Linen Closet
This module is designed to provide a standalone CLI and Python package to bulk-download Google Sheets to a single JSON file.
Why would I use this?
- You have a large number of Google Sheets that you want to download and use in a single application
- You want to cache the data from Google Sheets to avoid hitting the Google Sheets API rate limits
Why wouldn't I use this?
- You don't have a large number of Google Sheets to download. You're probably better off using the Google Sheets API directly.
- You need more control over which data is pulled back from Google Sheets. This includes either filtering for only specific values, or dynamically pulling back a specific set of sheets based on some criteria.
pip install linen-closet
Python Package
from linen_closet import load_sheets, S3Configuration
credentials_file: str = "credentials.json",
output_filename: str = "workbook.json",
max_download_concurrency: int = 10,
configuration_filename: str = "sheets.yaml",
cache_file: Optional[str] = None,
s3_configuration: Optional[S3Configuration] = None,
Pre-built binaries are available on the Releases page.
Help Text
Usage: linen_closet [OPTIONS]
-o, --output-filename <OUTPUT_FILENAME>
Output file name [default: workbooks.json]
-m, --max-download-concurrency <MAX_DOWNLOAD_CONCURRENCY>
Max download concurrency [default: 50]
-s, --sheet-configuration <SHEET_CONFIGURATION>
Sheet configuration [default: sheets.yaml]
-c, --credentials-file-path <CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH>
Credentials file path [default: credentials.json]
-e, --existing-file <EXISTING_FILE>
Existing file to read from
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
linen_closet \
--credentials-file-path credentials.json \
--output-filename workbooks.json \
--sheet-configuration sheets.yaml \
--max-download-concurrency 50
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