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Quick Description
A command-line tool to tag comic archives with metadata from metron.cloud_.
.. _metron.cloud: https://metron.cloud
Or install it yourself:
.. code:: bash
$ pipx install metron-tagger
**How to enable RAR support?**
- It depends on the unrar command-line utility, and expects it to be in your $PATH.
usage: metron-tagger [-h] [-r] [-o] [-m] [-c] [--id ID] [-d] [--ignore-existing] [-i] [--missing] [-s] [-z] [--validate] [--remove-non-valid] [--delete-original]
[--duplicates] [--migrate] [--version]
path [path ...]
Read in a file or set of files, and return the result.
positional arguments:
path Path of a file or a folder of files.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --rename Rename comic archive from the files metadata. (default: False)
-o, --online Search online and attempt to identify comic archive. (default: False)
-m, --metroninfo Write, delete, or validate MetronInfo.xml. (default: False)
-c, --comicinfo Write, delete, or validate ComicInfo.xml. (default: False)
--id ID Identify file for tagging with the Metron Issue Id. (default: None)
-d, --delete Delete the metadata tags from the file. (default: False)
--ignore-existing Ignore files that have existing metadata tag. (default: False)
-i, --interactive Interactively query the user when there are matches for an online search. (default: False)
--missing List files without metadata. (default: False)
-s, --sort Sort files that contain metadata tags. (default: False)
-z, --export-to-cbz Export a CBR (rar) archive to a CBZ (zip) archive. (default: False)
--validate Verify that comic archive has a valid metadata xml. (default: False)
--remove-non-valid Remove metadata xml from comic if not valid. Used with --validate option (default: False)
--delete-original Delete the original archive after successful export to another format. (default: False)
--duplicates Identify and give the option to delete duplicate pages in a directory of comics. (Experimental) (default: False)
--migrate Migrate information from a ComicInfo.xml into a *new* MetronInfo.xml (default: False)
--version Show the version number and exit
To tag all comics in a directory with MetronInfo.xml that don't already have one:
metron-tagger -om --ignore-existing /path/to/comics
To remove any ComicInfo.xml from a directory of comics:
metron-tagger -dc /path/to/comics
To validate any metadata, ComicInfo.xml and MetronInfo.xml, would be done by running the following:
metron-tagger -cm --validate /path/to/comics
To write MetronInfo.xml metadata from comics with ComicInfo.xml data, and migrate data for comics that don't exist at the Metron Comic Database:
metron-tagger -om --migrate /path/to/comics
Please use the `GitHub issue tracker <https://github.com/Metron-Project/metron-tagger/issues>`_ to submit bugs or request features.
This project is licensed under the `GPLv3 License <LICENSE>`_.