/browse-wikipedia.png
:align: center
:alt: Browsing the Wikipedia mirror over IPFS
Browsing the Wikipedia mirror over IPFS
galacteek can either spawn an IPFS daemon and use it as transport, or
connect to an existing IPFS daemon. By default it will try to run a daemon. You
can change the IPFS connection settings by clicking on the settings icon in the
toolbar and restart the application afterwards. If using a custom daemon, you
should enable pubsub and p2p streams, or some features won't be available
(Check this page <https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/wiki/Setup-your-daemon>
for more information).
- Decentralized Identifiers (DID) support with IPID_
- Browser-to-browser DID authentication over libp2p streams
(Verifiable Credentials with RSA-PSS)
- Browsing sessions with automatic pinning (pins every page you browse)
- Distributed chat with pubsub (chat channels syncronized with CRDT+DAG)
- Support for remote pinning services
- File manager with drag-and-drop support and timeframes (per-day view
of files in the MFS)
- File sharing
- BitTorrent to IPFS bridge
- Tor support
- Simple messenger based on the Bitmessage_ protocol
- Search content with the ipfs-search_ search engine as well as with cyber_
- Built-in blog with Atom feeds
- Webcam to IPFS capture (image and videos)
- Basic built-in media player with IPFS-stored playlists
- Image viewer and QR codes support
- Use the IPFS filestore to avoid file duplication
- ENS_ (Ethereum Name Service) resolving (access to ENS+IPFS websites)
- Run WASM binaries with wasmer_ (use Open on a WASM object from the
clipboard manager)
Command-line usage
Use the -d command-line switch to enable debugging output. Using --profile gives
you the ability to have separate application profiles (main is the default
profile). Use --help for all options.
If you've changed some settings and want to go back to the default
configuration, use --config-defaults.
You can run the IPFS daemon in offline mode, using --offline
Time-rotated log files can be found in the
$HOME/.local/share/galacteek/main/logs directory
Enable colorized log output with --log-color
Development: Use --monitor to enable event-loop monitoring with aiomonitor_
(install aiomonitor_ manually as it's not a dependency).
Then connect to the aiomonitor_ interface with nc localhost 50101
Keyboard shortcuts
Please see the shortcuts_ page (or from the application, click on the
Information icon in the toolbar, which will open the documentation).
For instructions on how to build the application, look at the
Contributions that can help:
- Write DID services
- UI translations (French, Spanish)
- Manual translations (French, Spanish)
Platforms supported
- Linux (x86_64) (main target)
- Linux (aarch64). If you have a Raspberry PI (64-bit), check the
Raspberry_ page.
- Any BSD operating system (with manual build)
- MacOS
Unofficially supported:
- Windows: although an installer is provided, no special effort
will be put in maintaining support for this platform. Not all
features will work. By all means use Linux and you'll enjoy the
full experience.
Because of the nature of the software's stack (asyncio/Quamash),
support for any other platform is unlikely.
- python3 >= 3.7 (Works with python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9)
- go-ipfs_ >= 0.5.0
- PyQt5 >= 5.13.2
- PyQtWebengine >= 5.13.2
- gstreamer (on Linux) for media player support
- git
- asyncqt_
- aiohttp_
- aioipfs_
galacteek is offered under the GNU GPL3 license
The logos and animations are licensed under the Creative
Commons CC-BY-SA license.
The BT client code (galacteek.torrent module) is licensed
under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Borzunov
Some elements from the ipfs-css_ repository (CSS files and fonts) are included.
Some icons from the "Oxygen" icons set are included.
This software incudes icons made by the following FlatIcon authors:
FreePik <https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik>
_Pixel perfect <https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pixel-perfect>
_Kiranshastry <https://www.flaticon.com/authors/Kiranshastry>
_Smashicons <https://smashicons.com>
_Pause08 <https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pause08>
_DinosoftLabs <https://www.flaticon.com/authors/DinosoftLabs>
Some of the beautiful artwork (under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license)
from the ipfs-logo_ project's repository is included, unchanged.
.. _aiohttp: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/aiohttp
.. _aioipfs: https://gitlab.com/cipres/aioipfs
.. _aiomonitor: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiomonitor
.. _asyncqt: https://github.com/gmarull/asyncqt
.. _sponsor: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/blob/master/SPONSOR.rst
.. _raspberry: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/blob/master/RASPBERRY.rst
.. _quamash: https://github.com/harvimt/quamash
.. _go-ipfs: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs
.. _dist.ipfs.io: https://dist.ipfs.io
.. _IPFS: https://ipfs.io
.. _ipfs-logo: https://github.com/ipfs/logo
.. _ipfs-search: https://ipfs-search.com
.. _ipfs-css: https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-css
.. _releases: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/releases
.. _pyzbar: https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/pyzbar/
.. _shortcuts: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/blob/master/galacteek/docs/manual/en/shortcuts.rst
.. _urlschemes: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/blob/master/galacteek/docs/manual/en/browsing.rst#supported-url-formats
.. _releases: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/releases
.. _BUILDING: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek/blob/master/BUILDING.rst
.. _ENS: https://ens.domains/
.. _in-web-browsers: https://github.com/ipfs/in-web-browsers
.. _AppImage: https://appimage.org/
.. _IPID: https://github.com/jonnycrunch/ipid
.. _wasmer: https://wasmer.io/
.. _cyber: https://cybercongress.ai
.. _Bitmessage: https://wiki.bitmessage.org/
.. _Aether: https://getaether.net/